EMF 4: Why Might You Need Carbs for Performance?

Today EMF-4 is going to hit a very controversial topic. Why do the younger performers perceive they need carbs for performance? For years, I have said loudly, I don’t believe it is true. Over the last 7 years I have begun to understand why their belief exists now. When you suffer from a disrupted circadian clock you perceive you do need carbs.

It has been shown recently that artificial EMF’s make our blood brain barrier and gut more permeable to carbohydrates. The micropulsations of EMF control biocycles, including the timing of mitotic rhythm and the entire cell cycle. Any major change in their frequency would be catastrophic for cells. In fact, today most of the paleo-sphere is unaware that experiments already have been done that have shown that vibrational rates near normal and slightly above the Schumann resonance, from 30-100 Hz, cause dramatic changes in the cell cycle timing.

It turns out, the most powerful shaper of our development may turn out to be the subtlest force, that is completely invisible to us and perturbs the manner in which we handle macronutrients and recycle ATP.