What Is The Primal Spirit?

Readers Summary

  1. What I wish for every reader of my blog this Holiday Season
  2. Consider giving a random stranger the gift of paying it forward once a day for the next 12 day
  3. Focus on those who matter to you the next 12 days
  4. Expand the group of people who matter to you while you can
  5. Share your stories of primal growth with your family and friends this Holiday Season

The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree are the presence of a happy family and friends all wrapped up in the rapture of each other. I hope that these 12 thoughts might make the coming days that you spend with your loved ones the beginning of how you chose to spread the Primal Spirit. Christmas is not the sparkling glitter, lights and outward display of commercialism. The secret of the season lies in burning a bright inner primal glow for everyone to see. It’s about re-lighting a fire inside our heart, and sharing that flame to light those who you touch. Sharing that good will and joy are a vital part of finding peace of mind. It’s will lead us to higher thoughts, and elevate us to seek a greater plan to help us achieve our optimal life. This Primal spirit is a glorious dream in the souls of all of mankind. Now is the time to open your mind to its creativity.

Here are the Kruse family’s wishes for you our new friends during this holiday season.

Day 1 Wish: Revisit your childhood again daily.

Go to a play ground or a local gym and just watch children play and interact with one another. The very same day go to ride a city bus or a go to a local gym and see how adults interact with one another. See and observe the difference. When you see it, force yourself to be more like the children you saw, and less like the adults you are observing in every aspect of your life. Pay attention to the children because they have not been socialized to live a neolithic life yet. Being an adult can be fun, when you begin to once again act like a child. Begin to move naturally with others in your routine, and try to do it in the direct sunlight. You’re never too old to become younger today. Today, begin to think that you want to be what you were when you wanted to be what you are right now.

Day 2 Wish: Stop caring what anyone thinks about you.

Just stop and think about this for a minute what it would be like. If you were completely independent of people’s opinions, good or bad, and could go about your day without so much as a single self-conscious decision. Do you think it might be a wonderful freedom? Of course it would be! You would feel free to do what you wanted and it would allow your creativity to be reborn. You will have clarity of mind that comes with not being constantly preoccupied with thinking about the judgments of those around you. So my wish for you is to stop thinking about doing this and just freaking do it. As Dr. Seuss taught me at 3 years old, “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter, don’t mind.”

Day 3 Wish: Become congruent in your life today.

The greatest primal truths in our life are uncovered with simple, steady awareness of our biologic congruity. When I was in residency, I was told to allow the dietitians and nutritionists take care of all the dietary needs of our Neuro ICU patients. This made me real uneasy turning things over to people who knew less about biology, and more about USDA principles dedicated to selling food instead of fostering great cellular health. I allowed my intuition to be killed by my chief resident, because of the sheer volume of work that had to be done. I will never forget how I felt in July of 1990 when this happened. That was the last day I allowed someone to usurp my power of intuition. I wasted 15 years doing this. I wish for you to embrace life’s congruity today. The smart doctors and patients were the ones who realized they were clueless about nutrition, and did something about that knowledge void without it being mandated to do so. When you have a bunch of smart people in one place at any time, and you provide them with a broad enough charter to improve something, you will always get something good out of it. The question remains for us now, is what is that success? I had this thought back in residency in 1990, and I failed to act upon that thought. I allowed myself the intellectual laziness to wait until I left residency, where I was constantly told I had no time for instructing people on how to eat well, because I had to go cut out some disease brain tumor or disc. Somehow being “the body mechanic” was more important than preventing the wreck to begin with it seemed. It was like we had the goldmine of optimal health in front of us to curb disease, and we were being told we could not afford the shovel to begin digging. Don’t allow this any longer in your life today.

Day 4 Wish: Say what you believe and forget about political correctness.

Happiness needs authenticity. Read a column by Karen DeCoster. You should Google her now. You might hate or love her. But I guarantee you she will stir your emotion one way or another. She is a difference maker. She has learned to build this gift into her DNA. We all need to embrace our authentic self. The true is aligned and congruent with your imprinted self image. Why run from it? Let the sun shine upon your thoughts. Begin to understand that human nature is built upon what you can change and what you cannot about your own personality traits, learned behaviors, and your values, beliefs, sense of justice, needs, goals, and motives. Learn this Christmas, how to begin to integrate these gifts to form your personal model for human interaction. Then try to analyze the events, choices, and people who have contributed to your “life’s cage” throughout your life. Begin to understand that you own “the key” to open your cage’s door. Understand what has guided you throughout your life, and begin to follow your strengths and cut your losses early. Discover your signature strengths and the basis of your true stature when you see yourself in your “psychological mirror”. Then apply what you have learned about those signature strengths toward your authentic life’s goals this Christmas season. Become an authentic person by aligning your self image, your emotional stature, and your public image. People will see who you really are, and will like you even when they disagree with you because you are congruent.

Day 5 Wish: Daily chance is a gift, so act on chance when given the opportunity.

Take advantage of Primal Time. The value of time is the opportunity cost of the time that a person spends on their journey. In essence, this makes it the amount that a person would be willing to pay in order to save time, or the amount they would accept as compensation for lost time. I value my time in my life now like civilization values gold. When the story of the birth of baby Jesus was told, we heard about three wise man come bearing gifts of frankincense, myrrh, and gold. This metal is both beautiful and very scarce. It can be used to make beautiful jewelry and other objects of beauty, which are desired by large numbers of people. However, because there is very little gold in the world relative to the amount that people want, it has a very high value as evidenced by the large quantity of other things people are willing to give in exchange for gold. Well, we all have very little time here on earth to make our impact, and the older humans get, the more they realize how valuable that time was they wasted. The older we get the more we will give in exchange for time. I say make your life’s template primal now while you can to begin to add time to the end of your life to make the primal impact you were born to make now.

Day 6 Wish: I wish for you to begin to concentrate on doing primal things, and not on not doing paleo things.

All things done in this fashion will be to swim with biologic congruency and to increase the length and quality of your time here to do what your creative mind tells your authentic self to do. Listen to what that mind guides your to do.

Day 7 Wish: Stop caring about what “things” your neighbors have, and worry about restoring your optimal health.

It’s not important if you are a “train wreck” in some fashion today. What is most important today is to give yourself the gift of self renewal. Rise from your own ashes and begin to try to touch your potential. Don’t wish. Begin to do.

Day 8 Wish: Begin a systematic plan to pay things forward in 2012.

Swim in altruism. Any random act of kindness can cause a positive ripple effect restoring our faith in the love and compassion of the human spirit. I don’t know how to make things better for everyone, but if I can help anyone in some small way, whether that be opening a door for a lady who has her hands full with shopping, directing a lost tourist, informing an elderly man as to when the next bus will arrive or even just saying “thank you” and smiling at a sales assistant who appears to have had a bad day; I know that my small favors somehow, somewhere make a difference, and that’s enough for me today. Don’t pay it back; pay it forward today, and every day from here on in. The world may not change, but you might, and that is my wish for you today.

Day 9 Wish: Dedicate your free time to things you have become passionate about, and watch your life expand.

Passion does not stem exclusively from one area; it can be different for each of us. For some it might be our job, our hobby, or found in our friends or family. One thing I wish for you today is to learn how to know when you have hit upon your passion. The first things you learn is that you will feel your days are too short. Doing will become your primary task in life, and result will be a secondary goal. You will feel a greater detachment and develop a sense of freedom. You will find happiness in doing precisely what you are doing at this moment all the time. You will embrace death, because you cannot fear something when you are already living the life of fullness. When you follow passion, more miracles happen to you. If you are doing what your heart says, you are going with life and are in sync with the plans that she has for you. What I am wishing for you today is to be less afraid for your security, align yourself more with your passion, slowly perhaps, and then see where life takes you. You might soon find that life will not let you down.

Day 10 Wish: Begin to trust your instincts above all else.

You will rediscover your creativity from this trust. Stop allowing others thoughts help put a cage around your creativity. Pay attention more to what your gut tells you to do, whether it’s popular or not. Become the person you were born to be today. And never hope for something more than what you work for. If you do that, you will find yourself locked within that cage we just spoke of.

Day 11 Wish: Learn to embrace paradox in all of life’s situations.

Life is full of paradox. You are damned if you do and damned if you don’t. So the moral of that story is to act and to do when you are not sure. The paradox of life is the source of the thinker’s passion in us all, and the thinker without this paradox is like being a lover without emotions: you are a paltry mediocrity in this case. Mediocrity is average and average can never be optimal. When you embrace paradox, you embrace hope. No one knows for sure that any tomorrow won’t come, but most people assume that tomorrow will still exist as usual. This is life’s paradox, which means, hope always overcomes doubt. Embrace hope.

Day 12 Wish: Learn to accept things in your life when they are not just perfect.

We learn nothing from success and everything from things that are not perfect. The pursuit of perfect is where life’s greatest things lie. If you climb a tree and clench the trunk all the time how will you ever get to taste the sweetness of the fruit on that branch? Are you going to spend your life wondering what might have been like? Will you be standing in the back of the room looking around? Are you going to waste your time thinking how you’ve grown up and how you’ve missed out on life’s chances? Nothing in life will ever be perfect. This is certitude. I hope you find your “new perfect” when you see something, and you begin to create your own path to attain it. I hope you no longer wait for the wind to be right behind your sails when you launch your mind. You should row, steer, and drive your own ship to those goals today. Today, I wish for you to do this form here on out. Become your captain. Time is running…do something right now to make this wish begin to come true. Call a friend or family member and reach out to them. Heal an old wound. Pay for a stranger’s gas. Invite a Scrooge over and kill them with kindness. Spread your good fortune with a unfortunate soul. The currency of good will does not have to be money. The best currency to use is your Primal Spirit and flame that burns within you now. Go share some of that brightness with the masses.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Kruse family.

Feel free to leave a comment about how you decided to use the primal spirit during the 12 days of Christmas. We’d love to read about our reader’s creativity of thought.

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