The Tilted Quilt: Random Musings 3
Readers Summary
- Why use pieces of information to explain a whole?
- How do seemingly disparate facts tie together?
- Are you aware of some of these things?
- How might they impact your situation?
- What questions are coursing through your mind now?
It is Dec. 31 here in Europe, and I just want to say Happy New Year to you!
On the surface a quilt seems a random collection of parts to make a comforter. That is what the undiscerning eye sees. But at its core, the assembled parts begin to act in unison to do something that no single part can do. In concert, Nature only uses the finest threads to weave her patterns, so each small piece of her fabric reveals the organization of the entire tapestry. These random musings are coming from future blogs in the Quilt. Enjoy!
- Penguins are birds who evolved at the time of the K-T extinction event . You say that the animals who survived this event need food constantly? Riddle me this: How is it that both the female and male penguin walk a hundred miles over Antarctic ice to food and back again, and the trip to open sea is after a 40-day fast for the female and a 65-day fast for the male. Think the stimulus cold temperatures provide has anything to do with that? Well it does.
- Riddle me this? How do Wendall seal’s live in extreme cold at the poles? They can dive as deep in icy water as seals dive in warmer water, and their trip to the surface for air can be up to 30 minutes. The male will stay in the icy water for three to four days, while the female has to feed her young on the ice. The antarctic seal lives a much easier life than the penguin that walks and toboggans great distances to raise its young, but all in all, they collectively defy laws that look to food and oxygen for power and heat. How do they do that?
- How do you survive brutal cold? If you gain the ability to generate a DC electrical field that matches the weather’s electric field, this electric field acts to repel the cold. Cold Thermogenesis (CT) magic. Another reason collecting free electrons matters to all mammals.
- A slowing of electron transfer is the most likely outcome of any mismatch between mitochondrial and nuclear genomes. The reason relates to the mechanism of electron transfer due to poor ATP production. Quantum time is off if electron chain transport is off.
- When ECT transport is slow, we make more free oxygen radicals from transition metals. This causes us to rely on glucose metabolism and AMPK pathways. AMPK is tied to carb fuels. NOT GOOD for life.
- When disease appears is basically simple … it is when you lose a critical amount of electrons in a system.
- Wellness arrives when the electrons and photons return to your semiconductors.
- DNA is the first draft of your book … epigenetics (or the environment your DNA is in) is the editor of the final draft.
- The human lens in the eye is bi-convex to take advantage of the physics of bending light. Blue light is bent more and red a bit less.
- Light is refracted into its spectral components as it passes though the cornea and lens. In normal focusing the eye brings green wavelengths (about 560 nanometers) into best focus, but now the (long) red wavelengths converging beyond the retinal surface, the (short) blue wavelengths converge in front of the retina.
- To focus on red, the lens must become more convex (more contraction). To focus on blue, the lens must become less convex (more relaxed).
- Amber lenses block blue light, making things look clearer during speed sports.
- Gray-green contact lenses help golfers distinguish shades of green on a course.
- In older eyes, the cornea, lens and vitreous humor transmit less blue and green light compared with other wavelengths. In older eyes there is more internal scattering of blue wavelengths.
- Intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells – ipRGCs. Rods and cones rapidly detect changes in brightness. ipRGCs discovered by David Berson, Brown Univ., in 2003. ipRGCs slowly detect overall brightness levels. They contain melanopsin (vitamin A-based photopigment), which absorbs light energy, initiating neural signals to the brain. There are < 2,000 ipRGCs in the retina with a direct link to brain areas regulating the pupil as well as a region controlling the body clock. ipRGCs act like a “light meter” and constrict the pupil and signal the brain whether it is day or night to regulate circadian rhythms.
- Putting your car remote underneath your open mouth can help increase its range by using the power of your electrons from blood in your tongue.
- Turn airplane mode “on ” on your phone, and it will charge the phone faster because it keeps the phone temperature cooler. (Cold Thermogenesis trick) Use it today in gay, Paris!
- Look into fucoxanthin. Its a carotenoid found in seaweed that accumulates in adipocytes and increases UCP1 activity. So, do you always eat some seaweed with your rice? You better.
- “Impossible” is just an opinion of someone who thinks they are an expert.
- Teach yourself to say the wrong thing at precisely the right time. You’ll get wiser. Success requires unlearning as much as learning.
- SIRT1 senses the NAD+/NADH ratio. High BG with an excess of insulin around depletes NAD+, increases NADH and, as a result, SIRT1 signals to PGC-1alpha the message to your mitochondria that “we dont need ya” so biogenesis goes caput. If you have no need for mitochondria, your biology just shuts down mitochondrial biogenesis and you get sick.
- People think the brain needs way more glucose than it really does because they do not realize that via the weak force and the electromagnetic force, we can alter the information in food to suit our needs physiologically. The field of action of your mitochondria determines how it works to handle electrons and protons and their interaction with photons, which are the force carrier for electrons and interact with all forms of matter via the electromagnetic force.
- Calorie Restriction -> Sirt2 Activation -> Longevity-> 1930s data -> only if native EMF is in the background. Today that background is gone. BOOM.
- What carbophiles don’t get is ketogenic diets are not just about starving neolithic diseases, like cancer, but also feeding healthy cells as efficiently as possible.
- Sulfur speeds the clearing of excess carbon using sunlight by lowering the temperature. This is why Cold Thermogenesis is primordial to wellness. It is also why glutathione and CT are linked in wellness. Sulfur thiols are the key side chains in proteins that lower inflammation.
- Cold follows every extinction event because of the interaction of sulfur compounds found in the atmosphere and sunlight. One kilogram of well-placed sulfur in the stratosphere would roughly offset the warming effect of several hundred thousand kilograms of carbon dioxide.
- What is the difference from the metabolic point of view between the energy supplied by fat vs. that supplied by glucose derivatives? The answer is 100{a7b724a0454d92c70890dedf5ec22a026af4df067c7b55aa6009b4d34d5da3c6} tied to your redox potential.
- The take home for diabetics: large amounts of H2O2 from mitochondria being fed fat act at several points to inhibit the activation of insulin pathways to keep it low and your BG higher to protect your mitochondria. CT does the same exact thing. BOOM.
- CoQ10 is a small part of a larger complex redox system in the cell to catch and control electrons.
- The gene does not lead, it follows. What does it follow? The electromagnetic force.
I hope you enjoyed this random stroll. I hope this new idea for a blog stimulates you to think and ask better questions to improve your current condition. We all must become aware of what we might not know, because this is often where our truth lies. The wonderful thing about science is it’s alive. Religion is a culture of faith and belief, but science is a culture of doubt. When you understand this, you must ask better question to get Nature to show you her recipes.
“In physics, the truth is rarely perfectly clear, and that is certainly universally the case in human affairs. Hence, what is not surrounded by uncertainty cannot be the truth.”
― Richard P. Feynman
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