Webinars & Bootcamps

If you’ve been biohacking any length of time, you know that unraveling complex issues like PCOS, weight gain, hashimotos, fibromyalgia, depression, estrogen dominance, low libido, fatigue, poor sleep and more can get pretty overwhelming. Hormones play a role in all of these issues, yet understanding yours and how to fix them can seem like a herculean task.

Tests Recommended by Dr. Kruse

23andme Test

Genova Diagnostics

Meridian Valley Labs


Pharmasan Labs

Metametric Stool Test

Metametrix Fatty Acid Panel

Iodine Patch Test

Melisa Test

BioHealth Diagnostics

Books Recommended by Dr. Kruse

Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms?
by Dr. Datis Kharrazian

The Gluten Summit
by Dr. Tom O’brien

Other Products Recommended by Dr. Kruse

Magnetico Sleep Pads

Austin Air Jr. HealthMate
Air Purifier HM20