CPC#38: 5G and Vaccines (might they be a deadly cocktail?)
This 5G story and vaccines are going collide when the [...]
2019 and the Kruse Longevity Center
I am challenging the future of learning @ Kruse Longevity [...]
CPC #37: What should doctors expect in a 5G world?
Sorry I have been away but I was at my [...]
The Best Podcast I’ve Ever Done to Date
HERE IS THE TAKE HOME LESSON: Red light and purple [...]
A Random Walk Among Provocateurs
Black Swan mitochondriacs are unique because they see and sense [...]
QT #25: The Connection Between Order and Chaos
It is in the pauses, the intervals, the spaces between [...]
QT #24: Non Linear Light Effects in a 5G World
Time is basically an illusion created by the mind to [...]
Productivity measures are destroying patients and doctors
We do not produce anything worthwhile in medicine today. So [...]
CPC #36: Can we predict 5G risk from Apocrine Secretions?
The short answer is yes. How? It occurs via volatile [...]
CPC #35: The Woman Code: Food/Skin/Makeup
New podcast out for the Thanksgiving week for you to [...]
QT #23: Why is life helical?
DNA only codes for proteins. When you think about this [...]
November 2018 Webinar: 5G Hit, What to do?
The predictions I made 5 years ago about blue light [...]
QT #22: Leptin Resistance is Melanopsin Dysfunction
Television and all technology screens are capable of making you [...]
QT #21: Does Mitochondrial Water have a memory?
You do recall that mitochondria make water, don't you? Can [...]
QT #20: UV Light and Salt Improve Sleep and Health
Salt levels control the exclusion zone of CSF. Iodine helps [...]
Trigeminal and Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia
Are all cranial nerve neuralgia's a manifestation of a brain [...]
CPC #34: Does Retinol in Blue Light or nnEMF Become the Agent of Doom to Human Photo-receptors?
Is nighttime and DAYTIME technology device use to blame for [...]
CPC #33: Grounding Part 2
How do you know you are not as connected to [...]
CPC #32: Kruse Longevity Rx for skin: Psoriasis, Rosacea, and Atopic Dermatitis, and Vitiligo
You need to realize how the sun makes active D3. [...]
CPC #31: The History of the Modern Human Decline
The light bulb became reality in 1874. The power grid [...]