Quantum Biology #1: The Zero Entropy System

"Everything is energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency to the reality you want and you can not help but getting that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics." — Anonymous Biology has a great history of examining life by cutting, fixing, pinning, clamping, pressing, pulping, homogenizing, extracting and fractionating; all of which gave rise to, and reinforced, a static, atomistic view of the organism. This is a great way to drain water from a cell and miss life’s critical ingredient when you study it. When we study life in this fashion is limits our ability to understand how a living animal functions in a syncytium. We can see coherent functioning in animals just by observation, but we can’t reproduce it when we drain a cell of the thing that makes it coherent in the first place. We see long range order of the action potential in neurons, rapidity and efficiency of energy transduction and transfer in the brain and retina, extreme sensitivity to external cues in vision and touch, and symmetrical coupling of energy transfer along the inner mitochondrial membrane. Another observation we can make is the noiseless transitioning and functioning of entire populations of molecules in cells.