Series: Leaky Gut


Do you have dark circles under eyes? Are your eyes sunken to some degree? Do you sleep poorly? Have you lost your energy? Sex drive gone? Do you bloat and start getting unusual bowel movements? Do you live in a plateau phase constantly? Has your weight remained the same too long? Tired for no reason? Need to drink a ton of coffee and salty carb snacks to get by? Do you still crave sweets? Do you feel generally rundown? Do you exercise a lot but still have belly fat that is resistant to loss? Are you forgetful often? Hair loss or brittle? Diagnosed with GERD (dysbiosis) and feel nervous often? Often depressed? If this sounds like you welcome to the diagnosis of adrenal fatigue. Many conventional docs don't buy this diagnosis but that is because they can't see what they are not looking for. This syndrome is most often seen in middle age women and can present with multiple endocrine changes that are often confused with thyroid issues or perimenopausal changes. Men do get this syndrome and most often it is seen with dietary issues and fatigue from working out or from chronic stress.


READERS SUMMARY: 1. What to do when you get a new cancer diagnosis? 2. Is the main cancer battle field oncologic treatment or in your own body? 3. How does diet play a role? 4. How to deal with your new doc the oncologist? 5. Do not be afraid of exploring every possibility to win [...]


READERS SUMMARY: 1. What to do when you get a new cancer diagnosis? 2. Is the main cancer battle field oncologic treatment or in your own body? 3. How does diet play a role? 4. How to deal with your new doc the oncologist? 5. Do not be afraid of exploring every possibility to win [...]

Could It Be the Gut?: An Introduction to the Brain-Gut Axis

READERS SUMMARY: 1. What is the brain gut axis? 2. What diseases likely are tied to its breakdown? 3. Why might medical training force us to miss the importance of this axis? 4. How did I discover the brain gut axis in my own clinical practice? 5. Did evolution dictate where the initial battle of [...]

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