Jack Kruse

About Jack Kruse

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So far Jack Kruse has created 450 blog entries.

The Story of Mold and Fungus and nnEMF

It has been well established in the literature that ELF electromagnetic fields and higher powered fields can stimulate microbial growth both Earth and in space. So why is it that this seems to fall well below most infectious disease experts radar? Could it be that the published data is just not well known because most [...]

By |September 11th, 2017|Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Story of Mold and Fungus and nnEMF

It All Comes Back to the Light You Allow

It all comes back to light.  One of my good UK friends Ricky Sharpe recently said this to me.  His words were poetic to me because they tell us how light sculpts living things in ways we cannot fathom.  I decided to share them with you all here so you can see how his re-education [...]

By |September 1st, 2017|Uncategorized|Comments Off on It All Comes Back to the Light You Allow

Why is the Sun Electric and not Nuclear? Why do Mitochrondrics Care?

This post might be one of the most foundational experiments of why I believe that life is photoelectric and that we live within an electric universe. The “accepted solar model of the sun is based upon nuclear fusion and supported fundamentally by Kirchhoff’s laws. If you are new mitochondriac and do not know what Kirchhoff [...]

By |August 24th, 2017|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Why is the Sun Electric and not Nuclear? Why do Mitochrondrics Care?

The Rx everyone needs but very few doctors write…

The mitochrondriac thought of the day from the garden in NOLA. Cancer is a profitable business to be in for hospitals. Have you ever seen how beautiful a hospital gardens are in their cancer wings. The landscaping is pristine, the garden furniture new and shiny and the flowers reflect gorgoeus rays of light for any [...]

By |August 21st, 2017|Cancer|Comments Off on The Rx everyone needs but very few doctors write…


If you look at the latest data from mice as cite one does below, it appears this is true. Mice are noctural mammals so their results will not be identical to ours but they useful in working out how proteins of the circadian mechanism work with sunlight. Skin, like all organs, has a distinctive night-day [...]

By |August 13th, 2017|Circadian Cycle|Comments Off on IS THE SKIN CIRCADIAN SENSITIVE?

How Do You View Dr. Google?

I am a rebel in healthcare and I know it. I personally love Dr. Google because it tells me which of my patients are fully engaged and care and who want aggressive input by me instead of just applying conservative paradigm algorithms.  These patients help me identify who really needs me and who really just [...]

By |August 10th, 2017|Uncategorized|Comments Off on How Do You View Dr. Google?

Aquaphotomics 101: Battery Creation

Aquaphotomics is the study of how light and water interact as the video above mentions.  Water has both a battery and engine component and many other gears that we are yet to resolve.  The key to understanding this new science is to understand that it is the Stairway to Heaven for understanding how life is [...]

By |August 8th, 2017|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Aquaphotomics 101: Battery Creation

Circular Thermodynamics By Light

You need to watch the last 5 minutes of the video included and makes sure you get the impact of Dr. Doug Wallace's statment of where disease really comes from.  Now I want you to fully understand how coupling works in humans using light.  The coupler humans use is called an ' interactive controller' . [...]

By |July 31st, 2017|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Circular Thermodynamics By Light
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