Erectile Dysfunction

Quantum Biology 5: COHERENT WATER = EZ WATER

The average American chugs nearly 30 gallons of bottled water a year, making it the second-most consumed commercial beverage in the United States. Sadly, it is not the right kind of water most of the time. The environment we evolved into is also in a rapid state of change and decline. The air, the water, the earth is going to be wasted. The damages can be seen everywhere. Contamination, poisoning, plundering of the earth´s raw-material all break down the life-processes and destroy the energy sources. Our forest's are dying, the food that we are eating is being destroyed. The quality of our lives is decreasing. This we can see daily, this is a fact well known to everybody even to those who are "vampiring" the nature and to the scientists who are "thinking one octave to low" regarding the natures way of functioning and do not see the large energy-crises that are emerging. When most people think of water they think of liquid water coming from their tap. Coherent water is a different animal altogether. It is water that is structured to be supremely cooperative in a living biologic system. It allows water to have local interactions with other molecules of water or something else so that the local interactions can have global effects, and this coherence means it is also bidirectional. That means the global effects can effect local interactions. Coherent water is best thought of as the whole of its actions being much greater than the sum of its molecular parts. This is how life uses water.

Quantum Biology 4: Metabolic Syndrome

We have shared a lot of information in the EMF and Quantum Biology series. Today, we are going to tie some of these concepts together to give you a picture of what the causes of metabolic syndrome might really be. This disease is now a runaway neolithic disease over the last 20 years. The fact that close to 26{a7b724a0454d92c70890dedf5ec22a026af4df067c7b55aa6009b4d34d5da3c6} of the population is obese and T2D is now no longer just a disease of obese people should begin to get scientist asking better question of the real etiology of this condition. It really has not. They remain prisoners to old beliefs about the disease. What is clear today, when a person has the up to date current perspective of published biology, chemistry, and biology, is that all disciplines are connected deeply. Biology is the science of life, but it becomes one with physics, and the science of matter and its motion. We only seem to become aware of this situation while living our lives and becoming very observant of this synergy. Our living as sentient beings, makes us the real experts on the laws of real nature. Science is based upon observation of nature at its core. Evidence based medicine is far off this target today. This may help you understand why Metabolic Syndrome is a runaway disease today. In 2012, the US government spent 270 billion dollars on treatment for this one condition. 20 years ago it was around a billion dollars. Something has radically changed environmentally and it is not the 9 billion inhabitants genes on this planet that have adapted this quickly. Their epigenetic pressures however have, and this is the source of the medical bill we get. You need to begin to question much of what you believe about neolithic disease today. Today’s blog delves into deep connections of those disciplines to help you understand what confuses your doctors today. Metabolic Syndrome is being treated via a cookbook called evidence based medicine. Much of what we believe about this disease is based upon a house of cards.

Cold Thermogenesis 6: The Ancient Pathway

The best way to describe this pathway to the lay public is to explain this is how evolution allows for ideal form to meet function in a tough environment. This environment is likely the primordial environment for life on our planet. This makes astrophysicists excited, because life might also be evolving in places like Titan. After all 5 extinction events on this planet geologist have told us they were followed by an extended cold climate. In cold mammals live longer. You will find out more about why this happens in Energy and Epigenetics 4 and 5 blog posts. The pathway uses very little energy from ATP and gives a whole lot to the organism who uses it. Fat burning is required and it is tied to a biochemical pathway that paleo forgot to speak about. But it requires cold temperature to be present and used commonly. In the pathway, the less effort you give, the faster and more powerful you will be when this pathway is active. People who live in this pathway can run a marathon with no training. They can lift unreal amounts of weight with little training. Their reserve and recovery are just incredible. You have to see it to believe it. Many will say cold thermogenesis a hormetic process, when in reality it is created using a coherent energy source due to something called the Hall effect. When we have had extinction events on Earth before, the events usually affect the evaporation of water in some fashion from the surface of lakes and oceans. It also affects the transpiration from the forest trees, plants, and flowers and this change cools the air. You must understand how climatology works here; liquid water needs to absorb a lot of latent heat to in order to evaporate, so it sucks energy from the atmosphere to make this energy transfer. This loss of energy from the atmosphere directly cools the planet and this preserves the charge on life's inner mitochondrial membrane and in the nanotubes present in our cells that contain water. This is how life lives long in the cold. Those people don't realize this because they do not live in this pathway for the majority of their life, and few studies have been done to say otherwise. The link above is recently added to this blog post. It seems science is now proving me correct in my theories of extinction events.

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