
Brain Gut 9: What Really Killed Michael Jackson

Today, we are going to dive into the gut flora story a bit deeper than we did in our first gut flora post to help you understand how a a change in gut flora might lead to changes in your health by altering your hormone panel. Obesity is an inflammatory brain condition. Where does the infection come from? The gut flora actually is what causes humans to become fat. It has to due with shear numbers and the species of bacteria in our gut. There is a particular flora that produces adiposity and obesity in humans. These bacteria make something called FIAF (Fasting induced adipose factor) that control this process. This factor blocks lipoprotein lipase (LPL) in fat cells. LPL allows us to convert dietary Free Fatty Acids carried in lipoproteins into neutral fats that are stored in adipocytes. Non Geeks: Our gut bacteria makes humans fat. Geek Alert: The FIAF is made by our liver, muscles, and our small bowel wall when food sources are in short supply. This is the signal to stop storing fat in our fat cells when food is scarce. What is not well appreciated by many is that the FIAF in our intestinal wall is controlled 100{a7b724a0454d92c70890dedf5ec22a026af4df067c7b55aa6009b4d34d5da3c6} by our gut flora. When we have a simplified gut flora it favors fat cell creation. When our gut flora is complex and healthy, it has 100 trillion cells with 250 species. We tend not to make fat in this instance either! Moreover, when the bacteria are active metabolically due to the presence of simple sugars, production of FIAF ceases, and fat creation is signaled. This implies that our gut flora is directly tied to fat creation in humans. The gut flora’s action is directly signaled to the brain via the afferent nerve fibers in the vagus nerve. In those newly created fat cells, a protein called leptin is also produced, and acts as a score keeper for the brain of how much fat is stored in the body. This messenger is sent to the brain around midnight when we are sleeping allowing the brain to assess total energy balance in the body.

Brain Gut 8: Their Trip Down the Rabbit Hole

READERS SUMMARY: 1.  What is a day in the life of a vacationing doctor like? 2. Accept that your epigenome is a loaded gun, and your lifestyle is the trigger. Your lifestyle can't change you. It reveals who you really are. 3.  Is there an important difference between giving up on somethings and letting go to [...]

The October Cancer Webinar

[show_if has_tag="Webinar-2012-10-October"]ACCESS YOUR WEBINAR[/show_if] Everyone has been affected by cancer. In 1900, only 3 out of 100 deaths were attributed to cancer.  Breast cancer was unheard of in the first 50 years of the 20th century.  Across the board, cancer was so rare that it wasn’t listed as a cause of death in the government [...]

By |August 11th, 2012|Cancer, Inflammation, Webinars and Q&A Calls|Comments Off on The October Cancer Webinar


Many of you know I believe obesity if an inflammatory disease of the brain. Where this disease begins may surprise some of you. It begins in our gut flora. How does this happen? Read this link! Sub optimal bacteria which contain bacterial toxins called lipopolysaccharides (LPS) which are found in bacterial cell membranes. As gut LPS rises, it has been shown to cause a rise in serum leptin levels. Once leptin levels are raised high enough it stimulates SOCS 3 signaling in the hypothalamus to cause LR.

Brain Gut 6: Epi-Paleo Rx

This blog followed a very popular July 2012 Webinar that I put on for my members a few days ago. The webinar was over two hours long and had a lot of Q & A done after it as well. I promised my members I would get a quick blog post up for them on some of the core materials we covered. Today's blog is delivering on that promise. How to consider eating the Epi-Paleo Rx: Always Respect circadian cycles and eat according to seasonality, Lots of good quality proteins (see below), Lots of good quality fats (grass-fed/pastured animal fats - lard, tallow), Liberal uses of seafood broths and bone broth made from ocean and grass-fed animals (to heal the gut), and fermented vegetables and/or probiotics (to repopulate the gut with an Optimal Human flora)

Brain Gut #5: Paradigm Drifts Paradigm Shifts–Epi-Paleo Rx

Geeks: The implications of Brain Gut 4 mean that to develop a brain seafood is required part of the program to maintain it. Nutrients and many other environmental factors have also been found to influence epigenetic programing of our DNA either directly or indirectly via metabolic sensors. Peroxisomal proliferator-activated receptors (PPAR's), the vitamin D receptors, and the retinoid X receptors (RXR), and the retinoic acid receptors (RAR) are all examples of the nuclear receptors that interact with the brain cell membranes to control inflammation and metabolism all over our bodies. It turns out that PPAR's are the receptors that are at the crossroads of where inflammation and metabolism actually cross. These are specialized lipid sensors that pay attention to our balance of omega 6 and 3 levels. 3{a7b724a0454d92c70890dedf5ec22a026af4df067c7b55aa6009b4d34d5da3c6} of the human genome is directly or indirectly controlled by the endocrine functions of the Vitamin D system. This shows you how environmental signals are intertwined into the expression of DNA in humans. The Epi-Paleo Rx controls inflammation at a hormonal level in the brain better than the more famous paleo diet. Non Geeks: What we eat is really damn important when you have 3 lbs of lipid in your head called a brain. If you eat outside our design you get sick.

Brain Gut 4: What was Homo’s Solution?

The paleo community has the "Paleo Solution", and it is a great introductory book to a lifestyle that will improve people to a higher plane of health than we have while eating a standard American diet found in our western world. It is clear from fossil data humans were in better physical shape in the late paleolithic before the Younger Dryas occurred as well. It appears that this deep freeze caused massive dietary change in the homo species from predominate hunter gatherers culture to and agrarian culture because of rapid climate change and elimination of the great megafauna from our food chains. The focus of this series, however, is focused upon when we jumped from purely primate to mainly homo species and to see what diet is really best for the rapid encephalization of our species. I am not convinced the modern paleolithic diet that is quite popular now fits that bill at all. The reason I bring this forth, is because I treat very sick and ill homo sapiens every day. 'Eating paleo' may just not reverse their health. The proof of this is found on every single popular paleo forum you can visit. As a surgeon, I need something that really works in the most resistant cases. That is where I discovered the Epi-Paleo Rx. In my specialty of spine surgery, this is especially true when we are dealing with cranial and spinal pathology. As a neurosurgeon these neolithic diseases are the ones I am most focused in on in my clinic. Evolution is in large part about epigenetic to cellular communication; it's comparing notes and copying and pasting new genetic recipes to create a new dish. When we understand how that dish was created we gain deep insight of how to to keep that dish tasting crisp and fresh every time we replicate it.

Cancer Q&A Teleseminar

Buy Q&A Call  Cancer & Breast Cancer Q&A Call Only! See related products below for the Cancer Webinar Everyone has been affected by cancer. In 1900, only 3 out of 100 deaths were attributed to cancer.  Breast cancer was unheard of in the first 50 years of the 20th century.  Across the board, cancer was [...]

By |July 11th, 2012|Cancer, Cold Thermogenesis, Inflammation, Leaky Gut / Grain Brain, Webinars and Q&A Calls|Comments Off on Cancer Q&A Teleseminar

Brain Gut 3: Look In The Past To See Your Prologue


Hormone CPC #1: DHEA

This blog post was created for my members who just heard my webinar on bioidentical and synthetic hormone replacement. It is specifically designed to further our discussions in that talk. DHEA has been an enigma to the public and to most physicians. I never once heard about this hormone in four years of medical school, seven years of residency or in any endocrinology lecture from my training. The general public did not learn about DHEA until 1996, when its benefits were mentioned in the media and several popular books that showed up on daytime TV shows. Most in mainstream medicine continued to ignore the science these books contained because they were not found in the usual ways via journals and continuing education classes. You actually had to be on the lookout for this information. With a busy medical practice, this is no easy task. DHEA became credible to the medical establishment when the New York Academy of Sciences published a book called DHEA and Aging. That book provided scientific validation for the many life-extending effects of DHEA.

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