Circadian Cycle

The Leptin Rx: FAQs

What should I do before I start The Leptin Reset? Before you start, take a picture of yourself from all angles. Don't be bashful or you'll be sorry in 18-24 months. Next, weigh yourself naked. Let your significant other or a family member take this picture. Go to the store and buy a piece of clothing that does not fit you now, but will when you have met your goal. Remember, calories are important when you're LR (leptin resistant) and mean nothing once you are LS (leptin sensitive). Macronutirents count when you're LR and mean nothing when you're LS. How do I determine if I am leptin resistant? Remember, you can be LR (leptin resistant) if you're fat or skinny. If you're overweight by more than 30lbs, it is a lock you have some degree of LR. If you're underweight by 20 lbs, you are likely LR, too. If you had an eating disorder, you're likely suffering from a serious leptin issue. The easiest test is to look in the mirror. The mirror does not lie and it is really cheap. For those people who still can't be sure after peeking in the mirror, you can order some blood tests. My favorite is the HS CRP (highly sensitive C-Reactive protein) and the reverse T3 tests (but there are others). They are accurate in over 90{a7b724a0454d92c70890dedf5ec22a026af4df067c7b55aa6009b4d34d5da3c6} of cases.

Vitamin D: The Sunshine of Your Life?

I was in a lounge watching the news last week and began to over hear a group of dermatologists talk about the new FDA rules set down for sunblocks that will go into effect in January of 2012. There was unanimous agreement among them all that sunlight was the source of everything that was bad in their world. One of the doctors said to another that, "no human should be out in the sun and they should just take vitamin D3 from the drug store instead of getting it from the sun." It was at that point I knew this was going to make a blog post about this. Apparently no one realizes that photosynthesis supports most of the food chain on this planet? And we are the mammal who has an energy hog in our head that needs energy. Since our skin is derived from neuro-ectoderm and we too use photosynthesis to make Vitamin D for our protection from poor electron dense foods in summer maybe we better re think this position. It is beyond me why the sun is so vilified. We could not have evolved past single cells organisms without it. We all learned that simple fact in school. But now with advanced degrees and plaques on our wall, are we going to blame all skin diseases all on the sun now? I definitely don't buy this conventional wisdom. So I decided to begin to add pieces to the immunity levee in the QUILT because of this conversation. And before we start let me be clear. It is better to get Vitamin D3 from the natural sources before a supplement in my opinion. But there is a catch to this pearl of wisdom. First, review this link on natural Vitamin D production.

Where Autoimmunity, Cancer and Disease Collide

READERS SUMMARY: 1. What ties Levee 5, 6, and 16 all together in the QUILT? 2. Why is Vitamin D and Selenium the key to the gut? 3. How does Vitamin K play a role? 4. Why is autoimmune disease, cancer and neolithic disease more common today than ever before? 5. Is there another environmental [...]


READERS SUMMARY: 1. What is glycation? Why should I care about it? 2. What are the signs I can see if I am doing this to myself without my doctor? 3. What are the steps in glycation and where will it lead me? 4. What are the consequences if I ignore this biologic process? We [...]

My Leptin Prescription

I have been asked by many to put a short post out about how I reverse Leptin resistance in my own clinic for my patients. After reading all of the comments left here, at MDA, and on Jimmy Moore's forum, I decided that it was a good idea. 1. First make sure you really are Leptin resistant (LR) to begin with. The easiest way to do this if you are heavy is to look in the mirror. If you're overweight you definitely are Leptin resistant. If you still have a large appetite and crave carbohydrates, especially at night, these are also signs that you are likely Leptin resistant. If you are fit or in decent shape and not sure based upon the above symptoms, I would tell you to go get a blood test and check your reverse T3. It will be elevated. I also recommend simultaneously checking a salivary cortisol level. With LR, you will always see higher cortisol levels later in the day. 2. To regain Leptin Sensitivity (LS) follow a strict Epi-Paleolithic diet. To see an outline of a strict Epi-Paleolithic diet, read Brain Gut 6: Epi-Paleo Rx. The type of fuel you eat is important initially in eliminating the foods that cause Leptin receptors to become nonfunctional.

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