Today comes the blog post a few months after the Webinar that was done on gut optimization using the EPCOTx protocol. Many people have heard of GAPS and the SCD diet for gut problems, but there is not a one size fits all approach. EPCOTx is designed to do a few things after one major thing is corrected (melatonin) to get your gut working well once again. It limits inflammation while improving "gut leptin sensitivity" and once it is firmly entrenched it allow for better mitochondrial efficiency and protection of the intestinal barrier from free radicals, bad foods, and poor lifestyle choices. These things are called epigenetic effects. Watch this video to understand it more fully! The "leaky gut" is also tied to cellular oxidation, a lack in the ability to chemically reduce the cells at night, and as a result increases cellular aging to cause disease. This protocol will help you rebuild your gut flora create the healthiest gut (which will give you the healthiest brain/gut) possible.