Jack Kruse

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So far Jack Kruse has created 450 blog entries.

CPC #6: Pseudotumor Cerebri

It has been close toa year that we last did a CPC blog post. (CPC #5 The Leaky Gut/Adrenal Fatigue Case) CPC stands for a clinico-pathologic conference that we often see in medical schools that our used for teaching students and doctors. Today we are going to talk about a disease that has perplexed medicine for hundreds of years. Pseudotumor cerebri is also known as idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) today. It goes by many names in the literature. I have decided to discuss this disease because it highlights many of the cornerstone principles of how quantum electrodynamic theory affect water chemistry. This change in water chemistry can lead to biologic effects. The biologic effects of water can be seen in modern humans when we look for them and correctly observe what is really going on. So today we see how the macrocosm affects the microcosm of a modern disease.

Quantum Biology 9: Photosynthesis

Life is energy. All life is tied to our sun. The sun powers everything with the photoelectric effect. Today, you are going to see how this quantum effect makes life dance. To synthesize simple carbohydrates from sunlight requires 30 proteins to work together in a cell membrane. Research into the mechanism of photosynthesis centers on the understanding the structure of the photosynthetic components and the molecular processes that use radiant EMF energy to drive carbohydrate synthesis. The research involves several disciplines, including physics, biophysics, chemistry, structural biology, biochemistry, molecular biology and physiology, and serves as an outstanding example of the success of multidisciplinary research. This process should give us a clue that systems thinking about problems could solve many modern mysteries. In our universe, and in all life forms, energy's primordial state is not rest. Energy does not like to sit around like a couch potato. If you do sit around often like this, this is a quantum sign that you are losing energy in the forms of electrons, photons, phonons, and protons to you own environment. Today's blog is on the quantum biology of energy dynamics. In the universe, as there is in things living energy is always present. The key factor, however, for life is the amount of energy in its therapeutic dose. A body without energy is called a cadaver. A body with a lot of energy is like a trendy party animal. Energy propels our planes, trains and automobiles to move, and it keeps us warm, grows our food, and helps us see the world we live in.

Quantum Biology 8: Quantum Scaling

Today, I am getting ready to do a podcast later tonight with Ben Greenfield and I have an idea of where it will head. Today's blog is a head start for those of you who are interested. Most humans are innately aware of the existence of fundamental laws of nature. These are the laws that define our material existence of our universe that we physically inhabit and that currently define our conscious existence. But what humans fail to realize is that how these laws, when singled out for dissection seem so contrary to our common sense. This series is slowly reminding you that the rules of life follow the physical laws who are their counterpart, even when your beliefs cause you to think otherwise. When you begin to explore the microcosm of our quantum reality you begin to see how the macrocosm is constructed and why things work in the fashion they do. It shows us at a deeper level, under all the subjectivity and paradox that life seems to hold, we can always find bedrock of objective and concrete rules to be a beacon for us to follow. They key, however, is knowing where to look for them. Scientific objectivity is derived directly from the unwavering and unchanging laws that govern physics. This allows us to feel secure in drawing inferences and conclusions we draw from them to build our world view beliefs upon. Today, we are beginning to realize in healthcare some of our beliefs have allowed us to stray far from the epistemologic foundation of the laws of physics.

By |May 27th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Quantum Biology 8: Quantum Scaling

Quantum Biology 7: Sulfated Vitamin D3

There is so much buzz now in modern healthcare and on the internet about Vitamin D but does anyone really know how it is integrated into our physiology? Most people understand that Vitamin D is tied into our bone's metabolism and our immune system's function but there is a lot more to this story. Vitamin D and its receptor, along with Vitamin A and its RXR receptor are among the oldest chemicals life has used to exist in evolutionary biology. This alone tells you how important Vitamin D is for function. Vitamin D is directly modulated by photoelectric effect, which is a foundational law of nature and quantum mechanics. The skin and brain are both derived from neuroectoderm in all animals. In EMF 2, we saw how obesity might be related to an inflammatory condition found in the brain due to a lack of electrons and photons. Today, we are going to examine how Vitamin D works in a quantized fashion. Many physicians have confided in me that just do not believe that Vitamin D levels are that big of a deal for most patients. When they say that to me, I return a smile. It is not that big a deal for the doctor, but it is a huge clue about what is going on with the patient. For me, it is one of the most critical lab 'thermostat values' that tell me about the "preload of their semiconductors" in their skin and body. Yes, it is a quantum signal, to me as a physician. If you remember from the video's made at Paleo Fx 2011 and our Optimal reset challenge, that I said we can do a quick "biohack" using three labs and tell a lot about the person's current conditions of existence and where they need to go. Those three labs were the HS-CRP, DHEA, and Vitamin D. So far we covered DHEA in detail in the CPC blog of 6/30/2012 and in the back half of EMF 7. We have covered HS CRP in multiple places. Inflammation is the major signal that all biologic processes and respond to. It is what the hormone panel responds to and it dictates the thermostat for mitochondrial efficiency, signaling, and control of the cell cycle. The inflammatory signal also sets the tone for "tight" circadian control via the adenosine signal.

May Webinar – The Sex Prescription!

Dr. Kruse has been talking about doing this webinar for a long time, and it's finally here:  The Sex Prescription!   Over the course of the last two years, it's inevitable that as people are considering their health and "what to do" to create Optimal health, the subject of sexual health comes up. We all [...]

By |May 19th, 2013|Diabetes, Hormones & Methylation, The Leptin Prescription, Webinars and Q&A Calls|Comments Off on May Webinar – The Sex Prescription!

Quantum Biology 6: Bipedalism

‘For any quadruped to get up on its hind legs in order to run is an insane thing to do. It’s plain ridiculous.’ - Owen Lovejoy Today, we are going to talk about the one thing that really separates humans from all other mammals. We began to walk upright before we developed a big brain. It was our first defining evolutionary change from chimp to human. The reasons why our legs grew first is generally credited to our big brain needing a larger birth canal and causing changes in the genitourinary system. There is one big problem with this theory; We grew legs long before we developed a large complex brain. The brain did not drive bipedalism. Many modern evolutionary biologist take upright walking for granted because they can do it easily so it appears a natural progression of evolutionary progress. Not even Darwin could explain this evolutionary jump. There has never been another change like it in the biologic record. It might seem a poor topic for some, because many people have found it easy to explain in their own mind; After all, bipedalism did not strike the early evolutionists as a "difficult thing" to explain. When Darwin wrote 'The Descent of Man' he did not even bother to list it in his index. Fact check that. It is true. He choose to completely ignored it, because he could not explain it, and just thought going from all fours to two feet was natural for us! The sequence of events seemed clear enough at that time.

April Webinar: PPP–The Fat Burning Pathway (The BIG KAHUNA!!!)

April Webinar: PPP--The Fat Burning Pathway  (The BIG KAHUNA!!!) In his webinar, Dr. Kruse is going to explore how hormones, perimenopause, menopause and andropause are all tied to the quantum electrodynamic (QED) theory.   You will be particularly interested in this webinar if: You’ve been on the road to optimal, and you’ve experienced “stalls” You’re [...]

By |May 8th, 2013|Hormones & Methylation, Menopause / Andropause, PPP Pathway, The Importance of Sleep, Webinars and Q&A Calls|Comments Off on April Webinar: PPP–The Fat Burning Pathway (The BIG KAHUNA!!!)

New Platinum Klub Level!

  Are you are a healthcare provider or practitioner?   We want to support you in integrating the protocols and prescriptions created by Dr. Kruse into your practice, collaborate together to support patients, and support each other in helping our patients achieve health and wellness. As a Platinum Klub member, you will receive: Access to [...]

By |May 2nd, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on New Platinum Klub Level!

Quantum Biology 5: COHERENT WATER = EZ WATER

The average American chugs nearly 30 gallons of bottled water a year, making it the second-most consumed commercial beverage in the United States. Sadly, it is not the right kind of water most of the time. The environment we evolved into is also in a rapid state of change and decline. The air, the water, the earth is going to be wasted. The damages can be seen everywhere. Contamination, poisoning, plundering of the earth´s raw-material all break down the life-processes and destroy the energy sources. Our forest's are dying, the food that we are eating is being destroyed. The quality of our lives is decreasing. This we can see daily, this is a fact well known to everybody even to those who are "vampiring" the nature and to the scientists who are "thinking one octave to low" regarding the natures way of functioning and do not see the large energy-crises that are emerging. When most people think of water they think of liquid water coming from their tap. Coherent water is a different animal altogether. It is water that is structured to be supremely cooperative in a living biologic system. It allows water to have local interactions with other molecules of water or something else so that the local interactions can have global effects, and this coherence means it is also bidirectional. That means the global effects can effect local interactions. Coherent water is best thought of as the whole of its actions being much greater than the sum of its molecular parts. This is how life uses water.

Quantum Biology 4: Metabolic Syndrome

We have shared a lot of information in the EMF and Quantum Biology series. Today, we are going to tie some of these concepts together to give you a picture of what the causes of metabolic syndrome might really be. This disease is now a runaway neolithic disease over the last 20 years. The fact that close to 26{a7b724a0454d92c70890dedf5ec22a026af4df067c7b55aa6009b4d34d5da3c6} of the population is obese and T2D is now no longer just a disease of obese people should begin to get scientist asking better question of the real etiology of this condition. It really has not. They remain prisoners to old beliefs about the disease. What is clear today, when a person has the up to date current perspective of published biology, chemistry, and biology, is that all disciplines are connected deeply. Biology is the science of life, but it becomes one with physics, and the science of matter and its motion. We only seem to become aware of this situation while living our lives and becoming very observant of this synergy. Our living as sentient beings, makes us the real experts on the laws of real nature. Science is based upon observation of nature at its core. Evidence based medicine is far off this target today. This may help you understand why Metabolic Syndrome is a runaway disease today. In 2012, the US government spent 270 billion dollars on treatment for this one condition. 20 years ago it was around a billion dollars. Something has radically changed environmentally and it is not the 9 billion inhabitants genes on this planet that have adapted this quickly. Their epigenetic pressures however have, and this is the source of the medical bill we get. You need to begin to question much of what you believe about neolithic disease today. Today’s blog delves into deep connections of those disciplines to help you understand what confuses your doctors today. Metabolic Syndrome is being treated via a cookbook called evidence based medicine. Much of what we believe about this disease is based upon a house of cards.

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