Jack Kruse

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So far Jack Kruse has created 450 blog entries.

The Leaky Gut Prescription

Well, we have talked about the gut in three other blogs so far. (1) Could It Be the Gut?: An Introduction to the Brain-Gut Axis, (2) Your VAP = Brain Gut Axis Function, and (3) Why Leaky Guts Lead to MS? Click those links or go to my home page under Brain Gut Axis and find each one for a quick review. We have hinted at the leaky gut as a cause of serious human disease in all those posts. Today we get to focus on the "leaky gut" and how we might offer to treat it. What is a leaky gut syndrome? It is the complex biochemical reactions that occur in the gut appear to be the genesis of where inflammation initially passes in to our body. We need to realize this and avoid eating the things that cause this inflammation. As I have said for close to five years now this means strict avoidance of omega 6's, all grains and especially wheat of any kind and very limited fructose (fruit or synthetic sources) The gut associated lymphatic tract (GALT) is the first place where our immune systems interact with the outside world. This occurs right below the intestinal brush border and is our first line of defense. It seems to me that evolution has dictated that this is precisely where the battle between health and disease begin in humans and why our immune system is set up ready on that battle front.

The Leaky Gut Prescription

Well, we have talked about the gut in three other blogs so far. (1) Could It Be the Gut?: An Introduction to the Brain-Gut Axis, (2) Your VAP = Brain Gut Axis Function, and (3) Why Leaky Guts Lead to MS? Click those links or go to my home page under Brain Gut Axis and find each one for a quick review. We have hinted at the leaky gut as a cause of serious human disease in all those posts. Today we get to focus on the "leaky gut" and how we might offer to treat it. What is a leaky gut syndrome? It is the complex biochemical reactions that occur in the gut appear to be the genesis of where inflammation initially passes in to our body. We need to realize this and avoid eating the things that cause this inflammation. As I have said for close to five years now this means strict avoidance of omega 6's, all grains and especially wheat of any kind and very limited fructose (fruit or synthetic sources) The gut associated lymphatic tract (GALT) is the first place where our immune systems interact with the outside world. This occurs right below the intestinal brush border and is our first line of defense. It seems to me that evolution has dictated that this is precisely where the battle between health and disease begin in humans and why our immune system is set up ready on that battle front.


READERS SUMMARY: 1. What determines our ultimate health fate? 2. What exactly is epigenetics? 3. How does an autoimmune disease begin? 4. Is multiple sclerosis tied to gut inflammation? 5. What is an inflammasome and why is hypomethylation so critical? My first post on epigenetics seems to have stimulated a lot of talk based upon [...]

Can’t Remember? Is Your Protein Bent?

READERS SUMMARY: 1. Alzheimer's disease is due to lack of electrons which causes compliant design changes in protein phosphatase! 2. Why are the incidence and prevalence growing for AD? 3. What is a proteopathy? 4. Why is protein folding so critical to so many diseases? 5. What kind of nutrition guidelines do I follow to [...]


READERS SUMMARY: 1. What is glycation? Why should I care about it? 2. What are the signs I can see if I am doing this to myself without my doctor? 3. What are the steps in glycation and where will it lead me? 4. What are the consequences if I ignore this biologic process? We [...]

Your VAP = Brain Gut Axis Function

When most people get a VAP they think heart and lipid study. I do not. I use this test to assess levee 5. Most people in the paleo world associate a leaky gut with a gluten problem. I do not. The VAP test is the best test to use to assess the function of our gut and how leaky it is based upon the fuels we are feeding it now. If you really dissect your VAP you can learn a lot about what you should be eating and you should not be eating based upon your current cellular homeostasis. Most people think a diet is static. I believe a diet must be dynamically altered based upon the testing feedback we receive from our body. As most of you know I use a quarterly lab draw system to assess my own health to make dynamic changes as I see fit. So today let's talk about the uses of a VAP test. The basis of the brain gut axis is the protective effects of great liver function. I think the real defender of "leaky gut" is not the brush border of the intestine but it is the liver. Why? All humans are subject to direct assault of inflammation via our intestines because it is the most common way the environment reacts with our body. This is also why the immune system is ready for defense right behind the brush border. We already know that diseases like celiac destroy this first line immunity. Well, a good liver will protect a leaky gut and the brain. Most endotoxins gain access to our portal circulation but they rarely ever get to our general circulation to cause the real damage because our liver won't allow it to occur based upon its design. In fact, endotoxin binding in the liver is increased by exercise, testosterone, estrogen and even occasional alcohol use. These things all increase our HDL particles too. A high HDL is a sign of good liver function. Remember that HDL particles actually bind inflammatory endotoxin particles to increase our immunity from oxidation from many sources. This is why a high HDL level confers general health and well being across the board. Moreover, VLDL and chylomicrons also protect us from inflammatory damage as well. This biologic process is at the seat of why we see higher cholesterol levels in the face of cellular stress or infection.

By |July 22nd, 2011|Uncategorized|62 Comments


READERS SUMMARY: 1. Why the presence of genes means nothing to disease risk. 2. What do people over 100 years old teach us about genetics? 3. What six pieces of evidence found in 2011 tell us about AD or PD etiology? 4. How will industry try to solve the mystery? 5. What you can do [...]


READER'S SUMMARY: 1. Ever wonder why we use blankets to sleep? 2. A quick overview of how the hormones of sleep and metabolism are yoked. 3. See how several levees of the quilt are tied together. 4. Why the brain really needs to be understood for optimal health. Today is a quick hitter post for [...]


The basis of epigenetics is founded in fetal development and is heavily influenced by grand maternal and maternal behaviors that influence in utero life of the fetus. This influence seems to be multigenerational as well because of the inheritance of meiotic stem cells in females. It has been known for years that the mother's behavior [...]

By |July 14th, 2011|Anorexia and Bulimia, Epigenetics, Series: Leaky Gut, The Leptin Prescription|Comments Off on DEVELOPMENTAL ORIGINS OF DISEASE


READERS SUMMARY: 1. What dietary context really means. 2. What is epigenetics? 3. How a thread can help thousands of people? 4. Sharing thoughts can really help us all out. 5. How did grandma and mom turn off or turn on your metabolism? And what have you done to it recently? The Quilt took me [...]

By |July 9th, 2011|Epi Paleo, Epigenetics, Mitochondria, Optimal Pillar 4, Series: Leaky Gut, The Optimal Paleo Diet|Comments Off on PALEO 3.0, MEET EPIGENETICS
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