

Every wave connects with everything in nature via resonance and so it is with life.    ---- Dr. Jack Kruse   THE TAKE HOME:  Is there something special about how the sun creates light that is critical for a mitochondriac in training to understand?  Do you know what it is?  If the blood plasma connected the [...]

Internal Stressors with Dr. Tim Jackson: Zeroing in on the Root Causes of Leaky Gut, Thyroid Issues, Adrenal Fatigue & More

You’ve been treating your "adrenal fatigue" for years, but if you stop your adaptogens, DHEA or other adrenal supplements, you fall apart. You’ve been addressing your leaky gut for a year, but if you stop your probiotics, glutamine, aloe vera, etc., your stomach begins to hurt and you get diarrhea. You gave up gluten, but your thyroid antibodies remain elevated. You can’t seem to warm up despite taking thyroid medication. Your cortisol and DHEA won’t balance, despite correcting your sleep hygiene/circadian cycle. You exercise several days per week, but the more you exercise, the fatter you get. What do all of these things have in common? Internal stressors!

LISTEN NOW: FREE Community-wide “Heal Your Hormones” webinar with Dr. Tim Jackson!

If diet and lifestyle changes, supplementation or BHRT (bioidentical hormone replacement therapy) haven’t taken you to optimal, listen to the replay of this community-wide introduction to Healing Your Hormones with Dr. Tim Jackson!

By |October 25th, 2013|BHRT, Endometriosis and PCOS, Estrogen Dominance, Fibromyalgia, Hashimotos / Grave's Disease, Hormones & Methylation, Series: Heal Your Hormones, Webinars and Q&A Calls|Comments Off on LISTEN NOW: FREE Community-wide “Heal Your Hormones” webinar with Dr. Tim Jackson!

Quantum Biology 4: Metabolic Syndrome

We have shared a lot of information in the EMF and Quantum Biology series. Today, we are going to tie some of these concepts together to give you a picture of what the causes of metabolic syndrome might really be. This disease is now a runaway neolithic disease over the last 20 years. The fact that close to 26{a7b724a0454d92c70890dedf5ec22a026af4df067c7b55aa6009b4d34d5da3c6} of the population is obese and T2D is now no longer just a disease of obese people should begin to get scientist asking better question of the real etiology of this condition. It really has not. They remain prisoners to old beliefs about the disease. What is clear today, when a person has the up to date current perspective of published biology, chemistry, and biology, is that all disciplines are connected deeply. Biology is the science of life, but it becomes one with physics, and the science of matter and its motion. We only seem to become aware of this situation while living our lives and becoming very observant of this synergy. Our living as sentient beings, makes us the real experts on the laws of real nature. Science is based upon observation of nature at its core. Evidence based medicine is far off this target today. This may help you understand why Metabolic Syndrome is a runaway disease today. In 2012, the US government spent 270 billion dollars on treatment for this one condition. 20 years ago it was around a billion dollars. Something has radically changed environmentally and it is not the 9 billion inhabitants genes on this planet that have adapted this quickly. Their epigenetic pressures however have, and this is the source of the medical bill we get. You need to begin to question much of what you believe about neolithic disease today. Today’s blog delves into deep connections of those disciplines to help you understand what confuses your doctors today. Metabolic Syndrome is being treated via a cookbook called evidence based medicine. Much of what we believe about this disease is based upon a house of cards.

EMF 4: Why Might You Need Carbs for Performance?

Today EMF-4 is going to hit a very controversial topic. Why do the younger performers perceive they need carbs for performance? For years, I have said loudly, I don't believe it is true. Over the last 7 years I have begun to understand why their belief exists now. When you suffer from a disrupted circadian clock you perceive you do need carbs. It has been shown recently that artificial EMF's make our blood brain barrier and gut more permeable to carbohydrates. The micropulsations of EMF control biocycles, including the timing of mitotic rhythm and the entire cell cycle. Any major change in their frequency would be catastrophic for cells. In fact, today most of the paleo-sphere is unaware that experiments already have been done that have shown that vibrational rates near normal and slightly above the Schumann resonance, from 30-100 Hz, cause dramatic changes in the cell cycle timing. It turns out, the most powerful shaper of our development may turn out to be the subtlest force, that is completely invisible to us and perturbs the manner in which we handle macronutrients and recycle ATP.

EMF 2: Einstein, Meet Leptin

"You’ve got to work at living... when 99{a7b724a0454d92c70890dedf5ec22a026af4df067c7b55aa6009b4d34d5da3c6} of the globe works at dying daily; Denial of the truth will lead you into blind alleys. Let go of your paradigm, accept what nature designed, and embrace your ultimate potential" -Gretchen Bronson (starfish) Why is the clock the most important part of the story of life? Have you ever had a dream that seems so large in scope, it just seems like it just possibly cannot come to fruition? I have for the last 7 years. Today, I am going to share it with you. It is time. I believe all dreams come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. It is always easier to make a dollar off a dream, but it is a lot tougher to make a difference with one. I think EMF-2, is going to do just that for everyone. I told you all last March, on Sean Croxton’s underground internet radio show, and at Paleo FX 2012, that environmental mismatches all cause inflammation. Many of you found it a bold and interesting statement, but I never told you WHY. The reason I did not, was because I did not feel you were ready to understand my perspective, yet. Today that changes. When you do not understand someone’s perspective often times what they say sometimes sounds a bit 'bizarre' to you. The reason it does is because you have no frame of reference for understanding, primarily because you were never taught that space/time, might be the most critical factor in understanding trans-generational epigenetic biology today. That is going to change today as well.

Brain Gut 6: Epi-Paleo Rx

This blog followed a very popular July 2012 Webinar that I put on for my members a few days ago. The webinar was over two hours long and had a lot of Q & A done after it as well. I promised my members I would get a quick blog post up for them on some of the core materials we covered. Today's blog is delivering on that promise. How to consider eating the Epi-Paleo Rx: Always Respect circadian cycles and eat according to seasonality, Lots of good quality proteins (see below), Lots of good quality fats (grass-fed/pastured animal fats - lard, tallow), Liberal uses of seafood broths and bone broth made from ocean and grass-fed animals (to heal the gut), and fermented vegetables and/or probiotics (to repopulate the gut with an Optimal Human flora)

The Leptin Rx: FAQs

What should I do before I start The Leptin Reset? Before you start, take a picture of yourself from all angles. Don't be bashful or you'll be sorry in 18-24 months. Next, weigh yourself naked. Let your significant other or a family member take this picture. Go to the store and buy a piece of clothing that does not fit you now, but will when you have met your goal. Remember, calories are important when you're LR (leptin resistant) and mean nothing once you are LS (leptin sensitive). Macronutirents count when you're LR and mean nothing when you're LS. How do I determine if I am leptin resistant? Remember, you can be LR (leptin resistant) if you're fat or skinny. If you're overweight by more than 30lbs, it is a lock you have some degree of LR. If you're underweight by 20 lbs, you are likely LR, too. If you had an eating disorder, you're likely suffering from a serious leptin issue. The easiest test is to look in the mirror. The mirror does not lie and it is really cheap. For those people who still can't be sure after peeking in the mirror, you can order some blood tests. My favorite is the HS CRP (highly sensitive C-Reactive protein) and the reverse T3 tests (but there are others). They are accurate in over 90{a7b724a0454d92c70890dedf5ec22a026af4df067c7b55aa6009b4d34d5da3c6} of cases. Opens The Door To Obesity Fight


The Leaky Gut Prescription

Well, we have talked about the gut in three other blogs so far. (1) Could It Be the Gut?: An Introduction to the Brain-Gut Axis, (2) Your VAP = Brain Gut Axis Function, and (3) Why Leaky Guts Lead to MS? Click those links or go to my home page under Brain Gut Axis and find each one for a quick review. We have hinted at the leaky gut as a cause of serious human disease in all those posts. Today we get to focus on the "leaky gut" and how we might offer to treat it. What is a leaky gut syndrome? It is the complex biochemical reactions that occur in the gut appear to be the genesis of where inflammation initially passes in to our body. We need to realize this and avoid eating the things that cause this inflammation. As I have said for close to five years now this means strict avoidance of omega 6's, all grains and especially wheat of any kind and very limited fructose (fruit or synthetic sources) The gut associated lymphatic tract (GALT) is the first place where our immune systems interact with the outside world. This occurs right below the intestinal brush border and is our first line of defense. It seems to me that evolution has dictated that this is precisely where the battle between health and disease begin in humans and why our immune system is set up ready on that battle front.

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