Quantum Biology 5: COHERENT WATER = EZ WATER
The average American chugs nearly 30 gallons of bottled water a year, making it the second-most consumed commercial beverage in the United States. Sadly, it is not the right kind of water most of the time. The environment we evolved into is also in a rapid state of change and decline. The air, the water, the earth is going to be wasted. The damages can be seen everywhere. Contamination, poisoning, plundering of the earth´s raw-material all break down the life-processes and destroy the energy sources. Our forest's are dying, the food that we are eating is being destroyed. The quality of our lives is decreasing. This we can see daily, this is a fact well known to everybody even to those who are "vampiring" the nature and to the scientists who are "thinking one octave to low" regarding the natures way of functioning and do not see the large energy-crises that are emerging. When most people think of water they think of liquid water coming from their tap. Coherent water is a different animal altogether. It is water that is structured to be supremely cooperative in a living biologic system. It allows water to have local interactions with other molecules of water or something else so that the local interactions can have global effects, and this coherence means it is also bidirectional. That means the global effects can effect local interactions. Coherent water is best thought of as the whole of its actions being much greater than the sum of its molecular parts. This is how life uses water.