
Energy and Epigenetics 6: Quantum Cell Theory, Life as a Collective Phenomena

This will probably be the most important blog in the entire Quilt. It is how I see the three fundamental laws of nature integrating and coordinating the physiologic function of animating life. It is how all life works as a collective phenomena.

Quantum Biology 10: Hormones 102

Two years ago I gave you the Hormone 101: Clinical thoughts revealed blog post. That was a small dose of reality at the beginning of this journey. There was some foundational hormone biochemistry there given to you in simple terms. Most people jumped all over the free T3 link to pregnenolone in the post. They thought that "their cure" for hypothyroidism and/or chronic pregnenolone steal syndrome was increasing free T3 or just lowering reverse T3 to raise pregnenolone. So what was not observed? A trip down memory lane for the hormone cascade Leptin resistance occurs first in the brain. Then insulin resistance happens soon their after in the liver, gut, and peripheral tissues. This eventually leads to adrenal resistance. This resistance occurs at the PVN in the brain. (Brain Gut 16: Adrenal Fatigue Rx) It does not happen in the adrenal gland. What happens is that the outflow from our sympathetic system in the brainstem overwhelms the parasympathetic nervous system. This increase in overall cortisol initially, is the stress hormone that allows for fight or flight syndrome (life or death). As this condition persists chronically over time, cortisol levels decrease and flatline on adrenal stress index testing.

CPC #6: Pseudotumor Cerebri

It has been close toa year that we last did a CPC blog post. (CPC #5 The Leaky Gut/Adrenal Fatigue Case) CPC stands for a clinico-pathologic conference that we often see in medical schools that our used for teaching students and doctors. Today we are going to talk about a disease that has perplexed medicine for hundreds of years. Pseudotumor cerebri is also known as idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) today. It goes by many names in the literature. I have decided to discuss this disease because it highlights many of the cornerstone principles of how quantum electrodynamic theory affect water chemistry. This change in water chemistry can lead to biologic effects. The biologic effects of water can be seen in modern humans when we look for them and correctly observe what is really going on. So today we see how the macrocosm affects the microcosm of a modern disease.

EMF Rx: The Top Ten EMF FAQs

Soon the EMF Rx will go live in our March 2013 webinar so in advance of it, I wanted to give the EMF FAQ's for everyone to review before you listen to the webinar. I expect there to be many questions once the webinar is released. Hopefully this will answer many of the questions you might have as the series moves forward. These may make a lot more sense once you listen to the EMF Rx in the webinar. They will really sink in after you hear our EMF expert that we are bringing on to the site for an extensive long term look at the different aspects that EMF causes in our modern world, but here is an appetizer of what is coming.

EMF 7: Quantum Prometheus

If you remember my podcast several years back, I told you the disease that got me interested in all this was osteoporosis. This is a disease I treat a lot as a spine surgeon. I discussed Wolff’s law in detail in the EMF 1 blog. When I realized that Wolff’s law was null and void in leptin resistance states in bone, something else radical appeared to me. I knew that Leptin Resistance signaled inflammation, and inflammation could be seen as a positive charge and loss of a negative charge on MRI’s, fMRI, and MEG studies. I also realized that MRI or NMR should show an increased flair signal on T2 weighted MRI images signifying an intracellular water loss coupled with a loss of collagen and of ATP. Collagen makes up the main protein of connective tissues in all mammals, typically 60–70{a7b724a0454d92c70890dedf5ec22a026af4df067c7b55aa6009b4d34d5da3c6} by weight. The water and collagen constitute a liquid crystalline matrix in which every cell in the body is embedded, making this system the ideal medium for intercommunication in eutherian mammals. Within this matrix we have learned about proton and electron superconduction that not only feed the underlying mechanistic pathways that most biochemistry recite but they also feed a rich “wet chemistry” that is fundamentally based upon special qualities of water. It turns out water has some prodigious quantum flexibility when it is confined in closed spaces that make it do some unique quirky things that no classic chemist would predict. These things are all predicted by quantum electrodynamic field theory. One such quirk is the use of water reverse micelles around proteins that increase enzyme action and kinetics by the order 10 to the 10th power based upon the pioneering work of Frank Mayer and Jim Clegg. Classic physics and chemistry thinks of water in its bulk form only because that is all the classic sciences can explain about it. In quantum coherence, where water acts as a total cohesive unit because it has infinite chemical freedom, water becomes highly structured chemically, from its bulk form to do some amazing things, to become extremely flexible in phase transitions between ice crystals and liquid crystals and gas vapor as it gets confined in small diameter nanotubes in our cells. Water dynamics and actions are quantumly altered as it is confined within nanotubes it develops properties that allow it to collectively work dynamically within reverse micelles and in proton superconducting cables that align along collagen in the cells cytoarchitecture to allow for super fast semiconduction. This has been reproduced by many physics and molecular biology researchers in electron photomicrographs and X-ray diffraction studies. The most amazing property water develops as it is confined in these nanotubes, it becomes a super catalyst that organic chemistry has missed, because it accounts for the energy of activation of biochemical reactions and enzymatic kinetics. It is not ATP that does this, ever!! ATP has another more critical function. It unfolds protein in cells to open water binding sites to form these super conduction cables to create 100{a7b724a0454d92c70890dedf5ec22a026af4df067c7b55aa6009b4d34d5da3c6} energy efficiency.

EMF 2: Einstein, Meet Leptin

"You’ve got to work at living... when 99{a7b724a0454d92c70890dedf5ec22a026af4df067c7b55aa6009b4d34d5da3c6} of the globe works at dying daily; Denial of the truth will lead you into blind alleys. Let go of your paradigm, accept what nature designed, and embrace your ultimate potential" -Gretchen Bronson (starfish) Why is the clock the most important part of the story of life? Have you ever had a dream that seems so large in scope, it just seems like it just possibly cannot come to fruition? I have for the last 7 years. Today, I am going to share it with you. It is time. I believe all dreams come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. It is always easier to make a dollar off a dream, but it is a lot tougher to make a difference with one. I think EMF-2, is going to do just that for everyone. I told you all last March, on Sean Croxton’s underground internet radio show, and at Paleo FX 2012, that environmental mismatches all cause inflammation. Many of you found it a bold and interesting statement, but I never told you WHY. The reason I did not, was because I did not feel you were ready to understand my perspective, yet. Today that changes. When you do not understand someone’s perspective often times what they say sometimes sounds a bit 'bizarre' to you. The reason it does is because you have no frame of reference for understanding, primarily because you were never taught that space/time, might be the most critical factor in understanding trans-generational epigenetic biology today. That is going to change today as well.


Today we are going to talk a bit about your “out door” as part of the brain gut series continues.  Today I am going to show you how spinal biomechanics and defecation are intimately related to good or poor physiologic function and may result in illness.  The human spine has 5 lumbar verterae and one block of bone distal to it called the sacrum.  The sacrum forms the back bony wall of the pelvis. 



Brain Gut 9: What Really Killed Michael Jackson

Today, we are going to dive into the gut flora story a bit deeper than we did in our first gut flora post to help you understand how a a change in gut flora might lead to changes in your health by altering your hormone panel. Obesity is an inflammatory brain condition. Where does the infection come from? The gut flora actually is what causes humans to become fat. It has to due with shear numbers and the species of bacteria in our gut. There is a particular flora that produces adiposity and obesity in humans. These bacteria make something called FIAF (Fasting induced adipose factor) that control this process. This factor blocks lipoprotein lipase (LPL) in fat cells. LPL allows us to convert dietary Free Fatty Acids carried in lipoproteins into neutral fats that are stored in adipocytes. Non Geeks: Our gut bacteria makes humans fat. Geek Alert: The FIAF is made by our liver, muscles, and our small bowel wall when food sources are in short supply. This is the signal to stop storing fat in our fat cells when food is scarce. What is not well appreciated by many is that the FIAF in our intestinal wall is controlled 100{a7b724a0454d92c70890dedf5ec22a026af4df067c7b55aa6009b4d34d5da3c6} by our gut flora. When we have a simplified gut flora it favors fat cell creation. When our gut flora is complex and healthy, it has 100 trillion cells with 250 species. We tend not to make fat in this instance either! Moreover, when the bacteria are active metabolically due to the presence of simple sugars, production of FIAF ceases, and fat creation is signaled. This implies that our gut flora is directly tied to fat creation in humans. The gut flora’s action is directly signaled to the brain via the afferent nerve fibers in the vagus nerve. In those newly created fat cells, a protein called leptin is also produced, and acts as a score keeper for the brain of how much fat is stored in the body. This messenger is sent to the brain around midnight when we are sleeping allowing the brain to assess total energy balance in the body.

Brain Gut 4: What was Homo’s Solution?

The paleo community has the "Paleo Solution", and it is a great introductory book to a lifestyle that will improve people to a higher plane of health than we have while eating a standard American diet found in our western world. It is clear from fossil data humans were in better physical shape in the late paleolithic before the Younger Dryas occurred as well. It appears that this deep freeze caused massive dietary change in the homo species from predominate hunter gatherers culture to and agrarian culture because of rapid climate change and elimination of the great megafauna from our food chains. The focus of this series, however, is focused upon when we jumped from purely primate to mainly homo species and to see what diet is really best for the rapid encephalization of our species. I am not convinced the modern paleolithic diet that is quite popular now fits that bill at all. The reason I bring this forth, is because I treat very sick and ill homo sapiens every day. 'Eating paleo' may just not reverse their health. The proof of this is found on every single popular paleo forum you can visit. As a surgeon, I need something that really works in the most resistant cases. That is where I discovered the Epi-Paleo Rx. In my specialty of spine surgery, this is especially true when we are dealing with cranial and spinal pathology. As a neurosurgeon these neolithic diseases are the ones I am most focused in on in my clinic. Evolution is in large part about epigenetic to cellular communication; it's comparing notes and copying and pasting new genetic recipes to create a new dish. When we understand how that dish was created we gain deep insight of how to to keep that dish tasting crisp and fresh every time we replicate it.

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