Readers Summary
- How would you describe the “Ancient Pathway” to a warm adapted human?
- What are the steps in activating the Ancient Pathway?
- Do you need high hormone levels to have big muscles and great power?
- Can we eat small, exercise small, lift ridiculously large, live longer, and feel like Superman?
- Has our modern life kept optimal in our blind spot?
The best way to describe this pathway to the lay public is to explain this is how evolution allows for the ideal form to meet function in a tough environment. This environment is likely the primordial environment for life on our planet. This makes astrophysicists excited because life might also be evolving in places like Titan. After all 5 extinction events on this planet geologist have told us they were followed by an extended cold climate. In cold, mammals live longer because their mitochondria release heat to alter water chemistry. When it is cold, insulin does not work as it does when the temperature is higher. Temperature affects the hydrogen bonding networks in cell water. When it is cold, the sympathetic nervous system dominates. You will find out more about why this happens in Energy and Epigenetics 4 and 5 blog posts.
The pathway uses very little energy from ATP and gives a whole lot to the organism who uses it. Fat burning is required and it is tied to a biochemical pathway that paleo forgot to speak about. Why? Because they know nothing about water chemistry or hydrogen. They believe this is a story of food. It is not. Water acts differently in cold than it does in warm. And your cells, and mine, are filled to the brim with water. But it requires the cold temperature to be present and used commonly. In the pathway, the less effort you give, the faster and more powerful you will be when this pathway is active. People who live in this pathway can run a marathon with no training. They can lift unreal amounts of weight with little training. Their reserve and recovery are just incredible. You have to see it to believe it. Many will say cold thermogenesis a hormetic process when in reality it is created using a coherent energy source due to something called the Hall effect. The Hall effect is a quantum spin effect. It turns out spin-polarized currents can be used to apply torques to magnetic moments by direct transfer of spin angular momentum. This Hall effect enables manipulation of nanoscale magnetic atoms in mitochondria using currents that are orders of magnitude lower than required for magnetic-field-base control. So far the only way to generate spin currents strong enough for spin-torque manipulation of magnets in practical technology applications has been to send an electron current through a magnetic polarizing layer. I believe nature found a way using the quantum spin in the matrix to do this 600 million years ago.
When we have had extinction events on Earth before, the events usually affect the evaporation of water in some fashion from the surface of lakes and oceans. It also affects the transpiration of the forest trees, plants, and flowers and this change cool the air. You must understand how climatology works here; liquid water needs to absorb a lot of latent heat to in order to evaporate, so it sucks energy from the atmosphere to make this energy transfer. This loss of energy from the atmosphere directly cools the planet and this preserves the charge on life’s inner mitochondrial membrane and in the nanotubes present in our cells that contain water. This is how life lives long in the cold.
Those people don’t realize this because they do not live in this pathway for the majority of their life, and few studies have been done to say otherwise. The link above is recently added to this blog post. It seems science is now proving me correct in my theories of extinction events.
Few live in it commonly. And for those who do not live in it, well, no one believes it is possible. Everything about this pathway in the human brain is about optimal mammalian functioning. It is as good, as good gets. My entire life now consists of living within the confines of this pathway. Not everyone will choose too, but when they do get a taste of it, they are just bowled over. The more we induce it, the more beneficial it will be to our health and to our longevity especially when our environment is altered.
Welcome to the leptin-melanocortin pathway of eutherian mammals. Modern life allows us to live outside your biology and this pathway and this pathway brings you inside your optimal self. It is that simple. Optimal is for everyone who wants it. From today on, optimal is now a choice and not a mystery to humans.
I know this sounds too good to be true. You might be wondering how this all occurs biochemically in our brain?
Non-scientists and geeks unite
Step 1. The metabolic trap door to the ancient pathway is found in our eye. The first step in the process is the normal high dietary carbohydrate intakes in summer months when the SCN is entrained to high light levels. During this time many mammals will mate and begin the process of getting ready for winter. So carbohydrates are very good for us in the season with high light cycles. This is when they are quite safe. When do they hurt us?
The fact that eNOS entrains the SCN to react to cold, and not light cycles has major implications for autophagy which occurs in sleep in humans, The major function of the leptin receptor in humans is to couple sleep and metabolism, When they are not coupled, due to environmental mismatches, it has major implications for human biology. This is where safe starch theory dies slowly on the vine. Take a look at this link to see how a fetus/newborn is maternally entrained by the cold! The Optimal temperature is around 10 degrees Celsius which is around 50 degrees F. This is exactly where my cold thermogenesis protocol should put you.
eNOS directly inactivates the function of hypothalamic NPY! NPY is stimulated by carbohydrates in the hypothalamus and it drives carbohydrates cravings and food seeking behaviors. Why would mammals and humans have this hardwired into their DNA and in their brains? Evolution says it is biologically impossible to find carbohydrates in chronic freezing cold conditions because these foods require serious amounts of photons and electrons from sunlight. When it is chronically cold this is not possible in nature, unless an extinction event is ongoing. That is the short answer. This implies that our food is codified somehow by the photoelectric effect. There are massive benefits to cell membrane signaling when carbs are excluded in a cold environment. Cell membranes have to exclude carbohydrates in cold to function well. This is one part of the reason why diabetics get neuropathy and many other illnesses from glycation.
My job as an Epi-paleo blogger is to point the facts out to you. I’ll let you be the judge of who is correct about the science of what is safe of not. For the skeptics who said I had no proof, more is coming to demolish the safe carb starch dogma in this blog. For those warning of high protein intakes and mTOR signaling, wake up.
Evolutionary thinking is always the king of the mountain. The literature, in my view, takes a back seat to Mother Nature in the new paradigm of healthcare. Nothing trumps the laws of nature.
In my view, Mother Nature always is right, no matter what the modern research says. Most of the research never took this pathway into consideration. The textbooks were written in the 1950’s and the cold-adapted pathways of mammals are still not studied even today. Since modern scientists do not know mammals have two major biochemical pathways in which they seasonally operate their data is at best incomplete. Moreover, the research is useless when it is based on a flawed assumption. (see the cholesterol data as a great example)
What is the major flaw in the modern literature? No one realizes mammals have two metabolic pathways that they live within normally on our planet by evolutionary design. In fact, this is how all mammals evolved 67 million years ago. One pathway dominates spring and summer, and the other dominates fall and winter. It is the mammalian version of Yin and Yang. Moreover, both function in unison on a continuum to make biochemistry work for us over a wide variety of environments we are adapted to. The metabolic pathways governing cold are the bastard child of the modern world, and it has lead to major health care issues for the modern man.
If you fight Mother Nature’s rules for mammals, by eating outside normal circadian biology she will bite you in the “ass” every time. There is always a biologic toll to pay for this behavior. You need to be very aware of this biologic fact at all times. My point is clear. Modern man is not aware of this, and in fact, his thoughts, feelings, and beliefs have kept these facts, in his blind spot since the agricultural revolution. I think the American Indians were the last group of modern hominids who really understood these natural laws best. Let us look to the Arctic now for a prime example of how carbs can destroy a cold-adapted group by creating a mismatch.
Let us examine the modern Inuits experience in how that experiment has worked out over the last 50 years for their culture. I happen to have a modern Inuit citizen in Nashville, who is quite famous, so I get his insights all the time. The modern Inuit drive warm cars, eat carbs 24/7, have warm houses, and do not have to battle the cold to live any longer in the Arctic. They have conquered their environment. The results of this are seen in their health today. It has vanished in 60 short years.
Modern humans are the only mammals that can create their own environment to subjugate their paleolithic genes to get mismatch because they can alter their diet and environment because of their thoughts and their feelings of well being or sickness. An arctic fox, seal, or polar bear cannot do this. For humans, this can work well if your thoughts and feelings are congruent with how our mammalian biochemistry works.
There is one big problem; few people and most of the published science have no clue how it does really work to begin with. This blind spot creates major health issues that we see today in modern civilization. This is why we perceive diabetes and cancer as diseases today when they may represent mismatches in modern human biochemistry.
We must become mindful that those mismatches, may well, kill you. If you eat carbs in a warm adapted world, as modern man does today, you create a huge biologic mismatch. This, in essence, becomes a “reverse leptin Rx experiment”. The same is true of using lights after the sun set in ipad, iphones, and LED TV’s. These mismatches speed up our circadian clocks in a pro-growth mode constantly, while we are young.
You do many things that are pro-growth, that for a time seem to help you, until things falter. Longer term, you pay dearly for this in disease and trashed hormone panels, and terrible energy and a lack of well being. When you are blinded to all this, your feelings of short term gratification keeps these biologic dangers out of your sight and present reality.
To you, they just do not exist.
We essentially become blind to these inherent risks. These results present as a neolithic diseases of aging while you simultaneously lose your stem cells population. This enables you to look like a rock star on the outside while your labs crash and burn (assuming you are smart enough to look) and your slowly die within. This is modern Paleo man’s ultimate paradox.
Check the health records on the native Inuit to see if I am right about this. They are living proof of this mismatch. What has happened to them, is happening constantly to us in the western world now. This is why modern man is mediocre. Thoughts and feelings of a lack of well being on a low carb template today, allows us to falsely believe that carbohydrates maybe” safe starches.” because we examine that data in warm adapted hominids only!
It appears on the surface, that this might improve our feelings of well being. In the short term it does make a modern warm adapted hominid feel better, but the biologic toll is that it speeds up your chemical clocks and it depletes your of your stems cells as you feel better. We can grossly measure this today with the rudimentary telomere tests.
In the Arctic, when these carbs were provided to Inuit by modern transportation, out of the normal circadian cycle of their environment, they were devastated by disease in two generations. You must live congruent to your biology at all times for optimal health. Since 1940 the Inuit have been decimated by neolithic disease. They are very mediocre group today. Albert Schweitzer’s papers on them from 1913, paint a far different view of their culture and phenotypes of what they were like when they ate they way Mother Nature intended them too. There is a huge lesson here for us all.
Step 2. Geek alert: Mammals send their tissue omega 6 to their cell membranes during late summer and all through the fall when the temperature begins to fall and light levels drop. Amazingly, the amount of so-called “n-6” polyunsaturated fatty acids (those with the final double bond at the sixth position) in the membranes was found to increase dramatically before the start of hibernation in marmots recently, apparently to prepare the body, and particularly the heart, for operation at very low temperatures.
Consistent with this idea, the transition to a higher content of n-6 fatty acids in membranes takes place extremely rapidly just before the animals enter their hibernation chambers. The changes are reversed, again over a short time, around the termination of hibernation in spring, when the animals return to a life at high body temperatures. As the temperature falls further as winter solstice comes, the mammal will then have constructed their cell membranes to further increase flexibility (more omega 3) as the cold increases as the winter deepens. Cell membranes loaded with AGE’s do not work well in the cold. This is a biologic fact.
So evolution makes sure we do not use carbs in the winter. I think some of my cell membrane biology friends at Johns Hopkins University might drop their two cents here in the comments, soon enough. Dr. Patricia Kane’s life long work confirms what I am saying here. In fact, there is a neural pathway that shuts off all carbohydrate cravings to bolster this evolutionary dictum. Moreover, Mother
Nature has selected for a special taste receptor to fluorish in cold called CD36. In cold, we need fat not carbs. In fact, we saw in CT five blog that it requires a more fluid membrane to get proper signaling to work. When signaling is broken disruptions continue further in the chemical clocks of organs. This is why diabetics have so many unusual organ diseases (eye, nerve, kidney, brain) tied to their diagnosis as the process worsens.
This process is controlled by surface skin cold receptors and wiring from the mouth, gut, Peripheral Nervous System and to the Central Nervous System via the spinal cord and then to the brain. The brain gets inputs of this tract from the vagus nerve, and from a CD 36 receptor in the mouth which relays sensory inputs to the spinal cord and from the surface cold receptors.
What does CD 36 do for mammals? CD36 is an oral receptor in the lingual papillae of taste buds that mediated perception of long-chain fatty acids. It involves the gustatory neural pathways in cranial nerve 9 and 10 (glossophayrngeal nerve and the vagus nerve). These inputs head to the floor of the fourth ventricle (area postrema) of the hind brain to synapse in the nucleus of the solitary tract. Here they interact with the somatic sensory cold receptor system of the face and of the body.
The mere presence of the CD36 receptor in all mammals suggests that mammals are built by evolutionary design to have a “taste” for fatty foods in cold. the fact that the SCN also wires to the hypothalamus to turn off NPY is another big clue why we should not eat carbs in the winter. This evolutionary designed system constitutes a physiological advantage under conditions of food scarcity (in winter’s cold environments) by leading the mammal to select and absorb fatty foods when cold is the predominate sensory afferent delivered to the area postrema.
This sensory neural processing is far more efficient in water based mammals because water transmits cold afferents more effectively. These mammals, also have a huge dietary source of omega three’s in the deep polar seas to allow for them to do this. Land based mammals use more omega 6’s in their tissues to increase flexibility and fluidity for signal transduction because the thermal barriers they face are not as steep as water based mammals. This is why I cautioned people early on, that 0mega 6 fats are not always bad for humans here. Mammalian neural circuitry is the key to understanding where optimal really lies. If you do not understand the essence of what we are, you remain blinded to what may harm us too.
HCG dieting alert: Eating MCT, in winter is probably not the best choice for a cold adapted mammal, because they do not help fluidity of cell membranes. This is why we see so many problems in the literature with saturated fats in humans. The results did not make sense and researchers attributed them to disease generation. They did not make sense because they were studying animals at different stages of their mammalian biochemistry.
These fats also can make a cold adapted mammal gain weight when eaten off season because of this mismatch. This is a reverse analogy to the one I used in the Paleo Summit with the banana in Canada. If you want to see proof of this fat reversal ask any person who uses the HCG diet how coconut oil or palm oil work for them on protocol. In short it sucks. Why? those oils protect warm adapted mammals eating tons of carbs. This is why coconut oil and Palm oil are tropical oils and not found in our polar regions.
When you ask a human who uses HCG for dieting, you will find they do not do well with MCT’s during their HCG protocol use for this reason. In winter, mammals prefer animal fats like ghee, tallow, lard, bacon grease, and pastured butter as the best choices. This is wired into our brain by the CD 36 receptor and the floor of the fourth ventricle in humans too. Seafood is always a good choice no matter what season we are in. Pastured meats and offal are ideal too. Fatty meat cuts are best. Evolution is dictating what we should eat not Dr. Kruse. I am merely pointing out what many in our community are blind too today. I hope to change your reality tonight with this knowledge.
Human Obesity Caveat: MCT however, will help the obese human however to reverse weight loss in winter because they are a far better choice than any carbohydrate at this time. It was my number one diesel fuel I used for my own weight loss. It will also make the obese person radiate heat if they use it in fall and winter which is a good sign that they are fat burning and not sugar burning. Coconut oil and palm oil are the ideal fats for spring and summer uses for humans. This works only for reversal of a disease and not for optimal living. I have a plan for optimal living once you reverse your disease here.
Step 3. The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is the circadian pacemaker that monitors this dance between darkness and light and the seasonal cold and hot temperatures in our environment. Cold temperatures reverses all the normal biology that is used when the SCN is entrained to light. This metabolic trap door is huge for mammalian biochemistry. This is the only way to naturally way to enter this brain pathway now that we know of. When temperature becomes the dominant environmental trigger and not light cycles, the leptin receptor induces endothelial nitric oxide synthetase (eNOS) formation.
EDIT 5/12/2012: it appears science has already beginning to find out what I knew was true 6 years ago. This really should a dagger to any safe starch belief you still hold. Mother Nature is telling you this, and not me. Are we clear on that?
NS: There is no safe starches in winter period because Mother Nature said so, not Dr. Kruse.
Geek alert: Expression of VEGF is high in proliferating and mature brown adipocytes and the VEGF receptors, FLK-1 and FLK-4, are expressed in BAT. Irisin is stimulated by cold from muscle as well. The expression of VEGF in BAT may promote and maintain the high level of vascularization in this tissue so that the it can counter balance the development of frostbite. Chronic norepinephrine stimulation and cold stress both result in increased levels of VEGF expression in BAT.
Both of these pathways cause expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and eNOS which then shuts down the photic effects of VIP on the SCN. Leptin forces the SCN to be blinded to light to yoke circadian cycles and use temperature! Remember, endothelial NOS (eNOS) are expressed in BAT. Remember, step one, activation of eNOS by cold actually blocks the SCN from reacting to photic stimuli to entrain our circadian rhythms!
So the cold turns off control of all circadian rhythms to light and uses temperature instead! This is another shocking surprise of cold thermogenesis! Can you say bye bye to safe starches now? If you are scientist, yes you can, and you will say no if you are a paleo dogmatist that enjoys your feelings, more than your health. The activation of eNOS seems to be tied to the cold environment and replace light as the entrainment molecule for biological rhythms in cold.
STEP 4: When cold is perceived by skin cold receptors over two weeks leptin is liberated from fat cells in massive quantities. Cold empties fats stores like like a fire empties a movie theater. It can occur even faster if the method of adaptation is controlled with metal. The modern Zeltiq procedure does this in 45 minutes in a medical office.
The cold liberates leptin directly from white adipose tissue (WAT). Cold environments induce a long buried epigenetic program in all mammals that allows for WAT to convert to brown adipose tissues (BAT) to burn calories as free heat and not generate ATP or to increase ROS simultaneously. This allows us to age more slowly, while increasing our metabolism and ability to work on less calories all while burning fat to make heat to stay warm.
We also lower our body fat while improving our body composition too! The cold temperatures also raises IGF-1 mRNA to increase Growth Hormone release tremendously. This increases autophagic efficiency and improves muscular and cardiac function quickly. It does this all without exercise!
The cold also increases GnRH and selects for reproductive fitness too. This is important in cold, because most mammals are pregnant during winter months. This is where the HCG link comes in for mammals. They use HCG as a turbo boost to burn fat stores from the summer months as they fattened on carbohydrates. This is where Gary Taubes was partially correct, but he failed miserably on how we are designed to get rid of the fat because he did not know anything about leptin. Ditto for Dr. Lustig. They both came late to the leptin party. This fat fuel feeds their growing fetus. Leptin controls all oocyte and placental function in all mammals. The lower leptin levels are, the more “safe and sound” the pregnancy will be.
Anorexic / ED / Obese People Caveats: The corollary here is that the more LR a mammals is the more problems they have getting pregnant or staying pregnant. In cold, leptin is at its lowest levels and the mammals is leptin sensitive because of increased receptor binding affinity.
Infertile modern humans take note: So this means that cold environments may also improve fecundity, because cold lowers leptin in number while its receptor become supra sensitive. It is too bad conventional wisdom of modern medicine does not use this to help LR couples who are infertile. I in 7 couples in this country can not have kids because of a leptin receptor problem. The main reasons are cytokine elevations that inhibit leptin function of oocyte maturation and placental development and function.
Progesterone is a major foot soldier of leptin here to support a pregnancy. The older the mammal mom, the more critical the leptin status becomes. This is why older mothers have higher risk pregnancies. Their progesterone levels suck. And this puts the baby at higher risk for epigenetic failures. Epigenetic failures are failures of cell membrane signaling. If you are glycated you epigenetic switches do not work well. This is how transgenerational epigenetics functions. This is where the environment meets the cell. This is why modern children are born with a disadvantages because modern life has pushed pregnancy back in a womans life cycle. Cold thermogenesis can help your fertility in a big way.
So how does the Leptin receptor flip its function in cold doc? Since cold acutely raises the serum leptin levels as it is liberated from fat, it confirmationally alters the leptin receptor to become more sensitive to the hormone level as it is liberate from the WAT. This process is a function of physics, (quantum) as all steroid receptors have higher affinities for their receptor molecule. This implies that even if a person has low hormone levels in a warm adapted state once they become cold adapted it does not matter!
Non scientist alert: Cold is your optimal hormone maker and you don’t need a doctor to do it! Cold Thermogenesis can be done in your home! Your inner masterpiece is literally inside of you right now, if you learn how to tap it. This was my Michelangelo moment.
STEP 5: As leptin rises in the serum, It gains much easier access to the brain because Triglyceride levels are low when its cold and you’re not supposed to eating carbs! Wild mammals have no problems with this rule but mammals who can control their environment always seem to. This mismatch cause inflamamtion at our gut lining and raises IL-6 , TNF alpha, and NF kappa beta.
All three block leptin from getting in to the brain! So if it can’t get in, it does not matter if the leptin receptor is set to hold on to the leptin hormone tightly in a love lock. Here is another reason “starches” are not safe in winter period. This is also why diabetics why are told to eat carbs year round never get better! Diabetics need winter and cold more than they know. Diabetes is not a disease. It is normal physiology missing winter. Cold is what reverses their metabolic syndrome completely. Eating carbs in autumn or winter can alter leptin entering the brain at the hypothalamus to derail the ancient pathway before it ever has a chance to work.
NS moment of clarity: This is why diabetics die early. The ACCORD Trial data just showed this. No matter the treatment diabetics get they die 6 years earlier. Change the channel in your head now. If you live within the cold of winter the ancient pathway reverses you metabolic derangement and it confers health and longevity. This is 180 degrees opposite, what a diabetic faces. If you want an optimal life you must live with in the confines of this pathway at all times. This process is a life saver for a diabetic.
Reunite: When Leptin enters the brain it binds to the leptin receptor tightly. It hugs that receptor like a baby latches to a boob when hungry. It this shuts off all hunger signals rather abruptly in the brain. I am talking like lighting fast. People in cold have no hunger cravings.
STEP 6: Simultaneously, The cold also raises IGF-1 (Growth Hormone) levels. When IGF-1 is raised by cold it allows us another shocking benefit. It blocks the action of TNF alpha apoptosis of brown fat. Leptin, is also now indicted as a co murder too. (it cause fat apoptosis) See below.
Non scientist alert: Leptin and IGF-1 are the mafia hit men of your fat cells in cold. They just melt your fat cells from your body, by killing them permanently!
Geeks are up: The cold decreases our WAT but it also favors formation of BAT. Paracrine factors synthesized by BAT include nerve growth factor (NGF), vascular endothelial cell growth factor (VEGF), angiotensinogen, and NO. The secretion of NGF occurs primarily from proliferating brown pre-adipocytes and in this capacity is believed to promote sympathetic innervation of the tissue which in turn permits increased norepinephrine stimulation of the cells in BAT to allow the mammal to liberate calories as free heat and not ATP to generate energy.
Irisin from muscle, stimulates the formation of BAT from pre adipocytes in WAT, in the face of extreme low leptin levels with low cortisol levels. The leptin levels get rid of the extra adipocytes via cell suicide. Told ya’ leptin was the Quilt’s bad ass hormone. There is no need to store fat when you need free heat to survive.
This is precisely why Sherpa’s exhibit unreal REE, RER and VO2 max measurements compared to the climbers they help reach Everest’s summit. Their metabolisms are so fast that they have to eat pure butter and lard for the last 2000 feet of the climb to Everest’s peak to maintain weight!
WIM HOF Alert: This is why you are a rockstar, Wim it is not the Tummo!. Do not let anyone else tell you otherwise. You remain the best example of the Ancient pathway on this planet today.
PALEO 1.0 and 2.0 dogmatists: Warm adapted mammals wrongly believe that you must increase muscle burning to get rid of fat. That biochemistry is only operational in warm light entrained metabolisms. It does not work that way in cold adapted mammals!
Geeks and Non Scientists unite: Do we have more proof of this in humans. Yes, I do. It comes the frost bite data on young children. When they get frostbite on their faces plastic surgeons realized that they could never repair the fat losses because the fat cells just vanished permanently. This was reported in the literature in 2008. Guess where? MGH at Harvard is the correct answer. Right under the noses of Paleo dogmatists too. Guess what those plastic surgeons did with that observation. They made a company called Zeltiq and became millionaires on the backs of fat humans. You can now go to any plastic surgeon and ask for cool sculpting or Zeltiq and have your fat frozen away in 45 minutes with a metal plate. It cause apoptosis (for the GEEKS) and is called permanent fat loss for NON SCIENTISTS. For the dogmatists, it’s called a biologic reality check.
Immunity too, loves it’s alpha mSH from POMC. Evolution’s Leaky Gut Rx is right here folks
NS: Say good bye to adrenal fatigue and adrenal issues.
How? Remember POMC proteins we talked about earlier?
Reunite: POMC cleaves into alpha MSH and ACTH! Both rise huge! Clarity moment for all you afraid of the cold! Your brain is wired to raise ACTH and optimize cortisol in cold. Can I hear a Hallelujah from the followers!
The activation of these programs in BAT has another more clever evolutionary role. It allows for activation and repair of the immune system to protect us maximally when we are facing a chronic caloric deficits to survive chronic seasonal cold temperatures. Cold thermogenesis actually strengthens adrenal function by increasing alpha MSH levels across the entire genome and really is the key to the biochemical pathway. These are the ancient leptin- melancortical pathways. Normally low dietary calorie densities lead to a failing immune system in new born mammals. In cold we do not see this. Polar bear cubs are born in the dead of the winter and live 3-4 months before they emerge from the Den the first time and rarely die from immunity. They die because of starvation once they are out in the environment. Momma is their main food source, not the polar arctic’s food chain.
Thyroid too?
All reunite: The warm adapted story of metabolism and biochemistry you hear regurgitated everywhere on the net
Once leptin enters and binds to its receptors, it effects the lateral hypothalamic tracts to immediately send a second messenger signal to the thyroid to signal it to up-regulate thyroid function and efficiency. See whne we are warm adapted it require help to partially access this pathway from T3 hormone. If you are LR you never can access this pathway. This specifically is how we can raise our basal metabolic rate when we are leptin sensitive. These coupled events, matched with leptin’s actions peripherally in muscles, occur at the UCP3 sites to burn fat as we sleep at a higher basal metabolic rate. This means electron chain transport does not make ATP as usual. Something unusual occurs in the matrix to alter the metabolic rate during sleep. When leptin allows this uncoupling to occur we make heat and not energy from normal metabolism. This means we will burn off our excess calories as pure heat. This is one reason why calories in and calories out argument makes no biologic sense once you understand how leptin works. Humans are built to burn fat at night as we sleep to loose excess weight we don’t need. This is our modern day equivalent of hibernation. Out big fat amazing human brain got rid of winter sleep and took over a two hour window during sleep to replace it. CT-7 covers the gorgeous symphony of human circadian biology. Since it shrunk our risk of mismatches has risen exponentially. This is how your brain or feelings, can undercut you, when you are unaware of what a sped up epigenetics meant to human mammalian biochemistry.
Skeptics: You wanted data, and now I am killing you with it.
The cold adapted human thyroid FXN: does not bother with T3 at all. Why? When you are supremely LS by cold you go straight the the source, the hypothalamus and make TRH from the brain. The brain controls all thyroid function in cold. Forget the Moose thyroid.
Skeptic Bomb: You bypass all hormones and TSH too. TRH drives the whole show. The brain is completely in control and it up regulates fat burning everywhere. This is how the Ancient Pathway lights your pilot light. The warm adapted human always complains about the cold and always feels cold. The cold adapted on is always pink to cherry in cold radiating heat like a furnace. You can thank TRH for this. This is does not even require a thyroid gland either. Is not life grand in the cold, folks?
Sleep is better too, Doc?
During sleep however when our temperatures are lowest, their is autophagic repair constantly ongoing to help repair the immune system. This phenomena is not seen in mammals in warmer environments. Our metabolic and immune functions actually increase because of better autophagy due to calorie restriction and heightened DHEA levels from the cold. Better autophagy also favors deep sleep because it severely lower IL-6 levels. Remember IL-6 is a structural relative to leptin too. This is why it is easy for mammals to sleep deeply in winter months under ground. In the warm adapted mammals the biochemistry books say the opposite is true. They report those mammals have high levels of inflammatory cytokines increase temperature to allow macrophages work better for immune surveillance. That is true in warm adapted but not in cold adapted ones.
Sutherland Simpson has shown that during deep anesthesia a warm-blooded animal tends to take the same temperature as that of its environment. He demonstrated that when a monkey is kept deeply anesthetized with ether and is placed in a cold chamber, its temperature gradually falls, and that when it has reached a sufficiently low point (about 25°C in the monkey), the employment of an anesthetic is no longer necessary to maintain anesthesia. Pretty nifty trick for a surgeon to know. The animal becomes insensible to pain and incapable of being roused by any form of stimulus; it is, in fact, narcotized by cold, and is in a state of what may be called “artificial hibernation.”
Once again this is explained by the fact that the heat-regulating mechanism has been interfered with. Similar results have been obtained from experiments on cats. I believe the same is true in humans as well because I tested this on me.
NS: Isn’t temperature just amazing? Flip it on, and we become superman. Who knew? Who would have thought this? Still thinking all that published research is really worth something to ya’ now?
Implications of the ancient pathway:
Non scientists: No, you do not need exercise to induce fat loss. Major myth propagated by warm adapted modern hominids. They really buy it because they dont walk on the wild side of our biochemistry. Wil Hof does and so do I. In the cold adapted, the rules of engagement change. In fact, you can lose weight with no exercise at all! Yes, I went there. Remember mammals don’t do WOD while they are hibernating!
Geeks: This means that a cold environment (skin temps 50-55 degrees) selects for heat production no matter what the light cycles or the thyroid status says it is on any hormone panel. Anyone who thinks you need carbs to up regulate your thyroid to get you to burn fat just does not understand how we are designed to work in a cold environment. It appears long light cycles and warm temperatures allow for apoptosis for BAT and the growth of WAT in all mammals.
This is why we do not see much BAT in animals that live in the tropics or in humans as they grow into a warm adapted habitat. This includes modern day hominids.This is why many modern day doctors and consultants believe that carbs are needed for thyroid function. Not true if you know about the cold. They don’t and now you do.
Non Scientists: Cold eliminates appetite and hunger period. This makes calorie restriction an easy thing to complete. This means we live longer. Really Doc? Yes, and here is why: anytime we increase REE in mammals in cold it calls for reduced calorie diet; because of this we generate less ROS at the inner mitochondrial membrane. This means that cold thermogenesis will likely extend survival because it selects for longer telomere lengths! To me this information is the most shocking revelation of the evolutionary biology of the leptin receptor.
Are you now starting to see why you feel so good since you trusted me and jumped in the cold water and did not listen to the elitist Paleo 1.0 or 2.0 bloggers? See, I am on your team, and I have been looking out for you because I know something very few do. Now you do too. And I am cashing the check I promised you all, right here and now. Considering the great adaptations this pathway holds, it amazes me why the rest of us are not using it routinely, or why the unhealthy skeptic would not at least try it, as Robb Wolf might say, for 30 days.
Geeks: When leptin is liberated by any biochemical method is generally reduces appetite and all feeding behaviors. Cold environments not only liberate leptin but they also liberate adiponectin while creating an increased production of alpha MSH and ACTH from the POMC protein made in the hypothalamus. Ok, time to hurt your head with some brain biochemistry. Sorry in advance.
The first key was the SCN modulation switch that killed the theory of safe starches, the second shocker is what happens in the hypothalamus with cold because of leptin.
The cold receptors of the skin signal the brain two ways. One is through the brain gut axis (in the mouth, CD36) and the second is via the spinal cord directly from the cold receptors. The chronic stimulation of the cold receptor turns on the production of alpha MSH and ACTH. When ACTH acutely rises your sense of well being rockets northward. We are not talking a small amount either, we are talking a large amount. Real large. If you have been an estrogen collector as a warm adapted hominid (most are too) you will notice some bumps as you adapt. Fear not. It soon shall pass.
Just up your B12, B6, and your betaine HCL acid as you induce CT protocols. So large the increase of alpha MSH and ACTH, that cold adapted mammals tend to have darker skins and the best attitudes even under constant assault. (Think Inuit, Sherpa’s or Monk dark)
The Hypothalamic Cold switch of the Ancient Pathway:
Non Scientists and Geeks unite: This large surge in αMSH acts as a “switch” for our neural biochemistry; it triggers immediate oxytocin release centrally. The high oxytocin levels stimulate the endocannabinoid production from the PVN as well. When both of these hormones are raised simultaneously, it inhibits the release of oxytocin peripherally in tissues. Alll these hormones are made from POMC which is created by AM sunlight in the retina.
It was recently showed that central injections of α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (αMSH) also inhibits oxytocin cells, and reduces peripheral release of oxytocin, but induces oxytocin release from dendrites. Dendritic oxytocin release can be triggered by agents that mobilize intracellular calcium. Mammals all have cold receptor systems that use calcium gated receptors. This is why Cold thermogenesis only requires the skin temperature modualtion to gain entrance to the pathway.
It also makes evolutionary sense because the skin and gut are far more exposed to the elements than the core cold receptors are so it makes the system far more sensitive to the environment as it slowly changes.
The mammalian skin’s cold receptors are calcium gated the TRMP8 cold receptors. Once this receptor is activated it increases mRNA increases in MSH neurons and increases mRNA of UCP 1 and 3 within 4 hours of exposure in the brain and in our muscles. This is a very fast adapting system. When UCP 1 and 3 are raised this signal is transduced over our fluid filled cell membranes (high 06 and 03 content) to increase the numbers of our mitochondria in our FAT. White fat becomes brown fat and the first fat out is visceral fat! Say goodbye to diabetes.
Non Scientists: this means we just invited a fat burning specialist where our big fat stores are so we can get skinny real fast and live longer too.
Reunite: In a warm adapted mammals to be able to do this we would need to be LS and have adequate T3 hormone. We don’t need any T3 in cold. Mitochondrial biogenesis is increased dramamtically and WAT turns immediately to BAT and fat is obliterated. This is how evolution cures diabetes. If your a diabetic you better start embracing the cold and loving the winter. It is the key for reversing most of your big issues. No CARBS while doing it either! Modern medicine has this ass backwards and it is the reason no one is “cured”.
More implications of the Ancient pathway, it is designed for optimal human longevity. Yep, I went there too. This data implies all that we currently believe about modern neolithic aging may have to be re tested in cold environments. I am pretty confident I am correct. For the last 18 months I have been running two simultaneous N-1 evolutionary directed experiments to disprove this pathway exists. Neither failed. The currency that drives this pathway is Factor X. So you may be asking now, how in the hell is this possible from the biochemistry angle? Here is another sharp turn in the road.
The ability to extend life is due to a cold confirmational change in the leptin receptor! If researchers just alter their testing environments they could use the natural power of leptin to shut hunger off completely and allow humans to make life long calorie restriction an easy task. But what that really means is more important. All neolithic disease of aging can effectively reversed, if we work within this pathway constantly, and not outside it constantly as modern life has dictated.
What is clear is that this ancient pathway is hardwired into all of our DNA and our brains and has not been extinguished. I think I know why too. That is also tied to Factor X. I believe that cold is a game changer for longevity and the reversal of many neolithic diseases of aging too. I think if we just change the environmental factor when we study longevity we can activate this ancient mammalian program for improved survival. It also means that humans might be best adapted for longevity to a certain environment for survival as well. These insights floored me when I was studying leptin and how I might use it to reverse my own obesity.
1.0 and 2.0 skeptics here: This theory is backed up by these findings in 2006. In November 2006, a team of scientists from the Scripps Research Institute reported that transgenic mice which had body temperature 0.3-0.5 C lower than normal mice (due to overexpressing the uncoupling protein 2 in hypocretin neurons (Hcrt-UCP2), which elevated hypothalamic temperature, thus forcing the hypothalamus to lower body temperature) indeed lived longer than normal mice. The lifespan was 12{a7b724a0454d92c70890dedf5ec22a026af4df067c7b55aa6009b4d34d5da3c6} longer for males and 20{a7b724a0454d92c70890dedf5ec22a026af4df067c7b55aa6009b4d34d5da3c6} longer for females. Mice were allowed to eat as much as they wanted. The effects of such a genetic change in body temperature on longevity is harder to study in humans, but now in the age of telomere biology I think this is soon to change too. The UCP2 genetic alleles seen in humans so far are associated with obesity so I think this link is biological plausible and very likely too. Having fun yet?
Non Scientists: The ancient pathway confers optimal living but also longevity for humans. The leptin receptor becomes super sensitive and turns on Alpha MSH and ACTH production in every neural circuit in our brain to allow us to have total metabolic efficiency. It basically lights our pilot lights of our internal furnaces. Isn’t fat burning grand in cold!
1.0 and 2.0 skeptics here: Why temperature is a bigger deal for longevity than most think: Quantum biology/Kitavins link
H.M. Vernon has done work on the death temperature and paralysis temperature (temperature of heat rigor) of various animals. He found that species of the same class showed very similar temperature values, those from the Amphibia examined being 38.5°C, Fish 39°C, Reptilia 45°C, and various Molluscs 46°C. Also, in the case of Pelagic animals, he showed a relation between death temperature and the quantity of solid constituents of the body.
In higher animals, however, his experiments tend to show that there is greater variation in both the chemical and physical characteristics of the protoplasm, and hence greater variation in the extreme temperature compatible with life. This means that clinicians who base their beliefs on longevity data on lower animals might be making a big error in judgement about the effects of cold on mTOR and IGF-1 pathways.
Until the effects of thermal coefficient of the environment is studied with calorie restriction in humans and primates we may never have this answer. Understanding the evolutionary reasons for how the system evolved how might give us better insight what really is best for longevity.
Moreover, we do have some very serious data from biology and physics that show us that in polar animals their enzymes and proteins work very differently in cold then they do in warm environmental animals who have the same proteins. This implies that quantum biology is at play. We have known this data since the mid 90’s but the two fields of science do not mingle often. Psychrophilic organisms are capable of growth and reproduction in cold temperatures, ranging from ~15°C to +10°C. Temperatures as low as ~15°C are found in pockets of very salty water surrounded by sea ice in our polar seas. Psychrophilic organisms have successfully colonized polar and alpine regions and are able to grow efficiently at sub-zero temperatures. At the enzymatic level, such organisms have to cope with the reduction of chemical reaction rates induced by low temperatures in order to maintain adequate metabolic fluxes for biochemical reactions. Thermal compensation in cold-adapted enzymes is reached through improved turnover number and catalytic efficiency of their biochemical reactions.
The environments they inhabit are ubiquitous on Earth, as a large fraction of our planetary surface experiences temperatures lower than 15°C. They are present in alpine and arctic soils, high-latitude and deep ocean waters, polar ice, glaciers, and snowfields. They are of particular interest to astrobiology, the field dedicated to the formulation of theory about the possibility of extraterrestrial life, and to geomicrobiology, the study of microbes active in geochemical processes.
In experimental work at University of Alaska Fairbanks, a 1000 liter biogas digester using psychrophiles harvested from “mud from a frozen lake in Alaska” has produced 200-300 liters of methane gas per day, about 20-30 {a7b724a0454d92c70890dedf5ec22a026af4df067c7b55aa6009b4d34d5da3c6} of the output from digesters in warmer climates. This implies that the same organisms in different parts of our planet with one environmental change can produce more work and energy than those in others? Sound familiar? HCG diet? Calorie restriction? Michael Phelps? Lance Armstrong? Anyone?
All unite: The point is if life can do this people! Become aware of it now! I am fine with you not believing this, but honestly, science does not care if you believe it or not. It remains true, despite your dogma. The reality I am giving you here is a new world order for biology. It means evolution has had to face this in our past.
It also means that our biochemistry changes drastically when the environment changes. What happens to Kitavans and Masai do not equal Inuits, Sherpa’s or Emperor penguins. It means comparing these groups are like comparing apples to oranges, but we see many in the blogosphere make that error all the time.
This is why the macronutrient arguments are a pure waste of time. The environment is what controls epigenetics and epigenetics controls how biochemistry works. And biochemistry principles have to follow laws of quantum mechanics. Biology is not immune from them. Quantum mechanics is built in to all organic chemistry and biochemistry equations, but we remain unaware of how the effects of quantum biology alters proteins, their bonds and their atoms when extreme situations exist. So what happens in biochemistry at extremes at a sub-cellular levels to proteins, enzymes and leptin you ask?
What does cold do to subatomic biochemisty?
Geeks and Skeptics: Here comes the organic biochemistry answer that will hurt your head. As a biologic rule, all cold-active enzymes display a very high catalytic efficiency, associated simultaneously however, with a very low thermal stability. This means that as the environment cools the physical properties with proteins and their bonds radically change even though their chemical formula does not.
This is due to the quantum effects inherit in their stored energies. In most cases in biology, the adaptation to cold is achieved through a reduction in the activation energy that possibly originates from an increased flexibility of either a selected area or of the overall protein structure. So with a thermal phase change proteins can “rewire” just as an organ can.
This is an ancient evolutionary fractal design plan, where the biology of the organism at a macro organ level, parallels the plasticity in the biochemistry at a subatomic level. This also implies that all organic biochemical levels in between where most biochemical reactions occur have to follow the laws of quantum mechanics as well. The implications here are pretty large because this means that life and enzymes and hormones (leptin) can change their function and chemistry dramatically when faced with just one single variable change the thermal coefficient of the environment they are in.
It is true for many variables found on earth but human lineage has not been affected by some of these through evolution it appears. This enhanced plasticity seems in turn to be induced by the weak thermal stability of psychrophilic enzymes in cells. These evolutionary adaptation strategies are beginning to be understood today by recent advances in the elucidation of the molecular characteristics of cold- adapted enzymes derived from X-ray crystallography, protein engineering and biophysical study methods.
So how long does it take to get into this pathway? Thought you’d never ask.
It requires 2 weeks of cold to get full adaption in humans. Cold is the most potent stimulator of alpha MSH and ACTH production. Oxytocin, like αMSH, mobilizes intracellular calcium stores in oxytocin cells and triggers presynaptic inhibition of afferent inputs that is mediated by endocannabinoids.
More geeky but let’s reunite for learning: Normally hunger would be stimulated by this because it raises agouti levels. But since Agouti uses calcium to be activated, and since calcium is driven down in cold as I mentioned earlier, you have no hunger even though you have low calories and low leptin levels. All of these things should be which should be highly stimulative to hunger, IF IT WAS WARM. That is what the biochemistry books say. This is where the Holy Trinity comes in. It takes the best of CRON and the BEST of HCG and allows us to eat hardly any food at all and not be hungry while our body is burn all our fat to make us this and it increases our body composition because our growth hormone and sex steroid hormones are tightly bound to our receptors firing on all cylinders.
To prevent the natural decline in fat mobilization with a calorie restricted diet, cold thermogenesis is the only permanent alternative way to stimulate leptin release to decrease muscular malonyl-CoA. There is another non permanent way do to it with the fat burning hormone called HCG. The problem with HCG it’s effects on this system do not invoke the epigenetic programing changes in the liver or brain because the hormone is only active in human pregnancy.
It is not designed by evolution to work full time, just for nine months in the placenta to liberate fats for fuel. It appears to also work on the muscles and on the endogenous opioid system to gain some of its effects. This is why it works clinically, and it has little to do with the restricted caloric diet. Anyone who is warm adapted and employs a calorie restricted diet of 500 calories immediately raises their cortisol which turns off their thyroid by turning all T3 and T4 to rev T3. This is basic warm adapted biochemistry 101. This does not happen on the HCG diet. But its effects are short lived for the reasons previously mentioned and that is why people have to remain on protocol for it to work. Not a good long term strategy, if you ask me. But it does work, so I hope all the bloggers and paleo hackers out there can stop name calling the HCGers. Moving to Fairbanks and beginning to swim in the Arctic Circle , maybe be a better long term move for a couple of years until the fat is gone! Wil Hof supports this message.
Cold thermogenesis allows for a constant supply of fatty acids to continuously enter the mitochondria where fat is turned to free heat to allow the mammal to tolerate the cold and where the brain is rewired to allow the liver, heart and skeletal muscle to survive on a ketogenic diet indefinitely for long-term survival.
This evolutionary adaptation provides substantial fuel for the body while not depleting blood glucose. This is how mammals naturally adapted over time and why they were naturally selected for by evolution in their environments. This adaptation optimized fat utilization to prevent the need for the body to use lean tissue reserves during extreme caloric deficits. This is why mammals were ideally adapted for hibernation too until they got too smart for their own genes sake.
Non Scientists: This means we get big ass muscles, lose our fat, and our ability to perform tasks rises beyond belief, while we do no exercise! Got it! This is the road to Optimal we all want that no one thinks exists. It does. I found it, and live in it a lot these days.
Reunite: Our biochemistry changes when temperature changes at the hypothalamic level. This implies that biochemistry also “rewires” as the organ rewires. Cold is very thermoplastic in all mammals. Thank god, our ancestors were all mammals, huh! I know you’re all saying it can’t be true doc, can it? If it were, wouldn’t everyone would be doing it?
Clarity Moment: Yes, if they knew about it. They do not. It has been in the human blind spot for millions of years because we do not live in these areas of cold and we evolved in the middle of Africa just 2.5 million years ago. the other problem is that since no one knew it existed the smart humans (Paleo 1.0 and 2.0 folks and their researcher’s buds and all those trainers.nutritionists and dieticians) never studied it.
NASA found it in the 1960’s and then tested the Sherpas. Albert Schweitzer and Weston Price saw it in the Inuits in the 1900-30’s before they were polluted with the SAD. Then their biochemistry vanished. Most modern biochemistry books were done in the 1950’s until today. That is why they do not know. And because they do not know even today, it has become a neolithic thought that has subjugated your paleolithic genes. It is time you are aware of this fact. It is the biggest game changer for modern humans. Now you know it too.
I am proud to finally bring it to your attention for you to discuss and try. I tested the pathway out on my entire family and hundreds of patients. I know the truth. It’s now your turn to find out if I am nuts or perceptive. It’s your choice what to do with it. If you want to eat safe starches year round and slowly deplete your stem cells and shorten your telomeres as you do your WOD, be my guest. I think I would rather roll with Mother Nature, on the path to Optimal health. I have for a long time now, so have my patients.
Radical Rule Number 9: Biochemistry is dictated by this ancient pathway. Warm adapted biochemistry does not apply to a cold adapted brain
Skeptic Alert: If you still doubt this you will pay a huge biologic toll.
All biochemical reactions are thermoplastic in life. This means that many of our assumptions are based on what we know to be true in our current environment and not the ideal environment that sculpted out genome. These are all unexpected results when you consider the content of any modern day conventional biochemistry textbook you read. Why is that? It’s coming at the end of this monster series, I promise. I can’t give it all away.
Neglected geeks: So let’s review this again from another biochemical perspective. Simulation of cold in studies have shown administration of a fatty acid synthase (FAS) inhibitor (leptin) to the central nervous system in obese mice, dramatically reduces feeding behavior, with the increase in hypothalamic malonyl-CoA concentrations.
These findings show that during very-low-calorie diets (think HCG use in humans), a stimulant of a FAS inhibitor like leptin or alpha MSH, would raise malonyl-CoA levels, and decrease the expression of NPY and AgRP to destroy hunger to allow you to actually exist on 500 calories. The reason so many Paleo’s pound HCGer’s is because they are clueless about how cold thermogenesis pathways work.
Clinically this would sustain satiation for longer periods of time with less food. So what could fully induce this program? Cold environments with low light levels are the evolutionary medicine response I give now. This is where the Holy Trinity meets Optimal. I am inclined to believe this is precisely how the injectable form of HCG allows people to subsist on 500 calories without hunger.
I think the reason the injectable HCGers find they need to continue with the protocol to maintain their weight loss is that they are not controlling for the thermal coefficient of their environment while on HCG. Ironically, most of those patients do report feeling cold, too, on the HCG protocol. This is no mystery. It has to do with the activation of the cold receptors in the CNS/spinal cord by the HCG itself. The pathway does not activate fully because of the lack of action on the cold receptors of the skin.
The brain is expecting the signal so it appears as a sensation to the women who use HCG from the unopposed spinal cord receptors in the CNS. HCG, in my opinion, is a partial agonist to this ancient pathway. My bet is if HCG was tested in colder climates, in a human adult, s it would be might be beneficial for weight loss because it would use leptin and alpha MSH as its tailwind hormones to induce more permanent fat burning while increasing TRH in the brain. In my opinion, using CT is a far better option, period.
Okay, I did not get the brain stuff. Tell me that again, Doc.
Non Scientists: All these proteins and hormones allow for some amazing adaptations and behaviors in humans because of the cold.
Reunite: These signals should dramatically reduce feeding behavior in cold. They all do. The peripheral cold receptors also send signals to the brain’s higher cortex signaling that something has dramatically changed in the peripheral environment. The cold releases large amounts of leptin from all stores. This increase in serum leptin is very steep and sustained over weeks to months, and is simultaneously registered in the human hypothalamus by forcing NPY and AgRP (agouti) to very low levels.
When NPY is low the dietary needs for carbohydrates diminish and should be eliminated. IE: biology does not expect to see a banana in your mouth in the winter at any point and if you see it there you will pay. (NS:bye bye safe starch theory) NPY is also known bu neuroscientists to drive carbohydrate cravings in all humans. NPY is high in high light levels and low in cold environments. This makes sense because carbohydrates do not grow in low light or cold environments, so evolution is acting in a congruent fashion with the normally expected biology correlates. Evolutionary biology has no built-in answer for carbs in winter period. So, if you eat them you will pay a huge biologic price.
NS: Fig 1 is modern man of this axiom. See our modern mediocre diabetic species loaded with neolithic disease and lots of little fat humans to follow for generations because of our sped up epigenetics. Still with me, nonscientists (NS)?
Geek Fest: The fall in agouti related peptide completely destroys our appetite. This also makes evolutionary sense if you think about it. If one was in a winter polar hellhole, it would be wise to control hunger since food is quite sparse in a short growth season. This would allow the animal to exist on a low to no calorie diet for an extended period time to survive. This is precisely how present-day eutherian mammals survive the polar winters.
Since we are descended from them this program is built into to our DNA too, even though we rarely use it. But guess what, .its there and I found it in my neurosurgery books. this pathway completely explains the modern Sherpa’s ability, it explains Wil Hof, Phelps, Armstrong, NASA’s astronauts and Schweitzer’s 1913 reports on the Inuit.
Reunite: In the summer, polar mammals become IR eating many seasonal fruits and tubers and they develop IR which signals their hypothalamus that it is time to den and hibernate. The carbohydrate gut signal causes sped up circadian clocks of the gut ATPase. Carbs are very stimulatory to the chemical clocks in our cells. This acute large dietary load of carbs then causes an inefficiency at the Mg/ATPase. This means that Magnesium levels drop and we do not make ATP well. We become metabolically inefficient.
Our DHEA levels fall and we get the sense of lost energy. We also lose autophagy efficiency of sleep. This is all seen in modern diabetics worldwide. See, diabetes is not a disease. It is how mammals signal for the coming winter. It how evolution told us we are too account for seasonal time. We just created a perennial summer with 24/7 access to carbs and negated winter entirely with warm clothes, warming seats in Escalades, LED TV’s and iPhones, and heating systems in our houses. See evolution has no plan for that either. If you avoid winter you pay for it in disease. Our brains rapid development caused this major mismatch. It’s time to pull your head from your hindquarters and realize it too. You control all the cards here.
Just in the last three years, were learned that all mammals have the ability to alter their cell membrane fatty acid content to improve fluidity in cold temperatures. This signal is then sent to the stromal cells where omega 6’s levels are higher and there is a rapid replacement of omega 6’s fats into cell membranes prior to hibernation. Amazingly, recent studies showed, the amount of so-called “n-6” polyunsaturated fatty acids (those with the final double bond at the sixth position) in the membranes was found to increase dramatically before the start of hibernation, apparently to prepare the body, and particularly the heart, for operation at very low temperatures.
Consistent with this idea, the transition to a higher content of n-6 fatty acids in membranes takes place extremely rapidly just before the animals enter their hibernation chambers. The changes are reversed, again over a short time, around the termination of hibernation in spring, when the animals return to a life at high body temperatures and circadian biology is entrained to photic signals and they gut as carbohydrates reappear in longer light cycles. This carbohydrate presence increases NPY in the brain and the leptin-melanocortin pathway is closed until it is induced by cold in a cyclic fashion.
These adaptations allow mammals huge advantages at the polar regions. These animals are then able to go 4-6 months in a deep sleep without eating or drinking and survive with no problem at all. They are also resistant to the pain of cold too. This is why diabetics also have chronic pain so often and neuropathy. It is reversible too. Why do I know that? I have done it and I ran some interesting experiments to prove it. That will be in the book.
Why can mammals who are cold adapted resist pain? Chronic cold lowers IL-6 and leptin levels, which signal the brain through the skin, mouth, and gut. This signal results in elevated hypothalamic alpha MSH and ACTH secretion by the POMC neurons POMC is a hypothalamic protein. Elevations of POMC also explain why the native Inuit and Sherpa’s have tinted skin. Tinted skin also is protective against the cold. I love when a story comes together, don’t you?
Reunite and hold hands. We’re going on the rollercoaster one more time. Take a breath. Alpha MSH and ACTH cleavage from POMC is activated when this set of circumstances is called for by the environmental triggers. High levels of alpha MSH also raises DHEA levels while reducing IL-6 levels so that sleep is naturally selected for as well with this epigenetic program. When DHEA raises it increases the efficiency of autophagy.
This makes low caloric density possible because the requirements for nutrients drop as the mammals become more metabolically efficient. The reason this system exists is that mammalian evolution called for it at one time because all life depended upon it. Was it life’s origin, who knows, but it works this way 100{a7b724a0454d92c70890dedf5ec22a026af4df067c7b55aa6009b4d34d5da3c6} of the time.
90{a7b724a0454d92c70890dedf5ec22a026af4df067c7b55aa6009b4d34d5da3c6} of all life on this planet still lives in these climates in our ocean depths and in the polar seas. This is also true in the alpine and deep tundra regions of our planet today. It used to be the normal program of all mammalian life on our planet, but in modern times that has changed radically. Today, we make up part of the 10{a7b724a0454d92c70890dedf5ec22a026af4df067c7b55aa6009b4d34d5da3c6} who have naturally adapted away from this program. But we think somehow we are so special.
(Neolithic thought cutting your knees out from under you) But be very aware that this program is hardwired into our DNA in every mammal on this planet, including us. If you eat outside its cycle you pay a huge price. I know because I take care of those prices in surgeries and disease statistics and you all see what Disney and Walmart visits have become in modern times. Both places littered with obese humans who use motorized carts to get around. The proof is everywhere you look when plug in what I am sharing with you.
Radical Rule #9: It appears modern humans have found that partial activation of this system is possible with injectable HCG, CRON, metformin, turmeric, resveratrol, the modern paleo diet, and low leptin levels. None of these work well individually unless they are all coupled together simultaneously. The Ancient pathway shows its power when all are present together.
Today’s beliefs about the paleo diet are just partial truths. They are true, but the benefits are greater when you marry the optimal diet with the Ancient Pathway. The modern paleo diet is just a part of this gorgeous pathway in our human brain. It will not work unless all conditions are met in unison. This implies anyone who uses a part of the pathway is only tapping a small part of optimal living. Add them all up, and well you probably won’t believe some of the things you might be able to do from this night forward. I know I still can’t fathom it all, after 6.5 years.
So how does biochemistry work in us normally when we are warm adapted?
Geek Alert: In the normal thermic environment most humans are in today we see dramatic increase’s in skeletal muscle leptin sensitivity while simultaneously decreasing muscle malonyl-CoA needs. When this process occurs it triggers a metabolic pathway that determines whether or not fat is used for energy by the mammal or not. Muscle malonyl-CoA is a potent allosteric inhibitor of a muscle enzyme called carnitine palmitoyltransferase (CPT-1). CPT-1 opens a “door” on the inner mitochondrial membrane. It allows for the entrance of fatty acids to enter the mitochondria and be converted into energy. When CPT-1 is deactivated by muscle malonyl-CoA, entry of fatty acids into mitochondria for β-oxidation is inhibited. This means no fat burning is possible.
AMPK is deactivated and it activates the enzyme Acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC). ACC creates malonyl-CoA, which inhibits CPT-1, and thus reduces fatty acid oxidation. It allows human to adapt by burning other sources of fuels in the muscles layers and saving the fat for long term survival. After eating, when blood glucose and blood leptin levels increase, the activation of AMPK deactivates ACC, which decreases muscular malonyl-CoA. As muscle malonyl-CoA declines, CPT-1 activates and opens access for fat into the mitochondria, where energy can be supplied through β-oxidation. This explains how eating food, that is not yet in a form that can be captured as energy, can stimulate the use of stored fuel for immediate use.
Non Scientists: When you eat a warm adapted safe starch diet you can follow the research in today’s books and all the conventional wisdom of modern man. You can also find these proofs in most paleo 1.0 and 2.0 books. You will likely die earlier than normal, and you will get diseases you don’t want either. The more you work out to avoid a bad body, the faster your life force depletes. But you will have a good looking body for a time before it falls apart too. Think Arnold Schwarzenegger or Grete Waitz. If you chose to limit your carbs, and not work out like a nut at a WOD, you won’t die early, but some bloggers will make fun of your skinny fat and other body parts. Both groups will have lots of fertility problems too. Think hypothalamic amenorrhea, eating disorders, hypogonadal failures, the need for in vitro fertilization and expensive doctoring, etc. It is called the world you live in today.
Cold Thermogenesis is the primordial mammalian biochemistry. Let’s see optimal now.
Geek Fest: Cold has more effects on cardiac and skeletal muscle. Cold thermogenesis activates a program in the brain that stimulates the skeletal muscle to increases fatty acid oxidation (fat burning) and this chronic exposure increases resting energy expenditure (RER). RER controls precisely how many calories are required for us to eat in a given day. If you look at most calculators of REE or RER they never include the most important variable,
Temperature, pure and simple. They are assuming you are 98.6 F. Cold exposure reduces the need for calories tremendously in this equation but allows us to increase our metabolic function (increases VO2 max) to thrive and improve survival. Stop for a minute and think what this means. It means you can eat less and survive while increasing your metabolic rate as you do it! This set of circumstances seems impossible.
But it is not. In fact, the Russian Federation used it to kill us in the winter Olympic games for close to 100 years. The ante was raised in 1957 when Russia beat us to space. NASA was formed and they found out about cold thermogenesis in the most improbable of places where it was cold, high and closer to space. They met the Sherpa’s of Mount Everest. NASA astronauts were sent to train with Sherpa’s and Sherpa’s were studied by our scientists to see what “magic powers” they had that our astronauts needed for spacewalks in its extreme cold. They learned quickly that cold is a game changer for human physiology.
It created a superhuman physiology.A pathway, who does not require the human to eat or drink often and yet could sleep like a baby. One who had superhuman immunity and superfecundity. It also showed that a Sherpa had super strength and an incredible metabolic rate. Sometimes it was 400-500{a7b724a0454d92c70890dedf5ec22a026af4df067c7b55aa6009b4d34d5da3c6} above the people they were leading up the mountain.
There is a guy right now in the Arctic named Wil Hof, who does all this stuff now but has no clue why he can do it. Ray Cronise is working with him too now. He believes his mind is special and confers to him these amazing abilities. I am here to tell you he is no different than you or I. That ability is built into each and every human who wants to access it. Optimal is no longer a mystery to humans, it has now become a choice for you today. I have been living in and out of it for 6.5 years.
I have done something things that would blow your mind. I expect to share some of them at Paleo fx and the remainder of this year before my book comes out. The Ancient pathway existence is why they can do this stuff, folks. It is conferred to us amazing abilities that few of us ever tap, let alone think of. It is in modern man’s blind spot, but it has been partially seen in many aspects of human history. Most biochemistry books that smart organic chemists read have been published from 1950. None of them have used the Sherpa’s or any cold adapted mammal to test this. this is why we don’t know about it. It is hard to study something you remain blind too.
My 2012 goal was to allow sunshine to hit this pathway for the entire world to see.
It was how I how brought myself back to health. I used it on my family as soon as it worked on me and then my patients asked for help soon thereafter too. In my encore podcast with Jimmy Moore, I told you I was onto something big. Here it is.
NASA found that Sherpa’s had to eat pure lard and butter to maintain their weight when they left base camp for the climb to the top and yet they still shredded weight! In the years after these discoveries, new discoveries added more drama to the story. In 1994 leptin was found, and completely explained why their metabolic rates were so amazing. It appears as the cold continues chronically, leptin leeches out from human fat rapidly and WAT undergoes apoptosis while BAT is naturally selected for.
Simultaneously, the leptin receptor becomes ultra-sensitive to any level of leptin by quickly lowering cortisol levels while dramatically increasing alpha MSH and ACTH. It is like the brain gets jolted into a new realm and immediately rewires, its abilities. Cold temperatures also sensitize muscles to leptin function and there is a quick adaptation by the hypothalamus and we see a dramatic fall in reverse T3 levels in those who are LR. The increase in muscular performance is the most dramatic in human biology. It can create a super athlete if it used properly overtime during adaptation.
Moreover, it appears the Sherpa’s are great athletes for climbing Everest because they are naturally adapted to cold and pressure. They remain the last humans who live most of their lives in this environment, but their current diet is not optimal to use this ancient pathway because the mountains block them from the sea. This means there is more performance available to us if we optimize the diet of the ancient pathway.
Its close but its not optimal because they have no access to the sea like the Inuits do. Modern Inuits have been ruined by modern man’s diet and warm conveniences, just as we have been. Our biology is built to need winter to offset the damages done in summer. This is why our species is mediocre today. It appears evolution used it before for other reasons and that is why we keep it in our brains tightly locked away for a rainy day. The Sherpa’s performance, even on a suboptimal diet, still exceeds most warm adapted humans to a great degree. This should make every crossfitter stop and think. This tells you that the Cold is a big factor in all exercise platforms. Another thing a crossfitter should consider as they kill themselves at a WOD, is how come polar bears and sherpas can kill their performance when they do not eat carbs all day and do WOD in the winter months? In fact, polar bears become elite athletes by sleeping and being cold. I remember distinctly hearing Robb Wolf’s podcasts saying how important sleep really is but we don’t know why.
Well, I do.
When I learned about the SCN ability to change biochemical teams, about how leptin controls the metabolic gate of the Ancient pathway’s function, and how all steroid receptors increase their binding affinities in cold, it was on like Donkey Kong. I stopped settling for a D or a C when I realized an A was available to me. This amazing performance ability is what makes Sherpa’s excellent guides to lead climbers to the Himalaya’s summits with no problem. It also makes polar bears apex predators in the Arctic.
Non Scientists: Just get cold adapted using my protocol and eat a ketogenic paleo diet and watch your entire life change in a year like mine did.
New science has shown that this epigenetic program is hardwired in us and can be instantly implemented by anyone who understands how the system is designed to work. It can be used to counterbalance the symptoms of starvation whilst improving metabolic rates to help body composition and increase muscular strength and output while eating 40-60{a7b724a0454d92c70890dedf5ec22a026af4df067c7b55aa6009b4d34d5da3c6} less than non adapted humans.
When leptin signaling is supra-sensitized in the brain, muscle and liver levels by cold thermogenesis alone, some truly counterintuitive things occur. Biochemistry at extremes works by different rules. These rules are NEVER used in modern research on human physiology. This implies, caveat emptor on every bit of CW, or new paleo dogma, you are hearing these days.
Geeks: In cold environments in earth evolutionary history (ice ages), food scarcity explains the adaptations to thirst, appetite, and increased immunity. They also exhibit a rapid increase in the expression of skeletal muscle peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-α (PPARα). This is a transcriptional activator of fatty acid oxidizing enzymes which mobilize fat for immediate use. PPAR α also up-regulates uncoupling protein 3 (UPC3) we spoke about in the post Why is Oprah Still Obese?. UCP 3 requires T3 and leptin or heightened receptor sensitivity to be working optimally for full functioning in normal environments. In cold environments, it appears the need for optimal T3 levels are provided by the immediate transformation of reversing reverse T3 back to T3 and T4 to stimulate thermogenesis peripherally.
Once this is exhausted, TRH from the brain takes over and drives our body to NIRVANA. Leptin levels no longer drive reverse T3 higher as it does in normal physiologic conditions we see today in humans. UCP3 allows skeletal muscle to turn ATP into pure heat by uncoupling oxidation phosphorylation in the mitochondria. This means per unit calorie burned, less ROS occurs at the inner mitochondrial membrane at cytochrome one (NADH). This implies that our mitochondria are “less leaky” and more efficient burners of energy.
The most efficient fuel for this pathway is a ketogenic paleolithic diet. The colder a mammal goes the more 03 it needs for optimal cell membrane signaling. It uses 06’s first in fall as temperatures gradually fall. See, 06’s are not always bad. You need context. Your ideal 06/03 ratio for optimal life needs to be around the 4:1 level for optimal functioning in this pathway.
It also implies that any mammal can raise its own RER and VO2 max easily in cold, increasing their ability to work effectively using less energy! This caught NASA attention in the late 1960’s and they went to the Himalaya’s to check the Sherpa’s abilities. The results of this research were recently just licensed to a company in California called VASPER. One of my colleagues is an investor in this company. The data on VASPER is all NASA generated in space.
This is the best cold adapted human data on this planet because it was not done on this planet. It was done on the space shuttle and on the International Space Station. NASA has measured this in its astronauts and Sherpa’s and found this all to be true. The Russian’s have known about this way before we have. They have used this technology to destroy other countries athletes at the Olympic games since the 1940’s when their scientists first found it.
This information is why NASA was able to reduce food and water payloads in subsequent space expeditions on the shuttle to save fuel and reduce risks of explosion. They also shared this information with the US Olympic committee. I suspect this is how Phelps and Armstrong found this out as well and it likely has much to do with their accomplishments. This is the best of all worlds to the athlete and to the mammal who needs to perform and or live optimally. (Hey Don L are you listening?)
If evolution faced the dilemma in our past, it has a plan for life to survive. I believe all life began in a frozen world at the bottom of our ocean. Cold is the primordial condition everywhere in the universe, not just here on earth. I think it is amazing to me that we have not realized this before now. It appears our current reality of life on land is generalized to all other places. This is another neolithic thought that keeps the Ancient pathway in your blind spot. I hope I just put some Windex on your glass eyes tonight.
Evolution’s modus operundi makes order from chaos. We need to learn how to embrace the biochemistry of chaos in order to understand what we are ideally adapted to and what we are ideally adapted to eat. There are some deep biologic implications in these lessons for humans. Biology, chemistry, and physics all exhibit unusual processes at extremes. Modern life is not lived at these extremes any longer but our metabolic engines are designed to live there. This is a biologic mismatch of evolutionary design caused by Factor X.
Let’s review this again. Let’s all reunite and hold hands while singing kumbaya!
1. Considering that 90{a7b724a0454d92c70890dedf5ec22a026af4df067c7b55aa6009b4d34d5da3c6} of the earth’s current biome lives in extreme conditions on our own planet today still, we might need to consider that what we think is “our normal environment” is not so normal for most of life on our planet or our evolutionary history.
2. Human cold receptors: (Geeks) Cold adaptation takes 2 weeks in humans. It is mediated by surface skin receptors and not the deeper core cold receptors. This is the cold sensory afferent loop The cold receptor is called TMRP8 (transient receptor potential melastatin-8 channel) and is a menthol receptor that is a calcium/sodium voltage-gated channel. These cold receptors wire directly to the dorsal root ganglion in the spinal roots and go to the thalamus and to the spinal cord. This organization is unusual and suggest that humans have a reason for this adaptation and an endogenous cold neurotransmitter system built into their CNS.
TRPM8 activated by cold exhibits steep temperature dependence [temperature coefficient (Q(10)) of ∼40], and the channel openings are accompanied by large changes in entropy and enthalpy, suggesting a substantial conformation change. Relatively little is known about the processing of information from the skin or mucous membrane cold receptors within the central nervous system. But we do know from Dr. Jiango Gu (Univ. Of Florida) research that there are cold receptors in the human spinal cord. There are numerous nerve cells in the thalamus as well that respond only to cooling. Responses to cooling the tongue have been recorded from a single nerve cell of the brain’s thalamus in monkeys and cats (Auen et al., 1980; Lende and Poulos, 1970).
Recently researchers have found how to induce cold in mammals without being exposed to cold temperatures. The research, led by Andrej Romanovsky, MD, Ph.D., Director of the Fever Lab at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Arizona have recently found an antagonist of TMRP8 to induce hypothermia in humans who are awake. Take a guess who is a co-collaborator in this research? None other than Amgen! Remember who buried the synthetic leptin trials? This link to me is very suspicious.
This is being studied at Barrow Neurologic Institute (top neurosurgery program in the USA). Neurosurgery tends to use hypothermia more than any other specialty in medicine because of the protective effects of cold on neurons. I have my eye on this research constantly. I think Amgen knows that cold is the key to many diseases and they want to corner the market on it.
3. Metabolic Trap Door: What most people do not know is how leptin plays a massive role in regulating the entrance to the pathway. Research has revealed that leptin can induce expression of a neuropeptide gene called vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) through the VIP cytokine response element. VIP actually is what sets the circadian pacemaker to light. Leptin yokes metabolism and sleep to the light and dark cycle. When the temperature becomes the dominant environmental trigger and not light cycles, leptin induces endothelial nitric oxide synthetase (eNOS) that shuts down the photic effects of VIP on the SCN. THIS MEANS LEPTIN IS THE ULTIMATE GATEKEEPER OF THE ANCIENT PATHWAY!
It also means that leptin forces the SCN not to be able to use light any longer to yoke our circadian cycles! This is what opens the leptin-melanocortin pathway in mammals. Eating carbohydrates seem to close the gate because of the neural wiring to hypothalamic NPY. This is the main evolutionary biologic reason there are no safe starches in humans.
4. Cold liberates leptin from WAT: If the cold is applied chronically, leptin is naturally released from our WAT and this provides our body with an ample serum level to drive hunger and appetite to the ground. This is why cold will stop many eating disorder behaviors and it is also why those on HCG appear to get the same effect on a 500 calorie diet. It is no surprise to me any longer why HCG works partially in warm adapted humans at all.
It is a placental hormone that burns fat in pregnancy in mammals. It is part of this ancient pathway. It is just not sustainable as a long-term weight loss diet without the cold environment. This makes the HCG diet limited in its use for 99{a7b724a0454d92c70890dedf5ec22a026af4df067c7b55aa6009b4d34d5da3c6} of us, but ideal for the cold-adapted. It is like the seed in a nutrient depleted soil it grows but not all the way because of missing elements. That is the magic recipe of the Ancient Pathway. It needs all players to be present to show its power.
5. The gut control of the sensation of circadin biology is shut down by cold with increased receptor affinity binding becoming dominant body wide: The chronic exposure to cold daily increases the number of mitochondria in white and red skeletal muscle by mitochondrial biogenesis. It also causes the hypothalamus to rewire naturally the lower leptin levels by making the leptin receptor quite sensitive to leptin. This is due to the level dropping but also to the quantum effects that occur to the receptor as the cold becomes chronic because of the peripheral skin receptors.
It appears the leptin receptor is no longer acting in concert with the vagus nerve (as it does normally) but it is driven by the cold receptors in the skin’s surface which are far more accurate as sensing the environment. So this shuts VIP and the gut down gut down as a sensory entrainment organ for circadian biology in mammals. This coupled with the cold and negative leptin levels make us exquisitely sensitive to leptin effects in our hypothalamus.
6. Extreme lowered leptin levels: This immediately drops our appetite while allowing us to eat very few calories. The cold has another surprise for us. It decreases CRH and adrenal cortisol production too while sensitizing its receptor to its function. This means cold can reverse adrenal fatigue by strengthening the receptor without raising the cortisol level! It is, in fact, the best way to improve your stress hormone response by ASI testing. What else can cold do? It increases our endogenous immunity too by sensitizing our receptor to Vitamin D action body wide for survival!
Observed Clinical effects of Cold:
This explains why NASA studies consistently show increases in metabolisms (RER) tested through indirect calorimeters and increased VO2 max testing. This expansion occurs slowly over 36 months. Most modern athletes won’t wait five minutes for the result. Hence why the modern trainers and Exercise physiologist never see it. It also completely explains how a world-class athlete can eat tremendous amounts of calories while not gaining any excess weight while increasing performance.
They become adapted to burning fuels as free heat. This is precisely how Lance Armstrong and Michael Phelps were able to increase their VO2 max, REE, and RER’s while increasing their muscle’s ability to efficiently to move loads. After a recent CT training session, I was able to increase my bench press by 150 pounds with no training! In a recent personal conversation, I found out Wil Hof ran a marathon of 26.2 miles with no training. He also climbed to Mount Everest’s base camp from ground zero with shorts, a T-shirt and a light jacket with no water or supplemental O2. I want to see any warm adapted hominid duplicate this feat. It sounds crazy until you understand the power of this Ancient Pathway.
The athlete athletes of modern times have finally discovered the benefit of cold training. The Russians have been using the same techniques for close to 100 years now. We now know why all the Russian Hockey leagues are located in freezing cold areas. Might this be the Canadians advantage in ice hockey as well compared to US players? Physical exercise, in cold water, such as swimming causes the body to lose heat at a much faster rate than remaining still in the water.
Cold water robs the body’s heat 32 times faster than cold air. Swimming or treading water will greatly increase heat loss by more than 50{a7b724a0454d92c70890dedf5ec22a026af4df067c7b55aa6009b4d34d5da3c6}. This is good for cold adaptation for sports training, but a bad deal if you fall into the Bearing Sea without training. The leptin-melanocortin pathway uses surface skin receptors to work and it does not use the deeper core receptors. This means we can induce this pathway form skin temps between 50-55 degrees safely.
If you cool too fast or drop your core temperatures you can die quickly. Evolution is about the survival of the fittest. Not vice versa. Why would one die? Blood is pumped to the extremities and quickly cooled there. Few people can swim a mile in fifty-degree water because they are not properly cold adapted. Should you find yourself in cold water and are not able to get out, you will be faced with a critical choice; to adopt a defensive posture in the water to conserve heat and wait for rescue, or attempt to swim to safety.
Swimming to safety decreases survival time by 50{a7b724a0454d92c70890dedf5ec22a026af4df067c7b55aa6009b4d34d5da3c6} due to heat loss. The loss of heat increases so fast that it induces core hypothermia faster than the brain can rewire to adapt. Studies on Sherpa’s show it takes them 5 days to cold adapt in the cold air of base camp at Everest. In the people they help climb to the Summit, it take them 2-3 weeks to cold adapt at base camp. Elevation and decreased pressures also cause leptin sensitivity too. It appears that deep pressures also have the same effect. I now believe that life has another circadian cycle that it accounts for in barometric pressures. I am now looking for that “metabolic trap door.” I know it causes an entrance to this pathway too. There is a clear pressure effect on the leptin receptor as well for a reason.
Cold adaptation occurs faster in water. In cold adaptation, this can also be turned into an advantage when one swims because it causes massive calorie burn to free heat allowing the person to eat enormous calories to offset the heat losses. NASA and high-performance athletes use cold water or ice training to complete unreal feats that most cold adapted humans think are impossible. They are impossible to imagine when you do not know how to access them.
Okay, hit me again with the biochemistry.
This material is dense, so let’s review it again from a new angle. Becoming chronically leptin sensitive by cold results in a higher caloric-burning capacity because you become able to increase mitochondria biogenesis dramatically. It also sensitizes the leptin receptor affinity to bind leptin tightly. This increased affinity allows for leptin to induce apoptosis of WAT while Irisin rises and endothelial NOS increase the formation of brown fat to burn more fat as free heat. This is an inducible program that activates just from the chronic cold exposure and has ZERO to do with food or calories.
Surprise! Calories do not matter in this pathway. In fact, they are accounted for completely differently in the cold then they are on the Savana using the exact same pathways! Are you beginning to see a trend here folks? Being cold adapted confers huge advantages to mammals. You can live perfectly fine and be very healthy at the equator but no one can do what cold-adapted humans can do in cold. So living at the equator while eating tight to your circadian biology can give you a B+, but it will never give you an A+. Modern humans routinely think this B+ is an A. Sorry to break the news to you, modern humans. It is not even close.
Remember the name of my website. It is Optimize Life. I don’t settle for anything less than what is out there for me. 6.5 years ago I found what optimal really was about. It is now time you discover it for yourselves.
Radical Rule #9: It should be crystal clear to you now why thinking affects your DNA directly? Thinking errors are the currency of telomere biology. They create the circadian mismatches I have mentioned here and everywhere I talk. The more of these, you make the shorter they become. The toll for bad thinking is paid telomere length and not in money. Telomere length is time. Nothing is more valuable in time. If you do not believe that than you must die by your dogma.
Modern hominids do not use these cold adaptations because our brains rapid evolution has extinguished the need for hibernation from our own mammalian physiology. This keeps it in our blind spot.
When one is not using cold to prime supreme Leptin sensitivity, we expect to see patients who use the same food restriction to see a slowed loss in fat. They also undergo an increased loss of lean tissue reserves and a resulting decline in resting energy expenditure. This occurs because the cold environment is the signal that leptin and T3 use to determines which program is epigenetically expressed. When people try caloric restriction in normal environments the results are dramatically different than they are in cold.
This single issue has hamstrung longevity researchers for quite some time. They have found it extremely difficult to maintain primates and humans on these diets because the subjects are driven to eat more due to increased hunger. It appears longevity research will be changed and their results dramatically altered, just by adding chronic cold exposure to their environments. This means what aging researchers believe today will be demolished by newer studies that employ this evolutionary magic. The results of cold thermogenesis predict that aging will be radically different when it happens in a normal warm adapted environment and a warm adapted diet. The reason is simple. Less ROS from the inner membrane of the mitochondria at cytochrome 1 means longevity is no longer limited by mTOR or IGF-1 as most research today shows in warmly adapted animals or in worms who do not use leptin as we do.
Non Scientists: IF you want to live and live well, become cold adapted ASAP, and stop listening to CW, Paleo Dogma, or anyone from cross fit. What they believe is not true in cold-adapted humans. I hope this gives you, your family, and your friends much to think about. I think I might take a break for awhile before Paleo fx and let you all “stew in these tomatoes” for a while. The implications are huge for our species. This post has transfixed my being for 6.5 years but took me forty years to put together in one place. It changed my life, and the life of those I love, and I hope it changes yours now, too.
Geeks: Thanks for hanging with me through this all.
Skeptics: Dogmatism and skepticism are both, in a sense, absolute philosophies; one is certain of knowing, the other of not knowing. What philosophy should dissipate is a certainty, whether of knowledge or ignorance. (Bertrand Russell)
I hope you enjoyed this. This was foundational work for my entire Quilt. In fact, this is my entire life’s work into one massive blog post. It may be the most important blog I will ever write. I suggest you tattoo it, to the inside of your eyelids and remember it when you need it most. Time is our most valuable asset. As you age that reality will set into each and every one of you. That, I can promise.
I released the e-cookbook on my site today. I hope you like that too. My wife was the brains behind it. I just ate all the meat and protein and let her add the rest of the stuff. LOL, That is a garnish, but she says it tasted really good.
Now let’s all begin to Chase Change together!
Next up CT 7, the Circadian Biology of Humans you need to pay attention too on the road to Optimal.
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- Factor X (May 2012)
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Additional Resources
- EMF 4: Why Might You Need Carbs for Performance?
- The Cold Thermogenesis Protocol
- Cold Thermogenesis 4: The Holy Trinity
- Cold Thermogenesis 5
- Cold Thermogenesis 7
- Is Fish Oil Good Or Bad?
- So You Completed The Leptin Rx? What’s Next?
- Leptin Reset Easy Start Guide
- Why is Oprah Still Obese? Leptin Part 3
- What Powers Life and Death
- How to Change Your Doctor and Your Life
- Kalsbeek A, Fliers E, Romijn JA, la Fleur SE, Wortel J, Bakker O, et al. The suprachiasmatic nucleus generates the diurnal changes in plasma leptin levels. Endocrinology 2001;142:2677-85.
- FACTOR X hint:
- Auen EL DA Poulos H Hirata and JT Molt, Location and organization of thalamic thermosensitive neurons responding to cooling the cat oral-facial regions, Brain Res. 191: 26-264, 1980.
- Blix M, Experimentela bidrag till losning av fragan om hudnervernas specifika energi, Uppsala LakFor Forh 18: 87-102, 1882-83.
- Eccles R DH Griffiths CH Newton and NS Tolley, The effects of menthol isomers on nasal sensation of airflow, Clin. Otolaryngol. 13: 25-29, 1988.
- Hensel H and Y Zotterman, The effect of menthol on the thermoreceptors, Acta Physiol. Scand. 24: 27-34, 1951.
- Hensel H and K Schafer, Effects of calcium on warm and cold receptors, Pfluegers Arch. 352: 87-90, 1974.
- Kenshalo DR and EA Brearley, Electrophysiological measurements of the sensitivity of cat’s upper lip to warm and cold stimuli, J. Comp. Physiol. Psych. 70(1): 5-14, 1970.
- LaMotte RH and JG Thalhammer, Response properties of high-threshold cutaneous cold receptors in the primates, Brain Res. 244(2): 279-281, 1982.
- Lende RA and DA Poulos, Functional localization in the trigeminal ganglion in the monkey, J. Neurosurg. 32: 336-343, 1970.
- Pierau FK J Ullrich and RD Wurster, Effect of calcium and EDTA on the bursting pattern of lingual cold receptors in cats (abstract), Proc. Int. Congr. Physiol. Sci. 27th 13: 1771, 1977.
- Poulos DA, Central processing of cutaneous temperature information, Fed Proc. 40(14): 2825-2829, 1981.
- Schafer K HA Braun and H Hensel, Static and dynamic activity of cold receptors at various calcium levels, J. Neurophysiol. 47(6): 1017-1028, 1982.
- Schafer K HA Braun and C Isenberg, Effect of menthol on cold receptor activity (analysis of receptor processes), J. Gen. Physiol. 88: 757-776, 1986.
- Schafer K HA Braun and L Rempe, Discharge pattern analysis suggests existence of a low-threshold calcium channel in cold receptors, Experientia 47: 47-50, 1991.
- Swandulla D E Carbone K Schafer and HD Lux, Menthol modulates calcium inactivation in neurons, Pfugers Archiv. 405: R39, 1985.
- Swandulla D K Schafer and HD Lux, Calcium channel current inactivation is selectively modulated by menthol, Neuroscience Letters 68: 23028, 1986.
- Feurer I and Mullen JL. Beside measurement of resting energy
- expenditure and respiratory quotient via indirect calorimetry. Nutr
- Clin Prac. February 1986;1:43-49.
- Frankenfield DC, et al. The Harris-Benedict studies of human basal
- metabolism: history and limitations. J Am Diet Assoc. 1998;98:439-445.
- Garrel DR, et al. Should we still use the Harris and Benedict
- equations? Nutr Clin Prac. June 1996;11:99-103.
- Matarese L. Indirect calorimetry: technical aspect. J Am Diet
- Assoc. 1997;97(suppl 2):S154-S160.
- McClave SA and Snider HL. Use of indirect calorimetry in clinical
- nutrition. Nutr Clin Prac. October 1992;7:207-221.
- Position of The American Dietetic Association: weight management. J
- Am Diet Assoc. 1997:97:71-74.
- Schwartz DB: Pulmonary failure. IN Matarese LE and Gottschlich MM:
- Contemporary Nutrition Support Practice. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders,
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- Shick SM, et al. Persons successful at long-term weight loss and
- maintenance continue to consume a low-energy, low-fat diet. J Am Diet
- Assoc. 1998;98:408-413.
- Cold Antarctic fish
- Molecular adaptation to cold
- how does protein change in cold…….
- looking at changes in artic life
It'll take me days to finish reading CT-5 and finally get to this one, but had to say:
"Mother Nature always is right, no matter what the research says."
Right smack on. So often we go looking for "what is the exact ratio of this nutrient to that hormone that will produce the desired effect on this pathology?" instead of asking, "What did people do to thrive on this planet for millennia? What did they have in common?"
First we have to remove the blinders that assume they all died young, then find the reality, as Weston Price did.
BTW, I have lost 50 pounds now without exercising at all.
My hunger continues to decrease daily.
When I added CT two weeks ago, the first week was crazy weird stuff as hormones were in upheaval, then things settled in and last week the fat started to melt off.
Will this lead to a longer life? I don't know. Will it lead to living HEALTHIER for a larger percentage of my life, avoiding the 10-20 years of misery my older family members are now suffering? Without a doubt.
@Momagrok…….you have no idea where it can take you. I do.
@Cu that is it? I expected a bit more.
My, my. God Bless you, Jack Kruse.
@LinD God and Evolution blessed us…… we must go about using the gifts in us.
Thank you Jack CT 6 is amazing!!!!
I just finished reading the monk who sold his Ferrari, good book.
My question is I CT with cold water covering all my legs and half way up my stomach, is that enough or do i need to cover my torso? I thought the amount of skin surface area covered would be enough for cold adaption.
Ps I'm also doing leptin reset where you say no gym work, can i exercise now that i'm doing CT or do the same rules apply? I really miss my heavy weights!!!!
Thanks again Jack
@Sarb just keeping eating correctly, use CT, and if you want to lift lift. I think running sprints is OK too…….anything else is a waste of time.
Oh my god… Jack you should win the next nobel prize. I'm being blinded by the unbelievable light emanating from this post… The world will never be the same indeed. I'm deeply humbled before you Jack, and oh so grateful
@David Our species needs this work…….and researchers need to exploit it. Our futures depend upon it. I have been contacted by some pretty big hitters lately……
This explains everything for me :-O
Every year my weight loss slams into a brick wall right around Halloween and doesn't budge until April. First week of spring,I drop 10 pounds without trying. I couldn't figure it out!
Thanks Dr Kruse!
@Ginastarke It should help anyone who wants help……that excludes dogmatist and the brain dead.
God bless you Jack kruse
I know you and both believe I'm an Estrogen Collector – quoting you " If you have been an estrogen collector as a warm adapted hominid (most are too) you will notice some bumps as you adapt. Fear not. It soon shall pass. Just up your B12, B6, and your betaine HCL acid as you induce CT protocols."
What are the 'bumps' I can expect to encounter?
Aside from a nice clean Offal rich Paleo based diet, do I consider other forms of supplementation of B12, B6? What about betaine HCL?
@Kev labs dude…….get me labs. Then I can be your Rosetta Stone! Its is like your asking me to fix your car but you left it home in the garage!!! LOL
what kind of fat loss can a woman who is 30 lbs over weight expect to lose? Weight always melts off with men. I am 1 week into auto-immune paleo and have noticed nothing but increased tiredness and odd pancreatic and thyroid pain. No fat loss. I am also very mercury toxic and started to gain after amalgams were placed 20 yrs ago. They have been out 2 years and i am chelating with no major improvements. The only diet that allowed me to lose was HCG but it made me so sick b/c i had a huge redistribution of mercury form fat stores and at 37 stopped menstruating.weight all came back after. I am hopeful this will help me FEEL better and lose this horrible fat… i dont deserve given the discipline i apply to eating. also how often should we do this to achieve best results?
"If you have been an estrogen collector as a warm adapted hominid (most are too) you will notice some bumps as you adapt"
Is this why I am now more fatigued after 2 weeks? Inflammation is lowering I'm feeling positive effects and sleeping well in fact- almost -too deeply…is this the bump in the road you are talking about? I am apparently releasing estrogen from fat and it's causing upheaval? How long should that last?
This is an amazing read -thank you!!! I will keep up the CT and the Leptin Rx…this is gold
@nuttmegs yep
mamagrok, what was happening with your hormones the first week? may i ask how old you are? can i email you or do you have your own website so i can ask you about your experiences in more detail? i'm afraid my future questions or your answers may become buried in 400 comments. thx
I too would like to know how much of the body needs to be submerged and brought to 50-55 degrees? Also, do you just have to bring it down to 50-55 and your are done for that session, or do you need to hold it at 50-55 for a period of time? If you do, how long?
@Mike not much… just needs to be consistent. and after a month I did it 4 times a week for an hour. This Sat i did 5.5 hours because I was slacking and tonight I am doing 2 hours.
Loved it, not surprising. Most excellent. A serious brain feat for you to get all the way here. I'm inspired to do better. Today I almost posted on MDA to see if it was okay that I had zero appetite after two hours walking sleeveless in the cold. Have my answer now! Thank you.
@Lucy I am just getting warmed up…….wait til you here some of the results I have in humans…….already. Unbelievable really. There is magic in my clinic.
Why didn't you just say, "Chill, chew the fat, and sleep until you get it right?" Everyone is waiting for the list of bullet points in my house. This last one is awesome and it is very easy to understand, at least I kinda do. Supercool!
@Lee There is a wide range of humans…..this blog had to cover all variables……I have done my job. The information is there now for people to decide what they want to do with it……..I already know what I have done with it.
You commented on the ED blog that my POMC protein is probably shot from AN…. so if the brain adapts its receptor sensitivity in cold – can my brain adapt to a lower level of alpha MSH and ACTH?
I'm getting alpha MSH drawn tomorrow (along with a bunch of other labs). I'm worried 🙁
Things don't seem to being going congruent with people on here/MDA.
@Souldanzer Cold up regulates POMC production while super sensitizing you to the cleavage products……you get it. Your problems go away period. Now go become super woman
just found this blog. extremely fascinating stuff Dr Kruse! can't wait for your book!
I have one question: is there a glossary of abbreviated terms??? it can be confusing for us newbies just tuning in. Thanks for your voice of reason. I have been contemplating eating seasonally, you have conformed my suspicion of how important it is. Thank you!
@Paleo dentist…..nope. Use google.
Two quick questions after a tremendous read!
1. Does doing CT with the ketogenic diet obviate the need for doing the leptin reset, so we can just follow the "after leptin reset" blog?
2. Since everything is different in cold adapted humans, what does this mean in terms of interpreting various lab results? If TSH or T3 no longer matter in the cold adapted is there any reason to test for them? What labs might still be valid and important and which ones are "obsolete?"
@Rodney For obesity you need the Leptin Rx and CT because of speed. I realized after my theory was formulated in my head that I was killing myself by shortening my telomeres by just being fat… time was of the essence. So I reverse engineered the path in the brain using all I knew back then and started using lots of ice. I had no idea what I was doing but I lost 77 lbs in 3 months and 133 in 11 months so I think I did something correct. When I worked it all out in my head and wrote it all down and tied it to the neurosurgery I knew……it fit together too easy.
Labs when your cold adapted can be used to get you in good shape like a B+ that is where most of the paleo world is now……but what none of them realize their B+ might be costing them telomere length.
I think the best new business might be opeing a cryo gym next to every cross fit box in the USA. They likely all need it. If youre a Xfit freak go get your telomeres tested………if not you really are making a tragic mistake.
OK. You convinced me that I need to do CT. Starting tonight. Will report back at a later date …
@Phoenix Try it and let us all know how it goes……but I already know. You will be optimal soon.
*picks herself up off the floor and gets super woman cape out of closet*
@souldanzer now you know why I have been telling just wait…….all the little things matter little when you do the big things correctly.
okay, smack me with a banana (what else can you do with it in March?), I couldn't wait until sunrise to read this. An extra 5 mins in the cold bath tomorrow as punishment.
@cgk optimal is there for you now…….reach for it.
crossfit membership – $200, ibuprofen for DOMS – $ 50, CT- PRICELESS!!
In a few months when I'm lean, lithe and tanned (pasty white now) I'm going to have to print out this post to everyone who's wondering what the hell my secret is. Thank you for laying it all out here like this… this is better than gold, and should earn you a Nobel prize as someone already mentioned. I do have a question, though- obviously this info is precious to anyone who's overweight with hormonal issues, but what happens later when we're all cold-adapted and superhealthy without the large fat stores? Do we just adopt a cyclical, seasonal eating/sleeping/exercise pattern like other mammals do?
Can't wait for the book… late May, right?
@Nicki I have a blog already months old about what to do when your all fixed up.… and I have a e-cookbook now on how I do it now.
u said magic in your clinic …any luck with
neurodegenerative patients..?
@brenner the ones who try it yes…..but few families will invest the time with impaired folks. I have one PD patient who refused because he thought it was silly. I cant overcome bad neolithic thoughts. As I have said many times…….when the student in the patient is present the teacher in me appears. I do not try to force this on anyone. But when they want to know what optimal is compared to what they think it is……well…….that is a different story. Most them are shocked. AD responds well. Tonight I was contacted by a patient with cancer and they want to try it… we are going to do it. He has nothing left to lose and this is dirt cheap and he can do it in his house.
That post doesn't mention anything about CT… is it something we should add to the standard protocol between Sept 15th and March 15th? Gotta stay superhuman, ya know. =)
So we don't need to bring much down to 50-55, but we need to keep it there for 1-2 hours at a time while cold adapting the first few weeks? Then can we back off, or do you have to keep up at that level to stay cold adapted?
Awesome post. Ive been waiting for this one for a while. This world needs more people like you and hopefully after CT there will be a whole lot more! I am going to have to reread it sometime next week though, once my estrogen and hormones sort themselves out. Its brutal right now, although Im starting to adapt to my cold showers so hopefully it comes soon!
You say for the preformance side it takes 2-3 years to start to see huge improvments in VO2max. The one thing im confused about is for my sport should I slowly move to a ketogenic while cold adaping over lets say 2-3 months for once im cold adapted just cut the carbs completly and I will start burning fat as fuel. My first race is coming up and just wondering how quick i should make the switch. Im keeping carbs at 150 now.
And don't worry im in this for the long haul, if my performance has to suffer in the short term thats its problem! I cant wait to hear your stories! Your gonna change the world!
PS im reading the The Monk who Sold his Ferrari and I hope your finding your eternal happiness 🙂
@james for you to get into the zone your looking for…..Lance range… need deep CT and very ketotic but you wont expand your VO2max for 6 months…..then it will climb and climb. You wont believe where you go. But it takes time.
Dr. Kruse,
Once again, thank you!!!!!!!
@Alicia your welcome
Dr. Kruse I would be lying if I told you I fully understood all the science behind this but I do understand results. If I understand correctly eat a strict primal diet and do CT as often as possible lowering skin temp down to 50-55 degrees. I am always amazed that is usually the simplest solution that works. I' going all in and I'll be back to let you know how it works.
@Hurd yes it is that simple…….but many have not a clue. Please help tell them optimal is now a choice. Not a mystery
@ Jack,now I know its a joy to have been introduced to pre-cambrian palaeontology 40 years ago.
Now, re O3 fat, evolution and gorgeous female fat!
Here is an extract from a blog discussing a new book by W.D. Lassek and S.G.C. Gaulin
"Turns out that there is something in this fat tissue that the developing infant brain really needs. The human infant brain is unusually large and it's not just hungry for calories, it's hungry for fat. In particular it's hungry for DHA, the immediately usable form of omega-3 fatty acids that has been found to be crucial for optimal infant brain development.
Unfortunately, the diets of most American women only provide half of the DHA that a pregnant woman and her infant need. Another type of omega-3 fatty acid, Alpha Linoleic Acid (ALA) can be converted to DHA, but this conversion varies (though interestingly pregnant women have upregulated conversion and the placenta also has the ability to push DHA "uphill" creating a higher level of DHA in the infant's blood than in the mother's) and can be down-regulated by excessive omega-6 in the diet.
The authors theorize that towards the end of the pregnancy, a woman eats less in order to foster utilization of her own fat tissues that are rich in DHA. The fat in the hips, buttocks, and thighs has more DHA than the fat in other parts of the body. This DHA has been accumulated over many years, starting in infancy." And so on…..
the baby needs the right fats for brain development.
@john ironically the writer of that blog called me a charlatan…….lol. Here she writes about it and cant explain it. I can, I am an ass. Check mate.
Thanks, I guess I just want to make sure it wont decrease in the short term? And deep CT and Ketogenic is NO proplem, Ive allready got plans to take atvange of being so close to lake ontario for the next couple months. And this summer ill have time to put upwards of 2-3 hours a day in my tub or pool at home.
This is all so exiting. Who would have ever thought I'd be getting in a cold tub and enjoying it? No one that knows me. 4 days in to CT and I can already feel changes. I can hardly wait to see how my next year goes. After 20 years of trying multitudes of different health care modalities I have had more healing in 8 months of simply changing my diet. Now the Leptin Reset and CT are the icing on the cake. Or, should I say the fat on the wild caught, Alaskan salmon? Thanks Dr K. Many, many thanks.
@Emilie this will be the cheapest advice my profession gives you…….use it and get optimal When your friends and family sees this… can save their lives too.
Are there any steps men should take to protect against, (to quote George Castanza), "shrinkage"? I jest, but really…should I insulate?
PS Thank you again for this EPIC post!
@Chris short term shrinkage lead to a pocket rocket of titanium…….trust me. You be rock hard soon. It will amaze you and shock your lady friends.
This is my 4th week CT and i just wish i had a fancy pool set up. i can tell my engine is getting cranked up. and the toxins are flowing.
Is my new hunger due to a higher REE?
@Jon you got lots of E2 to clear. You know it and so do I. I had your same problem since I was 350 when I started.
Shrinkage is temporary. Trust me
Jack when talking about the gut-brain axis you said this:
Just up your B12, B6, and your betaine HCL acid as you induce CT protocols.
Am I correct in assuming the Betaine HCL is for low stomach acid treatment? Can you elaborate on the correlation you might be talking about between non-cold adapted, high estrogen and low stomach acid?
Great post!
@Steven all three help second phase estrogen detox as all the estrogen modern man collects in their fat cells is dumped into the blood. You need massive methyl groups to perform this massive detox. Estrogen speeds up our chemical clocks and is very pro growth. It needs clearance.
All those B vitamins provide the methyl groups to do it.
I am absolutely blown away. It is going to take quite a few reads to digest this blog completely. Congratulations and thank you!
Wow. My head hurts. But I took two cold showers today and my muscles already seem more defined. I slept last night with wool socks, a stocking cap, and my window open with just an army poncho liner as my blanket. Doing the same tonight, and every night as long as the temp is under 50.
I'm guessing that at some point soon, this cold with not be so uncomfortable? Any supplements to help with this besides bitter melon and fish?
@Cody nope its pretty simple. Keto paleo and Cold. You're optimal. Simple. When you have to reverse neolithic disease that is where the doc comes in.
@Jack "pocket rocket of titanium"
He keeps going and going….
I actually stopped reading and injected some b-12 before continuing
Well, you certainly don't disappoint! Of course, I need proof…I'm just wired that way. I'll be applying all your techniques and thoroughly documenting the results. To be honest, I expect great things because your advice has been "spot-on" so far.
Thank you. You have a compassionate heart.
@Kathylu I want you to doubt me…….go do it and see how wrong I am. I await my wrongness.
@Horacio somebody told me about this person yesterday. I will need to look into it. Its clear from this link he has no clue its the cold helping him most. But I did notice he is in Patagonia so the Andes are also helping him too.
Nice to know why I've been craving everything ocean lately. Salmon, shrimp, oysters, sardines, … if it swam in cold water, I'll eat it! Funny how the body knows.
@Souldanzer……the body knows as the mind leads you astray. Moral to learn here is deep.
@Jack: This is great.. and the geek + ns makes it so much easier to understand for me!
I'm on my 5th wk of leptin rx and a wk or so with the cold. My question is about the "2 wks to cold adapt" part. I'm wondering about the variables. Do you mean being constantly cold (ie. 1 bath a day + constant air coldness in house/car/work), or is just one bath a day enough without being cold otherwise, or something else? I understand that many variables will mean it's hard to pin down, but since you stated a time length I'm curious as to what you believe needs to happen for someone to become "cold adapted" within 2 wks?
Also, if you become cold adapted and are otherwise healthy.. during the summer will you stay cold adapted through to the winter even if you don't do any cold baths or air conditioning? I would assume yes since animals seem to be, but not sure if I'm correct in my assumption.
@Erica when cold is no longer bothersome…..i drive around 24/7 with my AC full blast on my face. I cold train 3-4 times a week. Recently I have had to back off this for a bio hack I am doing. Women take longer because they have more leptin……the more cold you do the better it is…….Cold is King.In summer I do a ton of CT in my pool with 80 lbs of ice on me as I lay on the deck in the sun
What a piece of work! Thank you! You really got my attention with your views on Lance and Phelps. I am a masters athlete, but short-distance – miler. We KNOW fat is the best fuel for endurance; my leap of faith is to try this when carbs appear to be the only fuel able to deliver energy fast enough for the shorter, almost sprint distances. Phelps' diet would seem to bear that out.
VASPER is intriguing: I can duplicate that set-up!
@Simon Fat is the best fuel period…….the reason you dont know it is because it takes 2-3 yrs to get max VO2max adaptation. You can speed it up in low or high barometric chambers or use HBO to do it…….I know because I have done them all.
Kind of like the mother-board of a computer – SCN
This might be detailed elsewhere by Dr. Kruse, but bears repeating:
"Many aspects of mammalian behavior and physiology show circadian rhythmicity, including sleep, physical activity, alertness, hormone levels, body temperature, immune function, and digestive activity. All of these diverse rhythms are controlled by a single tiny brain area, the SCN, and are lost if the SCN is destroyed."
@LinD The SCN was a critical piece for me……I knew from my resident days that only 50% of the SCN function was known…….so I knew it had to hold a key. It took me 6 months to find it.
@Jack: So, basically 2 wks is a rough estimate and it will all just depend on the person and how often they use cold?
Also, if you live somewhere warm or just even in the summer.. wouldn't using cold be a mismatch to your environment? That is what is confusing me the most.
I understand that cold is awesome, but I would think that when you are no longer unhealthy that you should just follow the seasons of where you choose to live like animals have too? Obviously you could just choose to live somewhere always cold, but if you want to live somewhere that has a summer is it not optimal to live warm in the summer and cold in the winter.. basically just following your seasons?
@Erica it is a mismatch that reverse all your previous ones……see this is a way to undo all the old mismatches. it works in reverse. and you can measure the effectiveness in your telomeres and hormones levels. Erica if you have no issues and your telomeres approx you real age sure…….i have not met one person in 6 yrs who fits that bill. Test your and see what it shows. I bet your surprised.
I'm not through with the blog but I'm curious:
So we can fix all these things by CT+keto… what's the point in testing… CT+keto changes things rapidly – so there's not much point in trying to adjust hormones w/ supplements/pills – by the time we get results back things have changed already?
What about leaving the testing for later…. once body has stabilized to make sure everything is in order?
Except for telomere… gotta see the progress 🙂
@Souldanzer……those with neolithic disease have a lot of fine tuning. But using CT make it happen faster and the hormone modulation a lot easier.
I'm willing to invest the time. I have a hyperbaric chamber (OK, so I'm an obsessive geek, I admit it). Live at moderate altitude in Colorado, so take myself down to sea level (actually 6 inches underwater, I think :)) to boost recovery. Any clues how to incorporate that? (I am new here, still finding my way through all this STUFF. I will have to put by a so0id week for reading, I think.)
@Simon I like HBO best in heat……not cold. It helps a lot.
@mere's question: I am kind of in the same boat. Did 2 rounds of HCG – major failures, but in hindsight and thru testing, now realize that I have major detoxing of cooper and mercury to do. About half the weight is back, despite Leptin Rx and mostly keto. Dr. K – I am also suspecting MTHFR gene anomalies not allowing me to detox properly.
So the question is can CT help us to detox not just extra estrogen, but also heavy metals? I plan on using methyl folate and methyl B12 too, as well as zinc (pyroluria). Is there a danger of detoxing these heavy metals too quickly?
@Lexi yes but you may need chelators to clear them because cold liberates them like nuts. You need to be tested to see where you are… cant guess.
Thanks for being "live" here.
Totally stunned by depth and uniqueness of information.
@Simon I felt I have had to do this for a long time. You read CT 4 and CT 6 and then try to explain that to the masses simply…….its impossible My Quilt is an idea I formulated to do it…….now that you get my reality I can addd pieces and you can see where it takes you. The paradoxes in biology all of a sudden make sense.
Maybe this is why so many people doing paleo reach a weight loss 'stall' or even on the GAPS diet or Bee's healing diet seem to gain a lot of weight. There is no talk about any cold therapy here. It makes sense though, obviously.. the developers of the diets are always talking about the inuits DIET but never the climate. Although, the native Masai have long life spans as do the native Amazonian and Aborignals despite never experiencing extremely cold weather. Could it be because they would live through lower temperatures in general (only 12 degrees C at the coldest) without modern heating? And eat in a way that doesnt't damage receptors and hormones in the first place?
@Natalie your mind is beginning to realize the true cumulative effects of what mismatches can do overtime. It slowly erodes our metabolism and diminishes our stem cells and we fade to black
v – go to, sign up for the forums, then find the massive leptin reset thread ("Jack Kruse style") there. Find me and PM me or just post a question on the thread. I'm 36.
My first week, my weight was swinging all over the place & my energy was up and down. Others have seen excess sebum production, stored excessive estrogen leaving the body (but causing temporary sexual side effects on the way), all kinds of things. Anything that causes fat to leave quickly can do this, as the toxins stored in the fat temporarily enter the bloodstream, and CT has done it for us!
This is a very troubling blog. You're writing is very really quite difficult to follow. Your thoughts and arguments are just a series of disjointed ideas, random phrases, non sequitur sentences. And you go on and on. Jack – something has happened to you.
@therapist……I do not think so. I am still the same. If you think you can tell anything about some one from just their writing alone i suggest you get some help.
You've spoken about avoiding metal on the body during CT. I have a copper IUD and was wondering if this has any negative effect? I assume since my skin and body temps have been in the right ranges that it's probably okay.
Thank you for sharing all of this with us. There are many who would have hoarded something so powerful.
@Taryn doubt it would be a problem…….
Dr Kruse,
How long after cessation of cold stimulation do you lose signalling an switch to warm mode? Also, since you mentioned the effects are cumulative and it can take someone up to 36 months to get maximum benefits, does someone long-term cold adapted lose their adaptation slower than someone who has been doing it for say six months upon cessation?
@Beng I went a whole summer without cold training and in sept i jumped in the pool at 65 degrees and had zero trouble within two weeks I was at 50 degrees…… fact I am opening my pool this week.
thanks so much Dr. K! i definitely plan on using chelators and i am researching the best ones now…. i heard other practitioners say that the body will fight to put the fat back on b/c it sometimes does not know how to expel the toxins and fat is the safest way of storing them.
thanks again for sharing this with the world.
@Lexi it is my job and duty. I wish I could have done it sooner but I had to know there was no downside first.
@mamagrok — I just noticed increased acne…must be the E2 and toxins flooding out of the fat from the CT.
Bears don't hibernate. They go into a deep sleep. They can be awoken mid-winter with some prodding (been there done that). They differ hugely from animals that hibernate, such as the marmot. I wonder if this different adaptation to a long winter is important in your optimal-human theory?…
Once hibernating, a black bear can doze for many months with a body temperature of 88°F or higher, which is within 12°F of summer levels. By contrast, the body temperature of smaller hibernators such as marmots, chipmunks, and ground squirrels may drop below 40°F. These daintier creatures must awaken every few days, raise their body temperatures to summer levels, eat stored food, and pass waste.
Lots to take in for sure! I will read and re-read this to get it! Thank you for sharing your knowledge so willingly to help so many! Am currently doing four days a week (just started) of CT and for 30 minutes. In a previous post you'd said length of time should be BMI but guessing as you're doing an hour or more than more is not harmful? My BMI is 22 but my body fat percent is high and I'm working on that! Also thanks for the amazing cookbook! I've gone through it twice now and making my list for hitting the store but am still undecided which to make first! YUM! You said you stuck with fat/protein and let your wife eat the "garnish"… during the winter you won't even eat the smothered cabbage, coconut kale with bacon or smothered bok choy? Or just keeping the portions small to not go over 25gm carb to stay paleo ketogenic? My carbs are <25 right now but previous to trying this I would average 80-100gm on a high day, from coconut milk, brussel sprouts, kale and other non-starchy veg…..Thanks again for everything. I can not wait to see results of my many neolithic diseases reversing and hey that fat loss will be good too, like bacon covered brussels =)
@Christi very little veggies for me…….i am a stickler. My wife is not.
@Jack: Thanks. I understand it better now. I am def no where near optimal. I was just speaking hypothetically. I just wanted to clarify a mismatch that I saw.. assuming someone was completely healthy. I was also just wondering about how long it would take for someone who was cold adapted to lose it. If one summer would do it or not. I figured no since animals have to follow the seasons and they're ok during the winter every year, but I wasn't sure I was correct in assuming we were the same. 🙂
@Erica if you are only in a month…..not long. But if your 6 months in you can skip 2-3 months and jump back in. It is amazing really
Dr. Kruse,
Once cold adapted, can you ignore light cycles and meal timing and eat and sleep whenever, no matter what the time of day (i.e. opposite leptin reset) so long as you stay adapted?
An amazing and truly epic post, Dr. Jack. I am going to have to read this one over several times as my head is reeling, still. It makes so much sense.
@lizeroo Thank you and I do think re reading several times makes sense.
Clap, clap, clap.
1) So you're saying Crossfit is BAD for me? You're the one who got me to start it! 2) I'm wondering where you get your calcium in winter if you don't eat any veggies at all nor advocate cal supplements? 3) how exactly does one get used to submerging themselves in ice water? I mean, that sounds excruciating. Is there a protocol in one of your blogs for cold-phobic beginners to ease into CT relatively painlessly? 4) are steam showers and hot tubs, then, BAD for your leptin? 5) At what point in CT -weeks, months- can I throw my synthroid away?6) WTH is bitter melon?
@Jodi A thought for your……if I told you all this back 4 yrs ago you would have thought I was nuts……so what I did to you was what I did in the Quilt for the rest of the world…….slowy walked you down the plank until things made a lot more sense to you as your reality radically changed…….one step at a time. The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step…..and continues with small steps and big wins. Tonight was a mjor step in your evolution of thinking. This information will truly save your life and heal up your hip. Crossfit is OK for crossing the bridge……but when you realize their is an optimal way then the choice is yours to stay where your comforts lie or come to the edge of your comfort zone and see where life is really lived and quite fun. The choice is yours…….I am just a beacon on that road to help guide.
Got my chamomile tea, ready to start reading.
Thanks, Doc.
Great Stuff Doc thanks for all the great ideas. I live at a ski resort in British Columbia and so I'm fairly well adapted to the cold, but I'm telling my wife I need to start sitting naked in the snow and sucking on a salmon to improve things. She just gives me one of her looks. Seriously, I've turned down the heat in the hot tub to see if I can make that work.
@Rick you need to take full advatange of the cld to activate our wild side. Trust me when you do your wife will be right behind you. My wife still cant believe what i found.
Dr K,
This time we booked the local church hall to go through CT6 as we don't have enough space in our clinic for all of our patients their friends and family….We open doors at 7pm tonight.
One of our very enthusiastic patients has prepared a list of your acronyms to hand out and another a professor in biochemistry has already been through CT6 3 times and is very keen to start the night. Will update you later this evening.
@Dr M & M I am sure they will floored when the realize the implications of what I just brought home……..I know what has been going on in my clinic for 5 years now is nothing short of amazing.
Dr's M & M, which city are you located? I'm in Melbourne, would love to know more about your clinic.
@Coriander you need to head there. Dr. M & M sounds enlightened to say the least.
Epic post, Doc, epic. This was the post that made me see how many CW and neolitic thoughts I have cluttered my mind with, even up until today. I need to start trusting this… And believe in the signs I'm experiencing daily. I realize I don't need the gym or sprints… What a relief!
@Glamorama It explains all the paradoxes in the literature and why relying on the literature is an epic waste of time……they are studying animals who are mixed…..some warm adapted some not and they have been mixing them all up for 100 yrs…….now you know why we see some studies with certain results and others with opposite. We have two biochemistries…..and if you do not control for that your data is worthless.
Wowzers! LRx + Paleo + Seasonal Keto + CT = My Optimal Rx. This is fantastic! This turns off so much noise in the medical community and brings clarity…finally! Thank you Dr. K for your service to your fellow soon-to-be-optimal brothers and sisters!
My favorite quote: Cold empties fats stores like a fire empties a movie theater.
@angieonthegogo It does…….even plastic surgeon are using this and have no clue how it really works. Now you do.
this is brilliant, I am doing my best to get cold adapted though I don't have a jacuzzi of my own and Ohio State pools are kept too warm…
question: is there any advantage to a warm jacuzzi, or in particular to an alternation between cold and hot?
thanks again Dr. K
@Cu if your at OSU you have cold…..and you have the great lakes!!!
Dr Kruse..
1. Have you found that your heat tolerance is lessened when cold adapted? I went out into 60 degree weather and was boiling…had to roll the windows down get a huge breeze.
2. What's the maximum number of carbs per day that is "safe" when adapted? 50g?
3. You mentioned it was carbs that causes one to detrain to cold adapation. How much kills it?
4. Have you ever considered taking a vacation to go snow skiing out west in your shorts and t-shirt?
@Ben G not really……on the heat tolerance.
BenG I am strict in the winter……real strict. I go zero carb for 4 weeks around the winter solstice. There is no number per day. I have a spread sheet I use for the light and temp cycles that I decide to use to guide me when I can add carbs back in……..usually its around 3/15 to 4/15 this year its going to be much later based upon my labs.
When your cold entrained I would not go above 25-50 gms……For me I am tighter than that too. That is a personal choice that you can check with ketostix. I dont bother doing it because I live this way now close to 7 yrs.
I go to the snow quite often………..for obvious reasons and I usually wear very little it catches people by surprise
Dr K, I have 2 questions. First a practical question: I live in Chaz, SC. where it is hot, hot hot for a long time every year. Is being cold adapted going to make me less able to tolerate the heat? Does one have to keeo house colder w/AC & stuff like that?
Question 2 about body alkilinity & vitiligo. I am guessing you don't hold any stock in body alkilinity question as this diet must keep the body on the acid side of things and you are a "stickler' abou no veggies in winter. One thing I noticed my skin pigment was returning about a year ago when I was juicing & eating lots of veggies and was alkiline for the first time in a while. Do you think this was a fluke?
Thanks Dr K.
@Emilie 1.. droping the temp in your house is smart and easy. Using your car AC works too. Ice in the summer on your body as you sun works too……all things I do.
2. No I dont. Our body control that process ideally. It needs no help
3. vitiligo is an AI from a severe leaky gut that destroys alpha MSH. Cold raises alpha MSH. There is you aha moment. Micheal Jackson did not need plastic surgery or diprivan he needed cold…..
Dr K,
Awesome night… still going 3 hours into it…. hall full, no chairs left everyone on the floor.. 247people last count( but did give up when it started and people still came through the doors) not one person has left, not even for toilet break..only movement is when someone stands up to ask questions or explain…thought the Chaplin was going to ask us to leave at 9pm but he was just stretching his legs..I'm sure we will have a large group of early morning swimmers at the beach tomorrow .
Great post, need a few days to digest it all 🙂
@dr's m&m, where abouts are you located? Any chance you are in Melbourne at all? Do you have a website with your details? Sounds like you're doing some wonderful stuff here down under.
Hi Dr jack
Really like your cookbook!
a Cite for you new book?…
HIIT causes instant demethyalation in the DNA!!
Epigenetics, gene expression and metabolic change in action. Wow!
@mo Erwan LeCorre has it right on exercise in my opinion……he is a true paleo superstar.
Dr. K – I am embarrassed to say that I am still holding on to a wee bit of CW, so hard to shake! I fed my 5 and 6 year old daughters kefir with LOADS of blueberries this morning.
I am just so frightened to take the next (required) step! CW just has a really, really strong hold. I will continue to learn, and work on it 🙁
@Barbara it is noble of you to be honest…..and it is fine. My job is to illuminate the science to you…….I will never force it on. But you the public have pounded on my profession for too long……..I have just lead you to the water of optimal. it is now your choice to drink from that well. Good Luck
Hey Doc, I printed this sucker out! Now if I could just find my college hi-light marker! One quick question.. Are the recipes in your cook book labeled by season? OK maybe 2 ?'s Is MCT oil in the winter never a good idea? I can go w/o coconut oil in winter but I love making my home made vinaigrette with pure MCT oil.. I don't think it would be quite the same with bacon grease.
@Chimp chick all by the solstice…….what I eat during the times of the yr. In winter my wife eats the veggies……I dont. Kevin Cottrell can tell you that. I am a pure great white shark in winter.
bummed that I missed Erwan on Paleo Summit. Could have used that to help the mind change that is coming about the exercise. A goodly number of people have landed here from the Crossfit community and their promotion of Paleo or Primal – until CFHQ went commercial with Zone and Reebok. With so much focus now moving toward competition in the Games, it will be easy to walk away since wellness, not athleticism has been my focus. But it is a lot healthier to run to something rather than run from something. Leaving a box with all the programming, structure, endorphins, companionship, motivation to start an individual home protocol on your own, is daunting. So wish you had a CF box that was ready to go rogue and become a Cryo Cube. Not sure where I am going, but I am so thankful if nothing else to feel good about how I HATE exercising in the summer and my firm belief that the only reason one should do so is so that one can have the thrill of running through the fading deciduous trees of fall and the dusting of snowflakes come winter.
@cgk E LeCorre gave the best talk at AHS 2011 in my view and it was not close His mode of thinking about exercise is perfect for CT and my way of life. I think he is a monster stud.
Dr. Kruse,
Regarding CT and hypothyroidism, how does iodine fit into the picture? If one is doing CT, is there any reason to supplement high-dose iodine a la Abraham/Brownstein/Derry/Flechas?
Thank you!
@MM you eat a ketogenic seafood diet and CT and why do you need to worry about Iodine? TRH does not need a thyroid. Get it? and Seafodd has enough anyway? Got it
@Jack, I bow to you. You have connected so many thoughts in my head since I discovered Hcg 4 years ago. I had an epiphany then, and in the last year since I have discovered your blogs, many since then. Especially in 2012! Thank You!
I have been doing LRx since October,and CT for 4 weeks now. The first 2 were rough, but now I am noticing so many benefits…to many to mention!!And I know it will keep getting better. I do have about 20lbs to lose to be Optimal.
I have 2 questions, that I am pretty sure haven't been covered, as I have read everything, but pardon if I missed them.
1. I am deathly allergic to fish/shellfish, anything from the water. How can I get my O3????
2. My daughter has a water bed, would it be ideal to sleep on overnight with no heat, or is that too long?
Thank You so much, you have shown me the way to my health and that is the most wonderful gift anyone could ever give!
@LauraD I would go to an allergist and reverse the allergy…..its that important. I bet you have a leaky gut and not a real allergy
2. Its a great way to cold adapt. Water is way more thermally conductive.
Lots to contemplate Dr. K, I have quick question. So is there any issue with starting a shower warm and slowly lowering the temperature till its as cold as it can be? That way I can stay in much longer but full cold at the beginning I have a urge to flight or fight. Yesterday I took my car in for an oil change. I completely forgot I have been driving around with my ac at full blast ( it was low 50s). The auto tech was freaking out when he brought the car back and I was wearing shorts and a t shirt.
@James any way you can adapt I am OK with it. The key point is do it. I do the AC trick too. I came into surgery this AM and people felt my face and they were like WOW!
Growing up in Chicago left me with a real hatred of the cold. I'm going to block out all those memories of trudging to school in snow up to my arse and keep repeating "the cold is your friend!"
@joan you'd love cold if you were not simultaneous eating and living a warm adapted life. That is why you mistakenly hate the cold…….I still love the cold and always have. Now I know why
When starting CT, would it be wise among the limited carbs one is eating to include veggies that are naturally chealating?
@cgk Im ok with that……cilantro and spices I use alot in my meats cooking and in my bone broth recipes.
First off – a heartfelt thank you to you doc. First time I ever remember reading something that resonated so deeply without me really knowing why.
Secondly – on a practical note, I don't have access to a bath so will be making do with cold showers for now. We do have showers at work so I was thinking of incorporating a cold shower into my lunchtime to increase my overall daily cold exposure. Would you mind posting a brief protocol for the cold shower approach? I can't find the NASA one you mentioned online. Many thanks
@Fergal Look at the New Evolution of the Leptin Rx blog. it is all there.
Hey, thanks so much for the extensive detail! I seem to have lost the link/page for the protocol – has that been moved?
@Stevenson The blog is called the New Evolution of the Leptin Rx. You can search it on the blog
I am floored by this series. Thanks once more.
About to start a N=4 for myself and the elder ones in the family.
Father: 78, Early type 2, obese, ypertensive, bad lipids, all the hallmarks of Syndrome X. Repaired him a bit by trying to manage his diet and extensive supplementation, but still a ways to go.
Mother: 73, Parkinson's, missing gallbladder, medically-induced osteoporosis. Severe spinal damage due to corticosteroids (lost 5 cm of height), but thankfully malformation kept all vital organs out of the way. Likely all issues were due to modern medicine who tried to 'repair' her with corticosteroids for 2 years after a lung autoimmune issue… and caused havoc with all the rest. Responding extremely well with D3 supplementation and heavy K2 usage, actually we only judge by the Parkinson's as she has been at it for 2 months, but if her bone structure responds similarly, we are on a good track.
Father-in-law: 73 Advanced type 2 diabetic, but very active and lots of fish in his diet, which I guess has saved his ass so far as he goes overboard with carbs onc in a while. Still remembers that time in his village as a kid, running around barefoot in the cold, surviving on nothing (there wasn't much around), never getting sick, and stil being full of energy. Couldn't explain it, but he insisted it was true. I now believe him… and I can explain it to him. Ex-tailor by profession, I'll have him modify some off the shelf vests to carry medical ice packs in netted pockets he'll line in the interior. And I'll draft them a schedule of gradual exposure. Interesting design exercise for him, by the way.
Now that's a good sickly sample.
Wifey and mother in law not fully sold yet (they freeze too much) but are watching from the sidelines. They'll come onboard eventually I guess.
Then I'll draw the following labs to start with;
Salivary adrenal stress index and salivary hormone panels, HS-CRP and fasting insulin plus a host of other metrics and off we go. I'll regularly repeat the CRP, say monthly, and the panels every 3 months or so.
Judging by how 2 x 20 min cold showers seem to reshape me, once I have us all hit the ice and adapt, things will get interesting.
Some specific questions:
You mention estrogen detox. Would NAC augmented by 2x or 3x times Vit C help? I read it helps with liver clearance. Am considering 1200 to 2400mg in divided doses. As regards the B6/B12 combo, have an issue with mom as B6 interacts with her levodopa/carbidopa medication. I do have them all on B12 and folic acid, D3, K2, selenium and magnesium, in addition to their normal medications.
I want the panels to establish baseline and see what CT kickstarts, then I may be adding R-ALA, CoQ10, PQQ and bioidentical precursor hormones to the mix to help the situation more. This latest part along with a doc who understands this stuff. Although, if cold works half as good as described, it may not be needed for everyone.
This is going to be an interesting ride, to say the least. Stay posted for results. As you say, Jack… things are going to change one person at a time.
Thanks again for everything.
@Laney without labs there is no comment……to be made. Its like flying blind. The best thing to say is when you have neolithic disease start simple….Leptin Rx, Leaky gut Rx and CT…….then keep testing……that is what I did to fix me. It works because it covers all bases as you rewind your chemical clocks
What do you think about these cooling vests? Has anyone tried them?
@DAVE on the monster MDA thread everyone is buying them……lol GO over and ask Dex. HE has one already
@Jack – Bears, like humans, are omnivore, opportunisitic eaters. Are there studies comparing those that eat traditional diets and live in fully wild environments versus those that have taken to eating human neothlic foods at garbage dumps and in city dumpsters and exposing themselves to artificial light at night? Do they become diabetic? Do they fail to hibernate? What happens to them?
@The Kid…I have not looked into the balck bears of grizzlies. Polar bears and marine mammals are where i went…….because of Factor X.
@Jack – I'm 5 weeks into the Leptin Reset dietary protocol and have been doing CT for one week. Before when I asked you about my blood sugar being high (FBG over 100 in the morning), you said I was still adapting and should give it time. I'm still in the low 100s. What gives? I mean, before the Leptin Rx I was down to the high 80s most of the time in the morning. Now I'm consistently 20 points higher AND I often feel like crap in the morning (fatigued and headachy).
@The Kid PEPCK in liver…..takes time. LR at liver. Leptin Part Deux is the reason be patient grasshopper. took you many yrs to screw it up and it wont bounce back when you want… will happen when your liver chemical clocks are ready
@Jack – If it's normal to cycle through the seasons using circadian cycles yoked to light, then what are the implications of inducing permanent winter through CT. If, as you say, living and endless, warm-adapted summer is bad, then what about living a perpetual winter? Can there be negative side effects?
@The Kid no one knows……but I am going to find out.
Jordon Tootos mismatch from Inuit gene pool to Nashville humidity does not explain why he is such a goon on the ice…Wait a minute…Maybe it does? Thanks Dr. K for transformational commitment..not just to doing the research, proving it on self, but to the dogged determination to answer everyone of our questions….
@Vince it is my job
@Jack – Do you think your theory has any bearing on the phenomenon of differential phenotypes amongst various species by climate. For instance, the polar bear is the largest of all bears. Canadian wolves are larger than American wolves. And, interestingly, while listening to Dan Carlin's history podcast, he describes the Roman accounts of their first encounters with northern Germanic tribes. The Romans described them as these amazingly large, strong, robust people who, despite the weather, wore nothing but scant animal skins.
Do we have evidence that these Germanic people were healthier than the Romans? More importantly, do we have evidence of a health decline once they were absorbed by the Roman empire and started living the so-called "good life" that was made possible by the Roman system?
@Jack – To quote Tim Ferris: "The extremes inform the mean." I mention this because life also seems to thrive at the other end of the thermal continuum, with extremophiles thriving around undersea volcanic vents. Would this point to possible adaptation benefits of hot environments?
@Jack – I think that it is clear that you have a longevity bias. What are we looking at in terms of life extension using Leptin Rx and CT? And more importantly, what does death look like for a cold-adapted human? If we won't die from modern disease and suffer the all-too-common end-of-life scenarios we see today, then what kind of death would a cold adapted person experience?
@Jack – You frequently point to the Inuit as having lived ideally prior to the introduction the SAD diet. However, history has had records of the Inuit for quite some time, I suppose. I imagine something on the order of a couple hundred years. Why is it that we don't hear stories of amazing longevity amongst them?
thanks again for this monumental piece !!
Incredible inspiration! Wow!!
I'd be interested to hear more about coping with emotional stress (high adrenaline, noradrenaline, high cortisol).
I measured and even after a cold bath (now at about 15 minutes) they are still high. I am eating low-carb and take Omega 3.
@Jack – Are you saying that mammals that live in warm climate aren't optimal? Or are they yoked to the light cycles in a way that allows them to be optimal despite not having cold. I mean, pretty much every animal in their natural warm habitat looks pretty optimal to me. Lions look amazingly optimal. Are you saying a lion would be even more impressive of a physical specimen if it were a cold-weather species? I ask, because I feel you are implying this about humans — i.e. hunter gatherers or traditional societies around the world aren't really optimal despite whatever health advantages they have.
@Jack – You have said before that this is essentially a bio-hack. And a hack, by definition, is not the normal use or path of a thing. And just as there are risks in computer hacking, I am concerned about risks in bio-hacking as well.
If you hack a computer, you may extract the data, but you may corrupt the hard drive in the process. So what are the side effects and risks if any? Is any of this permanent? Can the body go into withdrawal if suddenly its CT isn't available to it?
I ask because the body has a tendency to upregulate and downregulate certain process depending on various circumstances. This is why its not always a good thing to do hormone replacement therapy. I am concerned that maybe CT and ketogenic eating could have some impact on organs or body systems that could put you in some sort of danger should you ever have to (or choose to) stop living optimally for some reason.
@Jack – You assert that diabetes is not truly a disease. However, we know that there is a magic number of 140 for blood glucose. At this level, damage starts being done to the body. Are you saying different? Or are you really saying that there is a period of the year during which a human could or should become "safely insulin resistent" in preparation for winter. If so, then how do we define safe? And how long can you cycle like that before, some year in the future, you become truly diabetic?
@The Kid……I think this is where Rosedale is right. Patricia Kane work says the same thing. Carbs screw cell membraine signaling at even low levels. The paleo demigods need to read her work. Once they do they will stop making fun of Rosedale. He is right sugar kills………at low doses.
Dr. Kruse,
I am going to have to stop reading your blogs and the comment sections for at least a little while, because, even though I would like to sleep more using my natural circadian cyle, my mind is so blown away that sleep is becoming near impossible! 🙂 I am also driving my poor husband nuts. I am doing my best to keep him alive, with your help, so that he can enjoy his golden years. He is willing to go along with the program you have outlined, especially with the diet change, but this isn't his preferred reading material and I am relating as much as I can, so the NS sections helps me a lot. My non-reading husband just wants me to give him the "action" portion of this program. It is hard for my mind to rest when it is so stimulated with all of these new and fantastic ideas.
I know that you cannot "give everything away", but you do not know how grateful I am that you have so willingly, and enthusiastically given us so much already.
Thank you so very much.
BTW, per your suggestion to another commenter, we added krill oil to my husband's supplements, which also include fish oil, and the improvement in his knee and ankle function has been short of amazing! With a knee that needs to be replaced, and an ankle that the screws have come apart in (from prior surgery), the man is hardly limping! His doc wants to know what is going on, so we will be seeing him today. We are hoping to encounter another open mind with this young doctor.
Susan M.
I just jumped into the squirrel pot. I have the sun glasses coming for blue light. I thought the goal was to stay below the equinox. I now don't know how I got that idea. I haven't fueled my brain well enough apparently to browse the answer. The longer you're in the dark, the better it is…Does the light need dosed evenly, or can it vary? I.E., Sunglasses all day and night on weekends, and just commute and 5 pm on workdays?
I am a woman who is super-morbidly obese and I have been on the Leptin reset since January 2 and the ct for 3 weeks. I have adapted to the ct quite well, but wieght loss has been zero. I bounce up and down 3-4 pounds but no loss, measurements remain the same. I had a total hysterectomy seven years ago–no hormone replacement. Will leptin reset and ct still work for me, just take longer? I need to believe there is hope.
@FMA read the Leptin FAQ blog. It takes the morbidly obese longer but CT helps huge. YOur hormones should be looked at in my opinion to make it quicker. Your call though. Keep me informed. I love helping the obese because i relate to your situation well.
I'd like to second the coconut oil question from above — and also include coconut manna. Should these be scrapped in the winter? Will they impact adaptation noticeably? I still eat plenty of animal fats (eggs, grass-fed meats, mackeral/sardines), but am rather addicted to my raw egg shakes w/ coconut manna every morning.
Secondly, per CT. I've moved on from the face dunks to cold showers in the am and baths at night. Right now I'm sitting in the tub with ice on my neck/upper back and chest and stomach. I can last 45 minutes pretty easily.
Problem is, I shiver a lot when I jump into bed afterwards (w/ pants, long sleeve shirt, and socks) and need two comforters to reach a tolerable state. Am I going too fast?
Also, do we want use less blankets in the night and embrace the cold then too?
Thanks doc. Best post yet!
@Adam your doing it right…..back off coconut oil unless your obese and use animal fats.
Dr Kruse…
I'm about two weeks into CT. I doubled the frequency of cold showers the last three days. I ate BAB at 4:15am in the to 50g of protein and felt stuffed. Then ate dinner coconut oil, beef, etc. couldn't even finish the plate. I felt stuffed. It's. Killing. my. appetite.
@BenG that is good…..your lengthening your telomeres. Power to you
I feel like it's hard for anyone here to really dispute or critique alot of what you write. I'm a pretty well-informed Paleo guy and a med student and I don't really know where to begin…
So if you're saying cold on the SCN –> eNOS activation -> disconnects light as circadian cycle dictator, would that logically mean if I take an ice bath a few hrs b4 bed, then temperature and not the LED lights from my room would dictate my sleep cycle? AKA would the artificial lighting affect me less?
@Daniel Think of it liek this……your a neuron. Your entrained to cold……and at 8 PM LED lights hit your retina. What is that signal to the brain mean? The sun just rose…….it does not uncouple your entrainment to cold…….it means you just created a mismatch in your brain and cortisol naturally rises to this light… you caused a mismatch that throws off your diurnal cortisol……this is why modern man has so many diuranl cortisol issues…….technology. And technology is decidely Paleo. Especially the dogmatists.
Lee, don't use the blue blocking (orange) glasses to drive. You cannot see properly, and it is very dangerous. Be careful with them!!
You said you were going to have an interview with Jimmy Moore. You and he should get together and you should fix him. I think the whole blogosphere would be watching! I think it would make a profound statement. All this is WOW! It also makes so much sense in an evolutionary light. Thanks for all your hard work.
@Johannah youre assuming Jimmy is broken no? I think Jimmy is a man who can think for himself.
Jack, My head is bloated… Anyway, I have lived at 76N (Thule, Greenland) most of each of the the past 5 years. Trips to Pheonix every 3 months.
No tubs, will shower work? Also, I work with many Greenlandic Inuits around and you can tell some of them enjoy to much pizza and pasta all winter!
I am probably not cold adapted even though I don't mind M30-M35C as much as before, but M40 is a bit much. I walk in this temp, and all temps up here, 2-3 times a day for 8-10 minutes a whack due to my job. My room is steam heated and stays around 68F, guess I should turn it down more at nite to help.
It will take me a long time to digest all you have said but I will keep pushing.
@Dave Seibert you are in the perfect spot to get optimal
Thank you @Jack!
I have been allergic since birth, nearly died a few times when my Mom ate fish and nursed me…I stopped breathing, rushed to the hospital. But I am on my way to an allergist appointment!I certainly would not rule out leaky gut though.
I am all over that waterbed tonight:)
First thanks for sharing your discovery and excitement! I sacrificed a ton of my gila to try and understand all this Lol! You are either brilliant, or mad, or both – like mad brilliant! I have a zillion questions, but I'm going to hold them, mostly because my head is aching right now. I read in one of your posts that you were trying to train some other doctors on this,can you recommend a doc in NY (any friends from your time here) who could follow me through this, for the lab work especially.
@Mj most of the doctors I am working with are in my area. No one in NY yet outside of a dentist. Dr. Sorrentino.
Dr. Kruse, Is there any reason why I/we could not become a patient of yours if we are on United Health Care insurance AND live out of state? Couldn't labs be ordered and results reviewed without an actual office visit?
@LinD I have other ideas……But we'll see right now I only do NS patients. My private clients are cash only but I am working on another platform.
I posted this in the wrong place.
Hi Dr. Kruse,
I did hcg twice and gained back almost all the weight. I want to do another round but have some questions for you first.I have about 20lbs left to go.
1. should i do hcg, with ct and leptin timing?
2. will hcg mess up LS? or help with it.
3. do you think hcg with ct is a way to become optimal?
Thank you so much for taking your time to help people like me.
@chtra Leptin Rx, CT protocol that is it.
Bitter melon is good! I fried some in coconut oil with sausage and eggs. Not bitter at all.
@Sally it is great to speed up CT.
The only remaining fat I want to lose, after 1 year of primal eating, is a layer on my abdomen. Will simply applying ice packs to it daily help do the trick?
Thanks for your response, but bummer, it's hard to do this without a doctor to interpret the info, I can barely grasp what I'm reading :D, and by the way what are NS patients, in response to LinD?
Dr. K, you blow my mind! Thank you! I've been doing CT for 4 weeks now and I'm starting to feel great! The fat isn't exactly melting off but you've given me hope that within time things will begin to change for me. Thank you for sharing! You're awesome!!
@Groketteliveson your welcome
Thank you again for another fascinating post! I need to re-read to digest everything. I'm wondering, after 3 1/2 weeks of CT working my way up to a 52 degree bath, if I am releasing "things". About an hour after the 40 min bath I get nauseated and sometimes diarrhea. It will stay with me for a few hours afterwards. This has been going on for a week now. Should I also be taking something to get those toxins OUT of my body?
@Patty Cakes that is precisely what is happening……
It appears that Arctic Heat Cooling Vests lower not only skin temperature but core body temperature as well. It's the skin temperature we want to lower, correct? Not the core?
@PAt you dont need core to drop…..but they can help you adapt faster if your careful with them
Dr. Jack,
Where does bioidentical HRT fit in here; if at all? Suddenly, I'm afraid to keep using it. I, like all the others, cannot thank you enough for this mind blowing masterpiece.
@Caathy It fits in as you try to rewire. You can do it without BHT but it you must be strict with CT protocol and the diet……most people have huge hormone issues that need to be addressed. If you have a lot of neolithic disease I think it has a role in a treatment plan.
Dr Jack, I have nerve damage from having a benign menengioma removed from between the lobes. I think the synatic nerve is damaged behind the knee or that's where the damage is measured. The result is I have drop foot on that leg. Is there anything I can try to encourage the reconnection of this damage? I can move the toes down slightly but haven't been able to get any up motion since the surgery. The Leptin Rx and CT are coming along. Wondering if I have it in my bag of tools to do this repair?
Dr. Jack – I really appreciate this series.
We help many people we help with IBD (like Crohn's or Colitis) start a restrictive version of low-carb SCD. In a lot of cases, these patients deal with this issue of "wasting away" and "not being able to gain weight" and they blame the diet, even though they are eating 3,000+ calories a day of meats, fats, and veggies. I'm beginning to understand that it's just another form of leptin resistance… and I look forward to testing cold thermogensis.
Have you tested Leptin Rx with any IBD'ers or do you have any specific advice for those types of cases?
I'm working hard to understand the pathogenesis of this pattern in IBD'ers.
@Jordan it works amazingly well in IBD cases…..but the key is that they must tighten their diet……if they dont they struggle
Thanks Dr. Jack! By tighten, you mean remain strictly ketogenic?
@Jordan yes and they need tons of of 03's Lots of seafoods and offal. No Dairy period and no legumes grains… all. Too many have weird diets.
Each post gets better and better – thank you from the bottom of my sub-optimal heart for sharing this information with us despite critics and nay-sayers.
I read 2/3 of this post last night from a cold bath for 55 min and only got out out it to pee. (Seems like that cold water makes the kidneys work overtime!) But reading this has underlined my desire to stick with CT in the biggest way. I have 80 lbs to lose and my hormones are off so I am in it for the long haul – but this information has come at a great time for me. Thank you, again.
Dear Jack,
I can feel your excitement while reading this post. The feeling of discovery, to want to get the word out to anyone who will listen. Sometimes when I am looking thru my telescope I get a fleeting feeling of what it must of been like for Galileo to make his discoveries by looking thru his homemade scope. And yet nobody believed him.
I hope everyone believes you. It can change our nation back from obese to fit.
The Best Always
@Conan Its not about me and never has been. I used this to fix me first. Now its about changing my profession and helping people we have let down too long. That is long overdue. I think we can do that now. In fact, I know we can. But patients need to become proactive and get their skin in this game.
Ok. I am half way through the blog. It was so good it kept me occupied for an hour of CT today. Question – this seems to fix a lot of the biotoxin pathways. What will be left for my biotoxin doctor to look at? I see him Tues. Any advise?
@Kami just do it all…….you have waited too long to get better. Optimal is now a choice……not a mystery.
Ordering an ice vest 🙂 Can someone tell me what/where is the "monster MDA thread" ?
You are right. Too much time wasted. I am hitting this with the big guns. I want it all. Thank you. I am beyond thrilled. I never would have guessed that I could be in the drivers seat to reach optimal.
Thanks doc! I want to get rid of this crap inside of me ASAP so I'm not slowing down. For all of us feeling the symptoms of released toxins, excess estrogens, etc, is there anything to take to mitigate those symptoms?
Dr K, after 3-4 weeks of CT I'm seeing slow adaptation and lots of positive symptoms/changes in hair, skin, body comp etc but I am not seeing the 'detox' symptoms that others talk about, yet I know I have E2 to dump and other imbalances. I am not stopping (and am doing keto paleo, seasonal, and matching to circadian/light cycles and sleep and am NOT stopping any of that). But should I be concerned about lack of detox symptoms?
I may be the only Paleo blogger (I am not one at all but am lumped in with them) who stresses the Ice Ages in my book. Every one else seems to subscribe to the Savanna model. Few, if any, recommend a diet of about half sea food and fresh water fish as I do. So, we are not all alike. How long have I been cold training? 30 years of shivering in a cold gym or pulling my RR up and down my driveway on a cold morning. Sprinting and brief intense exercise are leptin mimetics. So, there are ways to drive those pathways other than CT. When I show up to play tennis in the morning cold I play just in shorts and a teeshirt while the others are bundled up in snow suits. Maybe I am a data point for your hypothesis. Maybe not, because I prefer to train hard but briefly no matter what the temperature, though I prefer the cold. None of this detracts from the importance of your hypothesis. Great stuff.
@Art Art, I think you know how i respect you and what you have done for this community. I know that you are as close to cold adapted as possible, in this community. Thanks for weighing in.
Dr. Kruse – I'm sure there are many variables that come into play with the time it takes one to cold adapt. However, since you mentioned the 2-week timeframe I'm wondering if you can elaborate on what it means for those who aren't adapting so quickly?
I've been doing CT for 3 weeks and it's just not getting any easier. I've done the face dunks, cold showers, ice packs (which have burnt me by the way) and 6 baths. I get excited to do this thinking it's my ticket to health, but then I shiver like mad in the tubs and I'm still cold walking around outside in 50 degree weather. I thought I'd be adapting a bit more by now. I even keep my house in the low 60's to try to increase my adaptation.
Are there reasons why some take longer? I'm not noticing any benefits yet either; in fact, I seem to still be gaining weight even though I'm eating a paleo ketogenic diet. I've had hormones and everything else tested and all seem ok except for my thyroid which is slightly low. Thoughts? Thanks so much!
@Bridgette if you burnt yourself you are not following the protocol. It clearly states if your skin gets white and you blister stop and get your 06/3 ratio checked before going forward. If you are going to do it your way I have no answers for that. You clearly need to be tested for many things before you proceed because you may need work done prior to CT. That means your telomere testing and hormone panels may be quite bad. No way to know without testing. The people at MDA fought me on testing for 5 months. Go ask them. Now they all test and they are all hitting their own homeruns. This is something that requires testing. I test myself every three months religiously. I will not bend the rules for myself………Or my family. If you are meeting resistance this should a be a BIG sign to you that maybe you need to TEST.
@ Dr Kruse you said: all three help second phase estrogen detox as all the estrogen modern man collects in their fat cells is dumped into the blood. You need massive methyl groups to perform this massive detox.
So are you saying high estrogen levels in males creates low stomach acid?
@Steven It is but one of the many causes.
Dr. Kruse, can you point us to some literature on the accuracy of telomere testing? It makes sense biologically of course, and you seem to place quite a bit of stock in it, yet it hasn't been around too long. I totally get it that your pushing the frontier here, but why should be place such confidence in this test?
@Dan Its not organ accurate……but for what I use it for for bio hacking I do not need it to be. I just need a rough estimate at how bad the person is today……this test gives it to me…….if your 15 yrs older than your real age you got somebody actively dying. Then I use the hormone panels to fine tune how bad the organ chemical clocks are out of alignment…….and I work them backwards…….I am sure we are going to get into this at Paleo fx next week. The best data in the world as of 2012 in telomere biology is from Dr. Blackburn work. She wont he Nobel Prize for medicine in 2009. she has a new start up to find a telomere test that is tissue and organ specific. She does not even know how I do the bio hacks using hormones to figure out how the organs are failing…….This is something I have taught myself by trial and error on myself and my own patients over 6.5 years as I have gotten them better…….their disease just start to vanish. And their need for medications slowly wean and they come back with some amazing stories. Just wait til you here about my first surgical CT story. I picked the worse case possible to do and it was a smashing success. This is paradigm changing.
Dr. Kruse, I have been thinking about the following question since day one and I believe I know the answer but I am curious of your thoughts. We live close enough to Lake Michigan that we go there about 6 times throughout the summer and my kids have zero problem (aged 8 & 5) of getting in the water no matter the temperature. Am I correct in thinking that there bodies have yet to be fouled by modern life and food thereby making it easier for them to deal with the cold? Thank you as always.
@Larry their chemical clocks are not wound as far forward as yours are and they have ther stem cells……you dont. That is why you are different. And that is why a telomere test is an eye opener. Because it shows you how bad your thoughts have screwed your biology in real time.
Dr. Kruse – you mentioned above in a response to Jordan re: IBD patients that they should avoid dairy. Is IBD considered an AI disorder and that's why it's necessary to avoid it?
I have hypothyroidism, but not Hashi's and no AI's that I know of although I do believe I have IBD (just not formally diagnosed). However, I find goat milk kefir and yogurt to generally help my gut and it usually even keeps my weight down. Is this a bad idea? Or is it an individual thing?
@Bridgette IBD in my eyes is an AI and a very serious one. Anyone with a leaky gut is destroying their life force and stem cells to a great degree because the GALT lies so close behind the brush border and it just destroys the immune system to generate a massive chronic asteroid shower of cytokines constantly. The worse telomere tests seem to be in patients with gut issues…….and then sleep is right behind them.
@ Dr Kruse – Great thanks! so other than stress, high estrogen, h Pylori, gastric inflammation and chronic NSAIDS usage what else causes low stomach acid?
Doc, Would you say that 1.5 hrs of ice pack driving (under legs) and 1-2 hrs of ice packs on back/neck/belly per day is enough time/surface area to cold adapt? Thanks!
@Chimp chick…….depends upon your BF, LR or LS status, hormone panel……no way to guess.
Hi Dr.Kruse
Amazing work. For me this is 3D physiology! A heroic work to understand the principles and pathways in our biology. Used to research in the field of signal transduction and know that not too many people have a 3D thinking. You do!!! Love it. Thanx
@SimonM Here's the thread…
@Jack Yes, I'd love to find Dr's M&M clinic, but where is it?
@Drs M&M What city are you in? I'm in Melbourne and would love to find a dr that understands all this stuff.
For those that are doing ice packs, do you have fabric in between your skin and the pack? When I do that I don't really feel the cold at all. If I don't have something in between though, I'm finding I get skin burns.
@Brigitte.. I make my own ice packs with zip lock bags- 3 parts water 1 part rubbing alcohol. That way they stay slushy and flexible. I do wear a thin shirt/yoga pants between my skin and the bags. If you make yours with alcohol they are way colder then the store bought ones. I got one of those clay packs at CVS and it, well it sucked.. Not cold at all.. The only problem is that after about a week the zip lock bags begin to leak. I have been keeping them in a larger bag so my pants aren’t soaked when I get to work 🙂
@Bridgette, yes I have a layer of fabric between my skin and the ice packs. But I use compression, too and the fabric is thin – so the ice is not right next to my skin, but its tightly compressed. I don’t just do spot icing when I do the ice packs but put them everywhere (torso, spine, neck as well as thighs and tummy). My skin turns cherry red and I shiver (which can begin when I drink that icy cold drink just before starting).
Thank you!! Dr K,
Am I correct that the 50 – 55 CT is in F not C ?
so I need to gat the bath temp down to 12 degrees C?
and I need to cut out dairy,vegeables etc and eat seafood, offal and animal fat? Im 15kg overweight what about CO?
@Lisa is this a joke? 55 Centigrade and cold thermogenesis do not match each other do they? You honestly think they go together? Of course its F. Buy a paleo 1.0 book and follow the diet in their. You need references to rely on if your asking these kind of questions. I feel very uncomfortable with them honestly.
I am trying to put the pyroluria mismatch into perspective. The self isolation is actually combined with not eating. I am remembering my teen not coming to the table and being angry when I forced her to sit with us whether she wanted to eat or not. Since the urine is not a hibernation clue, I am wondering if shutting down the digestion, purging the zinc, and upping the insulin would cause growth? The stretch marks were specifically on her spine like perpendicular tiger stripes in the curves and also on the hips. I am going to try the urine test before urchins and after (if she even feel like eating them… she’s game to try), but I think shutting down digestion is energy conserving. Hopefully, its one of the two. My little brother also did that sort of thing and he was in a situation where he was bounced around with sporadic meals and grew to be 6’6″. He would just lay around for a month or so every year, and everyone though he was depressed. He would get up and eat every few days. He had achey joints and had to go to the doctor and learn stretches. He’s fine.
Dr. Kruse-Thank you for your amazing work, I can not stop reading your site and trying to digest what you’ve written. Two questions:
1. I’m an aircrew member for the Air Force…think international commercial carrier. My sleep cycles are constantly interrupted and changed as we travel the globe for weeks at a time. Even before I read your blog I was aware of the fact that it was wreaking havoc on my body and now more than ever I am understanding the WHY of it. I wish I could change it but the hard fact is that I’m stuck in this career field until I can retire in 6 years. I’ve been eating the “standard” paleo diet advocated by Robb Wolf and it’s changed the quality of my life drastically. Even if I use your cold therapy and change to a ketogenic paleo diet, will it be all for nothing due to my constant disruption of my sleep cycle, or do you think it will at least do some damage control until I can retire and resume a normal lifestyle?
2. I’m a crossfitter and along with eating Paleo it’s done wonders for me. Now I read your blog and I’m having second thoughts. I am certainly going to have my telomeres tested to see where I stand, but if someone is cold adapted and eats what you’ve prescribed is it possible that an intense workout like crossfit can be beneficial in the long run if they aren’t out of control with it 7 days a week? I’m there 3 to 4 days at the most and our fitness model has always been an olympic lift followed by a short , intense metabolic workout (sprinting, body weight exercise, etc) What are your thoughts?
@Steven F. Stop X fitting ASAp. With your job you might be killing yourself ASAP. If I were you I would get teh telomere test ASAP. You need to know because shifted work and endurance exercise just will zap you so fast. CT will help offset the shift work but in my experience endurance exercise very rapidly cause cardiac fibrosis and conduction issues because it destroys autophagy rapidly which leads to heart failure in all humans. To check it go get a DHEA level or an IL-6 panel cytokine level. If youre in the bottom quartile you got major issues to deal with. Then I might ask you to quit your job or make me the beneficiary of a new term life policy on your life. Yes, that serious. The paleo diet for you is an excellent choice. Add 99% chocolate to it immediately (2 lbs a week), lots of turmeric (every meal) to your food and start CT ASAP. Keep me in the loop. I have an FAA controller I made quit last yr and his story is a lot like yours.
Very nice to see someone as smart as Arthur impressed by Jack’s theory.
It’s true that since I’ve been reading Art’s material he always has adviced to ‘stay cool’. Beautiful.
@Santiago…….I am not done with this story. I still have not told that I have a lot more proof. I am waiting for the skeptics to speak. I have much more yet to unload. Factor X is going to blow peoples mind too. I made many promises but I have lots more ammo.
Dr K!
Please help!
I really need some dental advise. I have 3 root canals (yes 3-a bummer) and have been planning to have them removed this summer. There is a biological dentist about 4 hrs away from me. However, 1 of the root canal teeth has started bothering me and needs attention right away. I just called my regular dentist, whom I like. He can do the extraction and they say all the root canal material is in the tooth and will come out w/the extraction. Can I skip the biological dentist and just go to my local dentist? For all 3 or just the urgent tooth? Also, what do I do after the extractions? Implants? bridges? Dentures? (I do take good care of my teeth. Flossing throughout day and brushing….and I know my new diet will help…that before agriculture and inflammation few teeth issues).
@Emilie you have to answer this for you. Extracting a tooth is pretty easy to do. You usually do not need a specialist for this.
@Jack I see you mentioned a couple times about lunar cycles in addition to circadian rhythms. Do you outline this somewhere? I’ve been following some ancient practices for a few years, and am curious if your take matches the ancient disipline I’ve been doing.
For circadian rhythms, you mentioned about turning off the lights when it gets dark out and not eating 3 hours before going to sleep. Now it looks like coconut oil and some starches go on a seasonal cycle. What is the story with the lunar cycle?
@Ted not yet…….I am only 8 months into this and have not touch on some of the levees in my quilt at all yet. Give me some time will ya. I think I have been quite busy for 8 months no?
there is something I don’t get from your Ketogenic diet. If you don’t take fruits or vegetables on winter, where you get the antioxidants, polyphenols, some vitamings and other good stuff of the plant kingdom?.
@Santiago Spices like turmeric, rosemary, basil, cialntro, oregano, seaweed, all in my bone broth recipes in my cookbook. all my sauces for my meats use this as a base. I also eat 99% pure dark chocolate and occassionally I will have some Argentine Malbec from Mendoza for the resveratrol In winter wine is rare.
Dr. K – I have tested many, many times now. All parameters actually look pretty decent, which is why this is so frustrating. I have no idea what I’m fighting here or why the CT is giving me so much trouble.
My thyroid is a bit low – that’s the only issue I seem to have. hsCRP was very low (0.05), vitamin D levels are good, cholesterol is good if not a bit on the high side, hormones seem decent (possibly a bit low on progesterone), but overall good.
I’m not sure what else to look at. I need to find the root cause of my issues. I was hoping just doing the CT and Rx would be my ticket to optimal, but the CT is proving much more difficult for me than I expected. My body just doesn’t seem to be adapting.
I’m truly stumped about where to turn next or what to look for.
@Bridgette was is your LAST DHEA, progesterone, pregnenolone, estrogen, testosterone, vit D levels, Androsteindione, and diurnal salivary cortisol levels then?
As for chocolate. What are your thoughts on pure cocoa powder?. I mix it with butter, cream or coconut oil and it’s pretty good.
As for bars, I use 85% of non-Lindt (I dislike it) bars. More sugar than 99%, but probably no too bad.
@Santiago I put it in my water and coffee all the time.
Question about hs CRP testing: Would this be high due to inflammation in the gut from IBD? What about a tooth infection?
Are there any other tests you’d suggest to look at levels of inflammation in the body?
Re: comment 241 – my skin doesn’t get white or blister at all. The ice packs don’t cause me any discomfort when they’re on. It isn’t until the next morning that I’ll have large red areas on my skin that are sore to the touch – almost like bruising.
Maybe I shouldn’t have called them burns. I’m not sure what it is really. My skin gets cherry red while the ice packs are on, but definitely not white.
@bridgette that is normal you need to re read the protocol carefully.
Dr. Kruse,
Wanted to just tell you how appreciative I am of your willingness to help the masses of those that will listen and do. I have many health issues, was born very premature, sick all of my childhood and on antibiotics often (bronchitis/asthma). Started developing allergies in the mid-teens where now as an adult some have intensified into anaphylactic reactions and I continue to develop more new allergies. I’d self diagnosed myself a very long time ago with AF but try to avoid doc’s as often as I can and tried to self treat on and off over the years. As my health continued to spiral down and my breathing issues and heart issues got worse it was difficult to work full time as my job is very physical walking anywhere from 5-10 miles in a 12hr shift depending on census and it is definitely a craze of emotions at code’s, trauma’s, etc. Have done many conventional tests all which come out “normal”, except being told I had APS at one point due to the skin discoloration and multiple blood clots. Right before Christmas 2009 I was hospitalized with hypokalemia at a level of 2.4 which explains lots of the breathing/heart issues (although no one can explain why my body dumps it at times). (I know that high levels of stress, extremely poor nutrition majority of the time and chronic over exercise (2-4hrs per day, mostly cardio with times of strict fasting days on end) led to the start of my fatigue/muscle issues maybe 12 yrs ago and believe things would have shown up long before if it weren’t for my times of strict ketogenic eating and more normal exercise of 2-3 days of weights). I was also told that I had extremely low vitamin d at a level of 9…..after discharge from that stay I continued to search for someone to treat what I felt was AF and hypothyroid and found a great, mostly alternative neurologist who ran tons of blood work, listened to my story and symptoms, etc. in May of 2010. He found it unbelievable that no one once questioned my temperature which was consistently 94.5 to 94.7 during my hospital stay. Anyway, long story short he explained “normal” lab values are not correct, showed what needed to be changed/improved with my labs as my hormones were crazy off, diagnosed me with AF, CFS, hypothyroid, FMS, vitamin d deficiency and osteopenia…..I was put on many supplements and three rx meds that were slowly increased in dosage (and told to eliminate sugar most of the time). I must say that I am not sure where I would be without this doc, he has helped me very much but I’ve been on FMLA in severe shape twice since August 2010 according to him due to extreme AF, stress and lack of sleep. He has said he really can’t do much more for me but continues to try. I have not seen him yet this year but will be in a coupe of weeks. I plan to direct him here to your website. I will also need to explain to him why I stopped on med the 1st of the year and started weaning off another slowly at the same time (which I will be off of by or before the end of April depending on if decide to continue slowly weaning or stop altogether). I am sure he will not like this but as in the past will say it is my choice and if it goes awry he will be there to help get me back on my feet. I will need him to write me a new rx for my last med to wean it as it is time release and compounded but in case he won’t I still plan to stop it very soon. My energy levels suck. Basically I work my three 12’s, do the bare minimum around the house and rest and read the remainder of my days off. I hate what my health has done to my attitude, life and marriage as once upon a time I was vibrant (although assuredly dying on the inside faster than I was aware!). I can tell you that I know I always feel bad when I eat bad and feel better when eating paleo with little fruit, no nuts (allergy) and skip the starchy veg. Protein and fat are my friend but yet I would continue to do well for 2-3 weeks, have a horrid day at work and promptly come home and make extremely poor choices of nothing but junk planning for only that night but usually lasting 2-3 days where I’d continue to feel worse in every way, knowing why yet being stupid enough to continue! Now I’m doing paleo ketogenic (just starting to incorporate Leptin Rx rules) since Feb 26th without a waiver even having four very harsh/sad days at work and started CT Feb 29th after work because your Holy Trinity post totally inspired me and gave me hope that I can and WILL be healthy if I CHOOSE to…..I’m choosing to and I’m going to take my health back and do just what it takes to get there, each and every day because of the tools you’ve given me! Getting my health back will improve every single area of my life! CT is harsh at first but I’m an all or nothing girl on everything I do and jumped right into the bath itself (eating the fat/protein, drinking the water and removing all of my titanium piercings first)! My biox dropped, I was super short of breath every time I’d try to fully submerge and my heart raced like crazy. When I finally couldn’t take that anymore (only 9 minutes in) I had my husband (who thought I was crazy) help me out… oxygen saturation was 83 and my HR 186…..that night and the next day I was fully exhausted to the level I did nothing and it felt like my typical spiral down before a flare up of all of my health issues that usually end with me missing work…..that day I only did ice packs to various areas of my body…..I had not planned to skip a day, felt bummed but so physically exhausted I thought every other day won’t be too bad until I can work my way up and I have! My next bath lasted 24 minutes with oxygen saturation only dropping to 88 and HR at 136…..I skipped a day again due to the same exhaustion of barely able to keep my eyes open (of course that never helps me sleep better at night when I need to!). I did another CT session and this one lasted 30 minutes with a decent enough oxygen saturation of 93 and HR 138…..that was yesterday and while tired I did not have that same exhaustion as the previous two…..and today? I did it again, the first time for me to do two days in a row!! It was another 30 minute one and my oxygen saturation was 95 and HR 123….not bad considering my oxygen saturation is normally 95-97 and resting HR is 105-115! I am doing this and so excited because I know that I will become OPTIMAL as I do the steps I need to with consistency and I will! Guess what? Today after my 2nd day in a row of CT I didn’t feel as tired and actually feel a bit energized and in a super positive mood!
Oh and after reading to my husband (who’s been making fun of me and saying he’d NEVER do this, it’s crazy) last night about your bench press going up by 150lb, how you lost fat, etc. guess who decided to do his first CT session today? He made it 24 minutes his first try! I’m hopeful he’ll start following the other parts of the Holy Trinity as well (he does basic low carb maybe 5 out of 7 days of the week although he has done months at a time before in the past) not as for fat loss but for health as he has many serious health issues of his own (asthma & has been on a vent, almost died), chronic sinus issues and some muscle pain here and there). Of course after his CT he did say that Dr. Kruse is the spawn of the devil =) I’m betting he does it again tomorrow though!
@Christi Lynn Awesome post…..I love your tenacity for Optimal. You will get there because your I can do is more important than your IQ or your I cant. I love it.
re: comment 259
My last levels were:
vitamin D: 70
DHEAS: 110 (range: 35 to 430 ug/dL)
Estradiol: 33.7 (range up to 84 pg/mL)
Free Testost: <2.0 (range 1 – 8.5 pg/mL)
Testos Total: <20 (range <73 ng/dL)
Progesterone: 0.7 (range 0.2 to 1.4 ng/mL)
8 AM: 9.4 (range 3.7-9.5)
Noon: 1.2 (range 1.2 – 3.0)
5 PM: 0.8 (range 0.6-1.9)
9 PM: 0.3 (range 0.4 0 1.0)
My doctor did not order pregnenolone, but I did also just do a salivary hormone panel and it is included on there. That will also give me new cortisol results as well. Thank you for any input.
@Bridgette I totally disagree with your doctor and your labs are far from OK. And that may be why you are struggling.
So coconut oil is not ideal in the winter? I really love it and use it to cook most of my food and then, I’ll add raw pastured butter. I also make a treat with 1T of coconut oil, 1 T of raw cacao (only has a couple of grams of carbs, and 2 drops of stevia. Is this still ok to have every day, even in the winter? I also eat mostly grass-fed beef and some salmon and shrimp. We like to eat the salmon raw and use the nori sheets to roll it up for sushi. I had read that grass-fed beef is loaded with O3. Why isn’t that just as good as fish? Thanks! Awesome blog 🙂
@CW CO is not ideal if you are already fit with good hormones and solid telomere profile…….in CT or winter or fall. It is ideal for summer and spring. Now if you are rewinding neolithic diseases then it is ideal because it provides a huge enegy break to our brain……and our brain consume 20% of cardiac output. I covered this in my Quantum electron post. I also reviewed this in the CT series when I discussed the Kreb cycle.
Hi Dr. Kruse
Question regarding CT – I have been spending 30 minutes a night on my back with ice packs on me. Would you see any problem with me placing a metal baking sheet in the freezer, then placing that on my stomach with the ice packs on top.
I know you had previously mentioned that metal is an excellent heat conductor, but indicated it could be dangerous – I just thought if it got too painful I would just remove it and just stick with ice water, AC, and ice packs like I have been doing – but wanted to ask and see if you thought it would be effective.
In process of measuring myself for an ice vest – I am simply stunned at the effectiveness of this ‘cold stuff’. My immunity has gone up, my cold tolerance has gone up, I have busted through a weight plateau I couldn’t break through with 10 FASTING DAYS
follow up question
can you briefly discuss why seafood is so critical?
I have been eating mostly 100% grassfed fatty chuck mixed with onion powder and Real Salt, along with raw pastured egg yolks and coconut oil, and supplementing with grassfed butter oil and fermented cod liver capsules – is there something in seafood besides omega 3s that make seafood so critical?
though my heritage is from a part of India that eats a lot of seafood – I find it really hard to digest without white rice (how I was brought up)
@Golooram The reason seafood is critical is tied to FACTOR X that will be in my book…….the last chapter. But I will give you a lead……cell membrane physiology is the basis of all epigenetics. I told you in my cellular theory of relativity that the speed of epigenetics is the source of all of our mismatches. That implies that in my theory Epigenetic speed control mechanism is critical. How did we speed it up? We did it by increasing cell membrane fluidity by incorporating massive amounts of 0mega 3’s in our cell membranes and removing all of our carbohydrate sources that block signaling. This overcomes slower mammalian reproduction rates in cold, but as time went on this benefit is precisely what created the evolutionary pressures to forum the human brain from the primate relatives and created massive mismatches for our particular species. The speed was so rapid that there are FEW LINKS from us to primates. This is why the fossil record of our descendants are poor. No paleobiologist can explain this finding considering how many fossils of all other species we have found. The main reason for this is Factor X and is the origin of my entire theory. It is where I believe the Ancient pathways was selected by Mother Nature. Once you understand Factor X my entire theory breathes more life into many more mysteries of hominid physiology. Power law mathematics and biology are married by mother nature.
@scandinavian girl Thankyou! I use organic cinnamon from Sri Lanka.
@Jude I am still waiting for SpectraCell to answer that question. They acknowledged my request, but that's all.
@LEXI I was just reading oall of the stomach acid estrogen remarks and cross referenced it to the pyroluria… The testing is going to take awhile and it looks like the mop up is going to be really tricky. i was hoping we maybe able to exchange info…
[email protected]
Dr. Thank you so much for the latest blog post! This question is to the commenters and the Dr. How do you people stay in the cold water so long!? I live in Wisconsin and the cold water this time of year is so cold I only last 5 or 6 minutes in the tub and then I shiver for a couple hours afterwards. My hands and feet remain off color and numb for a couple of hours as well. For the record I have no major health issues and low BF so maybe that has something to do with how the cold effects me.. or I’m just not cold adapted. Thoughts?
Hi Dr. K!
I love your blog! I’m a 17 year old girl and want to do the leptin reset. What are the exact tests I need to have done for the best results?
@Mike. Are you following the protocol? Dr K says to begin with face dunks and to take each step gradually! Good luck.
Dr. Kruse,
You recommend butter/ghee but in other places you say no dairy. I am assuming that you mean no dairy EXCEPT butter/ghee, but I am not sure. (Maybe it depends on the particular state of health — for example, people with gut or autoimmune issues should avoid ALL dairy, including butter/ghee?)
Would you kindly clarify your current thinking on dairy?
@MM it depends upon your disease state and your labs. Most people can do ghee and animal fats. pastured butter should be a no no for AI diseases.
Do you still eat 1.5 lbs of 99% chocolate during the winter solstice?
@Jeremiah I eat it but not that much. Id say on avg I eat 2 8 Oz bars a week.
Making my husband read this – he’s a RR engineer & works all hours. Thinks he’s offsetting it with exercise & convinced he is ok because he’s in “good shape.” Especially showing him the reply to the Pilot!
@Jennie Tell him to watch the video at the beginning of CT 2 Jessa Gamble and pay attn to what she says happens to humans in deep dark cool holes.
I’ve been laying down in the tub from the beginning. I thought that because I am fixing my degenerative disc disease, and my disc bulges are between my shoulder blades and in my neck, I should be getting the cold water there. So I lay down with my head resting on the edge, and water up to my hairline. I keep my arms out, mainly to hold on, because my feet only just reach to the end of the bath.
I mentioned before that I haven’t been able to feel heat or cold on my left leg since 2003. I noticed last week that I was starting to feel patches of cold while in the bath. Today as I sat in the filling bath, with 5Kg of ice floating around my legs, I realised that both my legs felt the same! I spent the whole 45 minutes gently moving my legs from side to side, amazed that I could feel it! Wow! Dr Kruse, can it really heal this fast???
@Coriander CT works quite well for DDD and DJD…….add 500 mgs of Kril oil 3 times a day to CT and watch how you do…….WOW.
Yep, been doing the krill oil almost 2 weeks now.
Dr. Jack, cocoa, turmeric, bitter melon, etc are all tropical and subtropical plants. Wouldn’t eating them in industrial quantities all year round and out of their native zone create a mismatch? Thank you, as always, for the stimulating and thought provoking blog.
@Ruby they have not altered my labs……in 6 yrs.
Thanks for the input Dr. Kruse. I know you can’t provide any more details on labs over the internet and I appreciate the info you have given. Looks like I have some research to do on optimal hormone levels . . . and I need to find a new doctor.
Dr. Jack, what you said about diabetes… I was sure I heard something along these lines before. Now, I found it – Sharon Moalem in 2005 –…
@Ruby Thanks for this. I have not seen this before.
Thanks Dr. Kruse for the seafood info – will incorporate some wild salmon and sardines into the mix (I like the nori idea somebody mentioned)
Can you let me know what you think of the metal baking sheet idea in Comment 266?
The new infrared thermometer shows cold water temp is around 64.9 degrees, so added several ice bags and it went down to 61. Of course the temp doesn’t stay there, so the bags are moved around some to circulate the frozen bags and cool down the water more. I know it is not cold enough (still), but has there been ANY benefit since the water is not 50/55 degrees? [BTW, the weird hand numbness that appeared twice (in one or the other hand) has not returned.]
@Lind if you add omega 3 and krill the nerve issues get even better,
Dr. Kruse or anyone who has insight – is there a website, book or other resource that identifies optimal lab results for hormones, etc? I’m not finding anything with my google searches.
@Bridgette Thierry Hertoghe book is great
Dr. Kruse, I am enjoying your new book “Optimized Cooking” the graphics are excellent and the recipes are terrific! I’ll be trying lots of them this weekend!
@Steveyyz thanks. I just made a new one tonight…..for the book.
Thanks Dr. Kruse. Just ordered the Thierry Hertoghe book and your cookbook too. Wow! Amazing recipes. Can’t wait to try them all!
Thanks for your response Dr. K. Well, you said CO is for the obese and I am not that but I am far from optimal, about 10 lbs overweight, high body fat % (just from looking at myself), my BMI is at the highest number of the normal range, and I just keep gaining weight with my cycle each month…just gained 10 lbs in the last 7 months..2-3 lbs each cycle and it doesn’t come back off…I would say my hormones are a mess (I am 43 and do have regular 28-day cycle so not menop). I did hcg to lose 10 lbs and have gained it back. I have been supplementing with krill oil for years now, also take cod liver oil, eat some salmon, but mostly grass-fed beef and a Paleo diet/ketogenic for a couple of years now. Is that ok to eat more beef than fish? Grass-fed beef is said to have lots of O3. What do you think? I took my first cold bath tonight, yahoo, lasted 15 minutes but I think I could have gone more. I had the compression shirt on but didn’t use ice. Water was 52.
@Bridgette, Which book of Thierry’s did you get? The ones I see are using hormone therapies. I am seriously trying to avoid taking any hormones. I want CT and Leptin reset to balance everything out for me :).
Hi Dr. Kruse
I' been working through your website and post for about 2 weeks. As I mentioned I was working in the field of signaltransducion/cell control. My journey into health startet with a huge health challange – I got a breastcancer diagnosed exactly 5years ago. Started my research after I got caught up with "conventional" therapy and found out how scrwed up I was. Everything was wrong – tho not overweight – too fat, bloodlipids way off, VitD toolow etc..I t took me so long to find someone here in Germany to be able to read all the data and string ist together.I sartet reading about Carbohydrates and what they do – the wholey moly. Then I started to coach people, who saw my health progess – and I'm so gratful to be able to give all what I learned for me back to other people. I'm so glad now that I did not study medicine at the time – but physiology and molecular biology since that gives my the tools to read and understand.The more I read in your blog, the more I have the feeling I have seen nothing yet. My complete knowlege I need to gether for people and literature away from Germany because here is so little movement scientificly. All the medical bigshots here working on cancer or chronic deseases are completele dogmatic. Its just frustrating. Thank got there ist the internet with so bright people like DeVany, Wolff and you – just to name few standing with so many more. I think is possible to conncet some bright undogmatic people together to create something, witch is bigger than the accomplishment of one person standin alone. I'm diving into your work – researching like crazy and hope I can spread the word here in Germany.
@Body science cancer research is nothing more than a money grab here in the States too. I said in the CT series I believe cancer is no longer a disease either. I am beginning to run a human experiment on an end stage metastatic prostate CA patient with CT. He has run out of conventional options and his surgeon wants me to help him so I am going to give him my best shot. I shot my dogma dead on Thanksgiving 2006 in front of my entire family when I was 357 pounds and told them I was going to be a new person in one year. CT and my Leptin Rx were put to the test. My dogma was blown up
@Jack – Thanks for the krill oil tip, I’ve been meaning to get it. Maybe I said too much in the earlier post, but I really want to know: The new infrared thermometer shows cold water temp is around 64.9 degrees, so added several ice bags and it went down to 61. Of course the temp doesn’t stay there, so the bags are moved around some to circulate the frozen bags and cool down the water more. >> I know it is not cold enough (still), but has there been ANY benefit since the water is not 50/55 degrees?
Sorry if I missed this some where but what labs should a 17 year old girl have done.
Many thanks!
@Coriander. Thanks, lets know how you go!
@ Bridgette, I was lucky enough to attend a 3 day endocrinology course run by Thierry 3 years ago. I feel his work and care is well beyond ” the best current practice”. Until I do Jack’s protocol on myself, it is my intuition (coming from a trained engineer/scientist :->), that Jack’s work is several quantum levels above that . Two good markers to test progress that we now have are Telomere Length and Arginine Challenge test. We are the fortunate few to have a neurosurgeon batting for us!
@john Thierry is the best teacher as a hormone guy… methods are quite different……i understand how to interpret the panel to find out what is the real issue. Thierry is the replacement only guy and does not understand the 30000 ft picture of neurohumoral neurochemistry…….that is a different ball game.
Jack, I notice in your recipe book, your Optimal Coffee has, amongst other ingredients, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon. Tim Ferris, in The Four Hour Body, warns against consuming more than 1.5 teaspoons of cinnamon per day, because the coumarin it contains is a potent blood thinner. Your thoughts?
@Coriander That type of cinnamon is the key. Avoid Cassia type and use Ceylon.
So what's with warmth feeling good? Why did our neolithic brain trick us into seeking warmth – is it similar to why we seek carbs/starches and we get a rewarding feeling from it while missing the natural stop (winter)?
@Souldanzer Our brain evolved into warmth……it never saw cold initially…..but our genes were born of cold adapted animals…….so this program was buried in our brains outside of our sight……Since our evolution was sped up epigentically by Factor X it is the main reason why we remained blind to it until the NASA space walk findings.
Dr K,
For clarification on the tooth extractions. I am having 3 teeth extracted that already have root canals done in them. I would much rather not have to drive 3 hrs to the biological dentist. If my regular dentist can do it that would be great but do I need to worry that some of the root canal material might be left behind? And, I did read that you advise having root canals taken out, right? There is cause for concern regarding cancer so I should have them extracted?
I’ve been doing a ketogenic Paleo diet for the past 2 weeks, adding cold water baths/cold adaptation, cutting out starches/fruit/MCT’s and tropical oils. I do seem to be leaning out without losing muscle, starting to see my abs (first time in many yrs). I think you’re on the right track Dr. K. I hypothesized a few yrs ago that living in the North would help prolong my life (but I thought it was just due to cold temps slowing aging based on enzymatic reaction rates lol)…but at least I wasn’t far off.
Neuroscience originally turned me off since it was mostly lectures on neuroanatomy (seemed they didn’t know much) and hence I was interested in orthopedics. But I’m really starting to believe the brain is the black box organ that controls all. It just doesn’t make sense for us to lose much of our original strength and power as a species to evolve a bigger brain if we didn’t even give our brain full control of the body. Neurosurgery seems to me to be the final frontier in science…
@Daniel Nothing in science is cooler than the brain. It remains the one thing on this planet we know shit about. That is why I became a neurosurgeon. This was one of my big findings, the ancient pathway. Im looking for a lot more now.
@Lauren Lauren I started strait away with the cold baths and shhowers. I figured if a face dunk was good I should skip that and go all in!
@Jack – Help! Since starting the Leptin Rx 5 weeks ago my skin has become seriously dry and flaky all over. Itchy as well, although some itchiness is fading now. Been doing CT for 1 week and have started monitoring my body temp. It seems really low: consistently 96.3 or 96.4. Dropped to 93.8 after CT one night. Should I be concerned by the dryness and low body temps?
@The kid no big deal use olive oil as your moisturizer…..i do that with CT. in Summer I use CO
I am not Jack, but I know the answer to your question ;-).
You have to use Ceylon-cinnamon, NOT Cassia-cinnamon. Ceylon-cinnamon ist a bit more expensive and usually organic brand also – wich is better too IMO. Cassia-cinnamon is the regular cheap one you can buy everywhere. It is made from a different tree.
The whole cinnamon-rolls also look quite different! Ceylon-cinnamon-roll have thinner layers, looks more like a cigar.
Ceylon-cinnamon has almost no cumarin! You can use it liberally.
I use it myself every day in my coffee, a la Kruse ;-).
@scandinavian girl she is correct. Cassia has a lot of toxin problems.
Thank you Dr Kruze for CT6. This is addictive!.Accidentaly found your site looking for info on vlc for DH last Sept.
Dear Dr’s M & M, are you aware of where we can have a telomere profile done in Australia? If not, is it possible to organise?
What about the body temp issue?
@CW – I ordered Thierry's Hormone Solution. I'd prefer to avoid taking hormones too, but as Dr. Kruse has said before they may be necessary in certain cases to speed things up. After just doing a bit of research last night I'm thinking I may be estrogen dominant (even though my fool o f a doctor said everything looks ok).
Only problem is everything I read indicates progesterone cream is necessary for dealing with estrogen dominance and I've tried that in the past and gained tremendous weight nearly overnight! Definitely don't want to go down that road again.
@John – I couldn't agree more. I'm thrilled to have a knowledgeable, generous and kind doctor in our corner with Dr. K. It's refreshing to know not all in the medical field are blinded by CW, $$, or just plain brainwashed by the pharmaceutical companies. Dr. K has mentioned though that some may need hormone replacement for a while in addition to the CT + leptin Rx, so I want to know what I'm dealing with here and be able to understand the severity of my issues so I can make an informed decision about how best to proceed. Good to know you were impressed with Thierry. I'm anxious to get his book. I just realized though that it's from 2002. I wonder if his approach has changed much since then.
Jack, Does the rapid increase in epigenetic changes when our membranes take up o3 to become more fluid explain why it becomes easier to sense what is good for us when we live and eat well? I certainly feel the after effects of a bad choice much more clearly now.
I have avoided using much pufa oil for some time (except fish and seafood) because I was worried about increasing inflammation. Are these oils only safe in the winter, cold adapted, without starches and in the right ratio (also fresh and unadulterated)?
Thank you for giving us your incredible interpretation of science so that we can make our own choices and ask our doctors to think differently. The last time I saw my doctor she said that she was hearing the same from others. You have given me the confidence to keep doing my small part but our system takes away so much of the freedom to think.
Have I wasted time/water IF—The new infrared thermometer shows cold water temp is around 64.9 degrees, so added several ice bags and it only went down to 61. Of course the temp doesn't stay there, so the bags are moved around some to circulate them and cool down the water more or place directly on an area of skin. >> I know it is not cold enough (still), but has there been ANY benefit since the water is not 50/55 degrees?
@Jack…another epic post that makes me say WOW. all connected together I'm seeing the pathways "switching" like train switches do, every time I do a CT session. My sessions are getting longer & I need more ice packs and a vest! at the end of yesterdays 3hr session – I noticed my arms, shoulders, chest and back were tinged w/a rosy pink color – and I wasn't doing CT on them! I'm running HOT through out the day. I wake up and I'm hot, even in moderate weather of 35-50 degrees…and now that we're getting this early spring w/ days in the mid 70's I'm miserably HOT!. One thing I've recently noticed is my face looks younger and my skin over all is more elastic! Since returning from my Week Long CT session of snowboarding in Idaho – I'm now going from a CT session straight to my work out – be it a walk w/the dog, a HIIT bodyweight session, or a LHT session… and I've seen major improvements even though I'm working out less! I've also noticed my clothes are fitting differently as well… the CT has also helped me as I work on the extermination of parasites and candida – my detox time was much quicker w/the CT. Now to figure out how to swing a cold pool in the back yard!
looking fwd to CT 7!
Art De Vany is right. Certain types of physical training can open the pathway as well. But it's a type of physical training most are unwilling to do.
@AG I dont think it does. I think there are many ways to partially access the pathway but not the full benefits it offers.
From that NY Times article: "Humans and other animals exposed to cold will first shiver to get extra heat, Dr. Moalem said. But after a while, they generate more heat by burning a special form of fat: brown adipose tissue. "
Dr. K, aren't you saying the opposite? That the cold and shivering will burn the WHITE AT?
@Lexi no I am not. I am saying that WAT turns into BAT with the pathways I have laid out. It is a direct conversion. And that conversion is what burns the visceral fat.
I am also curious about the answer to this question. AFAIK, the people that Steffansson studied ate lots of seafood, did not eat many carbs, would have lived by the natural light cycles, and lived in a cold environment. Yet, I don't remember them having an unusually long life span, and the pictures I saw of them definitely showed some fat. If they were not optimal, how can I be?
TheKid Says:
March 7th, 2012 at 9:26 am
@Jack – You frequently point to the Inuit as having lived ideally prior to the introduction the SAD diet. However, history has had records of the Inuit for quite some time, I suppose. I imagine something on the order of a couple hundred years. Why is it that we don't hear stories of amazing longevity amongst them?
@Sandy the records for longevity are not well kept…….people have looked. The best data we have is from Schweitzer and Price. Prices data was later and Schweitzer's quite early when they were not touched by modern man, artificial light or the SAD. The longevity data in Finland and Sweden are also helpful.
@Lexi – Above Dr. K writes: "STEP 4: When cold is perceived by skin cold receptors over two weeks leptin is liberated from fat cells in massive quantities. Cold empties fats stores like like a fire empties a movie theater. It can occur even faster if the method of adaptation is controlled with metal. The modern Zeltiq procedure does this in 45 minutes in a medical office. The cold liberates leptin directly from white adipose tissue (WAT). Cold environments induce a long buried epigenetic program in all mammals that allows for WAT to convert to brown adipose tissues (BAT) to burn calories as free heat and not generate ATP or to increase ROS simultaneously."
I'm a little confused about CT. I have Lyme Disease and am still recovering from what seemed like an overdose of Plaquenil…off the med 3 wks now and still not driving or working or walking or breathing normally. I was told that the Lyme spirochetes make your body temp lower because they don't live well in higher body temps. I was also told to do far infra red saunas for detox. With the CT program, will this make my Lyme worse? Should I stop the far infra red saunas?
I remain a skeptic, however I thought I would let you know some things that have happened to me after 3 weeks of 1 hour daily CT (3 20 min sessions at 45 F). First, I have secondary amenorrhea, but after three days I got my period. It was long and painful and I had lots of bloating and cramping, but once it was over I felt much slimmer. Sleep is better but I wake at 1 am every night because I am hot and thirsty. Finally my bms have always been problematic but for now they are totally normal.
Ren, I know very little about Lyme Disease but Dr. Kruse had an article back in January about the disease. In case you have not seen it here is the link. Good luck.…
Dr. Kruse, you may have uncovered an open secret among care-givers throughout history. I am somewhat surprised to have encountered the following quote from a novel published over a century ago:
"And now did the colonists possess an efficacious agent to act against the inflammation which might occur?
Yes. They had one, for nature had generously lavished it. They had cold water, that is to say, the most powerful sedative that can be employed against inflammation of wounds, the most efficacious therapeutic agent in grave cases, and the one which is now adopted by all physicians. Cold water has, moreover, the advantage of leaving the wound in absolute rest, and preserving it from all premature dressing, a considerable advantage, since it has been found by experience that contact with the air is dangerous during the first days."
Jules Verne, The Mysterious Island
@David This does not surprise me but the reasons it has stayed in our blind spot is because it seems so simple…….but it needs chronic application to stay in the pathway.
Hi Dr Kruse,
I have suffered from pudendal nueralgia which manifests as pain in the clitoris for 20 years. At least that is the last "name" my condition has been given. have been all over the country to meet with specialists, have had operations with neurologists, have done every normal, and some crazy treatments, out there in an effort to stop my pain. The pain happens mainly to the touch, but there is also some burning sensation that has started in the last few years. Fun! Everyone has given up on helping me, but I won't stop trying until all my options are exhausted. I was wondering if you would be willing to let me fly to Nashville to see you? I can see how forward thinking you are on your blog and I would love to see if you could help me. I need someone willing to think outside the box, because modern medicine has given up on me.
@julie I think I could work with you over the net when my new website is launched. Wait until that happens and then we will talk. This problem sounds difficult. One bit of advice, start Krill oil and fish oil and increase seafood in you diet now……you need to ramp it up for about 6 weeks before we talk.
If any of you have a puzzle to put together, you should get your dna done. I'm now looking at about twenty different things and if I had those results in my hands, I'd know which way to turn. I don't know about your in-laws, but mine were perfect and didn't have anything "wrong" with them, any problems had to come from my side.
This has taken many days to read mainly because I like a comprehensive understanding, so off to the printer this goes for more ruminating at work. Your thoughts of physiologic function is way over my head. This post and your blog is treasure trove and will keep me going for a while. I continue to struggle with application as a nurse. Nearly every time I discuss health issues with a patient I know the doctor is taking another course of treatment . . . very vexing.
Anyway, I lost 130 pounds in 2010-11, am at near optimum body composition (B+), and using CT has been mulling in my mind the last couple of years like a deep shadow, waiting. I just didn't know why. Now I see and will have to overcome the barriers of discomfort. Thanks for providing another yet challenging N=1. Already started acclimating by ditching layers outside, now onto (or into) the H2O.
You continue to be an inspiration and we nurses need to learn how use this in our practice. It may mean career changes, more education, who knows?! The only thing constant is change and we need to be pliable or we will break. The future really is big and its ours. Once again, thanks.
Jack, I have been doing CT for over a month now, i.e. ice packs on stomach at night for about 2hrs and a cold shower in the morning. My face and the back of my neck are very dry. I do take vitamin E and CO and eat VLC and I do apply CO to my face and neck, any ideas as to why the dryness?
@Shilihman I answered this……not enough omega 3 or 6 in the diet… need to make sure youre at the 4:1 ratio…..if not use surface olive oil… skin
Well, you ARE soaking for hours in water. That'll affect the oils on your skin.
That has been an epic read..!
Salute you Jack, and thank you for making the herculean effort to put this down in a blog.
There are many confirmations to 'what I suspected' – many answers to 'what I doubted' and still some questions left which will, I am sure get answered, as we all proceed holding your hand.
Tell me – Is CT protocol contra indicated in anyone.? Or, to put it another way, should some people take some precautions before staring the CT protocol.?
I had my Tonsils taken out as a 6 year old, several decades ago. Ever since my immunity to throat infections including laryngitis is horribly reduced, especially with the onset of winters or if facing a cold draft.
What do you advise.?
@Resurg if you have a real bad heart bad and circulatory system you need to be careful……that is why I said in the CT protocol you have to clear it with your cardiologist. But you can just increase your slope of adaptations. CT really helps immunity
Dr. Kruse, I have a question about tendonitis, tendonosis and tendon calcification. Do you know what the possible causes can be (besides overtraining/bad coordination or bad diet)? Can CT and ketogenic paleo reverse it? Is it better to move the body or to stay away from movement like yoga, sprinting, HIIT, clubbells/kettlebells??
Do you think it is possible to reverse food sensitivities after stopping leaky gut(inflammation of gut lining?
Your blog gets more impressive every day. So I better keep reading and rereading and learning. 🙂
As Mr. Spock would say: Live long and prosper!
Greetings from Germany
PS: Did you ever hear about "Kneipp Therapy"? German priest Sebastian Kneipp healed his tuberculosis by swimming in the ice cold Danube several times.
@Andrea I would be concerned with Vitamin K2 deficiency could be a problem. If you read my Vitamin K2 post you will see you can test for it with an osteocalcin test.…
Dr Kruse, I'm sure you are aware that James Fitzgerald of Optimum Performance Training will be presenting at Paleo FX as well. This is a man who lives on data. I hope you two can link up and talk performance! I know i will be asking him in June…
Dr. K: can you please clarify: "It can occur even faster if the method of adaptation is controlled with metal." what do you mean by "metal"?
@Lexi I was refering to the Zeltiq procedure that uses metal. I do not advocate its use at home. Too dangerous to do.
@ Lee: are you talking about the MTHFR gene test? I plan on getting this done soon from Amy Yasko's site. Where did you get it done? Did your results come with recommended / individualized diet and supplement recommendations. Sent you an e-mail last night.
Dr K,
I'm in such a quandry about my root canal situation. I have 3! I think remember reading you telling someone else to get them out. So, I've been reading your site trying to find your stance. I read "Pulling your teeth is definitely not paleo…… need to act to stop it" on your teeth blog. Do I need them pulled or do I have an alternative. With 1 acting up I need to decide quickly.
Thanks for all your help.!
thank you!
Still waiting/hoping for the pilot light to turn on and the weight to come off. I've been doing this since the original blog post on the evolution of the Leptin RX came out. I'm up to about 6 times/week on cold baths, but I can really only stand to be in there about 20 minutes tops. I do put cold packs on my torso at other times, and take cold showers. I have not lost any weight. I have not gained any strength. I am cold 75% of the time. I do think that my body composition may have improved, but the measureables (weight and strength) have not proved that. I jacked up my o3 intake to see if that is the issue – not yet. I have been Low Carb/Paleo for just over a year.
If someone has some advice, I'd be glad to hear it.
Would one be able to get "cold adapted" by using one of those cryotherapy chambers? They claim to lower the temperature of the skin to 32 degrees Farenheit but it only lasts for 3 minutes. I'm just curious if one could get cold adapted using one of those. If so one would think the popularity of them would increase 100x after reading your cold thermogenesis series and the life altering effect they potentially hold
Tinea Versicolor, ongoing for over a year. 8-9% BF. (they told me it is bc I live in humid Charleston, SC) Strict paleo minus some bleu cheese here and there. CT since you first wrote about it. Only been able to get water temps to 63 bf my ice melts. Ordered a deep freezer to make larger quantities of ice. Think the lower temps will knock it out?
Where is the CT protocol listed? I just this site this week, already started LepReset. Takes me awhile to digest all the science (no pun intended) but can't stop devouring.
An another side note, is the coconut smoothie recipe described anywhere? i found reference to it, but the Search engine on this site only pulls up a few references to it in comment sections.
@Doug 2/11/2012 blog post……I bet before long it will be top blog post.
So I'm home visiting Mom, you know the 72 year old with the 6-pack and BF around 12%. Here's a list of my observations:
1. She doesn't heat the house: "Because I'm too cheap."
2. Eats only fish, mostly Salmon, and eggs for protein and fresh fruit and vegs for carbs, with the caveat that she doesn't eat anything that is out of season: "Because I'm too cheap."
3. Swims 3x week for 1 hour in an outdoor pool. (A little over a mile in distance, no breaks with flip turns, hence the abs. Maintains a tan year round.)
Doesn't believe in gyms, but chopped down the 70 ft maple in her back yard BY HERSELF a month ago. Yes, that involved climbing to the top and hand sawing branches. (Who needs a gym when you are clearly insane.)
4. 1/2c chocolate chip snack at 3pm, every day.
5. A sherry glass size of red wine most evenings with dinner.
6. To bed by 10pm in an unheated room.
This has been her lifestyle for the last 30 years.
When she left for work this morning it was 50 degrees and she was wearing a T-shirt. She smiled at me and said "Now when people ask 'Where's my jacket?' I'm going to say 'I'm cold adapted.'"
Daughter was not amused.
@Marie… should post this at PH. Lots of non believers over there. Now you clearly know why your mom is able to do all this…….LOL. Mom is a stud. You need to listen to your momma!!!
Sorry — repeat of #325:
Have I wasted time/water IF—The new infrared thermometer shows cold water temp is around 64.9 degrees, so added several ice bags and it only went down to 61. Of course the temp doesn't stay there, so the bags are moved around some to circulate them and cool down the water more or place directly on an area of skin. >> I know it is not cold enough (still), BUT has there been ANY benefit since the water is not 50/55 degrees?
@LinD no… can do CT if your water temp is one degree below your temp… will take years though.
Marie…your mom is my hero! My mom doesn't like to walk up a flight of stairs because of the difficulty involved…and she's only 61.
@Marie I laughed out loud! Your Mom is a rockstar!
Marie. Great story about your mom. And well written. Clever.
Exercise as most do it does not. Training recovery pathways maximally and efficiently does. There are modalities and technology currently available that I would go out on a limb and say may do it even more efficiently.
Dr K,
Any chance you can steer me about root canals? Do they need to be removed? What are alternatives if not? Have you written about this already?
No to which? Maybe I should ask in a different way —
1) Is it a waste of time if water temp is over 50/55 degrees, or,
2) Is there any CT benefit if the water temp is over 50/55 degrees (and only around 62 or so)?
Spell it for the dense, please, oh, please.
Vasper is indeed interesting, but FAR being able to create optimal performance. It's just a tool, but not close to being able to exponentially increase human potential. It all comes down to the brain controlling everything, and if we can stimulate the neurology properly, performance in every aspect will follow.
Thanks, Nicki M!
@Dr. Kruse – I just wanted to follow-up on a comment that you made in your Evolution of the Leptin Rx. She asked if she should use a gift certificate to a sauna that she got. You said yes, but make sure that she CT after, as it would help her cold adapt faster. Is this because she is heated up from the sauna beforehand?
And if so, would it make sense for me to do some exercise prior to my CT sessions? If it matters, I do my CT baths first thing in the morning (4am). But I could take 5-10 minutes beforehand to do a bunch of pull-ups, push-ups and air squats if that would help me cold adapt faster. Thanks, your CT6 post got me recommitted to CT.
@Mark Swimming in cold water is the best CT exercise.
Dear Jack,
By chance, were you able to test your HDL and/or Calcium Plaque results prior to LR reset/CT protocol, and then testing them now. Those results could be very convincing of its effectiveness to the Cardiology community.
The Best
@Conan Yes and no cardiologist are the most dogmatic in medicine.
Dr. K, Ruby's comment #307 refers to an article about Juvenile Diabetes. I have a nephew diagnosed at age 10 with this. The article was confusing to me, so wondered if you recomment CT for this form of diabetes also. Thanks.
@LacyJ I think CT should be a plan for all diabetics
Any constipation sufferers out there?
Supps include magnesium, vit D (levels are good though) zinc, copper, selenium. Doing a liver clease via naturopath, have had a few successes but nothing great. Gone low carb for a week but feel the same as I did on PHD. Lots of coconut oil/duck fat/ grassfed fatty meets and TONS of seafood. Been paleo for a couple years and dairy and me cannot exist at all with one another. Do the bone broth thing. I do have a lot of muscle weakness, used to be awesome at crossfit and then crashed a burned (had digestive troubles during). Diagonsed with hypothalamic amenorrhea a couple weeks ago (13 months without now, 24yrs old 114ish lbs when bloated). Low dhea but doc says its still within range (1.8) on scale of .8-13 (not sure of the units, im in Canada). Low progesterone, on prometrium, was also prescribed estrogen but am just taking the progesterone. Bloating is what really bothers me, really affects my mood and dont really feel like doing anything. Low white blood cells and waiting to see a hematologist. Any similar stories out there?
Thank you. How much is ramping it up? I just finished my second round of hcg and had planned on taking 2-4 grams. I will add in krill oil too. I am thin now, but planned on doing the reset with the paleo supplements and CT to see if I could get any better. I look forward to talking to you when your website is up. However, I love Nashville. Attended Vanderbilt for my undergraduate And masters.. Wanted a good excuse to visit. Thanks again for your time. I really appreciate all you are doing to help those of us in chronic pain.
@Julie it should be soon……I think 500 mgs 4 times a day with 3 1000 mgs Fish oil a day will get your cell membrane ready.. Start the CT protocol too……This will help by the time we talk
@Dr. K – I'm waiting for her blood work in a couple of weeks for PH. Her doc is requesting it, I think more as a preventative and curiosity than any issues. Plus every chapter adds one more thing she does right.
@Marie she is a rockstar. I have many like her in my practice. It is so cool to see the older patients get their groove back
I can remember, as a kid, Grandma always lowering the thermostat before bed, winter or summer. Once in a while I was hopeful that she had forgotten, but she would inevitably come back into the room, where I was still watching TV, and she would dutifully lower it. I'd have to get a blanket. Brrr!
She told me it helped her sleep. I loved her, but that was tough to take. Especially in winter! She lived to be 98 years old.
@Sally grandma knew best.
Dr K, on FB you said: Ketosis with cold is a loser long term. It is akin to a paleo person eating banana as they cross fit their way to a slow death…..
EXPLANATION PLEASE!!! i thought ketosis IS the way to go!!! are you saying SOME carbs are necessary with CT?
confused (again)
@Lexi it was a typo…..should have been "without" not with. VLC and cold are bed fellows.
@AC… I'd check Dr K's Leaky Gut RX and follow it. Good luck.
Dr Kruse, can you make a 'gift option' available for your cookbook? I'd like to give a couple subscriptions to my kids, so that they will receive the seasonal updates. I'd receive the receipt, but they would get a welcome email, etc.
@Sally I am looking into this for you now….
Dr Kruse, in your Recommended Products link, why do you recommend NOW brand Vitamin K2, which is only a 100mcg dose, and not Carlson's Vitamin K2, which is 5Mg dose?
@Coriainder This dose is for the gallbladder patients which far outnumber my osteoporosis patients. Those patients get different workups by me in clinic. If you look at my osteoporosis Rx it is pretty clear I like the higher doses.
I have a friend with Wegener's Syndrome. He has alread lost parts of two fingers and has poor circulation to his hand and feet. Would the leptin reset and CT help or would it make things worse.
@Cowboy I have no experience with that Syndrome.
Hi Jack,
Do you have any thoughts on the ability of retinol/retinoic acid to upregulate CPT1 and seemingly give WAT characteristics of BAT?….
@John Treatment with retinoic acid, in particular, has been shown to reduce body fat and protein Take a look at this study from 2011.
Dr. Jack, knowing you have a "soft spot" for India, fetal development and Mother Nature's trump cards ;-), maybe you'd find this interesting: "As Barker sees it, malnutrition during a baby's development affects how a person's body behaves for a lifetime. An undernourished fetus prioritizes sugar for its growing brain. To make more glucose available in the blood, the fetus stores less of the energy in its muscles by making the muscles resistant to the effects of insulin.
What starts as a clever survival trick in the womb becomes a liability in later life. When food is freely available but the muscles can't store excess glucose, the blood floods with sugar and diabetes develops."…
Kindest regards, as always.
@Coriander, There's 2 forms of Vitamin K2. MK-4 and MK-7. The MK-7 has a high half life, so a little lasts longer in the body in comparison (days for MK-7 vs hours for MK-4). You usually see K2 MK-7 in the MCG range, and MK-4 in the MG ranges. The Amazon link isn't clear which version it's got, but from the dose size, I'm assuming it's K2 MK-7.
@ LinD- I’ve heard Dr. Jack mention before that you can cold-adapt even if the water is a bit warmer than 50-55 degrees, it will just take you longer. So no, it’s not a waste of your time, and yes, there is a CT benefit with 62 degree water. Time to ramp up the ice production though! =)
@Julie Perhaps this describes the cause of your problem And perhaps a possible solution. I've started treatment with this doctor but not for the same pain as yours.
It’s Rob Hamilton the ER doc from California. I would very much like with the opportunity to consult with you by phone or by Skype or whatever (at whatever your cash pay rate is) in an effort to help my father. Naturally I need help to but he needs it now more than I. I will be calling your office to see if I can set something up. If possible I’d love to talk or email you more detail — I can’t even imagine though how busy you are. Anyway, I’ll hope to get ahold of you, and no need to pass this through to the blog if you don’t want to.
@Rob soon my website will be up to these tasks……hold tight.
@Jack – you mentioned on the Underground Wellness podcast about technology and its effect on our circadium cycle… is there a chance this is the cause of my 19 year old's issues (that started last year, actually) with 1) an involuntary body movement (this one is hard to describe), and 2) this 'shakey' eye thing that occurs. She had a sleep-deprived EEG last Spring, but it did not show anything indicative of epilepsy or otherwise. However, she texted me the other day the 'shaky-eye' thing started again. It lasted throughout a whole scene of a play (10 min or so).
@LinD possible but it could be many things……let a neurologist look him over
Dr. K I'm still waiting for some labs. Our lab was just bought by Quest and I've had to go back 3 times due to their errors. I started the CT in the tub last week I did two days at a moderate temp and was so wired I couldn't sleep for 4 nights. I've looked through the posts and couldn't find a comment on this. Is it my thyroid revving up? TSH was 2.1. I'm waiting on the omega 6/3. The lab ordered it as Fatty Acid Profile Essential (c12-c22). Any suggestions to tide me over until I get these labs straightened out would be helpful. I'm supplementing DHEAS and Pregnenolone now. Thanks.
I've decided to practice my singing while I'm in the tub, especially hitting the high notes as I sit down!
@Terry F youre likely toxin dumping
@Jack or anyone w/ answer: Is there an optimal time for taking bitter melon, or just daily with other suppliments?
@ those with dry skin – I make a mix of macadamia nut oil, coconut oil and cocoa butter (3/5/2 ratio) melt em in the microwave to liquify, mix together in a glass jar, shake while it’s cooling. Apply liberally everywhere – it feels good and smells good. Also, STOP USING SOAP ON YOUR BODY! I swear! Your skin will protect itself. If you are a lady, this mix removes makup, too.
Another observation about CT – it might make you feel so happy you use phrases like “it’s on like donkey kong”. You’ve been warned. 😉
Hi Dr. Jack, Listening to your podcast on UW right now. Sorry if this question has already been asked but can you explain how to do CT for someone who has never done it before? I hate the cold but I'm game!! Thanks!
@Linda go to my 2-11-2012 blog…….its all there.
@Jack: I saw a few comments up you mentioned K2 dose in relation to gallbladder patients. I personally haven't had issues with mine (yet), but I've been on a quest since I learned that the women in my family have almost all had theirs removed. Usually b/w the ages of mid 30's to late 40's. My mother, grandmother, and my aunts all have. All on my mothers side. I plan to keep mine and hope to prevent any issues. I've been doing your leptin reset and CT. Been paleo since August.
I'm wondering what things I should be watchful of.. anything in bloodwork, food, or supplements?
I just want to prevent this issue and don't want to go through the pain of stones or infection. I'm 28 yrs old right now. No problems so far. No one in my family has had any celiac diagnosed, but I think gluten may be a sensitivity that hasn't been diagnosed becuz gb issues seem to be related to gluten from what I have found online. But, I'm not sure what to pay attention to and what to do to prevent these issues if possible.
@Erica I have a CPC coming up for you soon on Gallbladder disease…….it makes you an estrogen collector. Watch for it……It should be released this month after Paleo Fx.
Hi Dr. Kruse,
During your talk tonight with Sean you told one of the callers if LR with CT is not working then there is something else going on. Would parasitic infestation/overgrowth be one of those problems? Or what are some of the problems that would prevent LR with CT from working?
Thank you!!
@Adalina possible…..especially candida. Leaky gut is nasty
Hi Dr. Kruse,
I have been doing CT since 2/16. I started with the tub right away up to my chest. Last weekend I was able to stand 35 degree weather without a jacket and in general felt I was cold adapting. This week I feel cold easily, it's much harder to sit in the cold tub, and it is taking me longer to warm up after a bath. Do you have any thoughts why this might be happening?
so until leaky gut is fixed, nothing will get fixed. and if i have H pylori, no chance of fixing leaky gut w/o antibiotics…. correct?
@H pylori is a an acid issue and can be treated with bismuth and/or antibiotics.
Would utilizing a cryotherapy chamber/cryogenic chamber achieve our same awesome results in shorter periods?…
@Jeremiah No experience with them but if you do it keep us in the loop.
So excited to get my question answered via Sean tonight – thanks!
Jack, you mentioned a Ted Talk by Curnisse/Kernisse on Michael Phelps, which I cannot find, but I did finds this:
This guy swam the North Pole in his Speedos @ -1.7 degrees!!!
@Simon M look at my Cites in the New evolution of the Leptin Rx blog. Cronise TedMed talk is there.
@Adriana You could do a GAPS diet version of the leptin rx for candida, or any other G.I overgrowth for that matter.
Dr. Kruse, I listened to your interview just now. Very informative, thank you! It's summer here now so I jumped in with the cold showers a few days ago. Don't mind them. I got some ice for face dunks..I wonder if it will make my face slimmer lol, that's where I retain a lot of fluid from toxicity.
My question is about the timing of eating on leptin rx.. I eat about 6AM. LOTS of fat and 50g protein. I am stuffed by the time I'm finished. But then I'm hungry again at about 12. I can stretch it until 4pm but I'm hungry.. Can I just eat 2 meals…one at 6AM and one at 1PMish and be done? I like eating 2x day.
@Natalia twice is OK
Dr K, I had my first physical in 18 months today. Some of my labs are already back: glucose, 80, that's the lowest it's been in over 12 years! The Liver SGOT & SGPT, lower than they've been in over 12 years! Fatty liver disease gone? The only odd one was my potassium was somewhat low. My blood pressure was very high though, and now the doc want's to put me on something called Amlopidine… a calcium channel blocker. What do you know about that drug? I really don't want to take it, don't trust it at all. I did a CT about an hour before my appointment, would that effect my blood pressure? I'm afraid I won't be going back to my doc, she gave me a really hard time about the labs I wanted drawn, told me she really couldn't order every lab a patient wanted because that is what drives up health care costs. She did not get it, at all, and it was disappointing. sigh. I'm in the market for a new doc with fresh thinking and the ability to partner with me rather than dictate and write scripts.
Got it – thanks.
Dr. Kruse, I've been doing my own reading on cranial nerve 10, the brain-gut axis and its role in gut inflammation. I hope you write more on this topic in the future…very fascinating.
@Dan H yes I plan on doing one……but it is mind bending neuroanatomy. People may kill me if I do it.
Amazing detailed information from you, Dr. Kruse. I'm inspired from your passion and dedication, thank you for sharing. I'm struggling what to do to stop my body from completely breaking down.
I am eating meat,eggs and vegs with coconut oil for
bkft just meat/vegs for lunch and dinner. I've been eating organic, range grass fed foods for over 20 yrs! Couple times a week my body says CARB NOW! So I have something. 25 no more than 50gm, and usually a vegetable starch satisfies. I don't "desire" carbs. My thyroid is wacked my adrenals are exhausted!!! I take Armour and Isocort just to have energy to sit up and think. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 08 and 150lbs. My weight continues to escalate,I'm 220. Until Dec of 2011, I had ultrasounds and lab work performed every 4 months to monitor. I continue the comprehensive thyroid panel labwork. Through diet and botanicals I am correcting my biological terrain to deactivate the cancer. Over these years of tests, all labwork reflected improved marks except the leptin level frustratingly remained elevated; although a few leptin test levels temporarily lowered. I sit around in shorts and a tshirt in my cold room, braving my chills. There are times I can be layered in clothes covered in blankets an still shiver.
Of all the supplements and mgs you recommended, I only had to add the PQQ to what I was already taking. I am beyond discourage and don't know what to try or do next. Your suggestions and recommendations will be most welcomed. Thank you.
@JR forget supplements You need the Letpitn Rx Reset and CT protocol. You cant out supplement mismatches.
Is 86% chocolate OK or do you consider that cheating?
@Jodi its OK but 99% is better
Also, can you please explain why Crossfit, in and of itself, is damaging my stem cells? Thanks!
@Jodi When you exercise like mad and you are eating carbs in fall and winter you are creating ROS or inflammation at your mitochondria. this sends a signal to your mitochondria to divide and it causes you to kill the cell and replace it with a stem cell……you keep doing that over and over again and you deplete your backs and you die earlier and get disease in your 50-60’s from organ disfunction
fascinating reading. You allude to a "barometric trap door" as well. Have you considered hypoxia? I don't mean clinical pathological hypoxia– rather lowered pa O2? There is a company called Hypoxico that sells sleeping tents for people prepping for climbs that also claims to be able to help/cure people of diabetes with these things…just a thought. question: do artic expeditions (sea level) shred weight like mountain climbing expeditions notoriously do?
@Amy hypoxia has a levee in the Quilt. I think you all need to go back once in a while and look at that document. Its all there.
@Jodi I think Dr. Kruse means if you're leptin resistant, doing intense exercises like Crossfit damage your cells. Being leptin resistant (brain and periphery), the body's cells i.e. muscle cells cannot recover/repair its oxidative damage (from heavy exercise) due to inappropriate energy partitioning and metabolism at a total body level. This leads to many cells eventually dying off via apoptosis/self-death and your stem cells from marrow etc. having to replace them. So as you crossfit/run marathons for a few decades while being leptin resistant…you eventually deplete stem cell supply and age/die faster. Dr. Kruse has a 3 part leptin series + a leptin prescription article that you can find under INDEX.
@Dan H actually you do not have to be LR to deplete your stem cells… can be LS and do it. It is the modern paleo paradox. All Xfitting paleos need to beware of this
I work twelve hr nite shifts three nites a week. How would you adapt the Holy Trinity to that?
Mtn Jim
p.s. you and Wil Hof are my heroes…:-)
@Mtm Jim Fisher Lots of cold, 99% chocolate and sleep…….that is your Holy Trinity for shift work.
@Jack: Great! I’m excited to read it. Until then do you know where I could read what an “estrogen collector” is/means.. besides the obvious of collecting estrogen LOL?
I’ve never heard of that before some comments on this blog. But, other than people stating they are one I don’t know what that means. I’d like to read up on the symptoms and stuff like that about it.
@Erica it means your are collecting it in your fat and not excreting it in your gallbladder…….any longer.
@Jack: So, this means that I am most likely an estrogen collector since gb problems run in my family? Or I’m not an estrogen collector unless I have gallbladder disease/problems? Basically I’m asking if it starts with estrogen collection or the gallbladder problems cause the estrogen problems?
@Erica likely both
Hi, wow these posts are awesome, cant wait for the next one!
Does CT help cholesterol levels? mine has crept up since 2 years of primal eating, I follow the post leptin rx protocol, just with more starchy carbs( sweet potatoes)
My cholesterol as of 3 weeks ago are:
Total 370
LDL 272
HDL 83
I can't help thinking there must be a reason for the ever increasing high numbers?!
I dont see that many with high numbers like mine on these sites.
@Jonny H CT helps this too.
Hi Dr. Kruse,
I have been on the reset 10 weeks and started CT 4 weeks ago. I feel mostly cold adapted but I still feel very fatigued. In addition, I am horribly hungry pretty much all day. It is one of the reasons I started the reset. I eat breakfast lunch and dinner and it's a struggle not to snack in between meals.
I have been following a Paleo diet for 15 years, my carbs come from veggies and pastured eggs, I eat grass fed meat only, and I stick to 20 to 25 grams of carbs a day. Some days I don't eat any vegetables at all. I don't eat dairy and I am not overweight but would like to change my body composition. I have gone up to 90 grams of protein for my BAB and still felt hungry and I have tried as little as 50 grams and then added animal fat and/or coconut oil until I couldn't eat anymore. Still I feel hungry.
Do you have any thoughts about what might be going on and what I can try or look into?
Thank you so much for everything you do.
@Astraia your not cold adapted if your fatigued and hungry
On fat burning and CT timing, does CT before sleep have a carryover effect? You mention that we burn fat in our sleep, so it would seem likely that the two would be complementary. Or is timing secondary? While I don't advocate 'fasted cardio' for fat loss, the idea of how we use timing to optimize the biochemistry / circadian effectiveness for certain purposes (such as fat loss) is of interest to me. Perhaps you will discuss this further in a later blog?
@Bob I personally love CT at night……I think it is the ideal time to do it
@Jack – Still having a lot of trouble with body temperature. My gym has a cold shower that is maintained at 51 degrees. Today I started my CT at 2:20 pm after hving had a very large brunch at 11:30 a.m. My starting body temp was 97.7. I measured throughout my session. At 15 minutes I started a slight shiver, which became more pronounced at 20 minutes, when my temp was down to 96.5. I stayed in another 5 mintues and halted the session. Skin was pink and rather numb all over.
As is the case with most of my sessions, the shivering really starts once I'm done. My temp continued to drop after leaving the shower, bottoming out at 93.8. This was maybe 20 minutes after my session. As I write this one hour later I am still shivering and am very uncomfortable, despite having doen CT for about 10 days. Just took my temp and it's still only 93.9.
Am I doing something wrong? Is it dangerous for my temp to drop so low?
@The Kid no…you might need to adapt slower…..i bet you cardiovascular reserves is bad…….just go slower.
@Dr. Kruse – thanks for your response to my question exercise, but I still have a question. I guess I should have reworded it, is it beneficial to do some exercise prior to cold tub sessions? Does ‘warming up’ the body by doing some pull-ups just before CT help one cold adapt faster? The only reason that I think it might is because the muscles would be ‘pumped’ with fresh blood and be at slightly higher temp. Could be totally wrong, thanks.
@Mark no……if you want to push CT……and I would and am not recommending this……exercise during CT does some interesting things. That is all I will say. When you become CT adapted for 6-8 months that is when you can start some of the things me and Wil Hof are doing………not until then.
@Jack – What do you mean when you say my cardiovascular reserve is bad? And when you say to go slower, do you mean higher temperature CT or regular temperature (5-55 degrees) but shorter sessions.
@The Kid i bet your vessels and you autophagy are not good……if you tested your DHEA it would suck……and this is why your adaptation is slow with CT. You need a good hack. i do not think you are as healthy as you think.
Doc, Could CT make TOM come super early even on bc? And what is with the headaches? Thanks!
Hi Dr. Kruse,
I have been avidly pouring over your site material for the past few weeks. I am going to be a graduating undergrad in Cell and molecular Bio in May this year. I am looking to apply to medical school next year. I was wondering if you know of anyone at any medical schools doing research into the thermogenesis, melanocortin, leptin, circadian link that you are describing. I definitely want to apply to a school where there is such research potentially going on or possible. I even have little over a whole year until I enter medical school so I could even possibly assist in a research lab somewhere regarding this front also. This stuff is absolutely my interest. Right now I am a totipotent “doctor cell”, if you will, and I think I can do a lot of good in the future with dedication and a little outside guidance in the optimal direction. My future goal is to become a leader in the field of international medicine and perhaps creatively apply these new research implications discussed here at that level. I am a longtime strict paleo eater with an open mind.
Thank you,
Ray F
@Ray Johns Hopkins…….Patricia Kane’s work on the lipid layers of cell membranes in neuro-degeneration is seminal to this theory. She has a 30 ft view of the 30000 ft view I gave you in the CT series……and I am not close to done yet. Until you see why Evolution did this you wont realize how important these things are to our daily biology.
@Jack – I absolutely need a good hack; and I absolutely don’t think I’m healthy. I’ve literally felt unwell for years. I cannot begin to explain what its like to feel unwell day in and day out for years. It grinds on you both physically and psychologically. So I absolutely accept that there is a whole lot wrong “under the hood.”
But I just need some clarity on what I’m doing wrong. Should my CT sessions be shorter in duration? Should my diet be more dialed in (I’m doing the BAB and low carbing it already). And what do you mean by my vessels not being good, and is there something I should do specifically to address that?
Hey Jack
Great Work
What do you feel are the results of alternating a hot and cold environment very rapidly – For example 200 degrees in the sauna and then an ice cold shower and then back and forth?
@Ric not a fan. body needs time to adapt as does brain……the brain is the temp receptor…… you think the climate we face sees swings like these normally? Nope, so that means our biology wont react well to it.
Thank you. I’ll stick to the plan. The cold tubs (~47F) combined with a couple bags of ice on my torso are going great. I even gave up coffee! I’m using a long-sleeved compression shirt and compression shorts for now. Once I can stick my feet in and feel good, I’ll stop using the compression gear. But for now I think it helps numb up my skin quicker. For the past two days, I was able to do 45 minutes in the tub with the ice bags. I shiver near the end and a little after I get out, but it’s not bad. I’m looking forward to getting adapted so that I don’t shiver at all. Hopefully by then I’ll be ripped too. Separately, today I woke up on my own at 0355, five minutes before my alarm. Granted I’m asleep before 9:30 on most nights, but still I’d love to automatically wake up before 4 everyday. I’m planning on doing longer CT sessions this weekend, probably around 90-120 minutes, in an effort to speed up the adaption. I’m curious to see how that goes. Thanks again.
I also wanted to mention that my longer-term plan is to start swimming in my parents pool (they live close) once it opens at the end of May. By then I should be cold-adapted and could substitute a few baths a week for swimming sessions. The pool should be around 70F by then, which when combined with swimming should provide some good CT.
Just finished listening to Sean’s radio show recording – Awesome.
(Being 9000 miles away, I am supposed to be 12 hours ahead 🙂 but end up behind)
Dr Kruse. Your ability to write such detailed posts, then answer every question on your own blog, contributing on Paleohacks and on MDA, Doing your difficult work as a Neuro-Surgeon, have a family life with children and everything else in just 24 hours per day – should silence every skeptic and every condescending critic (which are aplenty) about the super human ability that CT can confer – especially in view of where you are coming from – 300+ pounds a few years ago.
It is a pleasure to hear you on a Podcast – I hope we can have more and more of those.
@TheKid – just wanted to say “you’re not alone.” Some days I’m not sure which is worse – the physical or psychological pain/challenges. Most weeks are nothing short of an emotional roller coaster for me. One good day, followed by two bad. A major “high” when I figure something out followed by an even worse low when I realize I have no idea how to fix it and can’t find a single practitioner with any answers.
I am also struggling with the cold adaptation. I’ve started to take it much slower lately and hope that my body just needs a bit more time to adjust. My temps drop very low after the baths too, so I’ve gone back to the face dunks and ice packs for now. Hoping I’m still getting some benefit.
@Resurgent – I couldn’t agree more!
Update on CT and sinus drainage:
Have had 7 cold baths in 2 weeks and spot-iced on off days. When I put a cold pack on my neck directly over the thyroid gland, within minutes I get sinus drainage down the back of my throat that lasts hours. HOURS. It happens even when I don’t feel stuffed up. This has happened 5 out of 5 times and is the only time I get drainage like this. Spot icing and full baths do not produce these results. It’s interesting to me that ice on the neck/thyroid makes this happen and for it to last so long.
What is going on and where is this stuff coming from? Does CT offer a super-workout for the lymphatic system? Anyone else experience this too?
I have been doing CT for about a week, but did my first bath with bag of ice on my torso last night. I did 20 minutes. Water temperature was 52 degrees, and I moved the bag of ice from my abdomen to my neck. I was pretty cold the rest of the night but I wore my robe instead of being uncomfortable for the whole night. Is it ok to try to warm up? I also had a cup of yerba mate tea but just warm, not hot. I get very hot during the night and kick off my blankets. Good sign, right? This was already happening while doing the Leptin reset. I had some leg cramps last night, which I don’t normally get at all. Something I can take for that? I also had a headache, loose bowels, and some serious emotions going on (as in crying a lot). Could also be TOM, but could CT make me more emotional? Very interesting protocol. Really hoping for the fat loss to begin.
So if I’m LS, NOT eating safe starches in fall/winter and doing CT, is 3 hours a week of Crossfit still harmful? How will I retain my muscle tone without working out?
@Jodi If you eat appropriate to the circadian cycles you can cross fit. but to be clear……when your cold adapted exercise is not needed much. I have done very little int he last three months and I am rock hard because of the cold……..cold increases growth hormone and testosterone secretion in humans…….
@Bridgette – Thank you for the comment. It’s good to know one is not alone. I’m like a regular at my local hosptial. I’ve seen every doctor they have in that place, and not nary a one of them has anything more than a pill or a procedure that just treats symptoms and fails to actually cure me. In 2012, I’m all about curing myself. And if I have to sit in an ice bath each day and sleep in a meat locker each night, so be it.
But like most other things in life, everything depends on personal circumstances. And apparently I don’t tolerate the cold all that well yet. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, but I hope to iron this out so that I can see some of the benefits Dr. Jack has talked about.
Since you’re having problems, I’d love any tips you might have. Thanks.
@TheKid – I’m not sure I have any tips to offer. If anything, my suggestion would just be to take things a bit slower. I’m so desperate for healing that I find myself jumping in to every healing possibility headfirst and I tend to push myself a bit too far.
I’m finally learning to listen to my body and take things at a much more gradual pace. I did one face dunk and then moved right to the baths – bad idea for me! So, like I said above I have now gone back to face dunks and ice packs. I plan to do 2 face dunks (one in the AM and one in the PM) for 2 weeks along with ice packs once a day.
After 2 weeks I’ll attempt the baths again. After all, Dr. K’s protocol does say to start with the face dunk. I know many people went straight to the baths, but that’s not what he said to do and I’m trying to follow directions for once!
@Bridgette. People cut corners and pay the price of slow adaptations
I have a question Dr K. Does one have to eat a ketogenic diet along with the cold therapy to help the adrenal glands recover from fatigue? Or will cold thermogenesis alone with a paleo diet with some carbs still be effective? If you could please take a minute to address this I would greatly appreciate it as I can’t seem to figure this out even though I’m sure it’s right in front of me. Thank you so much sir!
@ Ben yes……Keto + CT is best.
Dr. Kruse,
I’m also interested in your answer to Ren’s question (#331) about CT and Lyme, since the Lyme docs say that HEAT (esp. far infrared saunas) is the Rx for Lyme. I know that you think that CT is the way to go for pretty much all neolithic disease, but could you comment on Lyme specifically?
Many thanks!
@MM listen to my radio show with Sean last night…..its on itunes.
@Jodi & @Daniel. I would love to see Dr. K devote a blog just to exercise. The post on Why Oprah is still fat is some help. Yes you are killing off your stem cells if you work out intensely when LR. But note 2 things – Dr. K is no longer LR and he doesn’t Crossfit. Rather he is staying cold adapted year round (I think) and hasn’t been very specific about his exercise protocol – other than one has to guess that he swims some in his lake.
The other point is every clinical note he has made about the labs of a crossfitter has always been bad – even if they are young.
this too is where I am stuck in all of this. Pretty sure I am coming out of LR to LS, trying the CT and am damn freaking scared to move a muscle. I originally started the L Rx thinking I would heal myself back and then be able to exercise as I wished (back in my box), but I’m not getting that feeling from reading the blog/comments.
Not asking to run marathons, but I would love to be able to run 3mi whenever I feel like it, and shake it up a bit with some CF metcons and some Oly lifts.
Dr K also speaks to the methods of Erwan LeCorre, but from what I can tell, that is a train the trainer type environment. The beauty of crossfit is that someone else is programming (for better or worse) and you just get in the box and get it done. MovNat is definitely going to require a more independent self starter to be successful.
@cgk You would not……Cold adapted people need very little exercise to maintain rock hard bodies. I think exercise is way over rated…..but warm adapted mammals think they need it because of vanity……when they begin to realize it is costing them stem cells we’ll see how they fell then.
@MM – I don’t have Lyme, so no real info for you, but I just finished listening to Dr. Kruse’s talk on the Underground Wellness show from last night. Towards the end of the show a caller asked about Lyme and he gave some info on it – you might want to give it a listen.
@cgk- have you checked out the Primal Blueprint Fitness download (it’s free). I think Mark Sisson has a really reasonable approach to exercise that won’t result in overtraining and short telomeres. It’s all about the minimum effective does principle. It seems to work well for keeping him in good shape:)
Agreed Doc! No more cutting corners for me. I want my health back, and obviously the sooner the better, but I have learned it needs to be done right.
@Bridgette I just had an 83 yr old woman come in with complete recovery of her leg pain and knee extension with 6 weeks of CT protocol. She was scheduled for a knee replacement with her orthopod and cancelled it. That is the power of cold.
I started the face dunks in 55 degree water about a week ago. My husband decided to join me after I told him some about it (I didn’t ask him to do it, he just decided he wanted to see what it was about). We are using a snorkel thing so we can stay under the water without having to come up for a breath. I feel like a total light-weight listening to all of you sitting in an ice-cold bath for 20+ minutes! I have only been able to stay under a little over a minute. My husband has been able to do over 2 minutes though.
I’d be interested in knowing more about the experiences of those who have done the face dunk.
I also wanted to let Dr. Kruse know that I really enjoyed listening to you on the podcast last night! I hope we’re able to hear you speak more soon. It was very informative. My husband was listening too and this made him really excited about cold adaptation! It’s going to be fun to cold adapt with him, but I can already tell he’s going to be way better at it than me.
@Trish next week I will be talking 5 times at Paleo fx. You maybe sick of hearing me soon
@Jack – Please clarify if I am thinking right:
A person lives in a country on the equator, He is perpetually in equinox, there are no solstices on the equator. So, here is what he does.
1. He gets some testing
2. Based upon his condition he begins a suitable CT protocol.
3. Simultaneously begins a Leptin reset. (or step (2) comes after step (3) )
4. Decides randomly that Nov through Jan will be designated winter.
5. During the designated winter he eats a ketogenic diet.
6. Jan through March he weans off his ketogenic diet
7. MArch through September he celebrates summer eats local whatever available.
8. September through Nov he prepares for onset of winter and slowly goes ketogenic.
9. goes back to step (5)
10. Practices his CT protocol all year
11. Does quaterly testing.
@Resurg Love it. Make sure in summer you eat lots of CO and 99% chocolate…..avoid heavy exercise then and do lots of swimming instead.
My infrared thermo gun came in today, now I can know for sure how cold my skin is getting, I’m one of those people who need to see the data before I really believe what is happening. I’m sitting wrapped in ice sheets held to my skin with a cotton garment I design to hold it tightly to my skin, better then trying to juggle ice packs that keep slipping 🙂
I’ve noticed the fat on my arms are looking strange, it’s like there is something dividing it, like an deep hollow that has no fat, egads I hope I don’t end up looking lumpy 🙁 I’m going to sew up some upper arm ice bands to see if that will help, maybe the part that is hollow looking has been touching the ice sheets and I haven’t noticed? I started back on the leptin rx since I didn’t think I was ready for the post, thought I was but I’m still not losing much even with the ct, now that I have my gun I’ll know for sure what the tub temp is and will keep adding ice as needed. Loved your interviews Dr K. I think you really need to start podcasting, I find you so easy to listen to and some how it makes more sense then when I’m reading it, always thought I was a visual learner more then an audio one but who knows, can always change eh 🙂
@Eleanor After next week at Paleo Fx you might be sick of hearing me.
Just thought I’d let those who haven’t ordered Dr. K’s cookbook yet know that it is sooo worth it! I made the Herb Roasted Lamb last night and had leftovers for breakfast this morning. YUM! My kids even ate it and they’re usually not big fans of lamb.
@Jack – Now that it is established (at least in my mind and yours) what optimal is, what do you suggest that young parents do with their new-born children. How and when should infants/toddlers be introduced to CT so that they begin their life as super-kids.
@Resurg…….this is where CT is headed…….epigenetics is the key. What controls it? Factor X. That is going to be in the book. I will however blog about how epigenetics is controlled in our cell membranes. go re read my post on transgenerational epigenetics now. You will see the best way to help your kids is to understand how their epigenetics has been effected. I think a childs 06/3 ration and DHEA levels are very insightful but few MD’s check because they do not understand this biology yet. I think that will change in the next 20 yrs. This is how the new paleo healthcare paradigm will lead our species……but it will be a grass roots effort. I expect no help from the modern version of healthcare. My version is creative destruction and complete evolution. that is a story for AHS 2012.
Thanks for sharing the info about your 83-year old patient w/ knee troubles. My husband has always had problems with his knees. Even at 35 years old, the docs keep telling him it’s just “growing pains!” Maybe this story will help me get him on board with CT!!
I’d also like to know if there is anything we can/should be doing with our kids so they can be optimal. I have a 3 year old, 7 year old, and twin 9 month olds. I’ve severely limited carbs in the house since the beginning of the year, but they do get occasional fruit, popcorn, nuts, and sweet potatoes. They also get other things out of the house when with friends or family (candy, sugary treats, pizza, fast food). I’ve tried to be diligent in cutting back in the house as much as I can.
My 7 year old, who up until a year ago was rail thin, is starting to get chubby. I really don’t want him to have to struggle as I have my whole life.
Is any of the CT appropriate for the family?
Dr. K
Thanks for your recommendations. Been on the Leptin Rx reset for 6 weeks. I can’t locate CT PROTOCOL on the website. Is this protocol in a book? Thanks
@JR it in the 2/11/2012 blog. I just changed the name so everyone would get it.
Dr. K – Say a person has an age appropriate telomere length and is otherwise healthy except for a missing or underactive thyroid when warm adapted. Is warm adapting in the summer and medicating non-optimal? Also, In the winter do you expect clinicians will see high TSH and low Free T3 panels even though the don’t affect the biology when cold adapted?
Here’s hoping you don’t burn out answering questions here. Bless you for doing it.
@Jay that person does not exist. I have looked for one in 6.5 yrs. Find me that person and I will answer it. If you are warm adapted and above ten yrs old your telomeres will shock you period………I have four kids in my area who have evidence of carotid disease and heart disease as teenagers………think about that when you pop on your iphone or eat a safe starch or follow a paleo 2.0 template that is based upon a “feeling”
My mantra stands…….question everything.
HI, this is my first comment on your blog even though i have been following from the first day on. Some history and stats:
I am a woman, 32, 132 lbs, 5`6,5`tall with less than 15% fat. I have MS that i have cured without medication. I lift, i eat mainly ketogenic paleo. no safe starches for my logic. These are my questions:
I know im not leptin resistant. i sleep well, have energy. have lots of muscle. i have come to use intermittent fasting as it simply fits my lifestyle – do you think IF can be detrimental to one that is leptinsensitive? I do most of my lifting fasted. have done so for years. I am very used to taking cold showers. usually twice a day for 10 min at a time. I sleep in 16-18 degrees celsius – have done so for years. i have no opportunity whatsoever to do immersion. I live in Finland where sauna is a daily thing too. sauna interspersed with cold showers after lifting is something i do many times in a week also. I have read sauna increases mTOR. Can effects in extreme heat be akin to the efects on mTOR in freezing cold?
@Eva I have a blog on IFing and LS. read it. I like IFing when done correctly. If you’re in Finland just add CT to your routine and you will love it You need to just make sure your 06/3 is 4:1 to get optimal results.
Oh my! I experimented last night and easily did 10 ‘girlie’ pushups–which I haven’t done (but one time before starting CT) in at least eight or nine months–maybe longer. While it was an effort that one time before CT, last night it was not hard at all. SO, I decided to do it today, too, and again no problem. Ok, let’s do the full push up—so I did ten with no problem. Then, what the heck, I just did another 20 full push ups and felt I should stop just because I know I haven’t worked out like this in a v-e-r-y long time. My husband wants to call me Ice Princess now. 🙂
I need to find more clothing that “looks” warm. I have a thin shirt with half-length sleeves that helps avoid surprised glances, when others are wearing jackets.
Love CT, having no trouble adapting and I haven’t even done an ice bath. I do ice packs on my belly and back of my neck in the evening and cold showers in the morning. I have been doing this for five days and I am already radiating heat most of the day. People have noticed, I have had several people tell me that I look like I have been tanning and when standing close to me can feel my warmth. I am 12% body fat and expect this protocol to really shred me down to single digits. I have been following my own version of the leptin reset for 12 weeks. Keep the info coming Doc. I learn something new every time I re-read your posts….
@Jason good…….learning is a slow non linear process. Keep going to optimal.
My little question got lost in a flood 😉
Doc, Could CT make TOM come super early even on bc? And what is with the headaches? Thanks!
@Chimpchick yes……..and you need to get off BCPs they suck.
Hi ChimpChick, I think since CT causes some big hormonal changes, yes, it could affect your period. Also, Dr. K mentioned headaches may be caused by excess Omega 6 in the tissues. I had one recently, my first headache in about a year. I took some extra krill oil for it.
Dr. K
Found it! Thank you! There is VOLUMES of info to navigate on this site.
I’ve error’d not clicking on the ” previous entry ” tabs, is why I missed the CT Protocol. OMG hours more of reading and REreading till I turn ” geek “.
starting week 5 and i notice that i have become extrmemly tired mid day. i assume this is a cortisol reaction in some form? am i on the right track?
@Jon Sleep and dont worry……its the toxins and improving autophagy……happened to me and I used to nap a lot…….it passes. Us big dudes have a lot crap in our fat.
Thanks Sally! I never get headaches either.. I can’t take any oil supps until I am done with HCG, but krill is on my list. 🙂
Thanks Jason. I am such a wimp! I’ve always been telling my wife “I could never be a navy Seal”, because I hate being wet and cold (let alone sandy). Getting in a cold bath is torture. I can just about do cold showers but with much shouting and screaming. I used to do a Russian-style “douse” with a bucket of cold water, but Her Indoors made me stop because the accompanying scream was disturbing the neighbours 🙂 But I CAN do ice packs! Like you, my bodyfat is around 10% already (runner), so that’s my excuse.
Also getting used to wearing fewer clothes in general.
After reading through the latest comments, it sounds like I don’t need to PUSH it with the exercise, after all—and to easy on those stem cells. When I think how I used to exercise all the time….. ugh!
@LinD totally true too……exercise is not a mandatory thing……its OK to do but when your doing CT you will be shocked at your shredding and increased muscle and power from the GH and T increases naturally. Our brain is a giant pharmacy just waiting to help us if we signal it correctly.
@Simon M. I attribute my quick acclimation to the Leptin reset. I believe it primed my hormones for the cold. I was 27% body fat back in Oct 2011. I have lost upwards of 35 pounds and according to my calculations it has mostly been fat weight with about 5 pounds of muscle loss (210 down to 175) I am weighting on a cold water circulating machine with blanket I bought on Ebay for 40 bucks to start doing that. I have a very shallow tub so it makes baths not effective.
@jason I totally agree with this………
Dr K – Are you familiar at all with Atlas chiropractic techniques? It was recommended to me by a dentist for treating a malocclusion problem, but I’m now reading some negative things about this online. Any opinions?
@Bridgette no I am not
So i went out to lie in my private snowfield naked and I’m lying on my back in the snow for about ten minutes and I hear a bird shreiking. I look up and the turkey buzzards are circling over my apparently dead body. I yelled “I’m not dead” and then started cracking up thinking about Monty Python “I’m not dead yet” They got the message and moved on.
@BobS I have had the naked thing happen too…….LOL
@Jason. I am too lean to be leptin resistant, I think. Great idea with the cold water blanket thing. I have an RPCM Cool Vest on the way. Congrats on the fat loss.
@ Bob S
Haha, that’s hilarious!! Damn turkey buzzards getting confused by un-natural naked human being lying in snow.
Next winter (not much snow anymore) I will have to find something like that too. LOL I can swim in rivers and lakes though…and that water is nice and chilly! XD
@ Eleanor
I wouldn’t worry too much. I noticed my fat becoming like ‘fall off the bone’ consistency. I think that’s just the ‘getting ready to melt’ part. I think I’ve dropped 5 lbs in one week! (Not heavy to start with). I went to visit my parents and my mother was like “Woah…you lost weight!” I was surprised b/c I didn’t feel like I did.
p.s. I upped my seafood intake—YAY! It’s like I have a craving for it. I also had some nuts (cashews) and they were gross/addicting. They had frigging soy crap etc. I had the runs the next day…:S Yeeeee fun!
Re: CO, I think for OPTIMAL it’s best to give it up during winter months (but notice how we’re headed into Spring…yay). I feel like in a warm adapted environment (that’s even if in winter, but bundle up etc. and exercise, CO really gives a boost for heart efficiency/endurance. It all makes sense.
O, another thing: I think for cold adapted salt should be lowered a bit. I can feel a difference if I have too much salt (as I previously had a lot of salt w/ no problems). It’s seems too much in cold adapted even with keto-paleo. (B/c usually w/ keto you want to up salt/sodium intake due to more loss w/o insulin’s effects). I think in hot weather…YES use lots of salt. Last summer I noticed a HUGE increase in my endurance in karate (sadly don’t do this atm…but really is it that sad if Dr. K says not too much exercise? lol). The salt + CO were huge helpers in good performance for warm adapted activities. See Vim Hoff and his run in the heat (he didn’t drink water and salt…but he knows that’s good for extreme heat).
Everyone here: Dr. K is all about telomeres and ‘life extension’/ living long life optimally. It’s important to realize that. He’s not looking to run marathons etc. but the nifty thing is, that his advice helps those people that DO want to push the limits of human athleticism. It’s like using these techniques helps in both situations (just that he sees if you want to go max performance to realize that it comes at a cost to stem cells etc.)
Ok, I have to take a cold shower right now, just cause. 😀
Someone else stated this or alluded to it…Doing the Leptin Rx first before knowing/doing CT is to prime the hormones for the CT. It makes perfect sense and Jack really knows what he’s talking about. He even wanted to make sure there were no negative side effects too before letting the public know about it. While these methods have been around for centuries, it’s Dr. K that ties everything together in an easy package. It’s so comprehensive and FREE! He doesn’t charge anything!!! If he wants to sell cook books etc. AFTER he already gave all this info. then that makes me want to buy them (even if I don’t even need it b/c I have a good imagination for cooking). It’s a good strategy that is quite a relief for today’s market. I still get the sense that he actually CARES first and foremost though. I don’t think he’s all about gimmicks and products.
Also, I like how he teaches everyone to ‘be their own dr.’. That is the most important lesson to learn.
Thanks Dr. K!
@Gladina This is true. I want everyone to question everything they believe based upon this new info…….then you can educate yourself because most healthcare practitioners do not know this either. There are so many examples of this pathways peeking through to our consciousness in high performance athletes soon people will find it is not a mystery why they can function like this…….it is a choice for us all to make. Optimal or Suboptimal
Dr. Kruse
Great interview on UW
I’m 28 health oriented and want to get telemere testing but would the results give me an accurate assessment of where I line up among my peers. Concerns would be that there May not be enough data On people my age and that the data that they would have would be from subjects who were sent for testing because they were really in poor health. I know there are benefits to just using your number as a reference tool but would it be a true measure to see if I’m truely a rockstar compared to my peers.
@Jon yes there is a concern with that……..but here is the bigger issue…….how I use it to do a bio hack does not really matter……why? I just am using it as a rough guide to your previous beliefs and decisions and behaviors…….this makes the person immediately aware that they must begin to question everything…… one in paleo is. They think the diet is enough and Xfitting is fine and as long as their exterior is hot they are cool……..Wrong belief. And it might be deadly. This is why Paleo 2.0 must be questioned. The Paleo 1.0 and 2.0 folks do not want to consider this…….and hence the kick back. I am telling you all in the community there is a way to check this for yourself………regardless of the venom they spew…….i dont want you to believe me…….or them. I want you test who is right. Then you decide. I am quite confident in my findings. None of them even knew this possibility existed a week ago. It is not in the bio chem books because prior to one week ago no one realized mammals have a warm and cold biochemistry. This changes everything once you understand it. If you want to stay warm adapted you can and then you follow their advice. But do not think for a minute that the ancient pathways benefits will ever be your destiny. Because that is not going to happen…….Mother Nature says it, not me.
Thank you Dr. Kruse, this is fascinating stuff.
Is there one place that has the protocol for CT. From what I can read I should bathe in ice water, but not sure of how often or for how long. Should this be done gradually or just jump in? I have sarcoidosis which manifests itself in shortness of breath and joint pains. The Paleo diet works wonders but would like to do more.
@JRW –
This blog has the protocol for CT.
I was reading your blog post above and trying to figure out about the sex hormones and sbgh. This little blurb was in the wiki article (link below):
However, recent evidence suggests that it is the liver’s production of fats that reduces SHBG levels,[1][2] not any direct effect of insulin and specific genetic mechanisms that do this have been found.
so I as trying t figure out exactly how the liver makes fats and I can’t seem to get a direct hit on google. The liver doesn’t make fat from fat…how does it? Sugars? the liver just splits fat, that’s not making it, right?
@Lee when its cold the liver fixes the SHBG issue……it all works in unison. Just do it and stop trying to dissect it.
@Gladina – Thanks! now that makes sense, “Doing the Leptin Rx first before knowing/doing CT is to prime the hormones for the CT.”
I bet you are right, though we know the two work better together.
Thank you so much for your reply. Last question-Keto +CT for adrenal recovery or does it need to be Keto + CT + calorie restriction?
I am already underweight and have lost 5 lbs since starting the CT but I’m not in a position to lose weight. I’m already at around 8% bodyfat and don’t want to lose more weight if possible but if that’s whats necessary for adrenal recovery then I’ll sacrifice more weight loss. As always thank you so much Dr K!
@Ben CT plus keto means you wont and cant eat more…….this is a natural way to calorie restrict. CRON is not natural…….that is why it does not work well as a long term strategy in mammals. It is why VLC and paleo dieting alone also have limitations……..all parts of the pathway must coincide with one another for its power to be unleashed.
Hi Jack, Two questions:
* I use 100mg of trazodone (a serotinon modulator) to help me sleep. I might be able to learn to sleep without it. Could this drug negatively affect my leptin reset or cold adaptation?
* Could supplementing with yohimbine help to speed up the uncoupling of metabolism from fat burning?
@Rojo trazadone screws with prolactin secretion so it can affect DHEA GH and Testosterone……..CT helps. You may over time find a need to wean it because your sleep improves dramatically with CT as you increase it.
Hi Dr. Kruse, DHEA and testosterone go up. Have you had any female patients on BHRT that have needed to lower their dose because of doing CT? Any changes in female hormones? Thank you.
@Kami yes all hormones improve. Time is the only variable. Women do quite well clinically with this……especially the older post menopausal ones. But sadly they are the ones hardest to convert to trying.
Re-reading CT Protocol again. This is puzzling to me: The higher your omega 3 content the better you will adapt to the cold (check). The higher protein/fat intake you have the slower you will adapt to cold (???? is this a typo..should it be faster not slower). The more carbs in your diet (LR) the easier you will find it to adapt to cold (this is strange too…I thought it would be harder to adapt on a non-paleo, SAD). Can anyone clarify for me? Thanks so much.
@CW No typo……the more CT you do the less you eat. Read the Ancient Pathway……this pathway allows for easy calorie restriction without hunger at all. That is the longevity point…..
What about l-carnitine tartrate to increase fat burning?
@Rojo What about it? If youre CTing youre going to be massive fat burning. You wont need help
Does CT have any affect on hairloss, i.e. will it help someone who is bald or going bald? Thanks!
@LeeAnn I am not bald but I would think it would help based upon telomeres….
I had my first cold bath with ice in a ziploc bag last night after protein/fat dinner. I moved the ice pack back and forth from my abdomen area to my neck (hoping to hit thyroid area). Total time was 20 minutes. Water was 52 degrees. I don’t know my skin temp. I forgot to check it and don’t really know if the infrared arterial thermo. even works for this. Anyway, today starting early afternoon I noticed just under my chin, near my neck, I am swollen and red and it hurts and is itchy at the same time. I’m thinking this has got to be CT, right? What is going on? It’s a little scary.
Cooling vest review … After reviewing a number of websites w/ cooling vests, I ordered the RPCM Cool Vest. The vest was shipped same day I ordered it and received it 2 days later. Overall, I am happy w/ the vest. The cool/gel packs take longer than the stated 2 hours to completely freeze … overnight in the freezer worked fine. Today I wore the vest for 3 hours. It provided a pleasant cool sensation but never seemed cold. Wearing a shirt below the vest was needed for me to prevent chafe issues on my skin. I can see the vest being valuable in helping me adopt the attitude of “embrace the cold”. However, I don’t see this vest as a replacement for CT; my skin never got cool enough.
I have also tried ‘Ice-Brix’ under a compression shirt. This seems to come much closer to CT. I wear a 2nd t-shirt below the Ice-Brix and compression shirt. My skin becomes very cool to somewhat cold in less than 5 minutes. 60 minutes is my normal session, and the Ice-Brix have barely melted. Ice-Brix are normally used for keeping shipments cold for several days. I found the best deal on Ice-Brix at Best deal I say since shipping is almost same cost as the product, but I used the free shipping option to my local Staples store (although that does take longer). In summary, either of these methods are no replacement for CT in the tub … off to the tub I go.
@Atl Paleo I think the vest is a great summer time idea only
Glacier Tek’s new web address is
Ok, now it looks like I have hives, which I’ve never had before in my life so I’m not sure, but they are on my abdomen and chest, and below my chin so all the areas where I had put the ice in the ziplock bag. Very weird. It’s getting worse and it’s been a long time since I took the bath, almost 24 hours now since my ice bath last night.
@CW follow the protocol. You go off schedule and you pay for it
Dr. K, you made a blog reference to body temp being @ 98.6 What about if you’re not. Been well over a decade my oral temp was 98.6.
Does it matter my temp runs 97 and lower in regards to resetting Leptin,the CT protocol, choices and rate of progress/success? My apologies if I’ve missed seeing a previous explanation in your blogs or the comment forums.
@JR Your body temp is immaterial……its your skin temps that matter.
CW, re. the hives. Look at #2 of the Evolution of Leptin RX. Specifically about cold urticaria, the link to it, and what to do when it happens.
Any feedback on using an ice vest for CT? If so, any suggestions on which vest to buy and how to incorporate it into a CT program?
Thanks JC, just looked at that again. Dr. K, I don’t understand what I did wrong. I have been face dunking for a week and some cold showers, too, and had no problems with them and thought I should move on. I did the cold water bath, too, for 15 minutes on Wed. and no problem with that. Last night, for the first time I added ice that was in a bag on top of the cold compression shirt and I moved it to my neck area and back and forth. The hives were caused by the ice I suppose. How is this different from the protocol? I just read it again and it says to do the ice bags on the shirt before doing the bath. Well, I did the bath alone and showers alone and they were fine. It’s when I added the ice last night. Why would it take so long to develop hives, almost 24 hours later? My skin looked fine last night.
Forgot to add t hat I have slowly worked my way up from just a couple of minutes in cold showers to 7-10 minutes cold showers, to a cold bath 15 minutes and then moved to last night’s cold bath 20 minutes.
Seems like the buzz today is high vit D3. According to the circadian circuitry, could we be wrong about supplementing D3 in the winter. Is mother nature trying to tell us something.
The Best
@Conan yes…….most paleo’s are. If you read my vitamin D blog closely i mention Vitamin D binding protein as our bank acct for winter. it takes a 60 ng or higher to activate it by Sept 15……most dont get there. If you are using circadian CT as I do after that you do not need any D3………but most people are not me. I have been doing this longer than anyone I know. For the new they need to pay attn to their D levels March 15 to Sept 15 to get optimal in the continental USA. The further north you go the smaller your vitamin D window is because your temp window is longer by the SCN……..this si why the cancer rates and AI rates are highest in these areas because 99.9% of these people are eating a warm adapted diet and remain warm adapted when their temp should be helping them……..its a mismatch. this is why cancer rates are so high in northern UK. That is where the steepness of the Vit D and temp SCN cycles are narrowest and why I think the Neanderthals died out……..we rarely find any of their remain above this latitude too……….The theory fits perfectly.
@ AC on constipation: Make sure your eating fermented foods everyday or taking probiotics(L. Acidophilus only to start). Also you might have low stomach acid levels, make sure you rule that out as well. Check out my blog for more info on all of the above.
@ Clabbergirl – I’ve been doing ice packs front and back for 5 days now usually an 1 to 1.5hr. My sinus’s have been going nuts once I started this. My nose won’t stop running and I’m sneezing all the time. I haven’t put the packs on my neck yet. But I can feel your pain, hope it stops soon.
@ Jack – Did face baths 2 days several minutes, 5 days of ice packs started at 30minutes up to 2hrs front and back. Once I started the ice packs my sinuses have been going crazy and acne is flared out of control on my face… is this a detox you’ve seen before? Any ideas to help it?
@Steven the runny nose is from all the toxins draining into the lymphatics……this is where the emptied fat goes……and it gets into the thorcic duct and then the liver takes it…….but you may want to up B vitamins for detox clearance with NAC, milk thistle, turmeric, resveratrol etc……….I used IV glutathione when I had this…….worked like a charm……..but it costs and I put in my own IV. Messy but cheap…….I am a tool but I am born bio hacker because as a surgeon I know what I am doing…….this is not for the home game player.
OK, so I’ve done maybe 6 cold baths the last 2 weeks. 2 days ago I added 10 pounds of ice to the tub. Didn’t notice much difference. Today, I bought one of those big ice blocks, and after sat it on my abdomen for my 45 minutes ice bath.
2 things surprised me:
1) It was actually easier to have the ice on me and feel comfortable because I went NUMB
2) For hours afterwards, it felt like I had just spent the last week doing crunches cause my abs felt SORE. Weird…
Anyways, I’m thinking of doing another bath tonight. Two a day anyone?
@ James last Sat I did 5.5 hours packed in ice………Today I have done two sessions 15 minutes in lake cut short by white skin……and now 1.5 hours in 40 degrees on the deck nude in air as I answer you all in the dark
You win 😉
I am putting off my life insurance exam for 6-8 weeks and am going to start the LR and CT. I am looking to drastically decrease my premium. Please pray that I don’t get hit by a car before I am done
@Mike smart move……..
@Steven FWIW, when I started CT I had 3 days of ringing in my ears, couldn’t valsalva (sp) and thought I was going crazy. It wasn’t hydration, I hadn’t changed my supplements and I didn’t think I was sick. Then it started draining… Thank goodness and it doesn’t seem to be into my chest and causing a cold. And so far I’ve resisted the temptation to reach for any loratidine, even though at first I thought it was spring allergies coming on… Still draining… hopefully it will subside in a few weeks.
@ Jack – 47 with amennorhea since Sept despite NFP charts that show perfect LH surges and temp elevations. Started Leptin Rx 31 Jan and CT 15 Feb. Voila! Libido is back, PMS/PMDD way down and cycle length appears to be back to 28 instead of the 25 that had been going on the past few years. Not sure who thanks you more… me who can stop wondering if I’m expecting or my husband who is enjoying having a sane wife again!
Found this at the link for cold uticaria, where it’s said that the condition could be inherited. My mom had this problem when she was alive and had to have the IV line warmed. Does this mean I can’t do cold thermogenesis anymore? I am beyond disappointed. I really had myself set on doing this and becoming optimal. Cold/Cool IV Lines: While in the hospital, inserting IV lines that have been refrigerated or are cool into individuals who are allergic to cold temperature can/may result in pain within the limb the IV is placed and a line of hives may appear within a radius of 6-8 inches from the IV site in the pattern of a line going up the limb. Notify your doctor/nurse of your condition so they will be able to use a machine which warms IV lines before they enter your body.
I have been paleo and keto for a long time, a few years. I don’t even use olive oil, only butter and coconut oil. I eat grass-fed beef primarily, followed by salmon, and some chicken (not that fond of it). How could I possibly have a high 06 level? Just don’t get this either.
@CW its not inherited…….Its epigenetics like everything else. You can do it…….just need to change the diet a bit and retry it…….get your 06/3 ratio checked because that or glycation is the issue in your cell membranes…….those are the people who cant tolerate CT.
@ Jack – Thanks haha I’ll leave the IV’s to you… Only supplements for me. Did you mean curcumin or the spice turmeric? Are you a fan of flax oil as a source of O3?
I know the pathways to EPA and DHA from ALA are awful but it sure seemed to help my acne when I started using a few months ago. Just curious.
@Steven no on flax we cant convert it and when you eat a high o3 diet it competes for binding sites……so no thanks.
Do you recommend anything different or specifically for those with glycation issues–damage from former dietary habits? Thanks!
@Amy if the glycation is from diabetes……nothing beats CT……nothing. It is amazing for my patients. total reversals.
Dr. Kruse, any concerns with mercury when eating a lot of seafood?
@Chris no…seafood has the antidote in it…….God was smart. Selenium is that antidote.
“Women do quite well clinically with this……especially the older post menopausal ones.” This is one older post menopausal that isn’t scared to try it 🙂
Did my first full immersion ice bath today with 22lbs of ice, the gun said it was measuring 51 – 55*F so it was right on target. I noticed with the ice that I became numb and apparently when I had a cold bath without the ice I wasn’t really numb, the numbness made it easier to stay in the ice water. Was surprised by that actually.
By the way, checked my blood sugar like I usually do an hour or so after dinner and it was down 10 points then usual. Interesting since it was so much better with the full immersion with ice.
@Dr K, looking forward to Paleo Fx, and no I seriously doubt we would get sick of listening to you.
Also been eating much more seafood, probably 75% of my meals are some kind of seafood or other.
@Gladina, thanks for the input, always a worry when things start looking lumpy, thankfully I have a husband who isn’t put off by any such things 🙂
@Eleanor……ironically, I am writing the open speech for Paleo fx tonight in total isolation…….and darkness……….This is going to be tougher than I thought. Writing this is in utter solitude is making me descend into the cold abyss of my unconscious. This is a tough out tonight………
Thanks, Dr. Kruse. Not diabetes, just used to eat a lot of sugar and wasn’t always careful about sun protection. I feel that it has affected the skin on my face–large pores; some loss of elasticity. Although I am seeing improvement since upping Omega 3s and limiting Omega 6s (still waiting on lab results), I am wondering if face dunks are the best way to begin CT for me, since you mentioned that people with glycation and/or high O6/O3 ratios may be intolerant of CT.
I have taking krill oil for years, Dr. Kruse….1,000 mg per day. Should I increase this even more to increase O3 and still be able to do the CT? I also take cod liver oil, 1 T per day until I can get more sunlight here in NY.
I’ll eat more seafood but I still enjoy my grass-fed beef the most. And it has O3, or is said to have plenty, as much as salmon I have read.
I’m going to the dr. March 29. Do I just request my o6/o3 levels be tested? Is it just simple blood test that I need to add on to my huge list? Glad to hear I can still do the cold but this is going to slow me down big time until I get tested and then, retested. And I thought I was doing so well.
@Eleanor, I felt the same as you about adding the ice to the bath…I preferred it because it made me numb. It was easier than the cold shower, too, because I could read a magazine to pass the time and not have to be thinking about the cold as much. I guess my mistake was adding the ice…should have just stuck with the cold water for awhile. Cold uticaria is no joke…This is very uncomfortable and I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep tonight.
Just a general Q: anybody here not using exercise as a means of loseing weight, correcting other problems or building muscles but just exercising for the pleasure of it? Would love to swap notes. I do not need to lose weight but I do exercise (always outside, never in the gym) because it’s fun and helps me connect with nature. On the basis of what dr.Jack has said so far, I figure that the overriding principle is to stay in tune with Mother Nature (seasons, circadian rhythm etc) in whatever environment you find yourself in. That means, be active when you are meant to be active i.e. spring and summer on your season-appropriate diet and switch to the “semi-hibernation” slowdown mode in winter.
DR. JACK: re. Ric’s comment (460) and your answer (556) — wouldn’t going from heavily air-coned indoors out into tropical heat many times a day be the same as running in and out of
sauna in the middle of Finnish winter? This is re. my earlier question about cold adapting while living in the tropics. Thanks again for allowing us to tap into your brain power.
@ruby it would be if we were warm adapted creates from a gene stand point……we are not……infact our ancestors are all cold adapted like 99% of life on this planet……..and why this seems so foreign to you all is you do not understand the key factor yet…….FACTOR X. When you do I promise y’all will get it completely. That comes in the final chapter of the book.
Jack, when you say that CT can reverse diabetes, do you mean type 1?
@Coriander……I think type 1 is an epigenetic disease…… yes I think it is possible but I think to fix type one you need CT plus IV cell membrane therapy to get your CM to a 4:1 ratio…….this is why Dr. Kane work works so well in neurodegeneration disorders……..diabetes is a forerunner for all of them.
@Jack – You know, you have answered something I have always wondered about: Why is it that animals in nature are such performance BEASTS? Honestly. Lions are some lazy creatures. They sleep upwards from 18 hours a day. They don’t lift, do WODs or MetCons or anything else for that matter. Sleep, walk around lazily,hunt, eat, bicker amongst one another and then repeat all that. So how is it they are such performance masters?
I have been asking myself for a long time, why can’t humans be the same. The answer, I guess, is that we CAN be the same. After all, lifting or doing some other exercise is meant to send specific messages to the body. But I liken that message to being hit over the head with a hammer. Wouldn’t it be so much better and easier if we could, perhaps, just send the body an email or whisper nicely to it and get the same reaction?
Less is more. I would very much like to have the “pumped” feeling from doing very little actual pumping. And I think I saw a glimpse of that last night. I had a horrid CT session and shivered badly and had a bad drop in core body temp, but about 8 hours later, I felt like I had just pumped at the gym. It wasn’t a big pump, but it was noticeable. I’m hoping that continues and improves with time.
@The Kid That was the email you just asked for that you sent to your hypothalamus. We are hardwired for ultimate fitness and survival just like a lion……but it has been hidden from us because our evolution was so fast and into a completely mismatched environment because of FACTOR X…….That is the point of the CT series……..Once you know this pathway is in us then you must begin to ask why. I got your,Why, and its coming in the last chapter of my book. And when hear it, it will make total scientific sense………then you can begin to understand why modern man faces so many diseases of aging that we do because of mismatches. I believe normal human survival can be 150-200 if we lived in the cold pathways.
great! I need this book ASAP or my brain will completely short curcuit and self combust 🙂
Advice I suggested to another forum member hesitant to start CT: Good idea to get your O3 up. I bet Dr Kruse might say—your cold and pain tolerance won’t improve UNTIL you do CT. Kind of like which came first– chicken or the egg.
Doing CT its an incredibly brave and gutsy thing to do, I agree. Almost like jumping off a cliff, though I would not do that, or recommend it, but once you sit down in the cold water, you find it’s not nearly that bad after all. I figure if it doesn’t kill me, then it will make me stronger.
O3 levels, increase!
@LinD it wont kill you…….it actually saves your life. It forces you to use your optimal biochemistry.
In fact, Robb Wolf’s new talk is asking for a unifying theory of biology. This is what the CT series is laying out.
Listen to him and then think about where I am going. I say in CT 6 that research literature is leading us astray and that evolution should guide us. Watch it……..and then begin to think.
@Jack – I am wondering if you saw any improvements in eyesight? Is that something frequently happens? I’m asking because I’m thinking of doing LASIK and I wouldn’t want to go ahead with that if my eyesight is going to change as a result of getting healthier.
@The kid I did but interestingly enough i only notice it at night and when I am using magnification…….not in a Rx change for my glasses.
Dr. Jack, the Brits are chiming in with the same tune:
“If you want to lose weight you should open a window or turn down the heating,” according to The Daily Telegraph. The newspaper says that central heating and double-glazing are helping drive up obesity rates.
Dr. K,
Could one be detoxing through their teeth? Now that I’m doing CT consistently I’m finding that I have a lot of tooth pain and am grinding my teeth at night, something I haven’t done since I was a teenager.
I recall this also happening when I first started the SCD diet and also when I took antifungals a few years back. What would cause this and any suggestions on managing it? Thanks!
@Marisa yes……no question.
I am having teeth issues, too. I’ve been wondering about oil pulling. Is it for real? Does anyone know?
@Marisa – I’ve had tooth pain as well. All my teeth ache from time to time. All of them. Not sure why.
@The Kid its inflammation……and explains why you are having Ct issues…….you need to nail down why. You really need to question everything about you to get the answer. A great biohack will get there but it is not going to be fast nor cheap…….but that is where your pot of gold will be found.
@Dr. Kruse – what causes it and is there anything extra we can do to relieve the pain?
@Jack – When you say that my biohack won’t be fast, I get that. I’m in it for the long haul. But when you say it won’t be cheap, what do you mean? Where does the cost come in on this? Cause I thought it was basically just eating properly and CT, which isn’t all that terribly expensive. What am I looking at?
Dr K
I have vitiligo & IBS. Been doing Gaps about 8 months w/only fish oil and probiotic supplements. Added back in Resveratol, D3, Ubiquinol when found you started Lep Reset. Was feeling better and better. Just added in New Chapter Dialy Multi, NAC, Chelated Iron 27 mg, Magnesium Malate yielding 833 mg malic acid, Selenium, B-complex 100, WF Sam-e and having indigestion & diarrhea. Any ideas? Anything I should remove/cut back on?
@Emilie I am not a fan of GAPS. You need an AI paleo template. If you do gaps you get better but not permanent healing. That is its failing.
Oh and I’m also been doing CT for a week
Ruby- I’m one of those people. I ride my bicycle for fun, transportation and sanity. I figure if I can sing along with my speakers, I’m not intense enough to cause any problems with the LR. If it causes slower weight loss, that’s ok, it’s worth it for how much happiness it adds.
That said, it’s kind of nice to have a temporary excuse to avoid a gym workout. I hate being cooped up inside!
@Jack – I have a question about swimming. I was a competitive swimmer for years. For a nearly an unbroken decade, I was swimming nearly 6 days a week and never took more than 2 weeks off between seasons. Based on some of your comments, I think I should have been both cold adapted and Leptin sensitive. Yet during that period, I was always seriously fatigued and overtrained and had the propensity to have appetite problems and to gain weight easily when the workload decreased at the end of a season.
How is that possible? Sure I was eating a high carb diet (lots of whole grain pasta, bread, rice and fruit), but shouldn’t I have been like Phelps, where food really doesn’t matter? I mean, I spent 1.5-2 hours a day minimum in water that was 16-18 degrees below body temp. Shouldn’t that have been enough?
@The kid……you answered your own question and still fail to realize the implications of this blog…….You must do everything at the same time correctly or you get partial suboptimal results……You are a living breathing example of my Paleo Summit talk. You need to play that talk in your ears alot until you get it…….your thoughts have constantly subjugated your genes and you still refuse to listen to it. The results are in the mirror and in illness
Dr K,
Well, actually, I have progressed to strict AI Paleo now thanks to you. But, what about the supplements. Should I keep taking them and push through the indigestion, diahrrhea etc?
@Emilie dont worry about supplements. Only Vitamin D3 is important in your battle if your diet is right
@TheKid: Regular labs to start with… HS-CRP and other inflammation markers, full hormonal panel and anything else that may be needed… plus someone to read them for you I guess
Thanks Dr K! I will conitnue CT and get my D tested then. You are the best!
i’m only to comment 200, but i don’t think this question has been asked before- why does supplementing with regular fish oil or cod liver oil increase my menstral blood flow to the point it becomes dangerous and i get dizzy and have to worry about anemia again? i can’t do the CT protocol properly if i don’t improve my o6 to o3 ratio. how can i improve my o3 ration if supplements make me bleed out? i don’t eat processed food at all, so i don’t think my 06 is sky high.
ps dr. kruse, i do have to say that your compassion displayed on this board is so refreshing compared to some established paleo bloggers who will go un-named as i still like to go to them for info.
@V because it is a natural anticoagulant. Stop supplementing and eat the real food with them and your body will naturally get you to a 4:1 ratio……tinkering hurts humans and the body reacts to tinkering. I know as a supreme bio hacker. I have learned this hard lesson many a time over 6.5 years. When you are a CLINICIAN who actually treats and touches patients you develop a different kind of compassion……That is why your perception is what it is of me…….The others may not like to face that dogma. It cuts like a knife thru butter on their ego’s. Instead, they resort to name calling and childish gamemanship because they do not want to face their own dogma. Me, I like where evolution is taking me.
Dr K,
On teeth. If yore having flare-ups/infection, as I am w/root canal. What can you do? Is oil pulling for real? Swishing w/green tea? What do you suggest?
@Emilie All of those are good……
Since some are on the topic of teeth, I’m wondering what you think of cavitations? I just saw a new dentist about whatever is going on with my mouth and this one believes my issues are all from cavitations that never fully healed from my wisdom teeth removal 20 years ago. Thoughts?
I have major swelling in my face and pain in my teeth (varies from tooth to tooth). This all started about a month or two after having several amalgams removed and a crown put on one tooth.
One dentist says the teeth are infected though xrays look fine, another says cavitations, another says it’s a bite problem and another says it’s all in my head!
@Bridgette eat correctly and they will heal…..lots of K2 and D3 and fats. Read my blog on teeth.
@Jack CT is excellent. I cannot get over how well I’m sleeping!
In the spirit of questioning everything, I have two questions.
1. Could there be any negative effects of wearing a retainer at night? Since starting CT I’ve had a lot of sensation in my teeth throughout the day. I’m wondering if it would be better to let my body proceed unencumbered.
2. Does CT obviate the leaky gut prescription? That is, is there any reason to continue with NAC, vit C, zinc and Coq10 if one is taking lots of cold baths?
@Andrew Yes, it could restrict airflow and hence decrease DHEA and make sleep poor but it is not hurting you.
2. No… adds to it.
thanks doc. my 6/3 ratio is good. no problem there. i have been experimenting with col adaptation for the past 6 months on my own – womderful to read your stuff. im DLing in the 200s now and strength is skyrocketing whie bf is dropping – ive never had a sixpack before. this works.
Living in SoCal my tap water is not very cold–60 degrees. Buying huge amounts of ice seemed impractical so instead I filled and froze, eleven, 1 liter bottles. Also made 3 homemade gel packs (zip-loc bag with rubbing alcohol and water). The bottles help to lower bath temp to 50-55 plus I find they are helpful to spot ice in the bath as well. I tuck one under each arm (between arm and body), capture a couple under my calves, tuck one under my double chin…you get the idea. The gel packs get extremely cold so it is necessary to use a wet towel or some sort of material for skin protection. These can be moved around as needed too. When done with ct bath, I load all bottles and gel packs into sturdy shopping bags and haul back to the garage for refreezing. Gives me a small workout hauling bags up and down the stairs too. Gel packs should be double bagged and will need replacing every so often.
So 2 weeks of Leptin RX and CT. I lost 5 pounds yesterday. I ate strict paleo for 2 years and lost 60 pounds but not all of my belly fat. I switched to phd last year and felt better but added 15 pounds. I have done body by science every 10 days for 3 years. I’m strong but could never get rid of the belly fat. I’m really shocked. I’m eating the same foods except for safe starches! I’m shocked that I like being cold! I’m still not used to all the looks I get in public. Wearing shorts and a t shirt in rainy 43 degree weather makes everyone stare.
So Dr K if I can use safe starched to make bread, pasta, and cookies how the hell are safe starched not candy cigarettes?
@James there are no safe starches in winter for any mammal on unless you are married to PHD dogma……Is that clear. Neuroanatomy completely refutes that claim made. Those are evolution’s rules not Dr. Kruse’s.
FMS – good idea on the frozen bottles. I’m in So Cal too and can’t get the tap cold enough, and with our tiny freezer its been a pain stuffing huge ice bags.
@Joe this may make it an easier task………Paleo analogy at the blog: Your biology runs like a Ferrari. If you do well you are putting in super octane gas and not the cheap gas. You do all the maintenance as prescribed and you do not try to out think the designers. Your oil looks pristine. Keep in mind that your thyroid regulates your metabolic engine while it is at idle. Your adrenals regulate it while it is engaged. If you’ve been driving your engine with your “pedal to the metal” as a result of any number of stressors over time does it not make sense that your central computer might “dial down the idle” as a way of helping you to avoid blowing a gasket? When you do that you are a warm adapted cross-fitter following a 2.0 paleo template……..Never forget that…….this is how you deplete your life force.
Your saving your life with ice.
I have truly enjoyed your posts. The wife and kids are out of the house today, so I got to read this entire post. Amazing insights! I cannot believe the amount of horizontal thinking you have done to integrate all of this.
One thing that really caught my eye (that was just a fleeting point) was your mention of barometric pressure. I am an emergency physician. I have worn the Nike Lance Armstrong watch at work for a long period of time. It has a barometric pressure reading with a 24 hour trend function. Over the years I have noted (and can now predict) flurries of certain clinical conditions when there is a sharp shift in barometric pressure. The most obvious in order from most common to least is….hyperventilation syndrome, idiopathic urticaria, ureteral kidney stone, hemorrhagic CVA, vertebral artery and aortic dissection, myocardial infarction, ischemic CVA, and vasovagal syncope. The nurses are amazed when I can look at a barometric pressure trend and predict what we should expect to see over the next few hours. I wonder if you have noted similar trends. If not, perhaps my observations may offer additional dots on the map that you may be able to connect. I suspect that humans that are not cold-adapted are very poorly adapted to handle these sudden changes in barometric pressure.
Thanks for all your work and your willingness to make this public. Just imagine what is possible to a 20 year old who implements this. I am thrilled at age 50.
@Doug MCGuff MD Thanks for the kind words. I am working on bio hacks on barometric pressure. It fits my theory perfectly, but I am not ready to unleash that story until the testing I do is done. I do see many disease trends that track to barometric trends……and stroke, DJD and MI are some of the bigger ones. I promise when I am done with this series I am going to give biology the foundational theory it needs to lead modern man and healthcare back to optimal. If you listen to Robb Wolf’s recent SUNY New Paltz’s lecture he mentions it in there. I do not think anyone in the paleo-sphere sees where I am headed but I am going to give all of us the strongest foundation you might imagine in evolution when this is all said and done. Evolutionary biology is the basis of this theory and it explains all the paradoxes I have faced as a neurosurgeon. This is 40 years of thinking horizontally just like our 6 layered cerebral cortex is wired in all of our heads. I have used this theory to do some amazing things to me and my family but what it has done to my practice and my patients is just unreal. It is a clinical game changer. Our paleo sphere suffers from a severe lack of clinical data and expertise…..and swims in regurgitating bad studies that do not even consider the cold adapted pathways. Well, I am going to kick that thinking in the can. I hate all forms of dogma, paleo or not. It is what hinders science more than anything else. The warm pathaways in our biochem books are well understood, but none of them can explain what I found and what Lance, Phelps, Sherpa’s and astronauts have……..And that is where the road to optimal begins. I’m taking you on that journey of how I found it.
Dr. Kruse – thank you a million times. I have been actively searching for you for at least the past 5 years when I gave up on the “poly-pharmacy treatment of symptoms approach” and decided to try to understand root causes. My main complaints at least 10 years ago were fatigue/malaise, expanding waist-line and mental dullness … diagnosed over the years as menopausal, depression, osteopenia, and finally HTN w/high cholesterol ..with Rxs for each. My self-treatment plan evolved over the past 5 years to a VLC gluten-free mostly ketogenic diet, Vit D, Vit K, Mg, coconut oil and some fish oil – mostly replaced now with fresh fish. I’ve taken no Rxs for 3 years. I’m 5’1″ and 68. Highest weight was 135 with waist 36″. Now I’m 114 – waist 28 – no HTN – but my main complaint has always been not weight per se but being sluggy and ditzy and insecure wondering if my piece-meal approach was stupid. You are truly the teacher this student has been searching for. I’m sure that my cortisol level has already plummeted – knowing that I have not been killing myself with my N=1 approach. I’m currently easing into the CT and am committed to being an energized and inspired optimal 70 – maybe even 69! I can not thank you enough for all the information, support and encouragement.
I hope someone has alerted the hotels in Austin to have lots of ice on hand next week! Maybe they can turn down the temp on the pool to 50 and everybody can do CT together :-). Good luck on all your presentations next week at PaleoFX. I am really looking forward to all you have in store for us over the coming months.
Thoroughly enjoyed the link you provided:
I am turning into such a geek! Thank you!
Dr K
I am reading along daily and completely energized by your posts! I cannot wait for followups. Question? I have been practising hot yoga for awhile now. Strength and flexibility are gained for sure. Hot yoga is practised in a room heated to 42 Celsius. I am taking cold showers and cold adapting as well. Is the hot yoga cancelling my efforts? Any good at all?
Thank you so much for your response. Love the cookbook as well!!!!!!
@Bonnie no its not hurting……but I bet cold yoga that the Monks do in Tibet is a better choice.
If you were trying to convince a marmot that trusted you against its instincts that had already started the biological processes of starting summer, was getting the nutrients and minerals replaced, but was cranky and unreasonable, what would be the most important place to put ice on the marmot? the thyroid or the ab fat? This is incremental negotiations.
@curious…..the system is for surface cold receptors so as much as the surface area as possible is the best answer.
Dr K, this series is amazing; I’ve bought your e-book and sent the link to your podcast from the other night, and your blog, to so many people who have been asking me all these questions that I just can’t answer with enough detail. They’ve been noticing a change in me and asking what I’m doing – and then I’m inevitably met with “Paleo? You’re burning fat?? So it’s like the Atkins diet?” or “Leptin what? With cold what??” It’s kinda funny, but I’m learning more and more every day with your help and just by paying attention.
Anyway, I’ve been cold adapting for almost 2 weeks now (I just sat in a tub of 50 degree water for 30 minutes – for the first time). My question, though, is about whether or not we should cut out MCTs completely once we’re cold adapted. I’m in my 20s, used hCG, am now considered a normal weight (though I do still have fat to lose in places), and have been on the reset for a few weeks. The main source of fat I’ve been using (as an additive to my grass-fed meat, eggs, and fish) is coconut oil and coconut manna. Now that I’m cold adapting, should I lay off the coconut oil indefinitely and stick to lard, ghee, bacon grease, and pastured butter? Are there any other fat sources that are ok, too? I know you use macadamia nut oil and coconut oil…so are they ok in moderation? I did use hCG, so I just wanna make sure I’m getting the right kinda stuff into my body.
Thank you for all you do.
@Heather if your cold adapting I would limit MCT and CO…..use animal fats and lots of seafood and nuts in your paleo template……you will notice that your appetite gets crushed as you do this.
Probably been asked, but I’ll ask again. How much shivering is ok post CT. I finished an hour ago and still got the shivers.
@The Kid as much as your body can dish out…..that is a great sign your pilot is turning on.
Drs. K + McGuff: can’t wait to hear more about the barometric pressure tie-ins…. i have noticed an increase in my baro-related headaches (always right side behind eye and the forehead in a distinct band). and noticed they came on as other health markers were declining, suspecting hormonal tie-ins. thanks.
fwiw, I may have pulled a stupid one on the CT. Two kids with URI’s for the past week – enough hacking to disturb everyone’s sleep. Felt a tickle in my throat last night, popped the zinc and did my CT anyway – first time before bed – about 2145-2215. Otherwise I’ve been doing it in the morning It felt fantastic and was also the first time with a bit of ice. (BTW I use the plastic 1quart Glad ware containers 3/4 full and just stack a bunch up in the freezer) I never stopped shivering ALL night. I was wide awake from 3-5am. Not sure if the CT released all the crap, but I feel sick from nose to toes. Productive cough, headache, body aches. And instead of shorts and a tshirt, I’m stuck with cords, wool sock, sweater and, hot tea/ Tylenol today. Boo, hiss. Just hoping that I’m not losing all my adaptation.
Hi Jack,
I am following this with awe! What a revelation.
Can you briefly say a few words about “emotional stress”? I am a psychotherapist and sometimes do feel exhausted after seeing only 2 or 3 clients (get lots of “negative/sad energy”) and can feel my adrenaline and cortisol is high, feeling stressed out.
Have taken DHEA (which was low) and it helps somewhat. But don’t want to take it all the time.
@Werner CT will decrease your stress and increase your sense of well being.
@ Werner: empathy not sympathy for your clients… doesn’t help them if you’re a wreck after session. They need you strong.
Dr. K I’ve begun doing CT, 6 days ago. Have soaked in a cold bath 4 times and keep an ice pack on my belly the rest of the day. When I took measurements this morning my waist was down 1″ and my belly was down 2″ in 6 days!!! This is FANTASTIC!!!!
@Grammasmitty I thought you’d like it. Older ladies are my biggest winners…..they get huge benefits as they keep it up.
@Jack, thanks for the optimistic words. Getting on with CT and cant’ wait to absorb it all!
@Souldanzer: I know you are right. But it is still easier said than done!
This is sort of pathetic. I sent an e-mail to a very good blogger, concerned with longevity topics, advising him taking a look at this blog, and I’ve created a thread on a life extension forum. As for the first, no answer, as for the second, answers of the type “we should listen to?”, it’s too long, might you summarize?.
Jack’s claims are so high, that I must say I’ll be happy if they are 10% correct, but they are defenitively worth consideration, but people don’t listen even when you are giving them something potentially impressive.
@Santiago…….this is how survival power laws work. 10% make it and 90% perish. The survivors benefit from the decisions…….Optimal is not for everyone in the modern world. Modern man is mediocre and most want everything spoon fed to them in 140 characters or less. The ones who are interested will pay attn. The rest will do what they do. Its human nature. I see it daily in my clinic. You should get used to it. This is why people still take statins and think modern healthcare has all the answers…….as long as they do not have to do anything to help themselves. They want a pill for every ill. It fits the drive thru mentality of modern man. We are lazy and expect the world to come to us by push technology. Well, news flash……..Mother Nature does not work that way.
@curious……this whole week I have been walking bare foot on the ground to offset the extra EMF…….just saying.
Jack Says:
March 7th, 2012 at 7:53 pm
@Bridgette Thierry Hertoghe book is great
The Hormone Handbook 2nd Edition
@Jack. Really good to know! I haven’t been eating nuts at all so far; any you recommend in particular besides Macadamia??
Thankyou for the answer re diabetes. What is CM ratio?
Another question: for many years I have had intermittent pain in my front teeth. Always involved both top and bottom teeth, sometimes left, sometimes right, but always matching top and bottom. Two dentists couldn’t work out why. I noticed a correlation with my posture; if I slumped in from of my laptop, the pain would start. It was excruciating, and there would be an increase in salivation. Sometimes turning my head to the side would relieve the pain, but not always.
All the talk of teeth today reminded me; I haven’t had this happen since I started the Leptin Rx back in November, not once! Any insight Dr Kruse?
@Dom Regarding your email on energy expenditure here is what I am using as baselines for me: At least 80% from chemical energy is transformed to heat. Basal metabolic rate is ca. 58 W/m2 which corresponds ca. 110 W/individual. Muscular work can increase metabolic rate maximally to 1000-1300 W, but at a continuous work rate the level of 500 W is more probable. Muscular shivering can increase metabolic rate maximally to approx. 300-500 W. In intensive shivering the energy sources are carbohydrates from gluconeogenesis while in continuous low intensity shivering the energy sources are lipids from adipocytes after the liver is clear out. It appears that visceral fat is used up first in cold thermogenesis too.
If one energy source is depleted, muscles can flexibly switch the energy substrate to another. This is why I always recommend eating prior to CT training.
When ambient temperature decreases by 1°C, the 24-hour energy expenditure increases 100-130 kJ due to increased amount of clothing, cold induced heat production and other factors like snow, ice and darkness. This is why I try to lose the clothes in my example to you. I hope this answers your questions.
Here is a nice paper on fuels….Weber JM, Haman F. Fuel selection in shivering humans. Acta Physiol Scand 2005;184(4):319-329.
I just thought of a great idea for spot icing our arms! Swimmies (aka water wings) Fill with water, freeze then melt..:) They do make them in adult sizes.. Looking for a source now..
I just can’t stop loving this blog. Had more ice packs on today…feels so GOOD! I started more with the tub, but did a ice/cold shower yesterday…that was ALSO amazing! I had some slight soreness in my neck/shoulders b/c I went swimming. (Ok, I just like to swim not as ‘exercise’ but b/c I like to move—too bad the water is TOO HOT!). Anyways, I took the cold shower and made the cold water between my shoulder blades. It was pure heaven. On the rest of my body of course it was freezing, but on my back it felt like some kind of accupuncture. I was totally relieved and fresh.
Btw, love the Weber JM paper on fuel selection in shivering humans.
Btw, Katherine Hepburn who lived to 96 (and was in good health until 90) used cold showers and swam in frigid waters. She was quite the lady!! You look at her and she was always tall and slim. The tall part of course is b/c she was kind of naturally tall, but the slim part…I’m sure the cold showers/cold swims really helped her. Even though she didn’t eat Optimally. The thing is though, she probably naturally ate less anyway b/c of the CT, so the CT still protected her from average diet.
Amazing! Thank you!
Fourth week into CT and feeling great! On my way to work, bouts of leptin send me sprinting the streets. In a T-shirt (10 degrees here in Paris). My body feels so weirdly light, I guess Beta-endorphins are kicking. I get bruises but things that would have hurt so much before are now duller and the pain quickly fades.
CT-1 reminded me of an odd patient I examined 5 years ago. He was in his fifties but seemed 30. I was so impressed by how he looked so healthy and muscular. I asked him how he was working out. He answered he wasn’t . He was just taking cold showers first thing in the morning and was mostly working outdoor. I tried the cold showers a couple of times then. But it was too hard so I dropped it and forgot.Â
Years passed. I gained love handles, postprandial sleepiness, lower mood and an annoying knee pain. At age forty, the seemingly young doctor was showing clinical signs of leptin-resistance. Got me reading a lot of articles on carbs and diet. last June I went VLC /GF, lost 30 pounds easily and felt young again. It made me realize that most of the people I was treating were afflicted by disease of civilization and that conventional medicine was mainly symptom managing. I needed to know better if I wanted to really cure.Â
Then I stumbled on your blog. I was amazed by the depth of your knowledge in physiology.
 This is such a paradigm shift. You truly deserve the Nobel.
I believe this is going to be great for my diabetic patients! Problem is that they often have cardiovascular conditions too. So let’s assume I find a cardiologist who will take me seriously. What should I ask him in order to clear the way for CT? Is a negative stress test enough? I assume beta blockers are counter-productive, is that correct?
@Paleodocteur If their HDL is decent (35-45) and HS CRP is below two, I see no reason why they cant CT at all. HS CRP is a great cheap sceening tool.
@ Chimpchick That’s a great idea! Will look into that. Those things don’t even cost much, and I think I can get it at the Dollar Store! (My arms are pretty good, just a SLIGHT flab on the bottom. The rest has definition of muscle. My legs are what I work on, lol).
@ Gladina..Thanks! Me too on the arms.. I was thinking the adult size might be good for wrapping around the legs? If you don’t fill them completely with water they could fit?
there is a chinese plant, danshen, that induce eNOS
hypothetically, could be used to decouple from light cycles?.
@Santiago no….it has to be endogenous from SCN
Isn’t eating Grass-fed beef just as good as seafood or in addition to seafood to increase O3
? I don’t like a lot of seafood because of the high mercury so I stick to wild salmon only and some wild shrimp. Found this: Grass-fed meats improve fat levels
Eating moderate amounts of grass-fed meat for only 4 weeks will give you healthier levels of essential fats, according to a 2011 study in the British Journal of Nutrition.
The British research showed that healthy volunteers who ate grass-fed meat increased their blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids and decreased their level of pro-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids. These changes are linked with a lower risk of a host of disorders, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, depression, and inflammatory disease.
Interestingly, volunteers who consumed conventional, grain-fed meat ended up with lower levels of omega-3s and higher levels of omega-6s than they had at the beginning of the study, suggesting that eating conventional meat had been detrimental to their health.
British Journal of Nutrition (2011) Red meat from animals offered a grass diet increases plasma and platelet N-3 PUFA in healthy consumers. Volume 105, pages 80-89.
@Claudia no nothing is more nutrient dense than seafood. Take a look at Cordain’s The Paleo Answer for this.
Coconut oil: Normally have 3 tablespoons per day plus in cooking? Now you are saying limited CO in winter. It’s still winter so limit to 1T per day and eat butter instead? When can I bring back the CO…spring ok or wait until summer?
Also, if I’m trying to bring up o3 and limit o6, then, no nuts, right? Or mac nuts and walnuts (o3) ok?
@claudia It depends if you are treating obesity than I am fine with CO……if you have neolithic disease I am still fine with CO……but once you get better keep palm and CO to spring and summer cooking. Most people however, have some issue they are dealing with it when they transition to this lifestyle.
@Werner: Do you have any mindfulness training? It really helps. Also with the stress.
@ JanSz: Holy Cow @ The Hormone Handbook 2nd Edition
Anything more affordable? Nice to see you around 🙂
@Souldanzer I just bought the Hormone Solution from Amazon for about $11….
@Kathylu: Thx, somehow I thought the books were one item… oh well, I guess my gut is still leaky.
The Top 10 Shopping List for The Paleo Answer by Cordain that you recommended to me Dr. Kruse:
*Wild salmon
– Lean beef (grass-fed if possible)
– Hormone-free chicken
– Organic eggs
– Raw unsalted walnuts
– Ground flaxseed meal
– Organic broccoli
– Organic blueberries
– Orthopedic-style walking shoes
– Short-sleeve white cotton T shirt Wild salmon
I already eat these things regularly, except the flax meal and the blueberries (but I can add these in the summer, right? Can I start to add blueberries in the late spring?) In order to increase my o3/o6 ratio should I just eat the wild salmon more frequently, maybe 3 times per week instead of just once? Would that work? I eat organic eggs with grass-fed beef for breakfast most days, sometimes just eggs. Then, fish like salmon would work for dinner, but can’t eat it every night it’s just too expensive. Won’t nuts, even walnuts and mac nuts, tip me to again toward o6 more? I want to get back to CT as soon as these hives are gone so going to work on increasing O3. Do I start CT protocol over again from the start? I am so afraid to add ice packs, though, because I could get hives again. I only have hives right now where I put the ice on my body (while in a cold bath). Cold face dunks, cold showers at 50 degrees, and cold baths at 50 degrees were all fine for me and I was progressing and adapting to it, up to 15 minutes. It’s the ice (in a ziplock bag) that did me in. So, do I start CT again by just using the cold water, dunks, showers, and baths, and stay away from the ice? Of course, not going to do this until my hives are completely gone and I’m feeling better.
@Claudia I like your plan to add salmon, not a flax fan……period. blueberries are OK for spring. I just cooked them tonight but wont eat them just yet. What about shell fish…..clams and mussels are cheap? So are sardines.
I now swim ~100min 6days a week in ~81degree water (I don’t control the temp). My current weight is 279 (321 on 1 Feb 12 when my dieting started), I’m 6′. My weight loss rate was slowing, but I’m still hoping to hit 50# in 50 days. I’m making changes real time as I try to see what works best. I began on nearly a fast with only a few bites of lean protein a day the first week, then about 500cal/day mainly lean protein second/third wks, I had a wk of only seafood and shrimp and a few veggies in Florida and a small amount of orange. I tried a wk of 1100-1300 cals Atkins’-like diet and my weight loss really slowed. I’ve been alternating days of higher and lower cals this week averaging about 850. Now, I eat no sweets, starches, grains, breads, and very limited dairy and fruit(an eighth of an orange before swimming 2-3 times a wk). Carbs are restricted to less than 20g net, some days much lower. I drink only water. No fake sugars either. I rarely feel hungry except at meal times. At other times drinking some water usually chases away any hunger pangs.
Could my swimming be cold adapting(LS) me in a minor way? I feel cold sometimes during the swim and have experienced a very interesting ‘swimmer’s high this week’. Whether that was from endorphinea or endocannabinoids being released or just a lack of oxygen to the brain, I don’t know. But the experience was very Zen-like, the water and I became one. I didn’t want to quit, my strokes became more graceful, breathing slowed and I could stay under longer, but alas the pool was closing.
I read the Monk book and am trying to be more positive. I seem to have plenty of energy and yesterday my wife described me as ‘exuberant’, a first.
I’m thinking of adding some HIIT to my swimming. I have a partially torn achilles which limits alot of my exercise choices. I would like to try CT, but I have no idea what my omega 6/3 is and am confused by many of the abreviations and technical jargon. I’m taking a rather high dosage of prescribed ‘zocor’, as well as synthroid. I’d really rather not but don’t know the best way to eliminate them. Gradual or cold turkey? I have a physical coming up in a month or so and will be asking my physician for an opinion. Everyone says my weight loss is too fast, my cals too low, and very unhealthy. Yet, I feel better than I have for years and I just had the first normal blood pressure check in a decade. I know my weight was and still is at an unhealthy level, so I am very interested in getting to an healthy weight ASAP. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
@Just CT would light you on fire…….for weight loss. Eat protein and fat…….and do CT. The help is in the blogs and in the comments. This is not that hard.
Thanks Dr.
But what about my prescribed zocor and synthroid. Are they helpful or holding me back?
What’s a ‘healthy’ weight loss rate for someone my size? (Please don’t say 1-2# a wk.) I’m NOT that patient. My current rate is now about 4-5#/wk.
@Just for what youre doing you will be off both soon enough……cause you wont need them. Youll know when based upon your jitterness.
Thanks DR. K. Clams and mussels sound good and I will add. How about CT? When I start again, when the hives are gone and I’ve tested my o6/03, do I start from scratch with face dunking again? Are cold showers and baths ok for me? I am afraid of using ice now. Can I do CT without ice bags and just cold water?
@Claudia sure why not.
Dr Kruse, do you have any comment on my question, #650 up above. Thanks.
Alrighty Doc, I used a 20 lb bag of ice in the tub this morning, along with a 10 lb chunk of ice in my abdomen for 45 minutes. It felt fine for the 1st thirty minutes, then I got cold. When I got out of the tub, I almost fell over and my hands hardly worked. Seemed like fine motor control went out the window for an hour or so. Then, all of the sudden, my upper back seemed to go hot. It felt like it was burning up, but my wife said it still felt cold. It has been burning all day, and my wife now feels it & says it’s warmer than the rest of my body. Pilot light coming on?
@james yes it appears to be but i think your pushing it too hard……when you do that you might see a pitfall. be careful. CT works if you stay on the protocol.
Last night I had a big feed, at least 100g protein at 4pm, then had a 15 minute 48 degree soak at 8pm. I was very cold after. It took me 30 minutes to warm up. Fell asleep quickly at 10pm but woke up between 2:30am and 3:30am. I could not fall back asleep.
@Jack I have another question:
The CT protocol blog post is directed at people trying to lose weight. Are there any modifications you suggest for someone underweight going through cold adaptation?
@Andrew the CT protocol is directed at anyone who seeks optimal…… helps reverse many bad things. But if someone who is fit uses it to train…….well the limit for them are North of Armstrong and Phelps in my opinion because neither one at correctly for the pathway……..they just used many part of it to become elite. If you use it you can do what Phelps did and eat ungoldly amount of food while you are training. He did this because he trained in cold water while Lance did not do this because he trained in cold air so Phelps became an extreme calorie burner.
When you say ‘can we eat small, exercise small,….’ what do you mean by eat small? Do you mean small meals or small numbers of calories or less meals? My stomach has shrunk on the LR. I am interested to know how many calories you or a typically cold adapted person (ie. inuit) would eat in a day… I thought they ate caloric dense meals?
Also Jack, just for some extra info… the inuits seem to have stockier bodies than say the aborigines who have stick-like limbs. Since the aborigines did experience extremely hot weather but also very cold temperatures in the desert they put fat on around their organs for protection, so they typically have a larger torso. I thought this was an interesting (and blatantly obvious) adaptation! I live in Aus.. most of the turned-SAD aboriginals still have very thin limbs and only put weight on around the abdomen.
@Natalie The point here is to break some dogma that comes from the exercise and training world. Most believe that to get fit and put on muscle mass that we have to “eat big” (lots of protein, carbs and fat) and “exercise big”, meaning lift a lot of weight to get to this goal. The point of the Ancient pathway is that it breaks this dogmatic view point. A bear who uses this pathway goes into their den to hibernate is fat and happy after gorging on carbohydrates during the summer. When they emerge 4 months later after their long slumber without food, drink, or restroom uses they have their lowest body fat and highest lean muscle mass. They are in the best shape of the year and are supreme predators. Their hunger returns because the light cycles are longer and their body temperatures are also warmer. They are magnificent specimens. Humans have the same pathway built into them but they never see it because our big brains that control our environments extinguished the need for hibernation and we rarely ever face harsh winters because we have figured out how to make clothes, heated seats, and heated homes. We never see this pathway because we never face winters like most mammals do. The Inuit and Aborigines however were two of the last remaining groups of humans who did actually face them and used this pathway to survive their environments until their diets radically changed and the benefits of the pathway vanished along with their health. This pathway allows us to eat small, exercise small and when we emerge be in better condition and do things that most warm adapted humans who eat big and exercise big cant fathom……..That is the point.
Dr Kruse,
1. Why do bodybuilders croak dead of MI’s in their 40’s and 50’s from stem cell depletion yet they are known for eating relatively clean compared to SAD (they usually will do lots of O3, avoid sugar/fructose, etc)— yet you advocate heavy lifting when LS?
2. If the CT is so effective for longevity, does Lifting and HIIT confer any additional health advantages when Cold adapted? or are they more important only when warm adapted? Are the advantages for in the cold pathway mainly functional (improved VO2 max, strength) as opposed to longevity (decreased inflamation, CVD, etc?).
3. I saw those Zeltiq fat machines take about 2 months to kill about 25% of the adipocytes in the area chilled (39 degrees F)…Are The results are similar from CT after 2 months from chilling the skin to 50-55 degrees in cold packs, cold showers, baths, etc?
@Ben G 1. first off most are using stuff they should not……and they are eating a pro growth diet (carbs) that speeds up their chemical clocks and shortens their telomeres…..that is why they die. same thing with NFL football players……they do not age well. Endurance athletes too…..There are no long lived Kenyans who run. The reason I like HIIT is because in cold mTOR and IGF1 help longevity they dont in warm adapted peoples.
2. Yes it can….in cold mTOR and IGF1 are protective…….that is 180 degrees what all current longevity data says. It needs to be tested but I think Lance beating metastatic brain cancer and my own testing is eye opening here.
3. CT and zeltiq use the same pathways the main difference is that they are doing it in warm adapted patients… they use metal to conduct the cold and they use a different temp to do it. They only use one application for 45 minutes… is controlled. My CT protocol is how evolution uses it in all mammals in the polar regions…….my way is cheaper and safer.
One other question…I know exercise physiologists say regarding traditional lifting that you shouldn’t lift a exercise a body part more than once every 3-5 days if you are natural. The athletes on “the stuff they should not be on” are usually lifting every 24-48 hours since AS enhances their recovery. Obviously a natural, warm adapted will over train at that frequency. How often can a cold adapted person lift, and long do they need to follow the CT protocol to get to that super-normal level of recovery?
@BenG Stop……think. What does a polar mammal do when he hibernates than is different than you when his muscles are getting huge and strong? He is sleeping in the cold for four months……..Did you hear the words exercise once in there? Nope. Just think for a minute. Maybe, just maybe, what youre conditioned to believe about exercise is plain wrong?
I suggest you do the same as Heather……stop pver thinkign it and let Mother Nature sculpt you……..CT and a ketogeneic diet is the Primal Rx of the Ancient Pathway. You need to now shut the computer off and think about this for one hour……..cause I wont answer you again for 60 minutes. You need time to let this sink in. So does the rest of Paleo folks.
Hi again, Dr. K –
Got a big thank you this morning via email from my mother’s friend; I sent her your blog last night and she’s apparently been reading all morning! Paying it forward. 🙂
Anyhow, I have a couple more quick questions about CT and my reaction to it.
1) I started with my face in cold water for about a week, but could keep my face under the 50 degree water with relative ease, even at first. This was my second cold bath today, and I find that I am freezing all the time and less tolerant of the cold. I’m colder in the mornings than I was prior to CT, and my feet are especially cold throughout the day. Is it normal to be colder at first in the beginning? What kind of things should we expect to experience while we’re adapting?
2) When I’m doing the cold baths, is there an optimal amount of time to spend a day in order to adapt? I’ve been doing 30 minutes in the tub at 50 degrees, but would definitely be open to more or less if it’s too much/too little.
@heather……read the other comments……i have answered this on a lot…….adaptation is not a linear process in biologic systems…..but rest assured it happens in us all. How and when are time variables that depend upon what each one of us is made from and what our body compositions, LR or LS status is……without all the variables your shooting in the dark.
But a recommendation for you……stop being a human and trying to out think it…….let the mammal biochemistry sculpt you…….I know its hard but trust me, as a smart ass mammal myself…… can’t do better than Mother Nature. Many of us smart educated docs and scientists need to realize that an evolutionary platform beats any study ever published…….but us smart modern humans make that error daily too. I stopped it 6 yrs ago. It was hard but it was necessary. It helped keep this stuff from us for 2.5 million years.
@Dr Kruse: The polar bear in 688 sleeping is the opposite of what you said in #681 “Yes it [Exercise] can….in cold mTOR and IGF1 are protective…….that is 180 degrees what all current longevity data says. It needs to be tested…”
BenG when do we hibernate? We do it two hours when we sleep every night…..we compress hibernation due to our brain growth. Polar bears don’t exercise when they hibernate and they release anabolic hormones then to stimulate muscle growth…….we do the exact same thing……you just may not realize it but you will after CT 7. We are just like our mammal buddies. Exercise is not required for optimal……but it can really lead to amazing performance if one has a program to take advantage of it…….and I do……but its way to early to go there. And by the way……you did not wait an hour did you? you waited 58 minutes…..
some unrelated questions, sorry if already answered
1. Cold adaption (i.e. its protocol) should be held during the whole year, not only fall/winter, right?.
2. After 4 days of cold showers -in spite of hating cold all my life- I’ve found to my surprise no more goose bumps and no much pain. The problem I’m forecasting now for the future is… how boring it is. 20 minutes under a shower is really boring, and if I try baths I believe will be worse. Maybe radio can help… I don’t know.
3. What’s your take on daily. Robb, De Vany, etc. hate it. Other people like Kresser are more flexible. Personally I love cheese, and use milk with coffes, but I don’t know whether I’m sabotaging myself.
@Santiago 1. yes if you are trying to stay cold adapted for performance or neolithic disease…..or longevity.
2. Im in my pool now Santiago talking to you……find something to do….ipod, emails, reading my blog? There is a lot an idle mind can’t do while doing this. What do you do when you exercising…….CT is primordial exercise.
3. Dairy……not for me. only dairy I used is pastured butter and raw heavy cream……that is it.
@santiago read a book! sitting in a cold tub 40 minutes flies by when i’m reading… just finished “sex at dawn”. not only interesting but takes my mind off the fact that parts of me are numb.
@Dr Kruse–that’s fair enough…I just think it might be a good idea to summarize somewhere that the exercise recommendations you wrote in the post-leptin reset need not apply during CT. It would help clarify things and remove confusion for the readers.
as for exercise, what you have to do is to buy “Body by Science” by Doug McGuff and “New Evolution Diet” by De Vany. They show the ‘true’ way as for exercise. Forget the rest.
@Jack – Is CT ok after having a stressful day?
@TheKid is there a better time?
@Santiago..based on what Dr. Kruse just said, Body by Science is immaterial when cold adapted.
Dr K , the question I have for you is twofold . Firstly , I am of south Indian descent … I am the product of an ancient culture that evolved from the agricultural tradition. Our traditional diet is heavily grain based in an extreme ( tropical ) setting. I have noticed, over the last few years, diseases such as rheumatic arthritis and other inflammatory ailments are very common and have been common for generations… I’m questioning the traditional diet now … But I’ve also been told that my ancestors used to live long back then without falling ill. Today, in my early thirties , I’m fighting heart disease , asthma and cancer and am appalled at myself ! I do want to know what went wrong esp since there is no family history for these particular diseases in my family tree. Can it be diet? Or a change in environment ( I’m currently residing in the US)? What can I do to aid my body chemistry to adapt and thrive in its current environment ( including the changes happening within due to chemo , radiation and other medication) ?
Secondly , I’ve noticed that cold air is one of the triggers of my Asthma ? How can I safely cold adapt without triggering my Asthma ?
Thank you for your time and this wonderful blog !
@Sri It is your diet. Southern India has bigger health issues than the USA now. I would strongly suggest you by the book called The Paleo Answer by Loren Cordain and read it. It has so much data in it to explain to you why your diet is completely mismatched for your biology. You might have been told many things in your life but your current reality should make you wonder if what you are socialized to believe is in fact true. Much of what we believe is at the root cause of what hurts our biology.
People keep asking how much the Inuit ate in terms of calories. I have read, studied, and lived among the modern Inuits for the past 10 years. They ate basically fish (salmon, whitefish, cod, blackfish) and oil (seal or whale). It is a daunting task to eat 2lbs of raw salmon and 1 cup of oil per day. Plug this into FitDay and you get approx 3200 calories.
This is about the same as eating 10 cans of sardines in olive oil.
They also boiled most of the fish they ate and drank the broth, benefitting from the bone broth and offal. The head was a prized treat and fed mostly to the children.
The Inuit who hunted seal and caribou still subsisted mainly on fish and oil, but when they harvested a mammal, they would eat only the fattiest parts and offal and fed the lean meat to their dogs.
You can read one first-hand account here:
@Akman The Inuit are human great white sharks in many respects……
I meant to say they ate the equivalent of 20 cans of sardines in olive oil, calorically. However, keep in mind the harsh environment and hours of hard work in sub-zero darkness.
personally I’ll keep doing once per week HIT ala De Vany or McGuff. What’s the problem?. Arthur De Vany, who’s intution is truly remarkable, has been doing that and probably cold adapted during his whole life. Well, there are few live ‘experiments’ as good as him.
@Santiago I agree with you on Art for sure…….my point is that there are planes above Art……and as admirer’s of Art I think it is our duty to explore those planes……I am. If evolution built it it means it cant be wrong. I have been led down many wrong paths by research too often…..never one by evolution.
I have two problems. As Dr. Kruse said in #692 “Exercise is not required for optimal..” I’m interested in health, not the other reasons people exercise. If Dr. Kruse discovered a way to make it happen without spending time in the gym, I’m for all for it. My second problem, is I’m aware body by science uses the HIT and superslow protocol. I’m quite cognizant of the dogma of Church of HIT and Temple of Superslow. I did the heavy duty version that Mike Mentzer (he died of heart problems, BTW) pushed back in the 90s. It worked for a little bit, but eventually I stalled on it. It was useful as recovery tool from a higher volume, but not so great for long term progress. So thanks, but no thanks.
@BenG not Dr. Kruse has found…….Evolution has made it possible to become optimal without exercise. We just need to master the pathway. Re create what it requires and then see what happens to you.
Dr. K, is Factor X sex?
@Lexi…..nope but I like the answer. Sex is very good for us……very good.
How do you measure long term progress? CT protocol will give you all the strength you desire without being a gym rat.
Long term progress in the state of ones health can only be measured by telomere length. You may look good in the mirror but your long term health may be trashed by the beating you have perpetrated on yourself through exercise.
A truly ketogenic diet yoked with cold thermogenesis therapy will yield long term health without exercise.
@ Jack, should bitter melon be taken prior to CT, or just daily with other supps?
@ TheKid, Starting to sound like Trolling. If not, perhaps revisit some of the earlier posts in the series.
@ All, If the concept is “adapt”, then it does stand to reason that you make small changes, give a bit for adaptation and ramp up as you make progress. It seems lots of people are jumping right to cold baths then hit a wall. Could it be you didn’t allow for the time/incremental increase for your body to adapt?
@Cavemam 1. couple hours before CT. 2. I m not sure if its that or just poor thinking from poor dietary assimilation or just a lot of neolithic disease. 3. I totally agree. Humans always try to out think stuff.
I’m not disagreeing with you there. Just finished my cold session and I’m sitting under the ceiling fan wet typing this.
@Dr Kruse,
I haven’t done a HIIT session in almost 3 weeks..only cold, and I’ve noticed I recover faster, and I haven’t lost any stamina (seems to have improved) from any NEAT or other physical activity (walking quickly up a hill to go somewhere)…can’t wait to see where it takes me in six months.
@BenG……I promise you, you wont believe what happens…..I had to do double takes when I saw what I was able to do without much training. It was eye opening. I had knee surgery and was told by the orthopod that Id have knee replacement surgery if I continued to squat the weights I was…..I went for a check up recently and he could not believe the MRI. He said it was like I never had any surgery at all. My knee feels great after CT. In the summer time with carbs……it feels the worse. So the last two summers I swim more than I lift and rarely run sprints in summer too.
@Dr. Kruse, my wife’s friend is an oncologist…she as fibromyalgia, etc..we were visiting her a few days ago, and I had to explain to her what leptin is.
@BenG LOL I am sorry I am laughing……but I know its true. And this is a lady who is treating a serious disease and has zero clue on how that disease even begins. This is why people are hating on my profession.
One thing that keeps coming up in my thought process – aren’t those cold environment mammals all big fatty beasts? Is it because in hominids the “cycle” is daily and not annually that we can be cold optimal yet not carry around all the fat and hibernate?
Once optimal, is CT something of an annual habit with the winter season?
Great “listen” while doing CT is the Steve Jobs book. Gives ya a little ooomph to keep going. It’s another example of dedication to perfection (optimal)and I found it inspiring as far as keeping on target and trying to ignore the daily annoyances of friends and family’s concern for my mental well being when I’m dragging ice to the bathroom and walking around half naked in the cold.
@Cavemam my family is gone for the weekend and i have had no clothes on all weekend and I have CT a ton since Friday…….Mammals are big fatty beasts in summer…..not winter. They are in supreme shape in winter. When you get back to optimal you can use CT just in fall and winter. I have found I like it so much that I do it all the time. In CT 7 you will see when homids actually hibernate……its two hours every night provided they get into those two hours……most dont today
@Dr Kruse. That’s why they turn to homeopathy and natural paths.
@BenG yes……its sad but true. I hope soon people will start realizing that evolutionary medicine is amazing and it is the best RCT we will ever have. I am amazed when I hear a MD say well where is the proof? And then I take them into a mirror and say…….the proof is here……you came from a primate and look at what Mother Nature did for you without one research paper.
CT6, amazing! Tonight I sat in my cold bath water for 1/2 hour and listened to the uw podcast. I love the idea of being cold adapted as I have always hated being cold. If fat loss happens too – I will take it too.
Its made me chuckle to think of all these people sitting in cold icy water. Hands across the world! LOL
Thanks Jack for your rockstar ways.
@Jack Since you say to take bitter melon ~2 hours before CT, should the big meal be about 2 hours prior as well? (That makes sense to me, but I wanted to check and make sure.)
@Micheal the size of the meal does not matter…..just make sure its protein and fat.
@Jack I wasn’t worried about the size of it, more about the timing. How long before CT should we eat it?
@Michael..just make sure there is food in your stomach when you do the cold. When I did it a time of two on an empty stomach, it cramped up.
I want to make sure…so, the way that you lost all the weight was just Leptin diet and CT? I have several people who I would like to refer to your blog but I remember following/recommending Barry Sears of the Zone only to find out that he was going to a very expensive clinic for HGH injections and hormone therapy. Of course, I did take away from the Zone eating more protein, understanding silent inflammation and taking purified fish oil.
I have enjoyed reading your blog and appreciate your willingness to share your experiences and information.
P.S. Is there a way to print out the cookbook?
@Lee Ann that is all did…….
This CT along with the leptin reset is truly amazing. I’m sleeping well, have tremendous energy, and have lost 4 lbs this week. I’m a 60 year old woman with hypothyroidism and T2D so I am really excited about the potential benefits.
@Sharron you made my wife smile……she loves seeing older women get their grove back. I got hers back so she likes when we can help those who have been spit out by our current system. CT -7 is going to have some nice nuggets in it for you I promise.
Jack, you asked for input for doctor criteria on PH, and horror stories. I put the *short* version of my story there. As a side note, my economic stance is that for the type of health care I envision, I would be OK with up to $2000 per year. That is what my current insurance deductible is and I’m happy to pay that much for labs, consultation, and an action plan. Of course, that excludes emergency care and chronic diseases that are not readily treated through lifestyle change.
My doc put me on Amlopidine for high blood pressure. What do you think of that drug? I can’t figure out why it’s still high when all my other labs were awesome, seriously awesome. I have reversed my prediabetes, fatty liver disease, anemia and hypertrigylceremia. The only 2 labs that were a bit below normal was HDL went down to 23, and potassium to 3.9. TSH went up while FT3 & FT3 went down but they weren’t far from normal range so I’m not too worried about them. How does one increase HDL and potassium through nutrition? and again, what’s your take on Amlopidine?
@LisaAPB that medicine is a calcium channel blocker that reduced the tone in your arteries…….if you eat right and keep your D3 and K2 levels good and your diurnal cortisol is fine you likely will see your BP drop with time. I bet your renin aldosterone system is out of whack too but it should get better as you get better.
Jack, I’ve been doing the Leptin Rx and recently CT. The CT is wild! I can feel things happening. I had blood work done last week and I’m a little confused at the results as they relate to what I’m doing. If you would comment on how I can improve the numbers I’d be grateful.
I’ve been eating Paleo for 8 weeks. T2D, 296Lbs currently, BP 126/62. I have been on the Leptin reset Rx for 6 weeks. I eat at least 4 T CO every day.
Total Cholesterol 195
Triglycerides 208
HDL 30
LDL Chol. 123
Non-HDL Chol (LDL+VLDL) Value 165
A1C 6.1
There are other things but this seems to be the major ones.
I take 2 fish oil, 3 D-3, Mag., Eat salmon, sardines and grass fed beef a few times a week.
@Eric you need CT bad……but you need a way tighter diet. Your TG tell me you must cut all grains and dairy stat. You need a ketogenic paleo template with CT. If you do that your numbers would improve……id also bet your testosterone, progesterone, DHEA, Vitamin D, HS CRP are even worse…….but learn from your failures here……they can only go up my friend. You are on the right path by posting here.
“@Just for what youre doing you will be off both soon enough……cause you wont need them. Youll know when based upon your jitterness.”
I’m NOT sure I understand. I have had NO jitteriness, should I expect to become jittery at some point?
@just when you shred fat you release a ton of toxins and you restore thyroid balance quickly… while youre doing CT you may notice the jitteriness from having to drop your thyroid meds. It is pretty common. I am sure others will chime in. Just pay attn to it and adjust your dose down with your doc.
your numbers are pretty bad, go to Dr. Williams blog to find out how to improve your lipid levels.
BTW how much Vitamin D are you taking?. I ask because I take about 8000IU per day, and still my serum levels don’t reach 60.
<> This is what I’ve subconsciously thought, but did too much thinking about it and listening to well meaning medical experts. I’ve had discussions with family and friends about how is it so many people have issues with thyroid and diabetes and cancer and none of these so-called diseases have found a “cure” (and just where does the money from donations go, to help find the cure?? ) The answers to our well being are all right here—in each of us. Can’t get much simpler than that. I like how my life has been simplified since starting the reset and CT. I’m no longer thinking about what to eat or trying to get a big workout in. I don’t see myself ever going back to my old ways. I spoke with my son about all this today and why I’m doing this and I can sense he wants to, but won’t give up the things he likes and says he’ll be one of the 90% who won’t make it… and that made me think (yes there’s that again) that if I am optimal, I’ll potentially be around longer than my family will… rather a sad thought. I can only hope they will come around to wanting this for themselves. Thanks for opening our minds.
@PaleoNana let me let you in on a little secret of optimal living…….when your friends and family see you totally transform doing things they think are a bit out there……and you are regaining your health……..they all come for your wisdom. That is the time you rise from your chair and help them and not until. When the student in them presents…..then the teacher in you should arrive. Do not force this on anyone.
sorry, my comment is in regard to this: “you came from a primate and look at what Mother Nature did for you without one research paper.”
“POMC cleaves into alpha MSH and ACTH! Both rise huge!”
It is my understanding that ACTH stimulates the adrenals to make more cortisol. My adrenals don’t seem capable of making more cortisol and when the demand goes up I get the shakes and feel terrible until I take some hydrocortisone. (I take 5mg at a time). This makes me think that ct will be like beating a dead horse for me right now. I just don’t have any more to give. Am I missing something about this? Waking up at 3am is a classic low cortisol symptom. I am seeing that some who are starting to do ct are having that problem.
@PattyLa your adrenals maybe be broken……your missing the largest point of the Ancient Pathway…….the brain takes total control of the entire system It overides the adrenals and make ACTH directly at the brain level. The key when you use this pathways is to keep activity low to moderate……..that is how it is designed to work. The brain is working to keep you alive at all costs. It does not leave this to the peripheral systems……..That is what mammals are designed to do in cold. All of them.
@Santiago–I’m presently taking 5000IU’s per day. At the time of the blood work I had been on 3000IU per day.
ok, last Factor X guess: is it earthing?
@Lexi nope……
Dr. Kruse,
My husband, Steve’s, labs look much like Eric’s with the exception that his A1c is now down to 5.6. His doc is thrilled and wants him to keep on keeping on. She is also a little interested in the program. Steve is on a ketogenic diet and has cut all cheese and nuts at the beginning of February. His Triglycerides are 222 and there is no more sugar or starch to cut from his diet. Due to serious knee and ankle problems he cannot walk for long at all. We have included the krill oil into the supplement program and it has worked wonders. However, my question is what else can he do to lower those triglycerides?
Having lost 25 lbs. since February 1st he is now cold all the time. I believe some of this is because he does not get much exercise at all. He is not yet mentally ready for CT. I keep dragging him a little further down the line to improved health, but he is balking a little when I suggest the CT. He was a bull in his youth. He is 322 lbs. and is still very solid. He abused his strength in his youth and is now paying for it with messed up joints. He also has asbestosis. This program is keeping his T2D at bay, and I believe it is helping to keep the lower lobes of his lungs clear of the asbestos so far.
@Susan If he soaks his ankle in the cold it will get a lot better. Trust me. Krill oil and several fish oils will help Steve. Make sure his D3 and K2 are good too…..all key for him. The TG issue is when leptin regains control of the liver, specifically enzyme PEPCK…….takes time. Read my blog Leptin Part Deux. If he does CT he wont need to exercise a lot….Tell him I said I dont care if he is ready or not…..his body requires it. He is wasting his telomeres as he procrastinates.
Beautiful 65 degree day here in Michigan. Did CT outside today. We have a large size Rubber Maid tote that we use to cool off my Black Lab during the summer. Well, I filled that up today with water from our 220 ft well. The temp. of the water was 54 degrees without ice. I was able to sit in it up to my waist for 15 minutes and then slouch down to get my torso and arms submerged for the last 13 minutes for a total CT of 28 minutes. Felt great!
My Black Lab kept looking at me with a funny look on his face. It seemed he was wondering why I was taking over his tote. I told him it was all in the name of Optimal Living. I suppose I will get my own tote so the both of use can do our CT together.
Only 3rd time doing CT and feeling great. Will keep everyone posted as to my results.
Dr. Kruse, I’m wondering if you have ever heard of MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) by Jim Humble. It’s chlorine dioxide and he has treated thousands of people with malaria which clears up in 4 hours. It’s also been used by many people to treat cancer, aids, TB, infections, flu, diabetes, burns and gum diseases (it’s great for plaque). If you read the testimonies on the web, people have some amazing results. And the best part is, it’s very inexpensive. Any thoughts?
@LeeAnn nope.
DrK – re #637 still feel like I’m fighting the plague. Really bummed that I’m having to bundle up, take OTC meds, slugging hot beverages. Will this undo my Leptin reset? Is there a better way to get over this cold? And am I right that CT is a no no if you are sick?
@cgk I do CT no matter what……but I have not been sick in 5 yrs.
Just had a maybe skaithingly brilliant idea. I really don’t have much wt to lose below the belly and there are things down there I’d rather not shrivel up. Sitting in a tub seems counterproductive for us ‘apple’ shape guys. How to get in tub/shower without exposing the lower regions is difficult at best. My idea is to take a number of my old fairly tight polyester shirts and put them in the freezer. Then wear them one after another to CT my torso. Maybe even put a sweatshirt over to intensify effect. ???
@Just try it…….I have never done that. I got to a freezer at minus ten degrees once a week now. And they all just look at me turn bright red and radiate heat.
Dr Kruse, I tried the Dive Reflex, twice in ice water. I did well or so I thought, but the next day I had severe IBS for most of the day. The next day I was OK. Since I have had a long history of IBS, helped by eating a high fat diet, is the CT not for me? I know 2 times is not much, but with my history, I am concerned that my IBS will flare and not abate in a day. Any thoughts?
@BR its common because of toxin dumping from fat……normal. Not a long term issue. You need to get rid of them anyway. Increase your B vitamins to clear and up your Krill oil…….See the comment to Brenda. you too.
@Just…lol, frozen fashion statement
Just got my husband to start CT. He is prone to acne and very concerned because he is breaking out. I really want him to continue with this. Does acne subside and will CT eventualy help with it?
@brenda yes it will……tell him the reason it happens because of the toxins coming out of his fat. He needs to increase his B vitamins or eat lots of mushrooms and up his Krill oil 500 mgs three times a day. It will pass.
@Ann. Good thinking! A tote would be perfect for cold backyard soaking. And I can use the water on my plants after it warms in the sun. Extra water is always welcomed by the greenery here in San Diego.
@Dr. Kruse. I feel like a million bucks! So many good changes, and it can only get better. Just out of curiosity, can you tell me why I pee like a racehorse after getting out of the cold tub or after using an ice pack on my menopot. Thank you ever so much.
@Suni its the efect on ADH in hypothalamus as it rewires… will pass too……mammals do not pee when they hibernate. Neither will you eventually
Dr. Jack,
I swear I haven’t had a bite of any grain in 2 Months. Only real food and very little dairy. I drink my coffee black. We do eat a lot of garlic and onions, kale and greens. Maybe the quantity of veggies is hurting me.
I picked up some Keto test strips and I register only on the second color scale (slightly ketogenec)where my wife is one step better who eats the same as I.
@Eric it may just be your chemical clocks in your liver are bad…….CT should help you if your diet is tight. Ramp up the seafood……do not lose faith my friend. You do not need keto strips……I view them like a scale……they do nothing but make you over think things and raise your cortisol. Can them
Hey Jack I have another question. Ive been eating this diet and doing CT for a just over a week. Ive stopped doing a lot of my training due to the fact that it just depletes my glycogen and leaves me feeling week. Would you say its beneficial to just stop all my workouts and focus on my Adaption and just save myself for my races that are coming up soon. Im just waiting for my testoterone to get back up. I feel like the estrogen dumping is getting better and im feeling a bit better every day right now, have been using B vitamins and eating a ton of seafood.
@james I think that is a good plan……remember though this might slow your performance initially but not for long.
not for long as in 1 month? or more? and thanks that what I wanted to hear. Ill give it up for a while for what is being promised. I hate the way I feel when I fuel of carbs and it always burns me out. I dont want to keep doing it. I love the way my brain works on this diet and am just a happier person all around.
@James no way to know with know all your issues……but most elite athletes 3-6 months and they are 50-100% above there normal playing field.
I rarely ask questions on blogs especially yours considering your great efforts IRL and on the blogosphere, but here goes…
Doing CT for three days in a pool at 62 degrees. I live in So. Cal. I’m 47, BMI 23, no known health problems especially since I lost 130 pounds in about a year following Taube’s GCBC in 2010-11. I eat mostly paleo with raw milk and dairy tossed in (kefir, curds and whey, etc.). Sometimes I crave carbs especially after my hours changed to swing shift (less sleep). I am going to teach nursing in the near future so this will change. Maybe I will have to move to a colder climate back east, LoL.
First day: up to my chest for 25 minutes, felt great afterward, even took a cold shower before work and was pumped.
Second day: up to my neck 40 minutes. Felt great afterward and it seemed like I was wanting to shed clothes and wear less. I even bought thongs today (for my feet).
Third day: up to neck 45 minutes. At the 30 minute mark, I began to shiver and stuck it out although I noticed feeling cold in different parts of my body intermittently with a slight headache. After I finished, it was the same as before, I felt great, full of energy. Then, I took a run while drying. I ran until my body began to gave out. That is when it hit me. I got light headed, nauseated, and felt really bad. I put my head between my legs, took a warm shower, and finally went outside in the sun to rest until the severity subsided about 20 minutes later. Then I went inside, resting, and began to shiver uncontrollably for about 20 minutes. After I warmed I was fine, although a bit fatigued.
This is completely foreign and I want to get it right. Am I screwing this process up or was the exercise just a bad idea? I am reading all Feb. and Mar. to see if there is an easy how to but haven’t found one yet. There are definitely risks associated with doing CT wrong, and that is what I want to avoid.
@Donald…….read all the comments……I dont do dairy period. The Ancient Pathway has no room for dairy. You eat a paleo template loaded with seafood and very few carbs. If you do it your way you will create mismatches in your cell membranes…….the key to this is that we need youe cell membranes to be perfectly adapted to the environment……that means a 4:1 06/3 ratio with lots of Krill Oil and seafood……your 06/3 ratio eating dairy is north of 4:1. Read Patricia Kane’s work on epigenetic signaling and lipid biology of the cell membrane.
Re diabetes, what is CM ratio?
@coriander ??? CM ratio
Been having diarrhea the last few days, thought it was the metformin so I halved the dosage (my bs is down to 90 now) but I’m still getting it after I eat. Been mainly eating seafood, bacon and eggs, no carbs, salami, thought it might be the salami but I still get it even when I don’t eat any salami. Haven’t changed any supplements lately, could it be caused by the ct getting rid of toxins?
@Eleanor…..good sign. It’s the toxins coming out and your liver dumping in your gut. Poop them out!!! You may notice a different color too……changes the bilirubin in the liver too and your poop
Your answer to me #584; I asked can you cure Type 1 with CT. You said “yes I think it is possible but I think to fix type one you need CT plus IV cell membrane therapy to get your CM to a 4:1 ratio” I don’t know what CM is.
@coriander Cell membranes read #773 to james.
Okay, so I will dump the dairy for a 30 day experiment and reevaluate its continued use. It comes from grass fed cattle so I thought the omega 6/3 ratio, like the beef was similar to salmon. Any issues with my CT methodology? I know this also is transient and dynamic as our body and environment changes.
Should I also be eating a lot of 90% dark chocolate and turmeric to help repair cells that have been damaged from all my previous endurance excersise? Or anything else specific that I should do, ive suffered from adrenal problems before..
@James 99% not 90%.
Do you have any experience in seeing light sensitivity in people, perhaps regarding fat soluble vitamins? Car head and brake lights seem to be enlarged with fuzzy edges. I spend much time at the computer, so I first thought perhaps it was an A deficiency, but after lots of mixed liver, nothing improved. I have seen that a vitamin D deficiency symptom can be light sensitivity (my level is 50ng/ml). Or, if you have some other idea, I’d be glad to hear…
@john I know about it but I have never seen it clinically
Dear Jack,
I started the CT protocol yesterday,
today is my second day. I am not doing
the leptin protocol, but I am trying to
decrease carbohydrates and increase protein
and fat.
I am 5’10, 30 years young and weight 85kg. The weight looksgood on me, but I do have a tummy unfortunately.
Sex drive is low and erections are sometimes ok,
but usually not. I have CFS for about a decade
now, it all started because I had celiac disease from
birth without knowing it. I had jaundice, high bilirubin and slightly enlarged liver. Probably all signs of a liver full of fat.
I am pretty sure I have adrenal issues+testosterone
GH issues. That is why the CT appeals to me. So
yesterday I started by taking two cold showers, around
25-30 degrees celsius. I tried do sleep without blankets,
for a few hours. Today again two cold showers. I usually
like very long warm showers as I feel cold, without energy and the shower makes me somewhat ok. Always washing my hands with warm water usually.
Today was the first time in many years that I woke up
without having acid reflux issues!! My guess would be that my body felt the cold and cranked up/improved digestion.
I am also taking 0.25 mg ever other day of arimidex to control E2. All my tean years I sweated like crazy, never knew anything about high estrogen. My friends would have like a few drops of sweat after exercise whereas I would be soaking wet! The arimidex decreases sweating very much!If I forget my dosage, the sweating starts again!
I hope this CT protcol with a low carbohydrate, high protein and fat diet will heal me. Anyway thanks for your
effort in trying to help people
@Coriander and Jack re CM ratio.
I think he is referring to Cell Membrane (CM) ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fats of 4:1.
Rodney, thankyou. Jack if that’s right, do you mean IV O3 to get the ratio to 4:1 fast? Geez, I’m so confused right now.
@coriander Dr Kane protocol is special. contact her. she is having a symposium in April in NJ. Take Jansz with you. Millwood NJ i think.
OK so the frozen shirt lasts less than 5minutes. On to next plan…
A few are taking a stab and guessing about Factor X… Would you even tell us if we nailed it? You don’t have to answer that, but let me take a stab…. Does Factor X have anything to do with our mind and willpower?
@LinD nope.
@cgk, I feel your pain here. I’ve been fighting off cold type sx for a few days now. I have backed off for the present but am starting again to night with less cold water. I continued to do face plunges though. I did the usual virus tx for me, plenty of Vit C, drink extra water, make sure the bowels are moving, and I took a hot mustard bath (get some at a health food store.)Ginger tea, clove tea (vary these). Sometimes the hyperness, stuffy nose and coughing and skin itching are due to toxins being released (thanks Dr. K.) As soon as these lessen it’s back to the cool baths and decrease the temp as you feel better. I am also waiting for my lab tests to come in to see what I need to adjust so i can tolerate the CT. I also have issues with allergies here in the High desert SW USA. Surprisingly I have found Myrrh very helpful on an as needed basis.
Hey Dr. kruse,
I am trying to help my sister get healthy. She is 27 years old, and obese (240 lbs at 5’1). We’re going to start the leptin reset for her, and slowly work in CT.
The main problem we have here though is that she had her gallbladder removed. Is the leptin reset/CT still possible for her? I know she’ll have problems digesting fat, so what should we do in her case?
Thank you!
@Ank do both…….they still work
Dr. Kruse can this be for real already or is this all placebo?
I’ve spent 6 days of 5,6,7,8,10 & 12 minutes starting @ 65F and working down to 58F shower in the morning (majority of time water on back of neck and upper chest). I do this after eating a high-protein / healthy fat breakfast w/ two glasses ice water. I also started with Bitter Melon today.
– Last week my weight and HIIT workouts were outstanding.
– Two of the mornings, my fasting BG was 94 mg/dL – first time in months below 100. Tonight my BG was 81 in the early evening (I’ve not used any prescription meds to control BG since T2D diagnosis 27 months ago).
– Sleep has only been about 5hrs per night for some reason (opposite of what most have been experiencing when they start CT, I think). Down from around 7hrs. avg. per night and this weekend I didn’t feel like afternoon naps as I normally do. However this evening I’ve been very tired. I use the Zeo Sleep Manager and that has indicated poor sleep also.
– Very good / relaxed mood all day long even though very busy at work last week.
– My wife commented that wrinkles have almost disappeared from around my eyes.
– The dark circles normally under my eyes are practically gone.
– Sounds odd but I swear I’m getting faster beard growth.
– I’ve gained a couple pounds but look a bit leaner (limbs more vascular than usual).
I use the shower for CT b/c it fits into my schedule very well. Do you have any data suggesting this is an inferior way to do CT (in other words, could the rapid improvements above be all placebo, so I may need to take a step back and restart the CT protocol using other methods you have described elsewhere?).
– Dave
@Dave no placebo……it’s evolution working with you and not against you any longer.
Dr. Kruse,
Am I right that your thinking on omega 6:3 ratios has changed somewhat? Previously it seemed that you thought the lower the better, with 1:1 as ideal, but now you are mentioning 4:1 as ideal, and referencing Patricia Kane.
This is important to me because I tested at less than 2:1, which shocked me because I am very unhealthy right now (major metabolic/glycemic/hormonal derangement) and expected that my omega 6:3 ratio would be sky high.
Initially I took the low ratio as good news, but now I am wondering if it is in fact TOO LOW.
Could you clarify your current thinking? And if less than 2:1 is indeed too low, what should be done about it? (Dr. Kane promotes a sunflower oil/flax oil supplement, but I can’t imagine that you agree with that!)
Thanks so much for your time.
@MM I have always said below 6:1 is good…..the lower is the better. The threshold for optimal is 4:1
Are you saying that if we don’t have a o6:3 ratio of 4:1 that we are wasting our time trying to become cold adapted?
@Michael no……im saying eat right while you are CTing and yo’ll be fine. If your ratio is too high you will know it with slower adaptation signs……
@Jack – regarding comments 709 &716, I want to be clear that trolling had nothing to do with my original question. Jack, you are correct, I am facing quite significant Neolithic disease challenges. I asked about whether it’s ok to CT after a stressful day because stress has a profound impact on the body. And I may have missed posts regarding cautionary measures one should take in various circumstances. I may have missed an answer about when CT is contraindicated. So my question was entirely serious. And I still would like to hear if there are circumstances when CT should be avoided or perhaps delayed until a later time. Thanks.
We went and got some of the 99% chocolate from Cost Plus World Market today, and all I can say is WOW, either it is mislabeled it is really good. It tastes way sweeter than the 86% Ghirardelli or the 91% Theo that I normally have. (I could eat the 99% WM stuff all day.)
re: dairy
I’m wondering if dairy isn’t part of the optimal plan because of modern dairy practices : cows are kept pregnant resulting in high estrogen, even organically raised, not the omega6:3 ratios. I’ve noticed when I have dairy, my menstrual cycle shortens by 4-5 days. I was hoping that goat or sheep’s would be okay?
What about your recipes that include dairy?
Great recipes, by the way! Thanks for keeping it so affordable.
@Alex dairy needs to be limited regardless of production Its not good for a leaky gut. No one in my family does but we limit dairy big time still. I am glad you like cookbook!
@TheKid did you see Jack replied to your question about CT after a stressful day. (#701)
@Michael – Yes I did see 701. I was explaining why i asked the question in the first place because @Caveman thought I might have been trolling (although I am not entirely sure what trolling means).
Dr. K, Factor X: sungazing?
Did u see the movie Eat the Sun… some dismissed him b/c he was “caught” eating at an Indian restaurant. I still believe most of his claims and am now wondering if the protocol should be based on seasonal cycles, meaning eating in the summer, and sungazing as the primary nourishment in winter… the dude who was following him had great success in the beginning… i think he overdid it, and now i think maybe he should not have done it in summer at all, but only in winter when the sun is at a lower angle.
@Lexi nope
Dr Kruse,
Just noticed those cherry red spots started appearing over my upper arm…always had a few, but now have an outbreak of a lot of new, small ones. I assume this is the E2 from the CT or increased T aromatization into E2? (Libido is way up on CT). I’ve been taking Green tea extract–1 capsule a day..should I increase?
@BenG eat more mushrooms during this or take extra B complex, B12, SAMe,DIM, or betaine HCL all give you methyl groups to clear the E2
@ the kid- Dr K says people with heart conditions should check with their cardiologist first. CT helps with anxiety and stress. Lots of good info in the comments section. Stick at it, you’ll get there!
hi dr. k, hope this finds u chill. may i ask is the fastest way to get my 06 03 ratio in order since i can’t take fish oil? i don’t buy grass-fed cuz of husband conflict over price, but i’m going to assume u will say cut out all industrial meat to lower 06 the fastest, yes?
i think my hot flashes are being brought on my omega 6/soybean oil in trace amounts in my vita d pills, seaweed sheets, etc. now. do you have any info on hot flashes and 06? thank god my daughter likes clams cuz u r right they are cheap and nutritious. we need more posters talking about how to eat seafood on the cheap and put all the suggestions in one place.
@V cut all grain fed meat…….and eat a lot of seafood.
Sun up in NY! good morning doc, ice is coming off the ponds here. I might try a dip today. today is beginning of week 5 doing CT. Hunger is almost completely gone. FBG is still high. Higher than before CT. what supplementation would be helpful for a TD2 after leptin reset and 4 weeks of CT? Have a great day!
@Bob S 5mgs of Vitamin K2 three times a day
Hi Dr. K – I promise I’m working on not over thinking, haha. (Which, though admittedly difficult, is important. I know.)
Just out of curiosity, what do you think would happen with regard to the ancient pathway and overall heath if someone were to follow the leptin rx and/or a strict paleo diet, do CT, and also inject hCG? I’m not talking about weight loss, necessarily; I’m a “normal” weight, but I do have a high body fat composition, especially around my abdomen and upper arms. My bmi is between 24 and 25, depending on the day – so I don’t look really overweight with my clothes on – BUT, with my high BF %, leaning out is a necessity for me even if the actual number wouldn’t go down significantly.
Anyway, I have so much hCG left over in powder form (2, 2,000 iu vials). Would this idea be worth experimenting with for optimal health, to see what the addition of hCG would do – or is it useless if I’m doing CT and am not significantly overweight?
@Heather I have no idea……if you do it you need to report back……i’d be interested in the results.
@Jack – Question about Coumadin and Vit K. Is it that Coumadin is a Vit K antagonist? If so, does that mean I derive no benefit from the Vit K I take in? Or is there some benefit in eating more Vit K rich foods and just upping my Coumadin dose? Currently I have been told to restrict green leafies and other Vit K rich foods.
@The Kid its kinda both. Coumadin is depleting your body of K while helping thin your blood. There is a huge trade off…..but eventually you lose. The goal is to eliminate the need for coumadin. That means fixing your blood vessels. The best way is get on lovenox off coumadin and begin a monster K2 protocol while changing your diet and lifestyle stat. You control your health not your doctor. You need to right the ship using their help.
It’s been 3 weeks since I ended my round, so I’m thinking I’ll wait another 3 weeks to make sure I don’t have immunity and then try it. Haven’t gotten any blood work done since I stopped the hCG, so I’d have to see if I can find a dr around here that’ll order the tests for me. I’ll definitely keep you posted!
Dr, I can’t sleep now? started CT a week ago with cold showers and baths. After 7 days of this I still shiver on and off for up to 2hrs though my renouds in my hands is much better. I’m in very good health and my diet is spot on. I am trying this for the athletic benefits you mentioned (I am not a crossfitter )and because I’d like to get rid of some belly fat. I am 13% BF ( 47 years olf )give or take and in good shape. Before startig this protocal my sleep was spot on. To bed at 8:30, asleep by 9pm and usually sleep straight through the night until 6am. The only time my sleep was when I was overtraining. If I had a bad night of sleep I’d take a few days off and rest. Since starting CT my sleep is now interupted. I wake up at 2am almost every night burning up with sweat and I then toss and turn until 4am when I go back to sleep until 6am. What gives????
@Mike Its a toxin dump. Simple. Cold clears out the fat cells and the toxins. Why do you think I told you in June to fix the diet first before introduce CT? You need a great liver before CT induction……if you toxin dump with a bad liver you will have a 4-6 week nasty storm…….you can still do it but you need to be aware that its normal and coming……..I kept CT under wraps until people fixed their guts and diets first……it is more foundational for CT…….
@Jack – ha! this is the first time I’ve been sick in a long time too. Regrettably I still have two kids in a public elementary school (aka germ magnets), where I volunteer once a week. I’m just glad I got the URI that is going around and not the noravirus. Third day with a fever over 101, so I’m pretty sure it is not just toxin dumping – although I’ve been draining for a while since I started the CT. You’ve mentioned several different things to use when you are dumping. Any priority of one over another?
@cgk not really
@Jack – I have used Lovenox injections before, but was warned by a doctor that there can be damage to the heart and arteries if used for much more than a couple of weeks? Are you aware of anything like this?
Also, in terms of fixing my blood vessels, what changes am I trying make happen? And will those changes effect the presence and activity of the Antiphospholipid antibodies? I ask because my situation is very critical. I can clot catastrophically anywhere, anytime.
@The Kid……all of which is why you need to discuss this with your doctor.
I am on my second round of HCG (I found this blog from HCG forum after starting otherwise I would have just done Leptin reset). I am starting CT though (even though I’m more cold than normal from the HCG). Do you think it will help or hinder becoming cold adapated? You said it takes about 2 weeks to become cold adapted? Does this mean never feeling cold at all? And how did those older (84 year-old women) do it? Impressive!
Few questions to make sure I’m doing this all properly:
1. Is avocado an ok carb given it’s a good source of fat?
2. CO is great for those with leaky gut; how about coconut flour, milk or even yogurt made from the milk?
3. Will face “dips” alone be beneficial? I will be doing baths eventually, but with my schedule right now I have to choose between sleep or baths. I’ve been choosing sleep and short face “dips” in 50 degree water for 5 minutes twice a day. Is this still helpful if I don’t progress for a month or so?
@Jaime 1. avocado is OK
2. CO good Coconut flour is sup optimal….once in a while is OK no on yogurt…..most of the times.
3. Yes, but you wont cold adapt just dunking your face… is a step in the process.
Thanks for your reply, Dr. Kruse! But if you think the lower the better for n6:n3, I am afraid that I remain confused by your references to the work of Patricia Kane. She is a big believer that many people, including the sickest people, have TOO MUCH n3 and need to supplement with an n6 oil such as sunflower oil. She frequently warns against taking fish/krill oil or eating a lot of seafood, so I am having a hard time squaring her work with yours.
I am trying to figure out why I am having so many problems which you would normally link to high n6/low n3 (extreme cold intolerance and difficulty cold adapting, severe dysglycemia, hormonal imbalances) when I have one of the lowest (most optimal?) n6:n3 ratios I’ve ever heard of!
Thank you again.
Dr Kruse:
Just got back from the dentist and had nasty bleeding/gingivitis from the scaling and I had a 6mm pocket between my maxillary first and second molar. The hygenist said I had bad inflammation in the mouth (ironically my C-RP is <0.5), and I didn't really have pain or much bleeding etc when flossing. She wanted to put me on aspirin to reduce the inflammation.
They want me back in 4 months for another scaling session.
I wanted to know what I can/should do (aside from more intense hygeine) from your 30,000ft view on periodontal disease. Does LS/CT/Paleo help it from progressing (is reversal possible for a 6mm pocket on CT? from better autophagy), and are there any additional supplements I should be taking to deal with the inflammation and bacteria?
Thank you for the speedy response Dr! I’m going to keep with the protocal to see where it goes. Not sure why my liver would be bad though. I’ve been doing low carb except for sweet potatos and veggies for months now. I do like some red wine on the weekends though. I’ll assume my liver is still a little messy from a lifetime ( age 18 to 45 ) of long endurance excercise coupled with a high carb low fat low protien diet. Thanks for your response!
@BenG — I too have some mouth issues that have surprised me. I don’t get cavities, but I produce prodigous amounts of tartar/calculus on those 4 front teeth. Dr. Kruse mentions this in the first blog on Osteoperosis and links it to K2 deficiency. I take Coumadin, so this may be expected for me to a certain degree. But I don’t know about you. Although I do remember having more tartar than usual throughout my life. It may also be leaky gut for me as well. You might check both these things with yourself.
@TheKid. I started supping with K2. Just wondering if there is anything else. I also don’t get cavities; my gums have always been the problem.
@DrKruse, would it be a good idea to recommend HDL north of 60-70 before CT to avoid toxic dump problems?
Dr k..I am in restaurant business..started my ct last week by spending 20 minutes in am in shorts in my walk in cooleler ..temp 42degrees…at night direct ice pack on gut and nekc follwed by cold this sufficient
@Vince it is good but not enough
I was reading that cilantro chelates mercury, but you have to prepare it in a nonmetal pot because it also chelates the metal off the pot… which means we’ve been doing everything wrong… we have the kelp going which should have selenium, but I saw you mention that a seafood would offset mercury? do you have any suggestions? I read that recovered vegetarians have to eat white chicken or fish because they will throw up from copper dump after being zinc deficient. I am looking for good selenium sources.
Ice pack people listen up! While searching for water wings yesterday at Walmart I stumbled into the camping section and found these blue inflatable stadium cushions (6 bucks) They are padded so I wasn’t sure how cold they would get if I filled them with water and froze them.. Well let me tell you.. Brrr! I am sitting on one now and my cheeks are pink 😉 Plus, no leaking and they are thin enough to not take over your entire freezer.. Bye-bye zip lock! -You do need a hose to fill them-
I have been doing the cold baths for a couple of weeks, started out with just ending my warm shower with colder water and I am gradually getting to adding ice this week.
So far my 29 year old daughter has also given it a try, my boyfriend was doing the cold shower thing, and just last night went to the bath (lasted about 5 minutes), and then a miracle this morning !!
My 18 yr old son, who is chronically late for school, for the last 10 years at least, got up this morning and had a cold shower without letting me know he was interested in this, and he is now up and dressed and ready two hours earlier than normal. He has had a bad cough and the muscles of his chest are sore from coughing so he figured that maybe a cold shower would help. All this just from over hearing the conversation about this blog over the last few days and the benefits you are all getting.
Thank You :o)
Jack –
I’ve been reading with amazement all of your methods and results and trying to make my way through all of the comments….thank you for sharing your insight with all of, it’s truly proving to be life changing for so many folks!
A question I haven’t seen addressed….
my mother lost her sense of smell 20 some years ago after a long bout with a sinus infection and antibiotics. Many tests were run back then but nothing conclusive was revealed.
Any chance the CT could bring her sense of smell back?
@Susie That is a sign of a possible Zinc issue or a cytokine storm…..I think breathing cold air might help it…..I think increasing Zn and CoEnzyme Q10.
Would eating cocao nibs be a good choice or is there to much carbs. Also what is your stance on salt?
@James Clarke Its ok because it helps augment the ancient pathway but I only go for 99% pure stuff.
@Jack About K2 supplementing.
1. Is it best to use MK-4 or MK-7?
2. What do you consider a high enough daily dose if you know you are low in K2 from a lot of cavities/oral health problems?
@Erica MK4……..MK7 has a higher half life.
Dr. Jack, my father was just diagnosed with amyloid proteins in his one kidney (please forgive any medical ignorance on my part) so my question would be if you have experienced any clinical success in treating this disease with CT? Thanking for everything you do.
@Larry This is a pre Alzheimer’s disease issue……CT is huge for it but you need to look into Patricia Kane’s work. He info is listed on the CT 6 comments. Ketogenic paleo diet is also a must.
I’ve been running first thing in AM for about 6 weeks but it’s too warm now at 40 degrees. I began icing my torso on my 44th birthday, last Tuesday. The very next morning I had cuts in my abs that I’ve never seen before. Been icing daily, most days twice for an hour each. I feel stronger and younger already. My first cold bath was yesterday, stayed in about 15 minutes with socks and hat. Only problem was my toes were a bit painful as they warmed. Is that normal or can I avoid that by keeping feet out of tub? Trying to pick up your cookbook but PayPal is giving me trouble. Should be resolved soon! Otherwise, I eat 2 or 3 meals of free-range meats or salmon with lard & ghee daily.
Dr. Jack, thank you for the quick response. I have shared all of your blogs with my Dad and he is open to the CT protocol & paleo diet. I have a feeling some cold is in his future. Thank you again.
Jack – Just got some blood results back with a bit of a suprise. My kidney function tests came back with these results:
Sodium 146 mmol/L (range 136-145)
Creatinine 98 umol/L (range 44-80)
eGFR 53 ml/min (range 60-160)
Would eating a high protein diet cause results like that? I’d been doing a paleo diet/leptin rx for a few weeks prior to the test.
Thanks for the clarification on avocado and coconut products Dr. Kruse. I see quite a few people on MDA consume coconut milk. Is that ok? Full fat I assume?
Another CT question. I’ve been doing face dunks in 50 degree water twice a day for the last 4 days. I plan to start on ice packs and/or a bath tomorrow. The face dunks don’t seem to bother me at all. I come up for air, of course, but can easily keep going in and out for 10 minutes.
I noticed today though that my cheeks are feeling very hot and slightly itchy. They have little pin-prick red dots on them. Could this be related to the CT? If so, what is it? Thanks!
@Jean it is the toxin dump from the Fat evacuation……normal
@Lee Brazil nuts are a great source of selenium. 1 ounce will give you 776% of RDA. I eat anywhere from 1 to 3 nuts per day.
If I am not overweight and just doing the CT to increase my thyroid function, is a VLC ketogenic diet necessary or is a moderately low-carb paleo diet sufficient?
@Lynn the diet is mandatory for CT. It has to do with cell membrane fluidity and signaling in cold.
Hi Doc. Is CT while pregnant a no no? I love hearing all the positives people are having, especially with back pains(which I’ve had before pregnancy) I’m sure I know the answer, because I’m about 35lbs overweight before pregnancy, that dumping fat/toxins isn’t good while pregnant. I also nurse my children for at least a year, so not sure I could hit the CT hard until another year and a half..that bums me out.
@JD I doubt any OB/GYN would let you do it……I cant tell you what to do but other mammals seem to have no problems being pregnant in winter.
I am sorry if this has been asked and answered… After icing my torso I have tiny red spots all over my skin. Is this ok? Should I be cutting back? Thanks for any input.
@Julie it is common. It is usually from estradiol release from fat.
Those of you who are icing your torsos, can you explain what you are using for that and if you have the ice on top of your clothes? I got in trouble with a ziplock bag filled with ice cubes from the freezer. These when applied to my abdomen, chest, neck area caused hives, (cold urticaria) in a little as 10 minutes. I am pretty afraid of using ice at all now, but I was wondering if those ice gel packs might be ok to use while I am working at the computer. I don’t know if they make larger sizes. I have a very small size. I would put it on top of my clothes. Or I might just start over the CT with face dunking with cold water and then cold showers/baths and no ice at all. My tap water is coming out at 52 degrees.
Hi Claudia,
I lie on the floor (sheet below), put my head on several pillow and place a blue gel ice sheet over me. On top of that I place blue ice bricks to add cold and weight to ‘press’ the cold sheet over my stomach. In addition, I place two gel packs and place them on my neck (thyroid?)
I place my iphone timer to 30 minutes – though yesterday I did two sessions of 35 minutes, voila
i itch constantly
@Jon your detoxing constantly!!!
Two questions on applying CT (extended cold shower stage, 25 min): Face & body (torso, neck, shoulders) seems sensitized: Does not feel extensively cold when hit with cold tap water even directly upon entry (4-5 degrees C). However, the extremities are still reacting more, esp. the hands. Plus a few body I seem not to hit systematically (parts of the lower back etc).
Does it make sense to insist and apply cold to any part of the body that reacts more, in order to maximize skin sensory signaling to the brain as I advance? I think yes, but thought I’d ask.
Also, I’ve noticed that as regards hands, my right hand is the one that gets way colder (and feels colder too) occassionally when exposed to cold. Is it normal (left side closer to heart & blood flow), is it a personal gait (I’m left-handed by nature), is it irrelevant or maybe does it indicate a circulatory issue? Feet do not seem to share the trait, but hand skin temp difference, *when* it occurs, in colder ambient temps, feels significant
Interesting thing, becoming an observer of oneself!
@Laney toes finger and ears are the most cold sensitive so you can wear things to cover them while you soak….if your using a shower…..not an option. The side difference is common…..and it means one hand likely has a speed up chemical clock from the other……we see this very commonly in diabetics with neuropathy
Admittedly I haven’t been in water or using ice-packs, I was considering my options because I didn’t think anything was happening… I’ve just been out doing chores for a few hours every day, in shorts and bikini/top, less than a week so far.
But today one of the neighbours rode past on his bike in winterjacket and wooly hat. I must have lost all sense of temperature, I really did think it was all nice and warm… (it’s 40-50 F here depending on the time of day)
Thanks Dr.K.!
Thanks Doc. I see your point. I’m pretty sure my fat holds junk so I’ll just wait, take notes and work on other things until then. My chiro tells me to ice my sore spots for 20 minutes at a time…maybe I’ll just do that and try to stay as cool as possible in the deep south summer ahead.
@golooraam. Thanks. Are you dressed under the ice sheet? And the gel packs on your neck, are they directly on your skin?
I am scared to put any ice directly on my skin because of what just happened last week when I broke out in hives (only in the areas that the ice packs were on). It was my first attempt at doing ice (I was in the cold water bath at the time.) Prior to that, I was doing face dunking and cold showers and I had one cold bath that was just fine (15 minutes at 52 degrees). I am restarting the CT as soon as the hives are completely gone. I have increased my krill oil and eating more seafood this week.
I haven’t read all the series on Cold Thermogenesis yet, but I am very captivated by this. I have a neighbor, who does not eat well do to being poor, but he goes out in Michigan winter with just short shorts and a t shirt. No joke–I have been trying to figure out how he does this without even shivering. Have to laugh because all the old ladies in my building are a taken back and complain because of his style or lack of clothing . I tell them wouldn’t they love to have his legs? He is about 66 with the legs better then most 30 year olds.
Not but a few years ago, I use to shower and the last couple of minutes turn the hot water off and let it hit my lower back. Not sure why I stopped. Actually, for a long time I ceased doing anything that was good for me. Still have not started the leptin reset but will as soon as I order more meat from a grass-fed farmer. I have been eating no grains and raw meat when I have it. Tartare is my favorite and I hum while eating it.
Now back to reading about these cold baths. Thank you Dr Kruse for keeping the spark in me.
Hives and itching
CT for few days. Little gives. 30m sun bath and bang. Hives broke out where the skin turned red.
I kept the CT. no showers. I am swimming in the Mediterranean. 16 Celsius. Not bad. I last about 40m
1- would steam room help clearing out the crap released from fat cells?
2- Saunas?
3- should continue with CT regardless of hives?
4- How long b4 hives clear?
@Cooling……sauna are of no help to detox of fat……how long before it clears depends upon what you stored in them…..many Americans have lots int their fats….BPA, Estrogens from dairy etc…..
Hi Claudia,
Yes, I put directly on skin. I had hives once as a kid, pretty severe allergic reaction – no idea what is was from. I’m amazed (but I feel bad) that this happens to people because of cold temps. Perhaps Dr. Kruse can explain why this happens.
To be clear, I’m a relatively healthy late 30s male who has been eating 80% VLC paleo for the last 11 years. So I’m sure I’m not the best template for some people on here who have ‘real’ issues. I’m doing this to get rid of my love handles, which I am totally sick of. So in that way, I’m willing to go through a little bit of ice pain for vanity (and health purposes)
I was doing pretty good over the last week with my ice regimen but yesterday my father put a heavy ice brick on my lower stomach on the blue gel sheet to really press down that area. Wow! That was cold! Minute 19 to 35 was pretty darn tough. Looking forard to repeating that today.
I also blast AC to and from work (about 35 minutes) and try to throw down ice water a couple times a day. I also sleep in an unheated room (do not enjoy) and ‘forget’ to bring a jacket most places I go (I keep in the car for fashion purposes just in case)
@Golooram My surgical assistant use wet freezing cold towel on her to adapt…..I use this in the summer time on my deck too. I melt the ice in an ice chest and keep re wetting them as they get warm.
@golooraam, Dr. K says it happens to those who have a poor o6/o3 ratio. I’ve been eating high fat low carb for 10 years, but with a slow progression as I was experimenting at first and so slowly eliminated things and changed things in my diet, and 2 years ago I went paleo and cut the grains and fruit. Last year, I quit sugar completely (I had been eating some 85-90 dark chocolate before quitting sugar). I have been supplementing with krill oil, fish oil, cod liver oil, for almost that entire time. I just don’t understand how I could have a bad o6/o3 ratio with the diet that I eat. So I am confused that that could be the reason I got the hives. I’ve never had hives before for any reason in my life. I’ve only had rashes from antibiotics as a kid.
I am doing this to become optimal and lose 10 lbs. I don’t have any diseases that I know of and I believe I am pretty healthy, but I’ll be getting some testing done soon to make sure. I am 43, female, and mother of two, and since my last birth I think I have some hormonal imbalances going on. Something just isn’t right (maybe my thyroid) and despite my clean paleo diet for the last 2 years, I find myself gaining weight slowly.
Anyway, I have also been drinking ice water and I’ll try blasting AC, although not too happy about what that will do as far as my gas bill. I’m in NY so it’s still coolish here, but will be warming up soon.
Honestly, I was fine with the cold water showers and baths….just the ice cubes in the ziplock bag applied to my torso and neck caused hives :(.
@Cooling. I got hives this past Friday and I still have them :(, but they are better. I didn’t do anything for them and didn’t take any benadryl, despite everyone telling me to do that. Skin stuff usually takes awhile so I’m expecting to still have them for another couple of days.
@Claudia Smart…..taking benedryl is a good way to increase your cognitive impairment and increase your risk for AD.
Do you have any supplements you recommend as permanent, even after we are cold-adapted and LS? I’m guessing I will always take resveratrol, circumin, vit D, magnesium, and a multivitamin.
@Rojo it depends upon individual case as I work with them. There are no set rules. It is a customized approach
What is your opinion on creatine as a supplement?
Do you know what kind of benefit would CT have on poly-cystic kidney disorder?
@Rojo No but I bet it would be good.
Jack, after trying this CT for two days I
today felt something like a deja vu. I was
like ”Where have I felt this coldish feeling
After a couple of minutes I remembered
that when I took chinese herbs that increase yin,
I had this feeling. Of course back then I immediately
stopped because I thought this cold feeling was bad!!
I don’t know how those herbs increase coldness in the
body or perhaps get rid of heat. Do you have an opinion
on this sir? Thanks
@sharpman Chinese use herbs with menthol in them to stimulate this pathway in the PNS and CNS.
Hey doc! Just did 45 minutes in the tub! Still shivering a bit, but feel great 🙂
A little anecdote before my question: I sent a picture of my thermometer to a few people while I was in the bath that said “53.8”. My father texted me back, “That’s insane. What do I do if you get pneumonia? Put you in the freezer?”
Made me laugh.
Anyway, I saw your answer re: the necessity of a VLC keto diet while cold adapting. To this point on the reset, I haven’t been paying attention to calories, but I do write down my food just to keep track and plan my 50-70g protein BABs, and I typically eat about 1800-2000 calories a day (maintaining my weight at around 136). I keep my carbs around 30g or lower, and I’ve been eating around that for the last 2.5 months. I also do strict paleo since starting the reset, and I eat a lot of coconut oil since I’m pretty convinced I have a leaky gut (bad reflux/heartburn). Since it’s necessary for CT, though, about how many calories would a VLC keto diet be? Are we talking 500, like with hCG?? Or something more like 1000?
@Lindsey I do not talk calories because for the most part they are useless using my protocols…..when you are LR they certainly are not. When your Warm adapted you become a slave to them……
@TheKid re:589 – check this out:
Definitely…I read what you wrote in your reset blog about calories, which is why I haven’t been paying any attention to them (for the first time ever, might I add). I’m just curious about what a VLC keto diet would look like since it’s necessary for the CT. Once I get a good idea about the amount of food, I’ll be able to judge what I’m eating accordingly, without counting calories. I’m assuming what I’m eating now doesn’t qualify as VLC in any way.
Unless by VLC…you mean very low carb. Ok, wow. I think I just realized that VLC doesn’t mean very low calorie.
Batting 1000 today. SORRY! I take back my last post! No wonder I was confused!
@Lindsey I am clapping for you because you caught your own neolithic thinking hurting you…….good sign.
Just wanted to report that my neck feels awesome today. Woke up this AM with a tiny bit of tightness but even that has left now… thanks for saving the last few days of ski-season for me!! I won’t attempt that jump again, that’s for sure!
I can see how CT/Keto makes super-athletes…
Ok, obviously I had a brain fart before. I should have known you’d never promote a Very Low Calorie anything…ha. I’ll just continue as I was (already been keto for awhile).
I do have one more question, though, that’s not solely based on my own confusion (or maybe it is. Who even knows). I read through your comments and saw that you said if someone is cold adapting, they should avoid MCTs like coconut oil and stuff and eat lots of animal fats, nuts, etc, instead. If I have a leaky gut, though, and I’m also doing CT…should I still be using CO during the process?
Dr. Kruse,
Please pardon me for re-posting, but you’ve mentioned Patricia Kane again, and I remain confused as to how to reconcile her work with yours, since she is famous for telling people that they have TOO MUCH n3 and need to avoid seafood and actually take supplemental sunflower oil (more precisely, a 4:1 sunflower/flax blend).
Would you be so kind as to take another look at comment 823, which asks for further clarification on all of this (and also asks the question of why someone with n6:n3 testing less than 2:1 would have trouble cold adapting, and would have other symptoms you ascribe to a HIGH n6:n3 ratio)?
I feel embarrassed pressing the point — it’s just that you’ve spoiled us with your quick responses to every question!
Many thanks.
@MM to gain all the benefits of the Ancient Pathway you need a diet that supports a good cell membrane for proper cold signaling. That ratio is 2:1 to 6:1.. the colder one goes in marine animals the lower the ratio……the higher one goes to land based mammals in the cold the higher it is…….the best level……is 4:1. Got it? Most modern humans have horrible 06/3 ratios……because of their diet and never facing a winter… means we collect 06 in our cell membranes because we constantly eat carbs and this is the signal in mammalian biochemistry to increase 06 into our cells……this is a process that reverses usually but it never does in us. therefore, we collect 06’s and in excess they become inflammatory to our body as cell membranes are turned over. That leads to an increasing HS CRP……and you get sick……..Most people never get the other things required either……03, phospotidyl choline and serine…….that is why I love Krill oil with the dietary change. It prepares for cold……and the cold allows for the 06 recycling that we see in nature.
Thanks Dr. Kruse
Frozen wet towels! fantastic
I’ll use those on my love handles area tonight – perfect
I also purchased an ice vest today – can’t wait till it arrives so I can do pushups and pullups in it!
Dr. Kruse – Patricia Kane’s website sells, (among other things), phosphatidylcholine. Would a supplement like this be helpful, or does Krill oil do the same?
@Chris…..I think Krill is fine. I have my own compounded. I should start selling my own personal recipes but they are not cheap and most people complain about the cost… i just tell them to buy retail But you get what you pay for.
Thanks for the comment about being smart for avoiding Benadryl. You made my day :). Dr. K. I’ve been taking krill oil for years already (and fish oil before that) and paleo diet for 2 years, WAP before that (although I still do have raw dairy in very small amounts, like 1 tsp of raw cream or piece of raw cheese or a little yogurt). I think my o3/o6 ratio must be pretty decent. Nevertheless, I just increased my krill oil from 1,000mg for the day to 1,500. I want to start CT again when the hives are gone. I won’t be able to test my ratio until I see the doctor (early April). Could there be another reason why I got the hives doing the CT with ice? Is there anything else I need to test for when I see the doctor that could be the cause of getting hives from CT?Maybe I moved too fast into it. I realize I skipped the step of applying just ice and I went right to the cold showers/baths. Yet, the ice when I did add it to my torso in the bath is what got me in trouble and caused the hives. My hives actually look like ice cubes. Incidentally, I found this doctor I am seeing on paleo physician’s network so I’m excited about that :).
@Claudia My guess is that you just moved too fast… In the protocol you start by applying ice through a compression shirt, so the ice/bag doesn’t touch your skin. It sounds like you skipped that and applied a wet bag of ice directly to your skin which would transfer the cold so much quicker and your body/skin hadn’t adapted enough to be able to provide heat to offset the loss.
As Jack has said, follow the protocol or you will pay…
Thank you, Dr. Kruse, for elaborating further on n6:n3. Yes, I get it!
But I still don’t get why I’m having such trouble cold adapting when my ratio is less than 2:1. I mean, honestly, with my intolerance to cold and all of the metabolic and hormonal problems, you would guess that my ratio was horribly high — not super low!
@MM my bet is that you have toxins……that is the issue I had. 6 weeks i had…..I think it was F and BPA.
April 13th – 14th, 2012
Friday & Saturday
Millville, NJ
45 Reese Road – Millville, NJ 08332
(Nearest Airport: Philadelphia Int.)
Patricia Kane, Ph.D.
@jansz he is the man……Jan you need to go meet Dr Kane and tell her I sent you as my agent.
4:1 Oil —
The Right Stuff
by Edward Kane
When I become cold adapted (still in the cold shower phase though our water comes out of the tap at 48 degrees) will I be able to discontinue bio-identical hormones (which have been very helpful to date)?
@leeAnn it is possible but you need to stay cold adapted…….
How do you know that you’re cold adapted?
@LeeAnn when your hormone panel rocks, your telomere age = your real age and you fell great and you eat without counting calories and you mind and body become unreal good……
I think you are going to break the record for comments and questions! Thanks for your help!
I am an organic vegetable farmer in New York and have been eating seasonally for several years now. According to what I understand from your writings, this is an optimal way to eat from the first of the tonic spring greens (wild chives and dandelion greens) to the abundance of vegetables in the middle of the summer to the heavier vegetables like winter squash and sweet potatoes in the fall. I’ve always resisted using greenhouses to force the food off season although that is becoming more and more popular. I just don’t like the quality of the produce grown that way.
@Jake you are a gem! we need to eat and grow the way mother nature intended……because that is how our blueprint is designed.
@Lee Ann, I think Dr. K would say you can go outside in the cold and not feel cold, take a dip in cold water and it doesn’t bother you..things like that tell you that you’re cold adapted.
@Michael, thanks for your response. I did use the cold compression shirt so the bag of ice on my abdomen was not touching my skin but touching the cold compression shirt, BUT I was also in the cold water. My torso in compression shirt was wet and the bag of ice on top of that. I wasn’t completely submerged, my tub is kind of shallow anyway. The only areas I got the hives were where the ice was. I did apply the bag of ice briefly to my neck area (clearly no shirt there and not in the water) and got the hives there, too.
I didn’t do the step where you are just hanging out sitting in a chair or on the couch with the compression shirt on and the ice on top of you and no water. I moved from face dunking to cold showers and then to a cold bath (no ice) and then directly to a cold bath with the ziplock bag of ice (and not 20 lbs either, just a few dozen ice cubes from the freezer)
@Lindsey.. I love you! I thought the same thing at first 🙂 It’s from that God-awful 500 cal VLC HCG protocol being drummed into our heads!
@Jake.. Where is your farm? Is it open to the public?
@Souldanzer…….you have hit on something I have just mentioned in passing. The Ancient pathway is built for survival and longevity but one thing it does not protect us from is excessive CRH from light…… just say you become a modern cold adapted hominid…….and you eat correctly…….but you use light from your modern technology at night……Well this is a major biologic mismatch that raises cortisol……….The Ancient pathway has no answer for this so it can destroy the effects that the Ancient pathway provides. You may realize now, why I was in the dark talking, to Sean Croxton on my underground wellness appearance………Many people have not picked this up but this is a major reason I am concerned about our modern paleo’s. Not only do they eat carbs at the wrong time they also use technology all the time including the wrong times.
Dr. Kruse,
Would it be more effective/quicker to cold adapt by using slightly warmer water ~60-65 degrees but staying in longer for 30-45 minutes or going for the 50-55 degrees but only being able to handle it for a short time like 10-15 minutes? Or is it a toss up?!?!
@Jean you could try it…..but the temp differential is not optimal. The cold receptors fire best 50-55 degrees.
Doc.. Does Factor X have to do with light? I’m writing to you with my goggles on 🙂
@Chimp nope
I find the answers to many things when I think like a chimp.. 😉 What are the things a chimps (or any wild animal) have no control over- that we have managed to manipulate one way or another? The temp, when things grow & when the sun goes down.. X?
Dr. Kruse,
I have bone spurs in both feet, so I have been keeping my feet out the the 54 degree bath water. I have very little to no fat on my feet, and I am wondering at what point, if ever, should I be soaking my feet in the tub when I soak? I soak for 40 minutes at a time. I did put my heels in today, buy when I got out of the tub they were numb for about 15 minutes. Would the soaking of my feet even help my bone spurs, or should I just keep them out of the water? Thanks.
Susan M.
@Susan it will help……but you need to make sure your eating well too.
@Jean – i started by decreasing the temperature, then i increased the time. I began at 80F and worked my way down a few degrees each time, it only took 2 weeks. i sit in the tub wearing my toque, socks, and undergarments (oh yeah, it’s sexy) and then i turn the water on. i start with a little bit of warm water then fairly quickly turn it way down. i have a meat thermometer i use to keep track of the water temp as the tub fills.
i’ve been at 50-55 for 2 weeks now and each day i add more time (started at 15 minutes, now up to 45 minutes). i feel it, but it doesn’t bother me. i also spend most of the time sitting in the water up to my chest and i’m gradually lying back in the water more of the time e.g. 30 minutes sitting, 15 minutes lying up to my neck (all of me doesn’t fit under the water no matter how i do it). it’s harder to handle to my upper body in the cold water and frankly it’s only then that i start to shiver, but that’s easing. i just make sure i always have a good book to help take my mind off the clock and i listen to my toes when they say they have had enough.
I am definitely eating well. I make sure that I have a fatty snack and a couple of glasses of very cold water in me before I soak. I only soak up to may waist, so it is difficult to get the upper legs in the water unless I dunk my feet in as well, but I am taking this slowly and I certainly don’t want any of the problems that others have been reporting.
Susan M. 🙂
@Susan Those are not problems…’s actually good news because the cold is liberating the toxins (BPA, Estrogens, phytoestrogens) from the fat so your liver can clear them. I went through 6 weeks of this before things calmed down…….but I know of no other way to better clear out our fat. It becomes a dumping station.
That’s good to know, but I sure don’t need to lose any more fat from my already “skinny” feet! Otherwise, I will look forward to, and embrace the dumping phenomena! 🙂
Susan M.
@ Susan – Previously I had spurs on my cervical vertebrae as seen on x-rays of my neck. Less than one year after going 100% grain-free, new x-rays showed the spurs were almost totally gone. My chiropractor wanted to give credit to his adjustments. But I said respectfully, “no Doc, this change happened only after I stopped eating grains”. FYI: this was way before I started the leptin reset and CT.
I have been grain free for the past three years and seed oil free for the past two, and of course, no sugars. I have suffered with my feet for over 20 years. It was actually my chiropractor who figured out that I had a rather large spur on my right heel and smaller spurs on my left. Finally knowing what the exact problem was gave me a place to start from. When you don’t know what your fighting, it’s difficult to know what to do. Eating an anti-inflammatory diet along with lots of off-the-feet time icing, is what I believe actually gave me my relief. I can walk up to four miles a day now. I never want to go back to that type of disability ever again. Hence, I am a little cautious about doing anything that might mess them up again. I absolutely refuse to run or sprint. My chiropractor has been so much more helpful than my PA, even if she is a very nice person. She means well, but is not very helpful. I find I have to ignore most of what she wants me to do. Of course, I know that she has to follow the VA protocols or she might lose her job. So I listen politely and find my answers elsewhere. Like here for instance.
Susan M.
@Susan your plan seems to be working so I see no reason to adapt. I agree that spurs can be a real movement issue. I think if you exercise it should be swimming and weight training.
@ Jack,a long shot, I know.
Is there any angle on a protocol using ice water plus factor z, say, in rubber boots, to treat/attack varicose veins ?
@John I have three older paleo who all have told me their VV have improved. Two of them no longer have them.
@Jack In regards to your comment #910, are you saying that if we can’t turn off the artificial light at sunset that there is no, or little, point in doing CT?
@Michael No……I am saying it maybe the reason for slow adaptation and for plateaus. This is not a zero sum game. it is about mismatches. You really need to re listen to my Paleo Summit talk with Sean Croxton.
Dr Kruse,
Eating KetoPaleo, on week six or reset, CT for 3.5 weeks. Weight loss totally stalled, or do you think the fat is still dumping, I’m just increasing Lean mass from increased T, or holding water from E2 dumping that counterbalances Fat loss?
@BenG remember it is not a linear process. If you stall I would suggest you expose yourself to more cold. That is what I did. The other possibility is your T is too low due to toxin dump and you still have not increased your receptor binding affinity…….that is why more cold is the best next step without testing
@ Michael, re your comment about #910/925.
There is a fair number of pubmed abstracts that suggest that light at night is a serious, overlooked matter. I have been hunting around for simple products that might help .
The website below provides some information and sells yellow glasses and yellow light bulbs .
Also an australian sells block out eye mask for light elimination during sleep, which i am about to evaluate
And during the day to reduce melatonin leakage one might have a look at this site
This light business is a totally fascinating area and i am so grateful to Jack for bringing its potential to a level that the subject deserves.
@john it maybe the biggest risk a younger paleo faces…….
We are back from our appt with the neurologist. Neuro says dh does not have MS, but he’s difficult to diagnose. The best guess at the moment is that he has vestibular migraine. Neuro has ordered another MRI, zeroing in on the vestibular system, but says he’s sure there’s no tumour. Has prescribed Propranolol 20mg am and pm. Wants him to take it for 2 months, then come back to re-assess with the new MRI results, with perhaps a referral to a neuro-audiologist.
Dh is keto Leptin Rx/Leaky Gut Rx, CTing, no light after dark.
Dr Kruse, should he consider trying the Propranolol, or continue as is, or add something else?
@Coriander……He should consider getting HS CRP, DHEA, VIT D, pregnenolone, progesterone, free and total Testosterone checked with Highly sensitive estrogen, DHT for starters………that would tells us a lot. As for the beta blocker for the vestibular migraine you could try it. I think this sounds like a gliadin protein issue or possibly even a K2 deficiency. An osteocalcin level may not be a bad add. If you have money to burn a cytokine array would really be interesting for this bio hack
Good morning Doc
@BobS and to you too sir
Dr Kruse,
Just curious, but how many kcal does someone usually burn sitting in a cold tub for 45 minutes?
@BenG hard to say without direct calorimetry……but from NASA data it is 300-400% compared to warm exercise. 15 minutes in the cold equals 1 hour of exercise as a rough guideline
Also, Dr Kruse, I thought you said it takes around 3-6 months before T receptors up-regulate sensitivity? I have a lot more time to put in if that is the case.
@BenG it is true……but everyone mileage varies.
Hi Dr Kruse.
First of all sorry for my English… I’m Italian and not a champion at English…
I’ve just found your Blog and I’ve read something.
The amount of useful information is really large.
Thanks for it.
I have two questions:
I’ve always known that having a low ferritin is linked to less cancers and less heart disease. Re iron, i know that donating blood seems to be a good thing for health, women live longer than men (is iron involved?) and many substances like coffee, tea, curcumin, fish oil, and even aspirin chelate iron or provoke an iron loss.
In Sardinia (Italy) there are many ultracentenarians and abnormal levels of anemia.
Paleo men were infested with all kinds of parasites (blood loss) and body seems to not have other methods of getting rid of excess iron except blood loss.
I’ve always been wondering if these things are accidental… my question is: which levels of Ferritin are optimal for hormones/thyroid health and for health in general?
Does going super low-carb wreak havoc on adrenals? What about cortisol? I was thinking to add some fruits as snack, but I think you’re not very snack prone… right?
I’ve read from other sites the cortisol-lowcarb link ( and i’m just a little worried from this.
Thank you so much.
@Marco The ferritin issue……In Italy there is a reason. You all have Thalassemia genes much more commonly than anywhere else in the world. Why? This is how evolution conquered bubonic plague in the the last 500 yrs. When you have lower iron stores and are anemic you dont die from the black plague. If you know anything about European history is wiped out most of continental Europe. A modern ay of lowereing ferritin is keeping inflammation low……..Cold and LS is best. Or you could drink lots of coffee. Coffee blocks iron absorption in the gut.
Fruit: Going VLC without the cold causes many problem that modern paleo guru’s have elucidated…….my point is the VLC diet is a cold adapted diet and not a warm one. In fact the best way to treat adrenal fatigue is cyrotherapy or Cold Thermogenesis………very few know this because it raises ACTH fast and in everyone. Fruit is fine in a warm adapted hominid when light cycles permit its local growth.
MMM BAB turkey livers fried in bacon fat with onions, garlic ,black pepper salt covered with three eggs and sliced avocado.ready for another day. I feel like I am becoming the incredible hulk. I lift one day a week, do Ashtanga yoga one day a week and sprint occasionally. I have gained 8-10 lbs of muscle in the last two months. I had to buy smaller clothes when I initially went paleo 9 mo ago. Now some of those clothes are getting tight due to muscle gain. Rip it up!
Dr Kruse,
I know how you say artificial lights are bad after dark even in cold adapted since they make the “day” longer, but what about animals in Barrow, AK in June 21? It’s still cold there, but it’s light at midnight. That being the case, what’s wrong with long “days” during CT?
@BenG……their SCN become light adapted then……their metabolic trap door reverses. That is the point of this series! We have thermoplastic biochemistries. it works differently when we are entrained to light or to temp. This question concerns me……..I would have thought by now you got that since I have went over it ten time 6 different ways in the series. It is probably the most important thing I found. Up there they are entrained to long light then……in CT we are becoming entrained to temp!
@Mike (#816), my circumstances and CT (starting off with showers about a week ago) are almost identical to yours.. Same age, approx BF% (~13%), fairly good shape, etc. You’re from WI? I’m from MN. Packers suck. I went from 7 hrs. of sleep avg. down to less than 5 once I started CT. I have not had any problems with “night sweats”, but have noticed I need to sleep with light bedding (I woke up the first night with the heavy bedding thrown off of me so now don’t use it). Last night however I did get 7 hrs. in. How’s your sleep now?
– Dave
@Dr Kruse,
you wrote: “the fact that eNOS ENTRAINS THE SCN to react to COLD and not light cycles” So I am thinking, if it is cold out, it doesn’t matter what the light cycles are…whether it’s short in winter or long in summer, as long as it’s cold, it doesn’t matter.
@BenG Ok…….thought for you….Inuits live in cold but they eat carbs all day? guess what pathways they cant use now? Because of the carb mismatch……..making sense yet?
Polar Bears don’t eat carbs either.
Or a more accurate statement is it takes cold AND ketosis to open the trap door and disregard light levels for omnivores. I would suspect Carinvores need cold AND darkness since a polar bear still eats keto in the July midnight sun.
@Jack – I’ve been monitoring my body temp regularly. Throughout the day always I seem to be somewhere between 96.5 and 97.4 In fact, most of the time I am around 97.4 When I CT at night, my temp often rises a bit in the first 5-10 minutes of the session. It will go to 97.7 and on one occasion hit 98.0 Then it drops until the 25th minute, when I stop and keeps dropping afterwards to about 94.5
What kinds of temps should I be looking for:
A) At the office at work during the day?
B) As a peak during CT?
C) As a low after CT?
Dr K – Couple Q’s about poor fat digestion:
1. My naturopath suggested ox bile, which I’ve been taking with meals for ~3 months now. It has definitely helped some, but I still have fatty stools and fat blobs in the toilet. Do you have any other suggestions?
2. What do you think of coffee enemas?
3. What do you think are the major causes of fat malabsorption?
Dr. Kruse,
my question arose from the idea (the fact) that iron reduction is associated with reduced risk of cancer and death.
As you stated that “a low ferritin can cause a high reverse T3”, I was wondering which level of ferritin do you consider OPTIMAL.
Thank you.
Oy. Another brain fart on my part (lol…unintentional rhyming). So, I’ve been following all this stuff to a T, or so I thought. I’ve had a small metal stud in my nose for so long that I completely forgot about it…I never even think about it, even when washing my face, etc. At this point, it’s just a part of my head. So, even though I know we’re not supposed to be wearing metal while doing CT – I didn’t even THINK about my nose ring. This morning I was washing my face and I looked down and there were drops of blood on the sink. Confused, I looked into the mirror and saw my nose was bleeding. I never get nose bleeds, and it didn’t hurt – but I was really confused. I was gonna post and ask you if this is a potential side effect of CT…and that’s when I realized. I have a nose ring. The stud is metal. Therefore, I have metal on my body.
So dangerous, I can’t believe I didn’t even think about it. Needless to say, it’s been years and I’m going to miss it, but I’m taking it out today and replacing it with a rubber spacer thing.
Also, @chimpchick – LOL. It’s true, I can’t believe how stupid I feel since starting this RX and everything; it’s like everything I’ve ever learned is WRONG. But, my mind is expanding every day, and I’m thankful for it. 🙂
Ice pack people. Went to Walmart looking for ChimpChick’s stadium cushions but couldn’t find them. Instead I came home with something that is best described as water filled bubble wrap. It’s called MAXCOLD Natural Ice and is made by Igloo. Cost $3 for one sheet containing 44 “cubes” on a sheet that is 7.5 x 18.5 inches. You can cut it down to size if necessary. Tried it this morning and it lasted about 30 minutes and covered my tummy nicely. I may get another couple for other areas. I like it because it is very flexible on the body and can be folded to fit into tight spaces in the freezer.
Thanks for the product recommendations, ChimpChick and Jim. They both sound great. I’ll look for them.
Has anyone found a good sleep mask that is COOL? I’m having difficulty with them capturing heat, and I’ve tried 3 different brands.
Hi Jim
I believe what you described is the same thing I use. What you may want to try is place some additional blue ice packs on top of the ice cube sheet – the extra weight and cold really makes it ‘stick’ to your stomach.
Do the water filled bubble wraps require something between them and the skin or is there already a liner of some sort? Thanks!
@ golooraam Thanks I’ll try it.
@ Marisa I can put ice directly on my skin and I only turn pink (so far anyway), so for me no. You could use a cloth or shirt if you are sensitive. I like them because you can fit them over the “curvy parts” better than an ice block.
Should you stay cold adapted (for example, taking a cold shower every other day, is that enough?) during summer as well? You base your ideas strongly on the thought that we should mimic paleolithic mammal behavior. Shouldn’t we be warm adapted in summer then, or can you explain why this reasoning does not work?
In addition, can you explain why, if it is good to be cold adapted and eating low-carb, we evolved different behavior in spring and summer? Is that because game is scarce in winter and we should load up on carbs to get a food reserve? Is my assumption true that having plenty of food available whenever is the reason we wouldn’t “need” the summer anymore?
@Tom as much as you can do is fine. I use my car AC like mad. I used cold drinks and my pool/lake to my benefit. I turn my HVAC down……there is a lot of low hanging fruit we can use.
Good idea Jim! I love my seat cushions but they are not so good for curvy parts.. 😉 Where in Walmart did you find them?
Hey Doc,
I’ve been eating close to keto Paleo since last June. 3/4 to a pound of meat a day, broth, eggs, etc.. I have been drinking a glass of raw milk a day and an ounce or two of raw cheddar. No grains, fruit, etc… I have been eating approx. 6 cups of root vegetables and greens a day. I’ve just started doing your CT protocol a little less than two weeks ago. Every day for 30 min in an ice bath.
All I do for exercise is lift heavy for 30 minutes twice a week.
Low light after it gets darks, and I’m in bed by 8 pm and up at 5 am.
My blood work came back a couple days ago:
Male. Age: 24, Weight is 150, BP stays around 120/70, and my waistline is 31 in.
LDL is 249
HDL is 72
TG is 83
C- Reactive Protein was a low .76
My Hemoglobin and Hematocrit levels were just slightly high. Bilirubin, Indirect was also flagged a little high.
Something is keeping my cholesterol quite high. Should I suspect dairy/carbs before I dig for other causes?
@Ben 249 is not high….ten years ago it was normal until they changed the rules. your CRP was that a HS CRP or a regular one? Im a fan of only the HS CRP and I want it close to zero. I would cut all dairy and see if you can get your HS CRP very low.
The veggies has been a recent experiment. Last 3 weeks or so.
Dr.K, Factor X: oxygen deprivation? (if yes, credit goes to Desertgirl on OHC)
@Lexi getting warmer
@Dr. Kruse – so following up on your discussion about Dr. Lalonde, I’m curious as to your results with all the CT that you have done. I know you’ve lengthened your telomeres, feel great, won’t need a knee replacement, have been able to do some pretty impressive feats of strength with little to no training, but I’m curious as to your aesthetic results (even though I know that’s not what you’re going for). Have you become ‘shredded’ or have you purposely tried to avoid that? and if so, how could you if you were doing so much CT? I think a lot of people in the paleo world place a huge emphasis on aesthetics (me included, working on that) but in that light, they’d probably want an explanation on why you’re not ‘ripped’. Thanks
@Mark…….your will find out soon enough the lengths I went to about this issue. I am rock solid. Right now I am having to use a lot of CT because of a recent bio hack that I was doing on this very topic. Moreover, if you have followed CT 4……being totally ripped may be a sign of something not so good on the inside. I think you may need to re read that part……..of CT-4, Her it is…….”When you feed yourself a regular paleo diet you might be fueling the destruction of your stem cells and never realize it until its too late. You may look like a rockstar on the outside, but you are depleting yourself of your life force slowly as you age. Eating a SAD, badly compounds the situation. Here is where we see Grete Waitz, boxers, or any pro-football players future.”
@Dr. Kruse – I thought you’d say something like that lol. On a somewhat unrelated topic, if one chooses not to be optimal by not doing a ketogenic paleo diet, can CT still help them get partially there in terms of the benefits that it gives (fat loss, improved performance, cortisol lowering, improved hormones, LS, etc)? I know it’s not the best way to go, but it’s all that I can do currently. I’m hoping that I’ll be able to go all-in someday, but for now I’m just hoping that CT will help get me going. Thanks
@Mark yes if you go 90% of the way you still will be in good shape. The Optimal life means great health and longevity. The facade is important too but what your stem cells are doing is a lot more important to avoid disease and death.
“The chessboard is the world; the pieces are the phenomena of the universe; the rules of the game are what we call the laws of Nature. The player on the other side is hidden from us. We know that his play is always fair, just, and patient. But also we know, to our cost, that he never overlooks a mistake or makes the smallest allowance for ignorance.” —Thomas Henry Huxley
This is how I see it; You (Dr Kruse) are leading us through the laws of Nature for Optimal health, But also we know, to our cost, that he never overlooks a mistake or makes the smallest allowance for ignorance.
You and your blog are like the “Lost Dutchman’s Gold Mine” to me. Riches beyond measure. Thank you!'s_Gold_Mine
@BR Thanks……I understand Optimal is not for everyone. But this is why I teach my kids if we shoot for the stars and we miss we still wind up in some pretty rare air. I believe everyone can have rare air if they want it. If they want a nice facade and depleted stem cells go to a Paleo 2.0 platform. That is a choice for the person to make. My job is to light the pathway up…….its your choice to choose.
@Dr. Kruse – thanks for your response, I know that I need to re-tune my head, but with that said, is it therefore possible that someone might not get very lean on CT (say around 15% for a male) when they are approaching optimal? Since the only way to know for sure is to test, outside of just feeling good of course? I’m just hammering this home because I think so many people are tied to getting a 6-pack as being an indicator of being healthy. If I’m approaching this correctly, this view might be something that you have in common with Matt Stone.
@Mark it is possible……..but I think Wil Hof is not eating the optimal diet for the environment he lives in. I know Ray C is not either cause he told me that. There are lots of people with 6 packs who have a HS CRP that 7 ………you will be very interested in the mastermind serious at Paleo fx. MAke friend with Randy Brummit on FB. He is an ex special forces guy who is now ripped and sorry he did it. He just posted this AM that a 26 yr old meat head he trained with died of a heart attack……..last night. Its got him thinking and he sent many messages that he wants to talk………
@ ChimpChick I saw them in the camping section near the blocks of blue ice. Target also sells them. I’m still looking for a seat cushion. Will try another Walmart.
Alright, yea it’s time to get out the bucket of lard to replace the dairy as a fat source. It was just the normal CRP. I’ll retest in a couple months with the HS CRP after the changes. Thank you!
Factor X: oxygen deprivation + compression = tourniquet?
thats why you mentioned compression garments. thats why you mentioned spa wraps. thats why the vasper people use tourniquets….
@Lexi Maybe it is free diving like marine mammals?
@Jack I don’t think I need to listen to it again, I understand what is required to be optimal, but not all of us have the ability to make the necessary changes, at least not in the short term. So it would be helpful if we knew what we portions of your optimal plan we should follow if we can’t follow them all. Maybe someday I can manage the light after sunset problem, but for now that is not going to happen. 🙁
@Jim.. Thanks!! The seat cushions are rolled up in a handy little blue pouch so don’t look for something square..
@Dr. Kruse – thank you for this perspective, for certain reasons I just don’t want to force this on my close family, so therefore I’m choosing to not eat keto/paleo when I’m around them. But on the other end, that still leaves about 50-75% of the time where I can follow the plan. By doing simple things like:
-max AC in the car
-using ice packs on the ride to and from work
-cold showers instead of hot
-fitting in a cold tub when possible
-wear less clothing when possible and deal with being cold
-have a fan on me while at work and deal with being cold
-eat as close to keto/paleo at work
-drink ice cold beverages all the time
While my adaption will likely not be as short as two weeks, hopefully by combining all these things consistently and thus getting the cumulative effect, I’ll eventually get there and be cold adapted. I’m guessing that this adaption will show itself in examples like: the cold showers aren’t unpleasant anymore, I don’t notice max AC anymore, ‘need for carbs’ and coffee goes away, waist measurement decreases, etc.
In the end, I guess it just comes down to:
-do all the little things that you can
-face up to the fact that you’re going to be uncomfortable for awhile with: the cold, not having some starch at each meal, not having coffee anymore
-but keep reminding yourself that it will eventually get better and be worth it.
Fair approach?
-thanks for your feedback, I think the mental approach to all of this is sooo important. especially since it’s easy to buy into the people on paleohacks and just dismiss it and go back to something that ‘worked’ in the past (IFing for example).
i knew i moved to MN for a reason.
@ChimpChick, yeah, sucking in krill and plankton on your way down!
@Dr. Kruse – I know what you mean, with a wife and a new daughter, I’d rather be around a long time looking decent, as opposed to living a shorter life with a ripped body. And I know that my view on this is changing because now I don’t have much desire to workout anymore or compete in the Crossfit games. When just a year ago, I wished that I owned a ‘box’ and could workout all the time. Now I just want to fit in some time for CT and spend the rest of my time hanging out with my family.
On a separate note, do you know if the Paleo FX Mastermind Series will be available over the internet afterwards like AHS 2011 was? I wish I could attend in-person.
Thanks again.
@Mark Kevin Cottrell says everything for Paleo fx will be made available after the conference.
Is anyone else having a wart or warts disappear from CTing? I have had one on my elbow for a long time and it is melting away. Pretty darn cool!
Larry, yes the wart on my temple, where I don’t apply cold or ice, is just about gone. Also a cyst on my wrist seems to be diminishing also, though I seldom get my wrist in the cold water.
I wonder what benefits I’d have if I really got serious about the cold baths. I have yet to get the bath temp down to 55F.
Hi Marisa,
I don’t use a liner. I place the ice cubey sheet thing on my stomach and chest, last night I placed a metal tray I froze in the freezer on top of top to hold 2 additional blue ice packs on top of my chest – keeps them from slipping, a heavy hard ice pack on the ice cubey sheet above my stomach area, and finally 2 frozen gel packs on my neck – while watching basketball of course
@Mark I asked about the PaleoFX stuff and was told it was being professionally recorded and that DVDs would be available shortly after the event, but that they hadn’t determined details like pricing, etc…
Sally, that is so awesome to hear. I keep thinking that if something I can see is healing than the things I cannot see are probably healing as well. I know that I should get testing done to verify and when money becomes a little more available I will do so.
@Michael – thanks, that’d be a good product to have
Sally,sorry but another thing. You will get to the colder temps with Dr. Kruse’s guidance. Just follow his protocol and keep at it. If you want it, it is there for the taking.
Dear dr Kruse
Your discovery of the ancient pathway is epic and I believe you deserve a Nobel prize in medicine and a Nobel peace prize for sharing your discoveries with us. I think I figured out what the X factor is – people can modify their genes with their behavior, their habits and their thoughts (metilation). And those “locked” genes are then passed on to their children. So if someone who is cold adapted has children, they would inherit cold adapted genes and wouldn’t have to bathe in cold water to live an optimal life. Am I right?
I truly appreciate the knowledge that you are sharing with your readers. I’ve been living what you preach and am astonished by the results.
Greetings from Slovenia
@Ana your guess is good but not close.
Larry, yes, I waited to start CT until I got an HS CRP (cardiac) test. There sure is room for improvement there!
Are you all actually getting your skin temps between 50 and 55 degrees? I took a bath this morning w/ the water temp at 55. My skin really never changed color and when I checked my skin temp with an I/R thermometer it was only 65-70 degrees. I’m just wondering how cold I need to get the bath water to be effective.
The rest of my body was certainly cold and I shivered quite a bit towards the end. I only stayed in 15 minutes this time – trying to ease myself into this whole thing!
Dr Kruse
I first was made aware of you on Art’s website. I have been following the paelo diet for 18 months. You responded to a question of mine “Dr Kruse & killing myself”…I’m glad I did find you! I have been attempting CT for a couple of weeks: cold showers every morning, couple of cold baths which wasn’t much fun, and driving with window open and heating off. Two things I have noticed, I have a pain in my lower back left side, when I sprint initially I have a pins and needles pain go through my body which then eases but does come back during the course of the day. The other one which is constipation. I haven’t eaten breakfast for a long time and now I have started as per your instuctions. Constipation has been a problem since I started Paelo but now seems to be worse. Am I ill?! can you offer me some advice. Thank you Dr Kruse.
@Ray when you begin some new tasks you have to expect some time for adaptations……keep in touch.
Dr. Kruse,
What role do you believe depletion of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere over Earth’s history plays in being optimal?
@AG loaded question no? It has played a role but the other side of the equation is bigger for life on the planet…..that is, the spikes in the oxygen that have occurred to spawn evolution. Read Nick Lane’s work on this in Oxygen and Life Ascending. Superb works.
Marisa, my tap water is about 67F now. I still get cold, and shiver the first 5 minutes, and then intermittently after that. But my reaction is so much more subdued than the first time. It’s no big deal now. Tomorrow I’ll start adding ice and get the temp down several degrees. I have no idea what temp my skin gets to, I’m just proceeding based on my body’s reactions. Shivering is good!
I think you’re doing great. Just go 15 minutes next time, or extend it to 20 if you feel ok. Pay attention to how you feel.
I think there are several reasons I’m addicted to this blog besides Dr. Kruse’s passion, enthusiasm, and insights into evolutionary biology and how we can apply it to our benefit.
It is amazing to see so many people who are passionate and enthusiastic about their own health and are ‘hip and cool’ enough to try something ‘new’. The other reason is that all this reading sure keeps me from getting hungry 🙂
Mark – I totally get where you are coming from. I have the same goal as you I think – to get to a visually impressive lean, and frankly, I’m willing to be a little less optimal to experience that once in my life. At the same time, I realize Dr. Kruse has better things to do than help me workout my inner vanity issues when he can work on life threatening issues such as diabetes, cancer, etc…
I would think however, that the leptin reset combined with CT will definitely lean one out quite well – and if need be, those of us who really need that extra edge can resort to extra cardio, calorie restriction, carb refeeds, fat burners, etc… but now we are learning the price of these extreme measures. I personally am hoping that as I ‘heal’, the aesthetics follow suit so to speak.
Ultimately, I can’t picture a leptin sensitive dude sitting around comfy in a tub of ice, snacking on wild salmon and grassfed beef as having a huge spare tire 🙂
Did I read somewhere on your blog that ‘ice cream heads’ while face dunking is a sign of 06/03 ratio being too high?
I’ve just today got some Krill oil I will start taking, 500mgs a capsule.
@Jonny H yes you read it correct.
@Dr. Kruse – that’s great news. Do you think the approach that I laid out in comment 982 is a good way to think about this?
@golooraam – yup, I’d say that I’m in the same boat as you. Never been ‘6-pack’ lean and would like to experience it at least once. I don’t even desire to be fully ripped (5-7%). Given that I’ve spent most of my life around 20%, I’d guess that 10% would be good enough for me.
@everyone – 1,000 comments, wow
I started doing daily cold baths at 50 degrees a week ago and am now up to 40 minutes. I have bad osteoarthritis in both thumbs (CMC joints) and broke my left scaphoid in December. That healed up but left me in quite a bit of pain so I had a cortisone injection 5 weeks ago, which made me feel dramatically better. The last two days I’ve had significant pain at the base of both thumbs and have a line of red, dry skin along my left thumb (the one with the cortisone injection). Is this a normal toxin-releasing effect? I wear gloves during the cold bath and don’t expose my hands to the cold water.
@Lyndra definitely a toxin dump… need to add B vitamins and Krill oil……500 mgs three times a day. Helps huge for DJD.
Definitely a loaded question. Also a key question when thinking about training recovery systems, and how if all systems cannot support the adaptation, we will create an artificial ceiling for potential. All principles laid out to adapt to cold, should also be applied to adaptation to any ‘end’ we wish to achieve in life (daily, maximal stimulation).
@AG you need to look at what I am looking at now…….Le Paz Boliva…….and the research being done there on altitude and pressure on biochemistry. It is pretty amazing hormesis. PaO2 of 35 walking around with no problems……..
@AG chew on this…….hormesis vs survival……..think about that. There is a threshold between the two. And a major difference and purpose.
Is Factor X related to respiratory rate???
@Amy nope
Dear Jack,
I’ve noticed I am more aggressive with CT therapy. It must be my hormones are increasing. That got me thinking about FACTORX. Paradigm shift in “normal” hormone levels? Man used to be aggressive like Grizzlies in order to survive. But their fast evolving brain and the ensuing technology we derived from it ultimately worked against our biology interests.
The Best
@conan glad to see your success but that is not Factor X either.
What kind of thermometer are you all using to check your skin temp?
I patted myself on the back today, for passing up some dark chocolate covered pomegranate seeds. I’m such a good person now. Such self-control! Such logic!
Could it be the CT? Naw. Pure stoicism.
Yeah, that’s the ticket.
I will take a serious look at that. It is truly amazing what adaptations can be made in human beings when being constantly exposed to a different environment…both positive and negative adaptations.
@AG I completely agree…….6 yrs ago I would have never believed that some one could survive constantly at a PaO2 of 35. But I have seen it now with my own eyes.
Would you agree that a human’s ‘fitness’ is ultimately defined by their ability to handle and deal with environmental stimulus and maintain a high amount of neural plasticity?
@AG I think that is a fair statement……..but I often wonder how much we have left in the tank. I think hormesis may never fully tap it all.
“Hormesis is a healing process with foresight, “designed” with the intent of increasing organisational fitness within a rapidly changing environment.”
Is there any downside to getting the body hot either by working out or taking a hot shower before doing the ice bath? Tim Ferris suggested taking a hot shower before the ice bath.
Do you recommend or not recommend this approach while trying to get cold adapted?
@Ann hot before cold defeats adaptation……the body is built to experience climate changes…..over time slowly not over 5 minutes.
“Lexi: Dr.K, Factor X: oxygen deprivation? (if yes, credit goes to Desertgirl on OHC)
Jack Says:
March 13th, 2012 at 11:49 am
@Lexi getting warmer”
Nice one, Lexi! I’ve been thinking that the physical superstars Jack is fond of quoting – Sherpas, Lance Armstrong, Michael Phelps – all train at altitude (ie less 02 available). So do some of the champion (cold water) free-divers. Of course, the Sherpas live at altitude, but even they have to acclimatise to function at “work” above 18,000 feet. Funnily enough, the average altitude of the Kalahari desert, where the Bushmen sleep out at night – lowest recorded temp was 12.2°F – is around 3,000 feet.
So what do the combined physiological responses to cold and to altitude give us? One thing, as Amy touches on, the men and women operating at these levels all have above-average control of their breathing. This is one of Wim Hof’s tenets: that he can control core temperature with breathing control (and also beneficially impact the immune system).
PS: Water temp for competitive swimmers is usually around 77-80 degrees, so I guess you can cold adapt in higher temps, as long as you are prepared to hang there for HOURS!
Neuroplasticity is the key. Most would never believe you could train maximally everyday and continue to make positive adaptations with little to no breakdown. May not be necessary for longevity, but for elite level athleticism the results are incredible. Time and gravity are the two things that we can never win against. Other than that, the world is our playground.
@AG On this we agree……
I went in a cold pool for about 45 minutes yesterday after a few days away. It was more cold than I was experiencing and I ate a huge plate of fatty pork and chicken, along with a few mile stroll. I woke up in the middle of the night breathing super deeply again. I went back to sleep and I could hear something bubbling in my ears like when you change altitude that kept me awake off and on. I wound up sleeping til 9 am. I don’t know if I get points because it was super overcast. Anyway, I have been getting a rash on my senility spots and my leathered decoulette and neck shadows. It acts just like a glycolic peel. I like it because its free and precision. The thing good that happened is the whites of my eyes are actually white, but it felt like my eye sockets were full of sand for a few distracting hours and my head feels a little off. I know there is lots of room for improvement, so I think everything is going to intensify if I intensify the CT. Is there a supplement that might burn this through? It wouldn’t be estrogen in my eyeballs would it?
@AG.. “with little or no breakdown”? Willing to have my personal belief system changed, but 1) I know of no elite athlete who can or does train maximally everyday – I’m not sure it is even physiologically/mentally possible, and it is certainly not optimal. 2) Training maximally every day cannot be done without certain breakdown.
If you come from a CrossFit background, then we probably need to redefine “maximally”, as I have met some of these CF guys who believe you can perform (for example) 10 “all out” sprints in fairly quick succession. This view of “all out”/”maximal” leaves elite sprinters rolling on the ground with laughter. Can’t be done.
Thanks for the response @#929. Could you please elaborate on the gliadin issue? He’s been strictly gluten free for over 10 years. Any exposure caused classic migraine with severe nausea. Those 3 decades of migraines caused the tiny white spots scattered across his brain, yes? Neuro says none of those spots are causing the disequilibrium. Never a smoker.
He started K2 5mg 3/day a couple of weeks ago.
DMSA challenge test shows high lead levels; My Dr told me to expect a year of chelation & suspects other metals will surface as lead clears. I’m hoping CT will speed that up, I’ll be retesting for metals in 3 months.
Any dosage changes or other precautions when using chelators with CT? Not sure yet if I’m going with DMSA or cilantro/chlorella protocol.
Thank you.
Dr. K, please answer #977….
does the tourniquet effect mimic barometric pressures that would make CT even more effective?
@Coriander: have you seen this?
there are other substances that can mimic gliadin…. the tests thru the lab co he recommends look much more comprehensive…thinking of getting those myself
Robb Wolf defends Jack in his latest podcast (starting at 8:01), juicy stuff around 12:45:
@Ed Robb has always been a leader…….a true leader
Factor X: Squeeze n’ Freeze!!!!!!
Jack, I have one request. Would it be possible to have your blog search modified so that the replies from users are also searchable? Personally, when I have a potential question I search to see if it has already been answered, which usually it has. However, it is not possible to search all of the replies, only the ones at the bottom of the blog you are currently on.
Allowing a search of all replies regardless of blog, should reduce the number of repeat questions that have been answered elsewhere.
Just something to think about.
@shilohman we’ll see.
@Lexi… yeah, at altitude…gaaaasp!!!
Shilohman, you could try the Google site search.
Just type in site:websitename and the search terms.
for example: “factor x”
Of course, you’d have to wait for google to update for the latest entries.
Dr K – Couple Q’s about poor fat digestion:
1. My naturopath suggested ox bile, which I’ve been taking with meals for ~3 months now. It has definitely helped some, but I still have fatty stools and fat blobs in the toilet. Do you have any other suggestions?
2. What do you think of coffee enemas?
3. What do you think are the major causes of fat malabsorption?
Marisa ox bile is good.
I am not a fan of coffee enemas.
fat malabsorption has many factors but bad incretin hormones and a bad pancreas are high on the list.
Here is a short list:
1. Due to infective agents
Whipple’s disease
Intestinal tuberculosis
HIV related malabsorption
Tropical sprue
traveller’s diarrhoea
Parasites e.g. Giardia lamblia, fish tape worm (B12 malabsorption); roundworm , hookworm (Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus)
2. Due to structural defects
Blind loops
Inflammatory bowel diseases commonly in Crohn’s Disease
Intestinal hurry from Post-gastrectomy; post-vagotomy, gastro-jejunostomy
Fistulae, diverticulae and strictures,
Infiltrative conditions such as amyloidosis, lymphoma, Eosinophilic gastroenteropathy
Radiation enteritis
Systemic sclerosis and collagen vascular diseases
Short bowel syndrome
Due to mucosal abnormality
Celiac disease
Cows’ milk intolerance
Soya milk intolerance
Fructose malabsorption
Due to enzyme deficiencies
Lactase deficiency inducing lactose intolerance (constitutional, secondary or rarely congenital)
Sucrose intolerance
Intestinal disaccharidase deficiency
Intestinal enteropeptidase deficiency
3. Due to digestive failure
Pancreatic insufficiencies:
cystic fibrosis
chronic pancreatitis
carcinoma of pancreas
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
Bile salt malabsorption
terminal ileal disease
obstructive jaundice
bacterial overgrowth
primary bile acid diarrhea
4. Due to other systemic diseases affecting GI tract
Celiac disease
Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism
Addison’s disease
Diabetes mellitus
Hyperparathyroidism and Hypoparathyroidism
Carcinoid syndrome
Fiber Deficiency
@Trish… I’m using a digital meat thermometer, lol… the kind with the probe (which i stick between my now much-looser tummy skin folds) and receiver unit. And it only cost me $20 or so 🙂
@Shilohman entry 1034 – I second the motion! 😉
Dr. Kruse, I’m up to 35 minutes in the 50-55F tub and I’m finding my appetite seems to be *increasing*. Should I increase my current 50g of protein BAB and BALunch, just increase the fats/CO…or? I’m trying to lose weight and the hunger is easily tolerable (and blood sugar readings have climbed, too 😛 ), but don’t want to scroo up the last 9 wks or so of leptin reset efforts 😛 many thanks!
… sorry, quick addendum so you’re not tempted to give me a whack: I know during the reset, calories don’t matter…. just a bit confused re appetite going UP not down on CT
@Julie if your appetite is going up something is wrong……and its not the reset or CT.
@Lexi thanks for that link. I need to investigate those Cyrex lab tests and figure out if he can get the same here in Aust. After my ice bath!
@Shilohman entry 1034 – I use FIREFOX which has a “FIND” function (under the “Edit” drop-down menu) that can be used to match-up a question with an answer. For example, I can highlight the name in a question and then invoke “find” and a menu at the bottom of the page allows me to search for “next” or “previous” instance of the “find” object. A bit cumbersome, but functional.
Sorry, Lexi, I meant entry 1035
@David. This only finds stuff on the post you are on. Shilohman wants something that will search all the comments on all the posts 🙂
@Jim: Thanks for the lead to the ice “bubble wrap”. Got some at Target today.
@David But you would have to visit each blog post and search them individually. The site search would be great because someone may have asked the same thing in CT1, CT2, CT6, CT55, Leptin Rx, etc…
I’m going to suck on ice cubes during my cold tub tonight. Gotta activate my CD36 receptors, right?. I’m also going to black out the bathroom – all after downing a few tins of sardines, of course. Tonight I’ll dream of apoptotic WAT and resurrected BAT. Maybe I’ll look decent in a swimsuit this summer after all.
BTW, last night was the 1st in many years that I slept all night without stirring once – no trip to the bathroom, no annoying insomnia, etc., plus my eyes popped open a few minutes before dawn…before my alarm went off, too.
The cold tubs are a bite, but I’m starting to see the benefit. Can’t wait for the inner furnace to really get blasting! Maybe the pilot light has flickered on, however.
@Dan greater things are coming for you……
Hm. Wrong? Well, at nearly 48 I’m NOT pregnant, lol… a few weeks ago I started doing daily 30-45 minute hikes with our elderly spaniel (read *gentle* hikes) though. And since starting CT I’ve been doing light bodyweight exercises to warm up after ice tubbing…?
Bottom line: is it anything I should be concerned about or do something about so as not to mess up the reset/CT? Thanks!
Thanks, Dr. K. I am working the program and I am getting results after years of failure. Factor X? I am wondering if it has to do with breath control/retention that is practiced in yogic pranayama or chi gong. I know I had results quickly, including shape contouring and loss, plus increased breath reserve, within a a couple of days using it. It is a difficult process for me to sustain due to a trashed Leptin system, I think. I think for optimal results I would have had to be LS to continue and sustain. How to do was to take a deep inhale-down to my toes-then exhale every bit of air out of my belly as much as possible. I would then contract an area and do as many reps that I could while holding my breath. My attention/focus would be on my belly for example. I used the breath during situps and it made my belly, ab muscles, burn like fire and became very hot. It felt like I was shooting fireballs out of my belly. There are variations of this kind of breathing in yoga and chi gong. I am not sure of the physiology behind it other than increased use of O2 at the cellular level. Popular culture calls it aerobic breathing but that doesn’t really describe the ancient technique correctly because it can be done while meditating. It can be used during isometric and isotonic practice.
“Now don’t try to kid me, man-cub, I’ll make a deal with you
What I desire is man’s red fire to make my dreams come true
So give me the secret, man-cub, clue me what to do
Give me the power of man’s red flower so I can be like you”
There’s nothing better nor more primal than staring into fire.
Dr. K, dumb question, I know. But the krill oil is to be used instead of fish oil, correct? BTW I could see a regular Dr. Kruse radio show in the future.
@Julia, are you eating enough fat? It’s really filling.
@Susan re: feet issues. Have you read “Born to Run”? Switching out of regular shoes ended my plantar fasciitis/heel spur pain within 2 weeks.
@Susie We have been contacted about the radio……its a maybe. We have to see how it unfolds. Krill oil is better for Cold adaptation
daily, 6T worth of “squirrel candy” (3 pieces of my first batch outside cooling was stolen by a squirrel, paper cupcake wrapper and all, lol) — 1 part manna, 2 parts CO and cinnamon, turmeric, stevia..etc etc.
Curious if anyone has achieved cold adaptation without full water imersion, i.e.with either cold packs or the cooler units that have a pump and get packed with ice water.
There is a certain problem in my household with the idea of buying an outdoor tub and using it for CT. Not always the amount of tolerance concerning my “health” ideas.
Has anyone done it with just cold showers? Also cold morning showers used to be common place in the 20’s and 30’s. I had a great uncle that started each day with a cold shower. He lived until he was 96.
@SimonM/Michael – You are correct, that would be a great help, and, as long as we’re wishing, so would a FAQ section. For now, I have a long way to go with Leptin Rx, Keto and CT. It’s great to have so many folks participating here and inquiring about things I might never have encountered or been able to articulate on my own. This site is a real life changer!
@David…..the site is getting ready to blow up into something new pretty soon……we’ll see if ya’ll dig it or not. It’s time to evolve.
Jack, How do you know Phelps and armstrong is/were cold adapted? Have you talked to them personally? Phelps diet is 180 degrees opposite from your writings. Why isn’t armstrong still kicking ass on the tour if he is cold adapted? Why does he drink beer? Did you lose your weight while still warm adapted and became cold adapted later? I read too many inconsistancies in your writings
Dennis Walla
@D Ray yes I have. Lance is paying for his previous habits and so is Phelps……..their diets were no optimal for the pathway. Neither one has the stem cells…….Lance less so. I cold adapted myself and used my leptin Rx reset to lose my weight. You see inconsistencies where other see results. Lance and Phelps did not maximize the pathways. That means there is more performance to be had by elite athletes. And they are certainly going for it.
Factor X: oxygen tanks or hyperbaric chambers or somehow oxygen at a high altitude??
@donna……nope but I use HBO myself. It is amazing for recovery.
Sorry if i’m being slow here…
If I’m expending more energy, especially considering the time in the cold water itself, which is supposed to be like “exercise”, and don’t have fat to draw from, where does the energy come from if not hunger? I totally see how this is confounded by MSH going up…
You also mention that the sherpa’s eat pure fat to keep up with their energy requirements at altitude. Is this different for people who don’t need to lose weight?
@Souldanzer if you have lost all your fat and reversed your diseases you move to this……
Thanks, Dr Kruse! The important factors are the ease of flow of information and the ability to ask questions and understand this complex process.
(Simon M…. “with little or no breakdown”? Willing to have my personal belief system changed, but 1) I know of no elite athlete who can or does train maximally everyday – I’m not sure it is even physiologically/mentally possible, and it is certainly not optimal. 2) Training maximally every day cannot be done without certain breakdown.
If you come from a CrossFit background, then we probably need to redefine “maximally”, as I have met some of these CF guys who believe you can perform (for example) 10 “all out” sprints in fairly quick succession. This view of “all out”/”maximal” leaves elite sprinters rolling on the ground with laughter. Can’t be done.)
The training I speak of in NO way resembles crossfit. I’m talking about training with VERY high levels of force…and being able to do it over and over again. You must train to train this way, but when the body is ready the results are incredible. There are pro athletes training this way at the moment. As this is a deep/very complex topic, if you would like to converse about it let me know. I assure you it is not like any training programs you are currently aware of.
@AG their is nothing more damaging to the human body than what I inflict upon it at surgery……and how I prepare them now…….well it is totally out of the box but the results would blow your mind. I no wcan operate on people who were previously not operable……..with 4 weeks of my pre surgical protocol. On Monday, I have two patients who have trained 6 months prior to the their surgery. From wheelchair to walking in a few hours.
@AG Of course, VERY interested…really don’t see how anyone can train every day to maximum (ie PR/PB/world record level :)) Should we/can we talk off-list? My email is otherwize AT fusemail DOT com
I believe you Dr. Kruse. I think that what you are doing with clients is similar in many ways to what I’m speaking of. Training to become extremely plastic and adaptable humans, so when we expose the person to stress they have the ability to take in the information and all of the ramifications that it carries…and adapt efficiently.
@David/Michael… dudes, Sally’s solution works (thanks Sally). We only have to go to Google and do what she says:
Sally Says:
March 13th, 2012 at 4:59 pm
Shilohman, you could try the Google site search.
Just type in site:websitename and the search terms.
for example: “factor x”
Of course, you’d have to wait for google to update for the latest entries.
Hello again Dr. Kruse! How long should it take to warm up? I’m up to 40min in the tub but shiver exhaustively for about an hour after. Just want to make sure that’s normal. And is it ok to bundle up after and get under some blankets or is this counter productive?
I’ve searched for answers to these questions in several posts but couldn’t find, so apologize if this is a repeat! Thanks so much!
@meghan no rules on that
I sent you an email SimonM
@SimonM/Sally Thanks! Just tried it. A great utility!
Well, finally got the Fatty Acids profile Essential back. After a minor math anxiety attack I added the two O-3s together and divided that into the Linoleic Acid and came up with a ratio of 1:4.7. So i guess it’s into the cold baths for me.
After the very low fat HCG diet I used animal fats, Coconut oil, krill oil and a combo of cod liver oil and fish oil gradually increasing it to over 110 gms of fat per day. that’s how I got to the current ratio. Now I will concentrate on animal fats, krill and fish oil. (my Vit D is 99)until late in the spring.
@Terry nice job…..
While we are discussing a wish list for the awesome site (thanks Dr. K!) how about a members forum, like MDA?
I would like to mastermind with others re: athletic endeavors. I am a competitive masters powerlifter, using CT (5 min icy cold showers in AM, 30 min cold baths in evenings, 35 min) for abt 2 weeks, and I am *stunned* at my results in the gym. I have a meet in 4 weeks, so I am not doing anything radical re: training. Post meet, I want to tweak some things that I’m afraid to try so close to the meet. I have some weird ideas that I’d like to bounce off Dr. K and others. Excited!
Thank you, Dr. K and to everyone else sharing their experiences.
@TeenieLeek that is a lock that is coming……Teenie did 2.5 hours of CT sunday and increased my bench 125 pounds. The power gains are amazing……endurance also improves. Right now I am laying low on weights for a bio hack I am doing.
Oh good thanks so much again!!
I had been struggling with my pull ups, stalled at 2 sets of 4, then some in 3s, out of nowhere I can now do 5 sets of 5, with 2 min rest, pretty good for a ole girl 🙂
@Teenie Great for you!
I don’t understand why you use Phelps and armstomg as examples when they are less than your ideal. Thank you for your honest response. I find value with your findings but only up to a point where my own experiences and testing differ significantly with yours. Are you implying that the cold water that Phelps swims in entrains him to be cold adapted?
@D Ray Its kinda of hard to find examples when no one knows about this pathway until a week ago huh? Humans have only used part of this pathway…….That is why it has been hidden. Now that its out there it is yours to test and try. If you cant face it or your dogma wont allow you to try it, that is fine……move on. There are plenty of others who find this neural circuit pretty damn interesting and many of them are elite level athletes I deal with. I said clearly in the series I want you to call bullshit on me and test it. Then come back and tell me I am full of it. Telling me this now tells me more about your dogma and mind set than anything else.
Question on altitude. I live at 5200 feet in NM. I’ve realized I can drive about 5 miles to the base of the Sandia Mtns, take the tram up to 10,000 feet and walk around up there and back down without a lot of effort and time. Driving up the back way (the only other way) would take about an hour. I read that people doing this altitude training go back and forth between the O2 deprivation at a certain rate. Would my going up to the top of the Sandias for an hour or so twice or more a week be helpful to increasing my energy? Thanks for the info.
@Terry F it would……
any one do this test for the 6/3 ratio?
how can just a finger prick be enough?
I don’t think I’m anywhere near post leptin rx – I technically came from the other side (underweight).
My hunger/fullness signals are still terrible, I frequently unintentionally eat more than my stomach can handle and end up getting sick and throwing up, I still think about food more than I’d like to, I have snacking urges (which I ignore)… and I have a list of neolithic diseases.
But no, I don’t have extra fat to draw from…. so I would need to replenish the energy I expend, correct? I’ve been eating tallow by the spoon full since starting CT. This is really messing with my AN brain, sorry.
My feeling is that I need to eat more like the sherpas to fix some of my issues… considering my energy expenditure including exercising @ altitude frequently.
Dr K -I had a follow up w/my PCP today for my CIMT – which is an arterial scan of my carotid arteries to get my results… well that was interesting…
here’s the link to it:…IMTresutls.jpg
THE GOOD: basically I don’t have any plaque or blockages – YEAH ME
THE BAD: my arterial age is 51!!!!!! I’m 38yo! PCP is 100% convinced this is one of the reasons why my homocysteine and hs CRP are still high, as well as why I can’t get my BG below 89.
Dr K – this is where you’re going to love my PCP – she looked at me and asked me point blank if I occasionally eat dairy – I said yes – and she said not any more, and the only diary I can use is ghee for cooking. she also wants me to look at supplementing w/Krill oil as well as O3s…
Yeah – so you (as in every one on this board) can go ahead an kick my butt… I know better, but I’ve been misbehaving having an occasional dairy – like the blue cheese. I need to make the choice for a positive outcome…some times it takes a test to cement it in my brain…
I’m guessing the CIMT is probably a good indication, that If I had my telemores tested – I’d be at least as old as my arteries… time to get off the 95% and push the full court press!
So – Dr K am I correct in assuming that CT, in combination w/keto adaptation will eliminate my old inflamed arteries and bring them back in line to those of a 38yo?
@Shijin………you can reverse this all…….you and I both know it. Now its time to show your PCP the power of the Ancient Pathway. It is put up of shut up time for my theory. I like that challenge.
I’m also curious to know more about effects of altitude… considering I live at almost 6,000 ft and spend my weekends up high in the Rockies.
I’d like to just clarify the protocol here for everyone.
You say to have a meal prior and 2 glasses of ice water.
Are these taken together? Or do you have a meal say 1 hour before CT and then ice water immediately before starting CT?
I have a question about the goggles you mentioned on Sean’s show. Which goggles do you wear and do you wear them anytime you look at a screen? (Day/night?)
@A Custom Oakley’s That is all I know…….they are super dark and I sleep like a rock
Dr Jack
that is all XXX
@Jack, How long is any given fat cell in the body?
I’ve found conflicting answers. . for instance, if one is super obese from childhood, are those fat cells around in adult hood? so if someone is burning through their fat – is it recent fat, old fat? Could all those crazy hormones from things like pregnancy or a wild summer in Europe still be lingering around for us to release with CT?
I’ve always wondered this, something doesn’t quite make sense. If all cells die as a matter of routine, shouldn’t we be able to jigger it so the dead cells are replaced with good/better cells? Which stands to reason, why can’t we regenerate parts of the body that are needed. Or why don’t scars go away after they’ve done the work of protecting the wound.
Keep on keepin on, you’re changing the world.
@JanetNZ if I had $1 for every time I said “I love Jack” while reading this blog, I’d be able to afford all the tests I want!
@Coriander……..i just posted something new for you all before I get on the Jet plane………it had to be said before Paleo Fx………
@TeenieLeek “I would like to mastermind with others re: athletic endeavors”. Me too! My email is at 1069 if you want to get things rolling in advance of Jack’s website evolution.
I am an elite masters runner hunting a superfast mile. I know I tend to overthink things, so while I have plenty of Qs about what Armstrong, Phelps and the Sherpas ACTUALLY do/eat and I still don’t get how this protocol is gonna help my speed, I am putting it to the test and have to say my last two longer runs (8m each one) have been surprisingly fast…and I have hardly scratched the surface of CT yet – I mean really, I am very whimpy about the cold! I “think” I am losing some top end speed, but endurance is up and I seem to be leaning on anaerobic power with less distress – which makes no sense at all as I have had very few carbs over the last few days. It is an unfolding mystery 🙂
@ Dr K off to the bath I go…cold = anti-aging
Hey…You’re the one who said to question everything…I’m still reading your material and staying open-minded…However, your response tells me more about your neo-dogma. I’m out.
Dr. Kruse, my skin actually looked dark, kind of like a tan, in the mirror (more on that below) when I got out of the shower for my PM CT tonight. What the heck is that?
@Cowboy (#1060), regarding the cold shower for CT, I suspect everyone’s a little different but this is what I’ve done and how it’s worked so far (all temps are water temp, not skin temp):
Day 1 AM: 5 minutes @ 65F.
Day 2 AM: 6m @ 64F.
Day 3 AM: 7m @ 63F.
Day 4 AM: 8m @ 62F.
Day 5 AM: 5m @ 62F, 3m @ 60F, 2m @ 55F (10m).
Day 6 AM: 6m @ 64F, 3m @ 61F, 2m @ 58F (12m).
Day 7 AM: 5m @ 62F, 5m @ 60F, 5m @ 58F (15m).
Day 8 AM: 12m @ 58; PM: 6m @ 58F, 5m @ 55F, 5m @ 52F (16m).
All CT sessions are after having a high-protein / healthy fat meal and some ice water.
Results: My workouts have been great (both HIIT and heavy lifting). I actually set a new PR for this bodyweight (I’ve done more in the past but I weighed 60 lbs more at the time) in one lift. My appetite tanked yesterday and into today, to the point where “my eyes were bigger than my stomach” and I had to push away even relatively small servings shortly after starting to eat. The dog loves this new thing I’m doing (more table scraps for her ;). Limb vascularity has increased. First 6 nights, poor sleep, but last night was a good night’s sleep. Felt great during the work day, productive yet relaxed at work. Subjectively I’ve leaned out a bit, but have actually gained a couple of pounds – not sure why. I have T2D and 4 out of the 7 mornings my fasting blood glucose was below 100 (within normal range) with a low of 91 mg/dL this morning. I also started Bitter Melon on Sunday but 3 of the 4 normal-range fasting BG results were before I started that.
Tonight, although the last 5 minutes were the coldest yet, the water actually felt warm by the time it reached my feet. Also I shivered only the last minute or so and was done with that within 5 minutes after the shower finished. Also it’s easier to step into the cold water to begin the shower now than when I started.
Tonight when I got out of the shower, my skin was a dark color.. Not red, not pink, but actually dark like a tan. I don’t know why, but AFAIK it was not a bad thing.
I cannot say for sure that I’ve flipped the SCN switch yet, but it sure seems like my body is adapting to the colder temps OK from the limited knowledge I have. I still consider the showers an intermediate step into the tub, but think cold showers work to start out with.
I rigged a thermometer like this into the soap rack hanging from the shower-head. Also bought one of those cheap digital timers and stuck it to the wall of the shower to help me keep track of the time, then I write it down in my food log.
@SimonM Sounds as if you should get yourself to Fairbanks and train 4 hours a day in a t shirt and shorts. You would really accelerate your performance with this Alaska CT. High tomorrow will be 17F and low -5F.
Just realize that Dr. K is not a fan of elite athletes training regime who are warm adapted. Elite warm adapted tend to use up their stem cells and telomere length much more quickly than non athletes. They get short term performance and looking good in the mirror naked but they sacrifice longevity. I have not seen Dr. K comment on the longevity or expected life expectancy of cold adapted elite athletes.
Just to clarify…VLC = 0-50g a day?
@david, right,what you described was how to search within the
page you are on. What I was requesting was the ability to search all replies regardless of which blog page they are on.
@coriander – me too 🙂
Re: fat malabsorption… I get this when dumping oxalate which always dumps in to my gut, which destroys its whole balance. I think I have read you mentioning a low oxalate diet somewhere Jack. I guess you know a bit about the whole dumping process. Those of us that are doing the LR and low oxalate diet together find we dump oxalate like crazy. Most peole with chronic gut problems and allergies/intolerances are more susceptible to oxalate. Gotta stay away from the spinach, celery, black pepper etc on low carb…
@Dexter Love it! Well, I love the *sound* of it 🙂 Respect, dude!
Yes, I asked briefly about this on Sean’s recent radio show. In my sport (running), the dominant athletes are high-carbed, warm-adapted Africans (generalisation). Dr K made the point that the majority of these guys have poor longevity, as you say. So there is a real choice to be made – a trade-off for short-term glory!
When it comes to the long-endurance events – ultraruns, climbing the sacred hill (Everest), persistence hunting etc – there may be massive gains possible for cold-adapted athletes, but there is simply no data for how CT affects those of us looking for pure speed in events lasting five minutes or less. Jack has reported improvements in Vo2max, but beyond establishing a bare minimum V02 max requirement to be elite, this has turned out to be a poor predictor of success and speed. Experience shows that a keto or low-carb diet is pretty much the kiss of death for the shorter events, since fat metabolism can’t provide energy fast enough.
Phelps’ races include events that last under 1 minute and under 2 minutes, and we KNOW what he eats!!!
That said, no one has tried for world-class speed on keto PLUS CT… so that may be the Final Frontier.
Oh, yes, that plus freeze+squeeze+altitude – or whatever Factor X brings us 🙂
I’d like to just clarify the protocol here for everyone.
You say to have a meal prior and 2 glasses of ice water.
Are these taken together? Or do you have a meal say 1 hour before CT and then ice water immediately before starting CT?
@Ank i dont think you can drink and eat simultaneously? I eat right before I do CT usually. When I jump in I usually guzzle the water.
Have been reading this site daily for a weeks and has turned my dogmatic thinking on its head. THANK YOU Dr. Kruse!
Today’s LA Times published a story in the LA Extra section reporting on a study coming out of Harvard, An Pan, a postdoctoroial fellow, of 110,000 adults over 20 years that the findings were conclusive that red meat, any red meat is risky and leads to an early death. Red meat increased early death by 13% and eating bacon/processed meats a whopping 20%
Is it possible that you, as a Dr., Dr. kruse, could gain access to this study’s findings because it seems to be sensationalism and smells of Framington all over again and will be plastered all over the media like wildfire, Harvard study, don’t eat red meat, etc.. Scare tactics or real? How do we know ?
@Cecile I have read the study and several of my friends have posted it on my FB wall. The study is shoddy work and should never have been published in a journal. I found out tonight that one of the reviewers of the article was none other than Dean Ornish, who i have had major issues with for ten years. He is the the king of shoddy studies. One of my friends on FB is a cardiothoracic surgeon in Europe and he destroyed the study on pure science alone. the problem with this is the people who need to hear this criticism, you the public wont hear it. Instead you will be left to be afraid and think that meat is bad for you. I can assure you that it is not. This paper is not worth of toilet paper to be quite frank with you and the only reason it got published is because it fits with the zeitgist of the day in modern healthcare. Here is a snipet of what my friend says about this article…….Dr. Pelouze says, “Meat is not a mantra! it depends on the animals way of life. And we know that for eggs poultry and fish! However this paper is interesting because the authors didn’t find (in an observationnal study) any difference between unprocessed an processed meat. It is surprising. The second surprising point is that fish is the worst substitute to red meat in the figure 3. We have to do a paleo eaters study with organic grass fed meat to bring some new facts in this debate…….the different quartile groups are not similar and it is not an effect of meat consumption… Is Frank B. Hu above peer review? I would like to read the email exchanges between the peers of the journal and the authors…” These words are spot on. If this study worries you at all shame on you for letting someone else think for you.
@JanetNZ… where in NZ are you? I’m in Christchurch.
i’m from queenstown nz – i was suprised when i went to the shop today that they said krill oil has been flying out the door over the last 2 weeks. i wondered whether there were others around reading this blog!
@Julia Funny you say that because in Nashville and NYC I had two friends call me yesterday and tell me the same thing.
@Julia… I’d be interested in putting our heads together about best places to find/buy supplements, 99% chocolate, etc etc in NZ. If you’re keen to share info, you can email me at laurenlporter AT gmail DOT com. Great to know our little island is doing its share for optimal health!
@jack what are the implications of doing CT on an empty stomach?
@Julia it sometime shortens the time you can stay in. When you eat you are stimulating the parasympathetic system into action and it raises your core temp while your cooling your surface cold receptors. this makes sure the brain is registering that this is a definite environmental change and not a fluke.
oh i see, thanks for the explanation! love your work!!
@Jack – In your UG Wellness interview with Sean you were in your “mancave” and I believe that you had a fire going in the fireplace. Question: Would you suggest switching to candlelight at night? Or is all light after sunset, regardless of its source going to throw off the human circadian cycle?
@Thekid You could do that……candles are dangerous. A fireplace is safer.
@Cecile. Zoe Harcombe wrote a very tight article digging into that article is a load of bull. go check it out on healthy coalition`s FB page
The NFL’s Indestructible Man
After games and hard practices, Mr. Jones dunks himself in freezing-cold ice water to decrease the inflammation in his muscles and tendons—an uncomfortably painful procedure he says many players steer clear of. “I hate the cold tub, but I get in there regardless because it helps keep my legs fresh. It’s like putting food in the refrigerator.”
@Doug there is a lot more of them in the NFL now listening to me…..
Perhaps Factor X has something to do with controlling the light that hits our retina (wavelength, time of day) and the hormones emitted by the pineal gland as a result? How important is this for sleep, protection from cancer, etc.?
Dr. K – I think I have a tear in my eye… it is HOPE! I am 44, and have had Achilles tendon issues for almost 10 years (in fact, am waiting on another surgery, but my little girls are too young to have a bed-ridden mama!). I am in constant pain, but totally used to it now. BUT, could it be? Could it? That after a week of CT (only up to 22 min @ 55 degrees so far) my Achilles feels like it is repairing? Is this wishful thinking, or can it be true? Say it *is* so!!!! Much love to you and your family!!!!! Barbie
@Barbie……my January bio hack results……..say to tell you yes it is possible.
Will doing CT on day of testing salivary cortisol mess up results?
@Souldanzer nope
@Dr K. re: training for surgery. I’m having surgery on my grain brain CM1 decompression with duraplasty. I’m in wk 4 of CT and have been keto-paleo for years. Any advice is greatly appreciated as always.
Oh Dr. Kruse thank you!!! My lower tummy fat is breaking up! Wasn’t sure over the past couple days, but now I am. Happy day!
It feels just like my upper tummy fat felt a year and a half ago, a couple weeks into Dr. Eades VLC diet. Laying on my side, holding in my tummy muscles, the upper stomach felt like a deflated volleyball. Firm on the outside, but with nothing underneath. I think it was liver fat vanishing beneath. And I hadn’t yet lost a pound at that time.
I lost a lot of weight and reaped many other health benefits over the next few months. However, I’ve been on a holding pattern for about a year. Now I still haven’t lost any weight, but I think my upper arms are getting more definition, and I have a similar ‘deflated’ sensation in my lower tummy. Woohoo! I’m losin’ it!
I’m only up to 45 minutes for ice on the tummy, and this morning I lowered my bath temp to a blisteringly cold 60F. It was a bit of a disappointment, however, because I barely shivered at all. Guess I’ll lower it another 5 degrees. Oh and my raw, grassfed cream habit? Yeah, I think it’s about time to let it go. You’ve convinced me.
@Jack – I’ve seen a number of posts related to hypoxia and use of tourniquets. And since Phelps has been mentioned here, I thought I would add that swimmers do a lot of hypoxic training. Additionally, I can remember Misty Hyman, the olypmic gold medalist in the 200 butterfly in 2000, using all sorts of rubber banding on her arms and legs during training. We all thought she was nuts and doing something harmful. Maybe she was on to something. What do you think Dr. Jack?
@Jack – I would like to take a stab at Factor X. I think it is Periodization in Training. I haven’t seen this mentioned. Tudor Bompa is laregely credited with developing this and it involves dividing training into Macro, Meso and Micro Cycles, wherein various metabolic systems are stressed a different times of each cycle.
Since you’re talking about circadian cycles, I am gonna bet that periodization fits into this, with certain exercise activities fitting certain times of year. The fall and winter would be cycles of general laziness (winter being the laziest), where you eat Keto, sleep more and get ripped in anticipation of the Spring and Summer.
Therefore you would probably do circuit lifting in fall, really heavy lifting in winter, sprinting in the sping and low-end cardio in the summer.
What do you think?
What’s all this guessing @ Factor X about? Hasn’t it been revealed??
“Cold induction is the next evolutionary step of the Leptin Rx and it is what I call Factor X in 2012. ” Rewiring the Leptin RX
@Sally, thanks for the tip. That is what I will use for searching for now. That approach to me is just not optimal:-)
@souldanzer. CT is not Factor X
Thank you for giving us the means to see into our blind spots. It’s incredible that so many critical things that our grandmothers told us have become so invisible.
I commented earlier on a pregnancy where sickness and fatigue disappeared on a holiday in cold, snowy mountains. I’m fascinated by the link between cold receptors and hcg as I was always cold in the evenings during that pregnancy and spent many hours, overwhelmed by fatigue, sitting with my back against a warm radiator. At the time I lived temporarily in the city with little perception of the seasons and artificial light pollution 24hrs. It was the only time in my life that my sleep was not good. A second pregnancy failed.
Third time,living in a cold, dark rural area, I remember only slight nausea and tiredness. The first child was colicky and stayed awake until 10pm most nights. My second child slept from 6/7pm every night and to this day gets up and cooks proper breakfast before the rest of us have moved. You have made me think it is not just coincidence. We carry a big responsibility for the next generation and city living will remain on my warning radar.
@Jack. Sorry, should have been more clear. In no way do I believe the LA Times article it was just my husband who is a “poster child” for SAD and modern medical dogma regarding heart disease…. 18 rt coronary artery stents over the past 20 years, at least he had the wisdom not to used bypass and a dr who was developing the stents in La Jolla, but still……. He had to pass that article over to me last night as if his way was right becaus I am a complete Paleo eater and have been doing CtT daily for a week and all I can say is WOW. How I got to Paleo is a long story quick view: RA since my early 20s (yes, I am also a Neolithic medical dogma and SAD poster child but no longer…), did all the meds to releive it as they emerged, gold injections even early on (not good, could do a complete body peel like a whole hand glove, or foot glove in one piece), methotrexate (really not good, repeated lung infections to the point that now i have permanent lung damage, bronchiectasis, yet the dr. Denied for years it didnt cause infections it took me to research to figure it out way down the line) then antiTnf (enbrel) came out, I was such a good patient I did the studies prior to approval and yes, it was a miracle, it did give me my life back to some degree but after about 7 years nearly died of a systemic fungal infection, then finally Rituxan, another anti cancer med that takes out every CD20 cell you have (can that really be good?) many infections later (pseudomonis because all these “helpful, not harmful” meds. Early on in my treatment I tried diet but didn’t go Paleo which is why it didn’t work and so I gave up on diet being the cause. Thank god for the Internet because I have finally after so many years learned to think for myself.
First i was Primal off and on for several years but finally got so tired of always still getting infection, after infection. Now that I have been faithfully Paleo I can proudly say my RA doc is confused and stymied by my blood work. This is the first time in over thirty years I have had so much energy and felt so damn good the CT for the past few days has been the icing on the cake. Wouldn’t it be a miracle if it reversed all the damage and contractures and deformities I have. I believe that once the body has no opposition, then it will repair itself I will have to wait and see. R
@evelyn, Thanks, I will dig it up and show it to my skeptic hubby.
Hey, does anybody remember if, in any of the previous blogs, there was a full “get these specific labs” list? I’ve been piecing together labs I need. I’ve got an appointment with my hemotologist tomorrow and would like to request a bunch of the critical labs.
Another interesting link:
TheKid, find his Optimizing Labs post.
Dr. K, can you elaborate on why no coffee enemas. I thought they were excellent for detoxing, especially the liver.
thanks. and good luck speaking tonight! wish i was there.
In your UW podcast last week, you say you only know of 2 cold adapted people in the world: You and Wim Hof.
So Shijin, Glamorama, Huck, Croak, Quelson, all your patients using CT, Lance/Michael…all of us doing CT per your guidance, we aren’t cold adpated? Does it take being able to pack your self in ice for hours to acheive this status? Care to comment?
Hi Jack
I have a friend that hurt her lower back a couple weeks ago and yesterday was told by DR that she has degenerative disc. She started paleo in Aug of 2011 and has lost a ton of weight and now she is so scared to gain all weight back because she can’t excercise. I know the answer to this but would like your backing…do you think CT would help her with her back issue? And do you have any other advice for her?
Saw this and loved it…it pertains to our journey: “The future is not someplace we are going to,
but one that we are creating. The paths are
not found, but created, and the activity of
creating them changes both the maker and the
— John H. Schaar (1928-2011, American scholar
and political theorist) Things are changing I AM CHANGING here in my life because of what I am creating in my thoughts and in my actions. Thank you Dr. Kruse for showing me the path.
@Doug Ice baths (usually just for the legs) have been routine in pro/am sports for at least 20 years. We all hate them. But essential if you are training more than once a day. NFL players (and others) are now also using a $30000 touchline “glove” that “freezes” the hand and still cools the whole body.
@TheKid – I’ve set up my “woman cave” in my bathroom for my nightly CT (which is now my new bedtime ritual), with a low blue light night-light (from, and a few candles (carefully placed). It’s great! There’s just enough light to see the water and to read by (before I thought this up, I was reading in the bath on my iphone, but BOOM – mismatch, so now I read a book in candlelight).
Many thanks to Dr. K. for his groundbreaking work. I can’t wait to see how things unfold for me, for you, and for humanity. Life just got a bit more interesting. 😉
Very nice idea, Evo_Mama. Not quite the warm romantic bubblebath, but hey, we can adapt, no?
@Evo Mama, et al…. I’d LOVE to be able to do CT before bed, but it takes me a good hour or two to stop quivering afterward! How do *you* do it? (or am I getting too cold?)
Julia, I actually do the cold bath in the morning. I’m fine afterwards, as long as I don’t lie down. That’s when I really feel the cold.
Though perhaps I’m adapted enough to try it again at night. I’m tempted, with Evo_Mama’s idea.
Here is an excellent article that shreds the meat study as bad science.
The great Houdini often took ice baths: “In his home, he built a large sunken tub in which to practice holding his breath and escaping underwater. To train himself for stunts in which he would jump into frigid rivers while handcuffed and shackled, he would add ice to the water to build up his stamina. He actually learned to like these freezing dips, to the point he could say, ‘I only feel good after one of these baths.'”
Jack or anybody else, are onions
and tomatoes allowed on the leptin rx?
I usuall eat 2 tomatoes with one medium
sized finely chopped onion with my meats.
I forgot to ask about coconut. I know
coconut oil is ok, but what about coconut?
@Sharpman coconut fine all the time except winter.
Coriander Says:
March 7th, 2012 at 7:13 pm
I’ve been laying down in the tub from the beginning. I thought that because I am fixing my degenerative disc disease, and my disc bulges are between my shoulder blades and in my neck, I should be getting the cold water there. So I lay down with my head resting on the edge, and water up to my hairline. I keep my arms out, mainly to hold on, because my feet only just reach to the end of the bath.
I mentioned before that I haven’t been able to feel heat or cold on my left leg since 2003. I noticed last week that I was starting to feel patches of cold while in the bath. Today as I sat in the filling bath, with 5Kg of ice floating around my legs, I realised that both my legs felt the same! I spent the whole 45 minutes gently moving my legs from side to side, amazed that I could feel it! Wow! Dr Kruse, can it really heal this fast???
283. Jack Says:
March 7th, 2012 at 7:18 pm
@Coriander CT works quite well for DDD and DJD…….add 500 mgs of Kril oil 3 times a day to CT and watch how you do…….WOW.
@Julia – I was feeling hungry also doing CT and it is gone now since I ditched all CO, manna, milk, and substituted more bacon fat and ghee, per advice in comment 633 from Dr K.
Thanks so much that’s exactly what I was looking for
Wow. How did I miss that one? THANKS Jake!
Dr Kruse: if I still have nearly 20 pounds to lose, would switching to animal fats rather than CO etc be better to keep hunger at bay? I’ve upped the CO to about 8T/day and I’m not as hungry today. Which would be more “optimal” for those still somewhat leptin resistant – good animal, or CO fats? Thanks! Nice new forum btw, should make life easier all around 😉
@Sharpman… multiple considerations. Doing the Leaky Gut RX? Then no nightshades (eg tomatoes). Eating in season applies to onions and coconut. As does carbohydrate count – both have carbs, so keep track. As well as any sensitivities you may have. Hope that helps.
I found out it is fairly easy to use the tram to go from my 5200 feet to 10,000 feet here in NM. With a seasonal pass it will cost about $2 a ride. I plan on going 2x a week and stay for about an hour. I went up today and stayed 2 hours and had an increased HR and a headache. I forgot I never have adapted well to altitude. There is lots to do there skiing, snowshoeing, boarding, xcountry and plain old hiking. Right now I will only be able to stroll around and take in the scenery. I took extra water but found I had to eat lunch in order to feel better. Normally I only eat BAB and dinner. Anyone’s suggestions will be helpful. thanks a bunch.
@Terry F smart move.
Dr. Jack, you will one day get a prize for your work and intuition….I am the mom of the cancer child (8 yrs old ….leukemia txt for two yrs) You have been doing what I have been trying to do with my limited scientific knowledge. Doing what I did (except for Ct , how do you do that with a four year old)?, he did absolutely wonderful during treatment and continues to do so thankfully, any suggestions…. a lot easier to deal with a four year old than forty year olds to say the least. What is a good alternative to CT with a young child in during/off treatment? I have yet to see one piece of advice for children, and they need it the most. Five year EFS, and love to keep it that way!
@lioness7 This is such a new area I have no idea……but i can say this. Cold at home using the protocol wont hurt anyone.
Scary stuff from I’ve seen similar stats elsewhere:
9. What is the life expectancy of world class athletes?
Not so good. The average elite athlete will die by the age of 67. That is considerably lower then the 76 year life expectancy of the average American. Do you want to hear something that is really scary? According to the NFL Players Association, the average life expectancy of an NFL player is 58 years of age.
@Jack – so I’m off the Coumadin and doing Innohep instead. So I guess I’m ready for some K2. Planning to gobble broccoli and green leafies.
Jack have you ever read this paper?
What do you think of it? Do you think they are on to something there?
Even though my problem is high blood glucose (and the primary focus of the paper is hypogonadism), I squirreled the article away b/c I have felt for some time now -especially since getting “in-shape” – that my inability to normalize blood glucose is more of a “sugar sensing” problem in the hypothalamus then a problem with the pancreas, liver, etc. I seem to be able to produce enough insulin according to the GTT, just not exactly when it’s needed.
I found the paper about 6 months back and couldn’t find a promising way to “tune-up” my hypothalamus (if that is indeed the problem) until I saw your posts on LR and tied the paper to those.
– Dave
@ the kid. Awesome news for your arteries and bones. This will help you cold adapt. Justmgo slow
@dave. Ill look when i have time…..kinda of busy the next few days down here in austin. I have not read it to date
@the kid. That data is going to be talked about today here in austin….
@julia. 20 pounds is not a lot… use the correct fats for the season youre in now.
@Jack – in addition to eating Vit K rich foods, is it a good idea to supplement as well?
For those of you having a tough time with the baths and shivering for hours, here is my experience. I am not sick and only have about 5 more lbs to lose. I started the baths and did them every other night for 25-30 min.(just couldn’t get myself to do it every night but now I am wondering if this would have been faster). I have been doing this for 3 weeks and finally last night I actually felt pretty comfortable in the bath (still shivered but it wasn’t horrible like before). When I got out, about 10 min. later my furnace kicked on. The top part of my back started to heat up and my daughter said when she touched it, it felt fever hot. It felt fabulous! Then the rest of me warmed up fast too! I lost 1 lb overnight (which is a lot since I don’t have much left to lose). My water has been about 55 degrees and I put ice packs on my bottom and thighs (belly is flat). The skin temp gets to 50 with ice and the rest of my skin is still in the 60’s where the ice doesn’t hit. May make ice blocks for today’s bath. The BEST part of this is my lack of appetite! I no longer need a crazy big BAB to get through the day.
Thanks Dr. K – springtime in Ontario – mainly coconut it is, then!
@ vwaggs – thanks for your input. I’ve been tubbing for a week…so just another couple of weeks to shiver through, then? hopefully less! *crossing fingers* Have you joined the forums? I asked a question about exactly this subject there 😉
Is everyone moving over to the forums now? @vwaggs, I had the hives breakout last week from the cold bath with ice so now I started over again this week with cold showers and had my first cold bath last night, temp 53 degrees, and did 12 minutes. I’m going to increase the minutes a few each time. How are you measuring your skin temp? I have an infrared thermometer I use on the kids but it measures arterial temp across the forehead and I don’t think it should get wet. So, if I get out of the tub, dry myself off, then my skin has already warmed up and not an accurate reading. Do you sit on the ice packs? Are you completely inside the water? My tub in pretty shallow and I don’t seem to be able to get my body fully submerged and I am very short at 5ft, lol. So, what are you eating now for B instead of the BAB?
Forgot to add that I will not be using ice, too afraid to get the hives again so just doing the cold water baths. I suppose adding ice to the tub itself might be ok as long as I don’t put the ice directly on my body. What do you think?
Hi Jack, any thoughts on how intestinal yeast, parasites or bacteria overgrowth would be affected by CT? By LRx? As I understand it parasites can thrive on ketones, so would it be prudent to make sure you were rid of these before starting CT and LRx? Or would a lower body temp through CT be beneficial in some way?
@Meghan it helps them increasing gut immunoregualtion
@Julia-Yes I am on the forums now! I will see you over there! I still shiver in the tub but not as much and it isn’t as “painful” to go through. I also started the bitter melon 2 hrs. before so maybe that helps too.
@Claudia-I am using an infared therm I bought on Amazon. It has a laser so I know exactly what point I am measuring and it doesn’t touch the skin so it doesn’t get wet. I sit up in the tub to take the temp or hold up my leg out of the water. I keep my feet out BUT my neoprene socks just came in so I will be trying those out tonight in the water. I am completely in except for my forearms and hands. I am laying down so I am kind of sitting on the packs. I have a compression garment that holds the packs in. I would be very careful with the hives you got. Pretty scary. I am lucky because I skipped right over to the baths after trying the face thing and shower. Face dunking was easy but the shower spray was horrible so in the bath I went. My breakfast is 4 organic eggs so it is half what it was before. I just couldn’t get anymore down than that after starting CT. It was weird because I had been doing a big BAB for months and was used to the amount of food.
Thanks Dr K for all that you are doing. Your work is inspiring and I look forward to what comes next. I’ve tried to stay up on the posts and comments and responses so forgive me if this has already been posted. I’ve had great success on a Robb Wolf/Mark Sisson Paleo protocol including managing stress, sleep, diet and activity, so much that like a lot of folks, the transformation is hard not to notice. What if I don’t want to lose more weight and want to focus primarily on restoring my biology to what it should be? I want to add years to my life, years that are active, productive,and disease free so I can watch my kids and their kids one day grow up. Extra years that I can help others become aware of better health. How is the best way to use CT to minimize weight loss and maximize longevity and health? Can CT on just the back of the next stimulate the pathway?
@Michael Just add CT to your current template and see how you do. It will improve your sleep and stress for sure.
I braved the pool again, the heater’s broken until the 19th, gotta make hay. Anyway, I just walked in and felt the cold as an incident, no problems. I stayed squatted to my ears trying to chill the brown stuff on my neck and it was amazing the breathing. It isolates every muscle inside and out of your trunk. There is no combination of exercises that will do this that I know of and its completely mindless. I jumped in the hot tub intending a minute to visit with my friend and didn’t even feel the temperature. I stayed a long time because I seemed oblivious to the contrast and wanted to see what was up. When I could feel warm, I suddenly smelled the stench of the place. Went back in the cold water and the breathing was instant this time. Perty neat stuff. I like the breathing. When I was a kid and jumped in icy water the breathing was a stabbing. I don’t know what the difference is.
Hi jack, very interesting reading. I’m on board with most of your referenced claims regarding cold and metabolic pathways. I do have some issue with a couple of your claims though and would hope you would explain them or provide references for them:
1) “Eating carbs during CT or winter is not part of our genetic lineage, but rather part of neolithic thinking and is sub-optimal. (paraphrase)” – Humans, and many other mammals, are hunter/gatherers with a focus on GATHERING. It is known that the storing of food in warmer times for colder times was practiced at the earliest stages of homonid evolution, and can be seen practiced in many lower mammals (squirrels, foxes, etc source: Food Hoarding In Animals)… this includes fruit.
2) “Stay away from CO, it’s warm adapted, your body will know and you will not be optimally cold adapted.” – Your claim is that the human body is able to distinguish whether food is warm or cold adapted and will react accordingly? The implication being, a cold-adapted Inuit would automatically become sub-optimal because his body detected warm-adapted food in a coconut? Reference please, this seems like a bit of stretch.
3) “Living optimally, 150-200 y.o. is possible.” – Obviously, this is speculation, but you point to pre-warm adapted Inuit as having lived the most optimal living possible (continual cold-adaption, keto-carbs). So, why weren’t they living these very long life-spans? I have never heard or read of it, so if you have a reference please share.
Comments appreciated.
@Semi skeptic 1. The answer is in the CT series. Why would Mother Nature put a pathway in our brain that specifically has neural wiring in it that makes it impossible to work with carbs in the winter. You need to ask why she did this. As for a reference book any neurosurgical textbook is perfectly fine. I use Kandel & Schwartz.
2. CO is tropical oil from a tropical plant. I t can not be found in cold adapted places on the planet. I would have thought this was intuitive, No?
3. Look in to the longevity research of Abrey DeGray…..he thinks we can live even longer. I was being conservative.
@lee I too have noticed deep almost rhythmic breathing when I am in the tub as well. Honestly CTing seems very relaxing after the first minute of cold. I have been CTing at night with the lights off and I half worried about falling asleep. LOL
Jack Says:
March 8th, 2012 at 6:24 am
@Body science cancer research is nothing more than a money grab here in the States too. I said in the CT series I believe cancer is no longer a disease either. I am beginning to run a human experiment on an end stage metastatic prostate CA patient with CT. He has run out of conventional options and his surgeon wants me to help him so I am going to give him my best shot. I shot my dogma dead on Thanksgiving 2006 in front of my entire family when I was 357 pounds and told them I was going to be a new person in one year. CT and my Leptin Rx were put to the test. My dogma was blown up
Normalization of Phospholipid Membrane
with IV Phosphatidylcholine
Male patient, age 82, with a history of prostate cancer. Initial pictures reveal gross oxidative damage to
the cell membrane surface, phospholipid membrane and mitochondria after invasive radiation therapy.
PSA levels spiked and patient was in extreme spinal pain. Patient received intravenous IV PK Protocol
(Phenylbutyrate, Essentiale, Glutathione) and high dose oral lipids for 2 months prior to visiting oncologist
Meinrad Milz in Germany. Pain was diminished 50% and patient was able to comfortably travel to
Germany for hyperthermia and IV PK Protocol therapy for 2 weeks. Pain was completely eradicated on
the first visit in May 2011 and PSA normalized. Patient continued IV and Oral PK Protocol therapy at home
and returned for a check up in Germany December 2011. Patient’s condition is stable and he is enjoying
his renewed life.
hi jack
for awhile i have been trying to detox mercury out of my system as had a high level. I still have high levels and have been taking a low dose of dmsa each day. I have been doing CT and am hoping that is going to help with detoxing some more mercury out. Do you have any suggestions for this? I was thinking of CT followed by DMSA daily? Any suggestions would be great, thank you so much
@Julia mercury detox really needs treatment…….you need to looking a function medicine doc who uses chelation therapy. Very important to get done
I’m going to make the altitude thing more frequent. After yesterday (1165) I felt tired that evening and went to be early. Slept like a log for 9 hours. woke up feeling good, hungry for breakfast, ate a little lunch and had energy to do some yard work I’d been putting off, body pain less. QUESTION, should I treat these trips like I would a session of CT? ie. eat a meal, go up, drink cold water.
If it’s sunny here it feels hot up on top even though the temp is 30 degrees cooler. I would have to get in the shade for coolness. I still feel good 24 hours later.
Second question: Lab ranges; They seem to be all over the place. Some are age related but they don’t tell you that. If you want the range for a different age group you are out of luck. Luckily I used LEF for that. Some seem to be ranges used because only old sick people got tested. Etc, Etc, I’m using Quest labs and don’t know whether to trust the Leptin or the pregnenelone ranges on these. Are you able to tell me what ranges are used by your clinic? Thanks.
@Terry F Smart move Terry! Lab ranges…are variable to the labs reference range.
March 13th, 2012 at 8:42 pm
any one do this test for the 6/3 ratio?
how can just a finger prick be enough?
I just got my kit. There is a LOT of info in a big drop of blood!
hi jack, yes i am with a dr who told me to take 1 dmsa a day and we are testing every 4 months. I am just wondering how you might suggest this fits in the doing CT?
Thank you
Dr. Kruse, how was the Paleo Conference? And how was the reception to your speech?
Also, I’ve been doing the CT for a little over a week, finally moving to the cold tub and I feel that my “pilot light” might be starting to kindle.
One other question…I have a brother-in-law who suffers from back problems. To the point that when he “throws it out” it can take several weeks before it feels better. He was a vegetarian but does eat some turkey and eggs (I recommended eating grass-fed beef). How much do you think the CT could help? And how long would it be before he would notice a difference in his back?
Thanks, in advance.
1) Ok.
2) Intuitive in a dogmatic kind of way I suppose. By the same token, will you not eat cattle grazed south of northern Canada? Fish south of northern California? You did not explain nor provide a reference for how the body is able to distinguish whether a protein or fat is warm adapted or not. I don’t think the body CAN distinguish this, and this seems like a bit of an unnecessary extrapolation. However, if you have a reference to the contrary, I would like to read it.
3) I have read Aubrey de Gray, his belief is that we will see those age limits via the assistance of future technology. My question for you was, if CT and keto is optimal, and the pre-warm adapted Inuits practiced this and per your words were the perfect example of this, then why were they not living to your 150-200 year estimates? Or are you saying, that 150-200 is possible with CT/Keto with assistance of modern/future technology (something the Inuit’s did not have)?
Dr.K, “Stay away from CO, it’s warm adapted, your body will know and you will not be optimally cold adapted.”
I started CT a week ago. I am not eating as much CO as I was before and eating more butter since I read this here. But we are moving into spring now, should I still limit CO to 1-2 Tablespoons per day for right now. And when we’re further into spring, I can add more if I want. I don’t want to mess up my cold adapting, but I really enjoy my CO. It’s not preventing me from losing weight, is it?? I always thought it helped with weight loss, although it never had helped me and I’ve been eating it for years. I don’t have much too lose, 10 lbs. so I don’t fall in the eat lots of CO because of obesity category. But I might have a thyroid problem, undiagnosed, and I always read how good it is for thyroid.
On doing more research I found this cite from a veterinary text interesting:
@Semiskeptic – I had the same question regarding the Inuit. And I would still like to see the examples of any consistent long lifespans amongst various groups of them. I do know that longevity is multifaceted. And you can be optimal but still succumb to physical injury, parasitic infection and other things of that nature. Our good fortune is that we live in a time when hunting isn’t required and therefore not dangerous. We are able to treat parasites and other infectious disease. So maybe the 150-200 number makes sense in our modern lives.
Dear Doc I was wondering if one does
CT and Leptin diet for like a year and
starts feeling great, is it possible to
add carbohydrates in small amounts again?
One more question. Can one become leptin
resistent without ever being overweight?
I had undiagnosed celiac disease for 2
decades, I am thinking this caused it as
basically I was absorbing fat very poorly
so my energy probably was coming all from
Sorry one more question, how much butter
is allowed daily? Butter is high in cholesterol
and vitamin A, not concerned about cholesterol,
but vitamin A might be problematic?
@semi-sceptic, keep in mind that the main difference between
@semi-sceptic, Keep in mind that a major feature of a tropical fruit like coconut is the fatty acid composition. Coconut oil is high in saturated fat which is useful in a hot climate as unsaturated fat tends to oxidize easily in heat. On the other hand, if an organism is cold adapted it needs a high level of poly-unsaturated fat so it’s cell walls can remain flexible in cold. Hence the high level of omega 3 in cold water fish. Your body can definitely detect the difference between the various fatty acids.
Dear Jack,
Could you share how long it took you to make your Telomeres to reverse. Was it a gradual response or rapid? I know you have been Bio Hacking for 6.5 years, but as you added new protocol, were you able to quantify what made the biggest response in telomers?
The Best
Ok, today in the pool was even more different. The water didn’t feel any different from the air and I wouldn’t even call it feeling wet. It was “neutral”. And I didn’t breathe deeply, I barely breathed, I didn’t swim but a lap, something told me to keep moving. It’s an hour later and I am breathing deeply and shivering with the sniffles. It it normal to go through so many changes? I kind of liked the deep breathing. I should have needed to pee by now. I’m waiting. tap, tap, tap… I feel I have stage fright.
I’m lovin all I’m reading here, as well as, my Leptin Rx reset progress. For myself, fine tuning the Leptin reset protocol is my quest.
I’ve been doing modify CT therapy for awhile. I live in a natural cool/cold climate the majority of the year. I wear shorts, inside my 60F home for over 2 yrs. My legs never feel cold, and my clothed torso becomes chilled first. As I continue to work on wearing fewer clothes during the Winter I was doing CT before reading about CT. The longest part of my showers have always been the cold rinses. I’m closer to cold water tub sitting. I remind myself, I’m adapting, I’m lengthening my telomeres, I’m staying healthy and have averted a few cold viruses just this last month, because of my reset and CT progress. At nite,soundly sleeping under my cotton blanket, often my body rages with heat and I love it!! My bedding wicks away my body’s perspiration. I’m quite satisfied with feel so hot and that my body’s mechanisms are providing exactly what I need to achieve optimal and balance.
Cold tub water is so the next logical ‘to-do’. Long ago,
where 10’s of thousands frequented the natural sanitariums, cold water and air baths, were standard therapies for many sicknesses,diseases and rejuventation. (light bulb moment! Cold Thermogenesis, folks) Be encouraged not discouraged!
over here in Normandy, just took a swim in the ocean near Caen, 12 degrees celsius felt great
the old folks here do it, young folks not so much
@Cu awesome
“You control your future, your destiny. What you think about comes about. Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate
the mind on the present moment. …..”
Lol, all I can think about is what the h*** is factor X which really ISN’t what I need to be doing (like …. work…) !! But it’s just so much fun… 🙂 Thanks for all the nuggets and riddles, my brain is getting some exercise! Excited to get DVDs and learn more from Paleo FX soon.
@souldanzer…..Paleo Fx was just pure epic…….that is all I can say. AHS has a lot to live up to now
Hey Dr. K – happy to hear paleo fx was great! I’ve decided to go ahead and try hcg in conjunction with CT and the leptin reset. I’m gonna start in about 2-3 weeks, and I know you said you’d be interested in the results. I just have a few questions for advice on how to best go about doing this experiment.
1. I know Dr. Simeons says no fat with hcg (or very, very little) – but that’s obviously not part of a paleo diet or the leptin rx. I want to be able to activate the hcg so there’s a point to what I’m doing…do you think eating fatty meats/oil/etc will potentially nullify the hcg? Should I try to do a low fat version of paleo/reset while doing this? I’m gonna continue to eat fatty fish, as I know it is essential for CT – but theoretically I can stop the butter, tallow, ghee, oil, etc, if necessary.
2. Simeons also has a very strict caloric protocol. I haven’t been counting calories since doing the reset and CT, so I just assumed I wouldn’t count calories when trying this out – but do you think it’s necessary to try to do a low calorie version of the reset while on hcg seeing as it’s supposed to burn body fat? I’m happy to do either, or even a combination (like, not 500 calories, but not 2000, either) – again, I just want to do this in the most efficient way possible. Even if it means continuing to not count at all or starting to count again.
3. I’ve been taking most of the recommended supplements you listed for hcg users and for resetters. While on hcg, can I continue taking those supplements, or should I just stop until I get through it?
4. Even if I ignore Simeons completely while doing this – is there anything of his I should implement? I’m just gonna do what I was doing before and do IM injections of 125iu…but if you think the dose should change based on the fact that I’m doing paleo/CT/reset, let me know.
5. I know you have a whole list of labs to see if you’re leptin resistant, etc – but where can I look to find the labs that would be necessary for trying this out? Would they just be the same?
Thanks for everything, as usual. Hope this experiment proves fruitful in some way!
@Heather I think you just follow his protocol if you choose to use it and just add the CT protocol. You can drop the supplements if you use the cold.
I have been following your blog for several months now, but yes, Paleo Fx was absolutely historic. So fortunate to have been able to attend. Thank you for all of your time, your heart and your brainpower! I feel a tide of change comin!
@Holly It was fun…..but I am tired….. Here is the first promo video for Paleo Fx.
@Holly Thanks for the comments. How did you like the conference and what would you like to see changed? I want us to do a cruise next time!!!!
@Heather, a note on my experience with HCG. The last one I did was this past Nov/Dec (winter in USA) It was very cold outside and inside. I was very uncomfortable and felt very cold all the time. This was before I knew about CT. However, I did lose about 20% more weight this time than when I tried it in last summers heat. Then I went directly to ketogenic paleo per Dr. K.I increased the protein about one serving, kept the CHO about the same or a little less and I increased the fat in a stepwise fashion over 2-3 weeks so my digestion could adjust. Worked good. since then (3 months) I have even lost 3 more lbs and body composition is much different than before. This is the first time I have ever done a diet and kept the weight off and even lost a little more. Hope this is helpful.
CT is positively fixing my poor blood sugar control. I’m thrilled…. suddenly it’s been in the mid seventies 15 min after CTing no matter how much protein I chow down on before. Today I had almost a pound of salmon for BAB with tons of fat and I just tested at 76… this much protein would have easily put me over 125mg/dl a few weeks ago. So Cool!!
One more thing to check off on my list of neolithic diseases, yay! My fasting BG is still a little high but I’m sure it’ll come along soon.
@Souldanzer Very cool stuff!!!
@Terry F and Heather, I am considering doing hcg and CT at the same time but will wait until after I see the doc on March 29 and get my blood tests and sal. tests done. I did hcg last year and I think my April round was much better than June-July round, when it was much hotter. Maybe it doesn’t matter as much this time because I am doing the CT now. Similar to what you report Terry F. Did you increase the protein one serving, kept the CHO (WHAT IS THAT?) and increased the fat over 2-3 weeks in phase 3 of the hcg protocol? I wasn’t sure if you meant phase 2 while taking the hcg. Can you explain in more detail what you did in phase 3 when trying to stabilize? Sounds like it worked well for you. I have gained it all back in the last 7 months, seems to be hormonal gain and not due to foods (I was also keto and paleo after my round but didn’t know about Dr. Kruse and Leptin reset yet) I still would love to hear what you did. Glad to see I don’t have to bother with the supplements because money is tight. I already take the resveratrol anyway and krill oil. Oh no, might have to stop the krill oil :(.
Dr. K: Can we still use krill oil while on HCG? Dr. Simeons says no oils of any kind. I am going to follow his protocol but krill oil capsules is something I would hope to keep in as well as eating salmon. I don’t think salmon is on the protocol, though. The only fish is shrimp, lobster, and flounder and other white fish.
@Claudia no you should not. Just use the protocol and cold.
@SimonM, thanks. i think i will send away for this test.
Please post link for custom Oakley goggles. Thanks
@Jeremiah customs.
I am making myself eat and I’m not really thirsty. I don’t feel so good when I eat. The water is a non-issue, just the food is so off putting. Is it ok to not eat? I tried to wait until sunset to eat and then the pool, I’m still not ok with the food and my forehead feels odd… like I shouldn’t eat. Can’t I wait til I’m hungry… It’s not coordinating with the water. Should I skip the water until I’m hungry?
@Lee sure.
@Jack – I am confused about some of the science regading fats. Your assertion is that cell membranes in cold adapted animals need flexibility; therefore, fats that are highly saturated aren’t meant to be eaten in the winter (e.g. coconut oil).
What I don’t understand is the nature of the flexibility we are attempting to establish.
Wikipedia lists different types of hibernation. In obligate hibernation, the body temp of the animal falls to the ambient temp. In such a case, I can see why having flexible cell membranes throughout the body is important, given low temps these animals are exposed to.
But humans don’t hibernate like this. And from what I understand of the results of CT, we will actually begin to radiate heat. So I would assume our body temps would be 98.6 or thereabouts, all the time.
Why then would saturation level of the fats we eat matter?
And what about the concerns over fat oxidation? I’ve read elsewhere that it is the tendency for polyunsaturated fats to oxidize more quickly that makes them less desireable for consumption than the saturated fats.
@The Kid it has to do with the cell membrane signaling…….not stability. It has to be more fluid to allow for proper signaling. The colder one gets the more the ratio drops……as the ratio drops then adipocyte biology also changes. Since we do not live in the water I dont have to discuss that biology. That is why water based mammals have SQ fat and Polar bears we do not after CTing.
Hi Dr. Kruse! My husband had a very violent food poisoning last night. I am not sure if he should fast today or try something to it? Not sure what? What about CT? Should he stop for today? He got Crohn’s too.
@Mart if he feels OK do it.
We have had a family member recently diagnosed with Lou Gehrigs. Do you think your protocol could help reverse or slow this disease? If so, would he be a patient you would be willing to take on in your clinic? If not, do you have any other direction or resources you could recommend for us? (sorry if this posted twice)
@Vicki go research Patricia Kane’s work on ALS.
Dr. K., my 40 yr daughter has DDD and was part of an FDA study to replace L5/S1 with a new disc (metal). Once I’ve optimized myself,so it shows and can convince her to study your work and use CT, is there any danger or precautions she should take?
@Marsha no……..none.
btw we got back the gene results and there is something, but she’s not bipolar, just dopamine receptor problem IF there is heavy metals, parkinsons and alzheimers risk with the gene. The three other vrisks we non-bilary cirrhosis, difficulty manufacturing fat and storing, and some other odd thing about the liver that implies don’t ever eat grain. She is not a “celiac”, but yet she is. She has some odd double recessive Asian gene that causes that. (odd, because we’ve been accused of being white)I am expecting the same. None of my husband’s red headed sibling problems showed up or grand parents stuff showed up. It was a very exciting day for us. We will be taking the bumpy road to optimal, even though the bipolar isn’t an issue anymore, one change at a time seems to work for us.
Hi Lee -Â
Just curious, what test was this? I had no idea it was possible to test for bipolar disorder; I’ve suspected my doctors have been wrong about my own diagnoses for awhile and would love something empirical to look at.
What is the O6/O3 ratio is a good question.
Using dr Kruse advice, I went to horses mouth on that topic, dr Patricia Kane
What I found there is very helpful to me,
at the same time highly disturbing.
For years I was managing actively my Fatty Acids (with help of professionals),
and was doing it wrong way.
If what I found there is correct, then most people who are using
fish oils, krill oils, EPA/DHA pills are doing it all wrong,
and ass backward.
It was said there that
supplementing EPA/DHA is only half way right,
which (when you know better way) means that it is all wrong.
EPA/DHA (may) have its place in therapy, in small doses,
only as finishing touches, guided by test results, otherwise do not use it.
Q.What actually is meant when by Omega6/Omega3 ratio?
A.Omega6=ALA, Omega3=LA
That ratio is optimal when is 4:1
On a cheap, Hemp Oil is 3.8:1
Going first class BodyBio (own by dr Kane) makes 4:1 blend
Omega6 can easily be suppressed by excess of Omega3
Omega3 is not suppressed by excess of Omega6
Supplementing by EPA/DHA creates at least two problems.
Suppresses Omega6
Suppresses ALA
suppressed Omega6 is missing (super important and highly misunderstood) AA Arachidonic Acid
ALA is not only used as material to produce EPA & DHA but, in this case more importantly,
ALA gives its own benefits (if is present)
Also mathematics of O6/O3 ratio are totally distorted.
Dr Kruse is saying that optimal ratio O6/O3 is 4:1 but good range is (2:1) to (6:1)
In this context, I am assuming that he is after ratio of totals.
(Total Omega6)=(LA+GLA+DGLA+DTA+Eicosadienoic)
(Total Omega3)=(ALA+EPA+DPA+DHA)
What happened in my case
Analysis done at Genova)
(Total Omega6)/(Total Omega3)=2.8(3.4-9.4)
LA/ALA=(12.1/0.1)=121 not even close to desired 4
All this with help of “professionals”
Note that Genova have different O6/O3 range
I am hoping to get some enlightenment from dr Kruse on this.
Right now I am thinking winter/summer, hibernation/(active life) is affecting those numbers.
dr Kane is dealing with warm people,
lets hear from dr Kruse what cold does to all this.
What to do:
There is a procedure that describes the process.
Practically it is.
Drop all fish, krill, EPA/DHA supplementation.
Supplement either with correct oil (4:1) from BodyBio or Hemp oil.
Protection of (vital)(AA) is achieved by use of Evening Primrose Oil (GLA).
Couple blood analysis, every 3 months, plus dose corrections could bring all this process to a close to perfect
I have made notes to myself here:
Hi, thanks for the info. FYI to anyone. I got my test back as ‘Fatty Acid Profile Essential’ They listed everything separately. I added up all the O-3, and all the O-6. I divided the smaller number by itself to get 1. I then divided the bigger number by the smaller number and got another number (x). This became my ratio 1:x. I only used Coconut oil, animal fat, and fish oil. the rest of the report was essentially normal.
Yes, on post above there are some important typos, I have no way of correcting them.
lol, Jan, I just wrote to GENOVA about how to calculate my o6/o3 ratio b/c I had exactly this problem and they couldn’t tell me either!!!
I’ve been heavily supplementing with fish oil for years and in the beginning it helped but I’ve been noticing my Evening Primrose demands going up up up.
I have to mull this one over but I’m not very keen on hemp oil… thinking tallow, lard might be better? Back to mother nature and evolution.
Would you mind at all re-posting this on the new Optimized Living forums… without the typos… I get hung up such little details. And I think there’s more people who need to read this.
btw most o6/3 tests measure AA/EPA ratios?
Jan, just checked out the link… you’re awesome!
Getting ready to get into my cold tub and do some reading on “all things male” …. 🙂
Hey Jack – thought you might find this video interesting. It’s in response to the question “do you think the enzyme Telomerase could be used to reverse the aging process in our lifetimes?”
Ok, so another good thing about CT is that my bf noticed that my right eye is not so droopy/lazy. He said that within the last week he suddenly noticed that my eye seemed to have a stronger muscle so it didn’t look so lazy and droopy. He asked, “Did you do something for your eye?” I said no, but maybe the CT (he doesn’t know ‘CT’, but I explained about face dunking and cold showers/baths etc). He wondered if I was just ‘making something up’. Nope!!
But wow, if my eyes are ‘better’ b/c of this…that’s a miracle in my opinion.
Souldanzer Says:
March 18th, 2012 at 2:08 pm
btw most o6/3 tests measure AA/EPA ratios?
Not the other test that I did, HS-Omaga-3 Index
from Spectracell.
They blessed me, I got index=8.8%
the cutoff is at 8%
But they calculated the individual fatty acids and got about same results as Genova,
they do not have desirable ranges that Genova have.
All this is a subject to dr Jack Kruse’s comments/additions/clarifications/approval.
I am not a doctor.
But it is easy to read the paper.
After this topic is clarified sufficiently, concise protocol should be posted (somewhere).
JanSz, thanks so much for your insight! I read the same bulletin on 4:1 oil, realized I’ve doing it wrong also, you explained the essence of the article very well and even found the evening primrose fix – I missed it!
Sally Says:
Another interesting link:
How to locate this link when starting search from starting page:
@JanSz Click on “start here” at the top of a page, then scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “index”.
@Claudia, sorry, I’m an RN and tend to use medical short hand some times. Pro is Protein, CHO/carb is carbohydrate, I followed the protocol for HCG diet except the last week of HCG use. I started to get hungry and increased the Pro by 4 oz. per day. The protocol states to have two 3.5 oz servings. So I went from a total of 7 oz to 11 oz per day. I still lost weight that last week. Then after the last day of HCG I started the 3 maintenance days. Sorry I forget what phase that was. The day after I finished the 3 maintenance days this is how my diet took shape. I kept the 11 oz of protein, I kept the 2 servings of fruit and I started to add fat at the rate of 10 grams and then increased it by 10 or 20gms every 4-5 days. When I started to feel satisfied with the fat level I decreased the fruit to one a day. I then started to turn it into the ketogenic paleo style per Dr. K.
For calories I went from the suggested 500 cal per day and stepped it up with fat to 750 cal for a few days, then to 1000, 1200, and so on. During this time I adjusted the protein for myself as well. I weighed my self daily at this time to make sure I didn’t gain any weight back. I also checked with keto sticks to make sure I still had at least a trace of keto. So depending on your height is where you will want to place your calories. Example: I am 5’4″ so my calories are about 1800. However, I was so determined not to gain anything back I kept calories at about 1500.
I discovered fitday website which tracks all this stuff. It has been a godsend for me. I found that adding in the fat was what kept me from gaining the weight back. My current diet is about 65-70% fat, 22% Pro and 3-7% CHO. In fact, over the last 8 weeks I have lost another 3 lbs. Woohoo! I have about 9 lbs more to go. Now that I have adjusted to the fat and have no carb cravings, I find that an occasional half an apple will do it. Now that I’m reading more about the seasonal adjustment for fruit and carbs I am attempting to adjust that too. I signed up at the forum and will be writing about this stuff more there. Hope this helps you. Good Luck!
I would love to hear more Terry. There’s a thread I am following on combining HCG with CT. Check it out. That’s amazing that you keep on losing. I didn’t go as slow as you but I eat pretty much the same ratios and did after hcg, too. I have just gained everything back and I am super frustrated and not sure what to do. I think I may be ordering some hcg again.
@Claudia I just posted in the HCG forum I hope some of the HCG users do bio hacks with HCG and CT together and post their results.
 Well, you do have to go slow.. Remember how they say to have a ‘steak day’ if you gain more than 2 lbs? that’s why you have to keep weighing yourself daily. The most you should have gained is 2 lbs then do the remedy for it. Then you go back to the last fat level and go from there.
If you are still having problems then do what Dr. K suggests and get tested.
 The HCG diet is a very difficult diet to follow and complete. Sixty years ago only rich people could do this. They got to go to the clinic in Italy or wherever, get injected, eat what was served to them and walk around sightseeing for the day or napping in their rooms if they desired. They stayed in hotel like surroundings, someone made their meals, cleaned their rooms and they left their children and families home in care of the servants. Contrast that with how we have to do it today. The company’s big selling points are ‘take these drops and the lbs will melt off’. They don’t tell you that you have to prep the food, do all your own house work and put up with the drastic decrease in energy while the ‘lbs melt off’. I can’t imagine anyone even contemplating trying to work at a full time job during this time. That’s why I decided that the last time was the last time. Hope this helps.
Thanks Terry. Well, I was successful at doing it and you’re right it isn’t easy. I never gained over the 2 lbs until I had TOM. Everyone told me there was nothing I could do for a TOM gain. My TOM gains don’t go away when TOM does. So, that first TOM in my phase 3 of hcg I gained 2 lbs. I actually did try to correct anyway, despite what everyone told me and I didn’t lose the 2 lbs. I kept trying and wouldn’t come off. Then, the next TOM, same thing, gained 2 lbs and wouldn’t come off. I did do one correction day then and lost 1 lb, but I was already in p4 at this point and 4 lbs above ldw. Now, it’s 8 months later and I am up 12 lbs, all from TOM gains. Very frustrating. I am trying it again with the cold protocol and the Leptin meal timing and no fruit, etc. Ordered my hcg last night. But I will see my doctor first for a complete physical, blood tests, and hormone salivary panels first. Thanks for your advice Terry, I appreciate it.
Hey Terry – what’s this forum everyone’s talking about??
When you first get on the website the bar at the top has things like home, blog, forum etc. click on the forum and sign in, it’s full of interesting stuff.
Dr. Kruse:
First, you’re pretty incredible for reading and replying to so many comments!
About 25 years ago as a teenager I noticed that when I got very angry my body temperature would go up and I would start sweating profusely. I tend to be very analytical and experimental, so I set about trying to duplicate that physical reaction without the anger. It took a few months of what I now look back on and realize was meditation, but it was the result of me just seeking the same physical sensations that came about when I got angry.
Once I could control that, I could make myself heat up and sweat at will, and over time found that I could do it regardless of setting and with little required concentration. I employed it any time I was cold. I also found that I could move the heat to specific parts of my body while on a family ski trip. I could keep my hands warm, without gloves, skiing in 10-15f temperatures. At the time I just did it to freak out my family. I would ski in shorts and a t-shirt in 20 degree weather, and would plunge my hands into a snowbank and leave them there for several minutes. When I removed my hands, the heat had melted small pockets in the snow.
I more or less forgot about this until 15 years ago when I was married and my wife was cold one night. No problem, I can take care of that! After not having done it in a few years, it took me a bit of concentration, but within a few minutes she was pushing away from me under the covers saying it was now too hot.
Fast forward to January last year. I was 3 years into CrossFit at the time, and was looking to maximize performance and speed recovery. I had always played with cold showers, and enjoyed jumping in my pool during the winter, but had never approached it with any specific structure or intention. For the first time, I decided to specifically use the cold therapy to help my goals. I started with long cold showers, then filled the tub with ice and alternated between a 1 minute hot shower and 5 minutes in a tub full of ice and water. A digital thermometer showed 35-36 degrees in the water. I would usually alternate between hot shower and tub 3-4 times then spend a final 10 minutes in the tub. I was usually not cold afterwards, and would not shiver…though at times for no reason I could find, I would get very cold about 30 minutes later and shiver for an hour or so. Those times only occured perhaps 1 out of 10 times. I also experienced a mild euphoria about half the time I really exposed myself to cold, usually so strong that I would just begin laughing for no reason. I called it a purely chemical state of happiness.
While doing this during winter time, I could easily just strip down to my shorts and jump in our pool even if the water temp was in the high 30’s and swim a couple of laps underwater before treading water for 5-6 minutes. My unheated pool in winter time became my cold therapy tool, since the tub and ice was a bit of a pain.
Unfortunately, I got spoiled by the pool and by April it was warm enough that to get some good cold exposure meant tub/ice again. I just decided I’d wait until it was cold again, and dropped the cold therapy from April-October. I steadily gained about 5 pounds while losing some performance. Then I bought a new house without a pool, and never started the cold therapy until last night.
Reading your blog connected a lot of dots for me, and I decided I was going to give up the excuse of the tub/ice being too much work. Yesterday I bought a 100 gallon feed trough from a local tractor supply so I could have a portable ice tub to take to CrossFit with me, and had my first bath last night. Perhaps I should have followed your recommended slow progression, but with all my experience with this I tended to just want to dive right in.
I filled the trough halfway, dumped in 40 pounds of ice, and hopped in. It felt a bit cold at first, but a thermometer showed it was only 46f. Not too bad. Kept my exposure to just 15 minutes for that first time, and got out feeling good and refreshed. Toweled off and noticed the only part of me that felt cold was my feet. Everything else felt just cool.
I curled up on the couch to not disturb my wife who has a torn calf muscle and has her foot propped up on our bed, and went to sleep. My last thought before falling asleep was that my feet still felt a little cold. Next thing I knew, my eyes popped open WIDE awake at 5am. I was wide awake, and I was sweating up a storm! I got up and went to get a glass of ice water, with sweat beading and running down my body. I slammed two large glasses of ice water and decided to write you. It’s just past 5:30 and I’m still sweating in a 72f house! I feel great, just feel like I am throwing off heat like mad. There is sweat running down my torso. Never had that happen when doing cold therapy in the past!
So, my plan is to have 20 minute ice baths in sub 50 water after every CrossFit workout, and to have a second 20-30 minute bath later in the day. On days that I don’t workout, I’ll probably just do it once in the evening. I’ll be curious to see my results compared to last year, considering that I will be doing it daily and that I won’t be doing any of the alternating heat/cold. I’ll post an update in a few weeks.
Thanks so much for throwing this stuff out into the world. I probably wouldn’t have gotten around to doing this again if I had not read your blog.
If you’re still reading, any comments on a minimum temperature? Is 20 minutes in 50f water better or worse than 15 minutes in 35f water? In some ways it’s easier to just load up the tub with enough ice that it doesn’t all melt while I’m in it, and that will result in temps very close to 32f. If there’s any reason to avoid temps that low, please say so. Otherwise, I’ll probably just plan on a ton of ice every time.
Next question, minimum time needed at those lower temps? I don’t want to significantly lower my core temp, which is what I think happened the few times I shivered badly for an hour after long cold soaks.
@Bill S any temp below body temp will work but the time to adapted will be longer. The best temp is keeping skin receptors at 50-55 degrees There is no minimum time. A polar bear when they are hibernating has no minimum time. The sicker you are the more one should consider.
Wow, just checked back and an answer already! I’ve just now quit sweating. 🙂
I’ll shoot for 45 degree baths and see what happens. Looking forward to seeing results when this is done every day. I was so gung ho about this last time, and that was only 3-4 days/week!
Hi Jack, I keep reading in various posts that there are no safe starches, I tend to eat 1-2 sweet potatoes a day, couple of bananas a week, so I will cut down on those.
I assume I should replace the carbs with more fat if my protein needs are met?
For fat I use grass-fed butter, EVO Oil, macadamia nuts, cheese(small amount), raw milk, greek yoghurt, avocadoes. Do I just up these to replace the starchy carbs or do you have anymore recomendations for fat sources?
I’ve been using Coconut oil, but you also dont advise that in winter from what I have read.
Many thanks for all your good work, it seems I learn something new evrytime I read your blogs!
@jonnyH starches are safe when the light cycles are longer or we are not cold adapted. If you are cold adapted they are not safe and they are certainly not safe in winter………Other times of the year I think Paul is fine recommending them in the proper context.
Hi Dr Kruse,
I am 29 years old, I had my gallbladder removed 4 years ago and I also have hashimoto’s hypothyroidism. I am extremely overweight. I am wondering if you’ve ever had clinical experience with someone who has one or both of these problems and if you saw positive results through CT. Also, are there certain modifications that I need to do to the program in light of the fact that I have these conditions.
Thank you
@Wasseem I have many times.
Hi Dr. Kruse,
I have started doing the CT, one side effect that I see is that I am mildly shivering almost the entire day, is the normal or expected ?
Also, I stopped coconut oil and going all in on animal fats (ghee & butter)
@JimG its normal. I did 5 hours of CT yesterday and the last hour I shook like a mad man.
Dr Kruse,
I want to thank you for your work, and feeling a bit SturmandDrangy, I might add that your blog sometimes reminds me of a stanza: “Hier sitz ich, forme Menschen”, “Here I sit, forming people”. But then again, you do not only bring a torch to them, but carve them out of ice, which – in my eyes is even better.
Jack, My friends 4 yr old daughter has just started developing and the doctors think she has Precocious Puberty. They are still running tests, but I was wondering if you knew if diet or maybe even some form of CT could help. They said if it is that then they want to put her on hormones to stop the early puberty. I think that sounds like a disaster waiting to happen, but I’ve never heard of this before so I don’t know.
@Erica that tells you she is collecting estrogen like nuts……soy, carbs, processed foods, BPA levels are the big culprits. She should take her daughter to the functional medicine testing doc for testing. She actually may need the hormones but she needs to find out why……its important.
hmm, does anyone know why I cannot get more than 873 of the comments to load? as that is way too much info to miss out on!
And Dr. K, just checking, but is it possible to keep the numbers the comments, only because it’s easier to track them, esp, if we’re adding to a blog we’ve already printed
@Christy on the forum there is a suggestion box for you to ask Ashley for changes……I want to keep myself logged in and I still dont have what I want!
 Ditto. I like having the comment numbers as well.
Dr K, a bunch of us on the forum (the old MDA thread now here) have experienced a huge rise in our carb/sugar cravings since starting CT (and we had none for months prior). Is this normal? Any suggestions? Thanks.
@lauren This is because of the estrogen released from fat. It will pass. You can shut it down by raising you protein loads. CT-7 gets into why.
Jack, if I kept my mouth/tongue in the 50-55F range using ice for 30 minutes would that help me become cold adapted? Since we have cold receptors there that communicate with the hypothalamus? All this is so fascinating even without complete understanding!
@Suni this is why I chew ice often…..and yes it does work. We also crave ice in low iron conditions in our bodies.
I was following up on something you mentioned in CT-6 about cold receptors in one’s mouth. Letting ice melt in my mouth seems to have a whole-body cold response. Cool! Thanks much. It’s fun introducing others to your site. They get a wide-eyed look and then either dive right in or blow it off.
Hi Jack … working on getting you into the TEDxNashville event in 13 days.
Our good friends over at TEDxNashville want to hear from the Dr. Kruse community … in order to fit you into the lineup, they are gonna have to rock the boat. Do you really have something “that important” to share? Why should they make room for you in their lineup? And … what would your community think about you revealing the third experiment at this event (which will give them all a video to share) instead of waiting until later this year?
Let the people’s voices be heard:
@Misty…….well I guess we will see If everyone wants to hear about the epic bio hack in 9 short days………their votes will matter in this one.
Hi Jack,
Are starches then not safe all year round when you are cold adapted?
@Jonny starches are safe when light cycles are long…….that is it.
I also have experienced carb cravings since I started the altitude experiment. In addition my itching has come back too. I was doing well with the 2 low carb meals. By the time I’ve been at 10,000 feet for 30 minutes I could eat the bark off the trees. Luckily there is a full service restaurant up there. At my second visit I ate lunch (confess to tortilla chips too). After an hour I walked outside about 20 steps and almost passed out. Luckily I bent over and it passed. The third time I went up, (more tortilla chips) I only had a slightly increased HR, no dizziness. I’ve gained 4lbs. I’ll have to increase the protein I guess but the hunger surprised me. I do cold showers on the in between days and it doesn’t react with me like the altitude does. I am looking forward to being able to hike on some of the trails when the snow melts. The labs are coming back with fairly good results. I am supplementing with pregnenelone and DHEA for a while though. Is it the metabolism reacting this fast? The estrogen leaving the fat tissues? Any other tests and issues I should consider?
FYI I was thought to be 25 years younger than my age last week. I’m enthused! Hope to do a telemere test soon.
@Terry F before you CT or climb you need to eat protein and fat!!!!
Guess I haven’t been eating enough protein and fat. I ate a half lb beef patty with cheese the first time with the chips and had a cheese dip with the chips the second time. This means I’ll have to break with my only eating breakfast and dinner and add a lunch (protein and fat) on the days I go up top because I have to go mid day. I only ate lunch up there to try it for when the relatives come to visit. It’s expensive and the food isn’t that good. I’m having a hard time believing this stuff works so fast I guess. I keep in mind the story of the person who got lost in the Himalayas and when they rescued him they gave him yak butter tea first thing. Thanks
Hello Jack -I could not find my previous post, thank you for your replying and when is CT-7 coming out?
@jona CT 7 is out! check the current blog.
Dr K,
I am doing CT and strict AI paleo. I have vitiligo and IBS. I have recently discovered Kimchee -which I love. Recently, realized it has peppers in it. Robb Wolf says no peppers for AI paleo. Which kind of peppers? Do you know? Bell? Hot? IAre kimchee and hot sauce ok?
@Emilie most peppers ar eno no’s for AI paleo diet……..once you fix your gut you can jump back in…….just chalk it up to experience and fix yourself…….you have that power now.
Thanks. I am getting there thanks to you and paleo community
@Emilie that is my job…….and I am happy do it.
@Jack – Saw the comment above that starches are only safe in long light periods. I get that, and I understand that you up your carb intake towards the summer soltice. However, I don’t get why you continue to do CT, unless what you are doing is fundamentally more of a biohack than simply following what nature intended for us. Could you explain?
I would have assumed that once you fixed all your mismatches, you’d be able to just follow the seasons, doing awesome CT in the winter, then phasing it out and carbing up in the summer. After all, I am not aware of land-based mammals that intentionally seek cold in the summer. So this leads me to believe that what you are doing is more of a merger of nature and biohacking than just one or the other.
Sorry if this has been asked and answered before (I think it probably has).
@The Kid Why CT in the summer? For 40 years I did everything wrong…….I am trying to live longer. I thought that was pretty intuitive by this time. I apologize fro not making that clear.
@Jack – I fully understand and appreciate your motivations and objectives that underly all of what you are doing. And I share your desire to live a healthy, longer life. But I was more interested in your scientific rationale behind keeping the CT going during summer and how that fits into your overall perspective on why all this works in the first place. Does CT in summer have the same evolutionary rationale that you speak of elsewhere in your writings, or is it more of a shortcut you’ve found to improve on Mother Nature?
@TheKid The rationale is simple…….if you have neolithic disease to reverse/treat you want to continue CT year round……not everyone needs to do it. You fit the former category.
@Jack – Thanks. I absolutely need CT year round. By the way, I am seeing some progress after a bit of a rough start. Specifically, my plantar fasciitis seems to really be improving. Can’t wait to see what else improves and in what order.
This article should be read if your a cold adapted mammal.
This one will be important to re read after the book is released for sure…….
Thank you for linking to these two important papers Dr. Kruse! They’re totally fascinating!
Dr K
I would love to hear the story of discovering leptin and CT from your wife’s perspective. Would she be willing to do a guest post to tell of how it all unfolded for her – what was it like watching you change, has she taken it all on board for herself, what effect has it had on the family…
@Agatha I can ask her……and I will show her your post.
I just listened to the UW podcast. You mention a couple of reasons why someone doing CT would gain weight. One was diet and the other was a cortisol problem. Can you say more about the cortisol problem? Too much or too little?
FYI, my husband has been the rockstar in our family. He’s only read your blog a little, but has been lit on fire with the things I’ve shared with him. The gotta have 2 or 3 desserts a day man is long gone. He’s been doing this since last June/July. He’s also going to do a health presentation at our church with info from you, Davis, the cardiac surgeon in CA (sat. fats are good for you), and several others. He likes to shock people now by telling them he drinks straight heavy cream at breakfast and how he lost 15 pounds without trying…and all in the same breath.
This may be the science behind the binary distinction of “Yin” and “Yang” seen in TCM.
I don’t shiver. Everyday/nite, for the last couple weeks, the waves of chills goes from intermittent to hours at a time. Progress?
Today, I took a Niacin tablet, man o man I love the flush.
Dr. K: Is Factor-X latitude?
@jerry no it is not
Dr. K: Whatever Factor-X is, does it explain why the hypothalmic leptin receptor operates below the level of conscious thought?
@Jerry yes, but I might have to explain to you why it does.
If only I were a marmot
“Amazingly, the amount of so-called “n-6″ polyunsaturated fatty acids (those with the final double bond at the sixth position) in the membranes was found to increase dramatically before the start of hibernation in marmots recently, apparently to prepare the body, and particularly the heart, for operation at very low temperatures. ”
Ok, I think I understand. Faster evolution is facilitated by a much faster epigenetic response, and our ability to process carbs is one such epigenetic response. Some consequences of this response include reproduction a younger age, more offspring, and a shorter lifespan. The faster epigenetic response was initially selected for by a very quick and frequent changes in the environment. Conscious thought does not directly affect metabolism via the hypothalamus because it would interrupt hibernation (which is probably why cortisol wakes us up). Is this the basis of Factor-X? I can’t wait to read your book!
Dr. K, here is a question: a greater proportion of O6 in cell membranes makes them more fluid and better suited for cold, correct? Or do I have this wrong? Didn’t our evolution in a cold environment select for high O3, which makes epigenetic variation happen faster in cold? (I am trying to wrap my mind around Factor-X; I think I’m close, but not quite there yet.)
Another question: I’ve been doing the LR for ~12 weeks (no weight loss yet, but noted improvement in fasting BS and improved mood), and just started CT. I’m planning to start HBOT therapy sometime soon. Is there an optimal time for HBOT while doing LR and CT? In previous entries you mentioned you prefer HBOT while warm adapted, and I’m trying to understand why.
Thank you so much all that you’re doing!
Dr. K, here’s a book recommendation:
This is a genuine question. I do understand the optimum idea and taking our health in our own hands to get the best life we can. My question is obviously all bodies will die at some point. If we are all optimum, cold adapted, eat right, etc. then our chance of disease should be minimal if not absent. So, what will we die of? simple old age?
@Pam senescene of our stem cell depots, or trauma.
I don’t know if the cold adaptation is kicking in, and I’m smarter?? I’m now finding your posts extremely accessible!!!! The presentation is SUPER clear and ultra well organized!!!!! Thanks so so much !!!!
@Alex funny…..maybe that is what is wrong with the critics? LOL
@Arundel Thanks for this link…….Want to see the Ancient Pathway at work in its full glory? Remember when a baby is born it is born into full ketosis. Read this account:
A MOTHER in Argentina says she fell to her knees in shock after finding her baby alive in a coffin in the morgue nearly 12 hours after the girl had been declared dead.
Analia Bouguet named her newborn Luz Milagros, or Miracle Light. The tiny girl, born three months premature, was in critical but improving condition on Wednesday in the same hospital where the staff pronounced her stillborn on April 3.
The case became public on Tuesday when Rafael Sabatinelli, the deputy health minister in the northern province of Chaco, announced in a news conference that five medical professionals involved have been suspended pending an official investigation.
Ms Bouguet told the TeleNoticias TV channel in an interview on Tuesday night that doctors gave her the death certificate just 20 minutes after the baby was born, and that she still hasn’t received a birth certificate for her tiny girl.
Ms Bouguet said the baby was quickly put in a coffin and taken to the morgue’s refrigeration room. Twelve hours passed before she and her husband were able to open the coffin to say their last goodbyes.
She said that’s when the baby trembled. She thought it was her imagination – then she realised the little girl was alive, and dropped to her knees on the morgue floor in shock.
A morgue worker quickly picked up the girl and confirmed she was alive. Then Ms Bouguet’s brother grabbed the baby and ran to the hospital’s neonatal intensive care unit, shouting for the doctors. The baby was so cold, Bouguet said, that “it was like carrying a bottle of ice.”
A week later, the baby is improving. Ms Bouguet said she still has many unanswered questions about what happened. She said she had given birth normally to four other children and doesn’t understand why doctors gave her general anaesthesia this time. She said she also doesn’t know why she wasn’t allowed to see her baby before it was put into a coffin.
She said she had to insist on going to the morgue’s refrigeration room, where she brought her sister’s mobile phone to take a picture of the newborn for the funeral. Her husband struggled to open the lid, and then stepped aside to let her see inside.
“I moved the coverings aside and saw the tiny hand, with all five fingers, and I touched her hand and then uncovered her face,” she said in the TeleNoticias interview. “That’s where I heard a tiny little cry. I told myself I was imagining it – it was my imagination. And then I stepped back and saw her waking up. It was as if she was saying ‘Mama, you came for me!’
“That was when I fell to my knees. My husband didn’t know what to do. We were just crying and I laughed and cried, cries and laughter. We must have seemed crazy.”
She says the family plans to sue the staff at Hospital Perrando in the city of Resistencia for malpractice, and still wants answers. But they’ve been focused for now on their little girl, whom she described as amazingly healthy despite being born after just 26 weeks of gestation. So far, she hasn’t needed oxygen or other support commonly provided to premature babies, she said.
“I’m a believer. All of this was a miracle from God,” she told Telam, Argentina’s state news agency.
Jack – here are a couple of studies (rats/rabbits) that back up your claim that the thyroid is not needed in cold adapted mammals. Rabbits were used because they have little BAT, rats were used because they are unique that they must be cold adapted before the thyroid is removed to survive.
To cold adapt these animals, they were housed at 40 deg F for 10 days. What do you think that equates to in human terms?
@Maxx Here is a 2010 article that shows how heart attack damage is limited by the cold too………just more data that the Ancient Pathway is in us. Medicine is slowly coming around. Wait til they realize that the cold predicts a new dietary regimen too…….that will cause a shot storm for sure.
Thank you for all the interesting info! I had been ending my showers with cold for quite some time, but just started more serious CT after reading this blod. Had a strange experience with my index and middle fingers & thumb of my right hand after CT today. It was my third cold bath and I used a couple of large flat ice packs under my thighs plus one floating in the tub. But afterwards I noticed the index and middle fingers of my right hand were a funny yellow color. They felt a little numb while I was in the tub but they (along with my body above the waist) were not in the water. Ran them under warm water, squeezing them to get the circulation going. Saw strange, dark blue mottling appear as they warmed up, then they pinked up, then got really tingly for a while. Incidentally, this is on the same arm where I have some mild lymphedema from having my axillary lymph nodes removed during breast cancer surgery in 2005. Took my temp, it was 98.5. Blood pressure, however, was off the charts when it normally is on the low side. It was 188/108. Thought it must be a mis-read, have been retaking it over the last hour or so and it has been coming down steadily. Latest is 141/97. Weird. The yellow finger thing happened to me once before on a cold rainy day visiting the Boise zoo. But is it normal to have high blood pressures after CT?
@Destiny No its not….but variability exits with many people and cold……
Thank you — so is it dangerous or even related to CT then?
Hi Dr. Kruse…I don’t know where my question and your answer went from this morning about going higher over the breasts with the CT baths. Thanks for your reply. You asked me what my goal was. I’m in great shape, but my goal is to get rid of some excess fat from my hips and thighs that I’ve been cursed with from early on…I believe from a crappy childhood diet in the 60s and 70s and of course the low fat craze in the 80s. When I think of what I did to myself, I cringe. I’m hooked on the CT and look forward to it daily. I know this may sound like a silly question and I haven’t found it in any of the other posts I’ve read. Will this decrease the fat in my breasts as well?? I guess that’s why I was only going to just under the girls. Just read CT 9 and 10…including the videos…you are amazing. I hope some enlightened docs are watching and learning…or should I say relearning. Regards, Penny
@Penny it will get rid of fat everywhere but breast tend to be the last to go.
Jack Trying to get on forum …..registered, but never got an email to activate how do get to activate?
Think I know what factor x is?
As a heavily cold adapted open water swimmer (I can swim well over an hour in 50F without protection, I can swim 30 minutes on 40f) whose blog you’ve linked, I’m particularly interested in Cold adaptation studies. Can you clarify which of the various citations in the series, which I’m reading through, refer to the NASA and Sherpa Cold Adaptation studies, as I’d like to read them? I have long called for more publication of cold adapted individuals like our tiny community. Thank you.
Hello Dr. Kruse,
Could you please send me the e-mail address of the Paleodocteur in Paris at comment nr. 654? I googled, but could only find a doc who’s last name is Paléo…
Ps. At high altitude I always feel great. At 18 I was severe asthmatic, but in Switzerland on school camp I outran everybody, simply unstoppable. At home below sea level,I only had little asthma problems when it was freezing with a clear high pressure weather. Have you found something that imitates high altitude?
@Aldert I cant share his email without his permission
Dr. Jack, I’ve been doing the Primal Diet but find I am constantly hungry; I’ve been tracking my calories and find I’m getting around 2,000 daily (I’m a 41 year old female and my goal is to lose at least 30 pounds). I have insulin resistance–is it possible that I should be eating more at each meal (temporarily bumping up my calories) so I am not so hungry between meals? Using today’s caloric values as an example, I got 2011 calories, of that, 35g were carbs (7% of calories), 146g were fat (65% of calories), and 136g were protein (28% of calories).
@Yvonne stop counting eat real food and relax…….embrace the diet and the cold. Come to my internet forum introduce yourself and tell your story. You will find many friends in this welcoming harbor. If you follow the Leptin Rx reset on my blog your cravings will go bye bye
Hi Jack – Just wondering if CT works o.k if I jump straight to full body immersion. The water is pretty cold in Tasmania over summer let alone winter!! Not sure on the temp though. Thought I’d give winter swimming a go. I was also wondering if having a hot shower after a cold swim inhibits the CT process?
@Mel if your fully adapted I see no reason why not.
@JJ Take a look what Myers group just found……..NOS controls leptin? Sound familiar? CT 6 is alive and kicking.
NOS controls leptin…scooped here first!
Thrilled by the prospect of immortality I took my first cold shower this morning, after trying to get my courage up for two days. It’s……different. I realise the most important task is to learn to love the cold. Not there yet. But determined now to keep this up for the rest of my life. And it wasn’t as bad as I expected 😉
awesome!..just found this site via Underground Wellness video.
Dr Jack. Can you advise as I’m having trouble understanding some of this..What about ‘Metabolic Typing’? I am a firm believer in this and believe that we should eat according to our ‘ancestral’ hereditary.., as you also advocate. What if someone is diagnosed via MT as being a strong ‘carb type’. How should they change their eating?..should they change it at all if they are eating to their MT? I’m sure i am missing something here. Also, if using CT (tubs, showers etc)in the summer to increase fat loss surely we are mimmicing ‘winter’ and would need to adjust diet accordingly?..any advice much appreciated.
@Julian I dont believe in that at all. Our type is set by our environment. I would strongly suggest you jump ahead in the blog and Read BRain Gut 1 and 2. So far they are the only part of this series I have released. And then read levee one on the Quilt. It says that the fate of the cell depends 100% on its environment…….that means epigenetics.
…(CONTINUING)..What i’m trying to understand here is how should say an Inuit or masai warrior eat when they have been removed from their natural environment and place in ‘opposite’ temperatures of what they are used too?..should they eat accordingto their new ‘adopted’ enviromnebt or eat ancestrally despite of the changes in temperature?..also, what is HCG?
Jack..thanks for the quick response…i will do that as still have lots of questions for you. Brain gut 1 & 2 no problem…where is the QUILT?…have looked thru blog and cannot find this. regards
sorry Jack…found it..must learn to open my eyes!
Hi Jack.
I have read Brain Gut 1 & 2 and QUILT level one. I find some of it easy to understand and some of it…well not…and I need to understand to be able to get my head round it…what may ‘possibly’ (?) help is if you can explain this to me re M Typing.
How can it be that two ‘warm adapted’ people, both living in the same environment can require completely opposite diets for health/disease reversal?..MT explains why this is possible. From what I understand your hypothesis says this is not possible??
look forward to hearing your response so my grey matter dosent get to bored..cheers Julian
@julian MT is not possible. I think it is a total sham based upon the science we know to be true today. But that wont stop people from buying it.
ok, but if it isn’t possible why does it work (or appear to work) can it be explained?…sorry for the questions but you said questions are good.
@julian questions are great. I just dont buy metabolic typing based upon what we know.
Jack, ok..lets get away from MT for now…you state that once LS has been achieved using Paleo keto diet one should then eat an ancestral diet(and seasonal)..What would an ancestral diet be for the UK? far back ancestrally do I need to look?..which time period?
have a great day Jack and keep up with the posts…if CT is all you claim it to be then this is something I am really excited about.
@Julian you will see that diet unfold in Brain Gut 4 and 5…….I’m close to the reveal and it is going to be controversial because I believe many touting the awesomeness of one area are not looking far enough back for us………but I do and will show you why……..You cant get to optimal unless you know where we came from.
thanks Jack, by the way…I have seen some people use the abbreviation VLC and this is not in the glossary of terms…I’m pressuming this is Very Low Carb?..or is it Very Low calorie?
@Julian it is very low carb
…if VLC is as i assume very low carb…then u mention that warm adapted people on VLC with have good telomere length bad bad body composition. I know lots of people on VLC who have very low bodyfat so I’m guessing by poor body composition you are refering to their not so good muscle mass??
apols, when i typed last blog I hadnt seen your confirmation re abbreviation…so, yes..body comp..crap muscle mass??
Hi Jack..very confused,, 1255 you state; @jonnyH starches are safe when the light cycles are longer or we are not cold adapted. If you are cold adapted they are not safe and they are certainly not safe in winter………Other times of the year I think Paul is fine recommending them in the proper context.
Question 1). previously you have said that starches are safe spring/summer…does this mean we should not be doing CT to become cold adapted during spring/summer?..It dosent seem likely that you do mean that because from what I can gather you are advocatinge should be doing CT all year. Please can you clear this up for me. If we are doing CT all the time, then the above statement would mean ‘there are no safe starches..period/ever’!…but then this contradicts eating them in spring/summer!…can you see why i’m very confused?
2).can CT really help anxiety/depression as this is something I struggle with alot?
3). How can i best ensure the correct ratio of 4:1 omegas through diet and supps?
best regards
@Julian it depends upon what your treating…….if your 400 lbs no starches are not smart anytime. It depends upon labs. If you are not too far off health wise you dont need labs and you can use the light and temperature cycles to dictate your food choices for your latitude and longitude. For example, eating banana’s in the arctic never makes sense, because they are not designed to grow their ever. Can a human do it? certainly, but just because you can do it does not mean biology has a plan for it normally. Got it?
ok, so…I’m quite healthy, good body comp, not treating anything..It’s summer here in the UK, so some starches are ok, but limited i guess, say 10-30%…however, if i want to do CT to become more cold adapted (and be more ‘optimal’/superhuman all the time), then i should really be more paleo and avoid starches whilst becoming Cold adapted even tho it’s summer? fall/winter kicks in then ‘accept’ the cold (avoid central heating etc) more and honour the light cycle, eat more fatty/protein that getting there?
I have the whole fall/winter protocol well’s the spring/summer protocol that i’m struggling with.
what about the omega ratios?
at 1293 thekid said;
@Jack – Saw the comment above that starches are only safe in long light periods. I get that, and I understand that you up your carb intake towards the summer soltice. However, I don’t get why you continue to do CT, unless what you are doing is fundamentally more of a biohack than simply following what nature intended for us. Could you explain?
I would have assumed that once you fixed all your mismatches, you’d be able to just follow the seasons, doing awesome CT in the winter, then phasing it out and carbing up in the summer. After all, I am not aware of land-based mammals that intentionally seek cold in the summer. So this leads me to believe that what you are doing is more of a merger of nature and biohacking than just one or the other.
Your reply was ‘why do CT in the summer’?
So what I’m reading in here is that CT and carbs don’t mix well.
So correct me if I’m wrong please;
NO CT in summer as creates mismatch with diet (carbs and light)
CT only fall/winter-with no carbs
If doing CT in the summer as part of leptin reset with paleo/keto diet that is fine for short period but once sorted go to ‘seasonal/ancestral’.
Thanks Jack..when responding please can you be specific as to which blog reference & questions/points you are replying too as I know i have asked a lot of questions.
many thanks as always.
@Julian…….they dont mix because evolution does not allow for lots of carbs in low light cycles.
great doc..what about the other questions I raised re CT in summer, Omega ratios,CT with carbs etc…please be specific.thanks
@Julian I answered them……you need labs to assess what SPECIFICALLY you need to be doing. Without them you are flying blind. Many paleo crossfitters think eating carbs is always fine…….until they test.
Jack..think I’ve got it now…will get back 2 u if have any further questions.
@Wilma think its bunk……watch this.
Hi, what about having low cortisol? (already in the comments? Sorry, brain fog)
I’m scared of shocking them too much as I already shrivel up when exposed to cold, can’t even go back home to The Netherlands during winter.
I want to start CT but how does one do so if living in Dubai, where tap water is boiling hot most of the year? Are there any other alternatives to ice baths? Would trowing a bucket of ice over myself after the (always hot) shower work even if not as efficient?
Elisa low cortisol is a brain gut 16 blog story. Read it. CT always makes sense with low cortisol.
Thanks! Don’t have cold water here though…
Elisa neither do I that is why I have an ice machine
Oh great idea, thanks!
Would this kind of cold endurance life style (wim hoff method) be good for someone with kidney transplant too? thanks 🙂
Roman my BIL has a a transplant and does it.
Hi Jack,
I would realy like to knoe were you find out about the TRH and cold adaption.
I look through all your cites, but wasn´t able to finde anything about this.
If you know were you found it, it would be great.
But I can absolutly understand, if you do not now by now, cause it´s years since you worte the article.
Thanks Simone
Hi Jack,
I believe I have some sort of automic dysfunction. My main symptom I’ve had for all my life is swollen turbinates in the nose. So basically a blocked nose and mouth breathing all the time.
The turbinates shrink and I can breathe so much better when I get a release of adrenaline for example getting in the cold bath, heavy weights, or getting a fright for example. So I know my nose turbinate issue gets better when my sympathetic nervous response is activated. Maybe I’m hyper parasympathetic dominant I don’t know. I do have morning diarrhoea most days (all stool samples come back fine) which could be parasympathetic issue? I also feel I have slight POTS as I get dizzy and heart rate jumps 30+ beats upon standing.
Anyway, it all seems to relate to an automatic nervous system dysfunction.
My question, will cold therapy reset my autonomic nervous system? I’ve been doing ice baths for about 2 months now with no changes however I’ve just been reading about your suggestions on omega 6 to 3 ratio and am starting to eat fish as of yesterday (never liked fish and never ate it, but I will now!)
By the way I found you through Wim Hof group, but I really love your views on all this.
I just did a podcast with Sherrill Sellman in Jan 19. When it goes out listen to it.
Hi Jack also I forgot to mention I have a dust mite allergy which was found through a skin prick test and also alcohol swells my nasal turbinates (which I believe is because my parasympathetic nervous system kicks in an relaxes and dilates nasal blood vessels)
Hopefully CT and correct omega 6 to 3 ratio fixes this incredibly annoying issue.
Get outside. Allergies are linked to poor solar redox.
Hey Jack, I am very interested and will keep it simple and to the point. Why Krill oil and not Fish oil, like Carlsons fine liquid fish oil? Cod Liver oil?
Jack does not go for any oils. He goes for seafood.