Blog Index

Energy and Epigenetics 13: Quantum Water Chemistry

Let's explore how the three basic fundamentals of nature (light, water, magnetism) were thrown into a recipe to make a quantum cell. How "Lady Evolution" assimilated her recipe for life is 100% quantum magic. The fourth part of the equation is what is buried in our DNA and RNA, with respect to water chemistry. This is the one biology knows only "a little bit about."

By |March 7th, 2014|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Energy and Epigenetics 13: Quantum Water Chemistry

Setting Up Your Water System at Home

Last year (2013), right after Dr. Kruse finished the EMF series, he started teaching us about the importance of the quality of our water. And this year, since Dr. Kruse wrote the Energy and Epigenetics 4 blog post on the three laws of nature (framing out the importance of light, WATER and magnetism), y’all have been chomping at the bit, wanting to know what the best water is and how to get it in your own home. We've got the answers for you in this blog!

By |February 20th, 2014|Categories: Uncategorized|3 Comments

The Redox Rx: How to Improve Your Redox Potential

Redox potential is the gain of electrons in our cells to help energy transmission flow efficiently. Detoxification is directly linked to the redox potential of any cell. In my Redox Rx, I'll give you a summary of the redox potential to help you understand the concept and steps you can take to improve your redox potential.

Energy and Epigenetics 12: Is Your Battery Charged?

So what is the most important signaling pathway in all life forms for longevity and for optimal health? That is the subject of this blog. The short is answer is the redox potential stored in the membranes, organelles and the exclusion zone of water in cells. I will be bold to say that maintenance of intracellular redox homeostasis is the most important thing to get right to get Optimal.

By |January 30th, 2014|Categories: Uncategorized|11 Comments

Energy and Epigenetics 11: Is the Force With You?

Richard P. Feynman said, “For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for nature cannot be fooled." He was talking about the epic NASA failures during the Challenger disaster in 1986, but it speaks volumes to the modern human condition today. It fits better with our infatuation with non-native EMF from technology gadgets. Nature cannot be fooled, but we certainly can be. In fact, we are the easiest person to be fooled by ourselves. Moreover, some professions are fooled everyday they go to work, and never realize it. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence!

By |January 9th, 2014|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Energy and Epigenetics 11: Is the Force With You?

The Tilted Quilt: Random Musings 3

It is Dec. 31 here in Europe, and I just want to say Happy New Year to you! Here are some more of my random musings from upcoming blog posts. This new idea for a blog should stimulate you to think and ask better questions to improve your current condition. We all must become aware of what we might not know, because this is often where our truth lies.

LISTEN NOW: How to Build the Ultimate Healthy Home Podcast

Earlier this month, Dr. Kruse was the guest on the Ben Greenfield Fitness podcast about creating the ultimate healthy home. Dr. Kruse shares some valuable tips on how to make your existing home more healthy and ensure that it is optimizing your sleep, performance and recovery

By |December 30th, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on LISTEN NOW: How to Build the Ultimate Healthy Home Podcast


Consider these 12 ways to improve your clarity of vision during the 12 Days of Christmas and for 2014. If your vision is clear, if you know what you want and where you are going, then things will be as easy and simple as 3rd grade math. Add what you need and only the relevant, subtract what you do not need, avoid the irrelevants, multiply your assets and divide the tasks to make the work enjoyable yet crystal clear. Today, begin to create your blueprint for 2014 using the momentum of the Christmas spirit. It is the best gift to give to yourself.

By |December 23rd, 2013|Categories: Paleo News, Series: Miscellaneous|Comments Off on THE CHRISTMAS Rx for 2013

Simple Steps to Reduce EMF Exposure in Your Home or Office

Since Dr. Kruse started talking about EMF in the EMF blog series earlier this year, like many of you, I began wondering how my professional life, specifically my workspace, was impacting my health. As a business owner, being in front of my Macbook or staying connected via my iPhone and iPad is part of my job. I constantly have my hands on a keyboard or am on a conference call with my team or clients. Technology and staying connected is a must.

By |December 14th, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|3 Comments

Energy and Epigenetics 10: The Quantum Puzzle

Most of the science that gets done today gets done within a rigid set of rules applied, where you know exactly who your peers are, and things get evaluated according to a very strict set of standards. That works, when you're not trying to change the structure. But when you try to change the structure or paradigm of science, that system doesn't work very well. In fact, you usually make some enemies. Gilbert Ling is an example of somebody who didn't follow the rules and pissed a lot of people off. He pissed off so many people that they alienated his work, made sure he had no funding to continue on, and then allowed somebody to steal his work and gave that person the Nobel Prize in 2003. Today, we are going to unfold that story, because fundamentally this is why millions are dying from neolithic diseases today.

The Tilted Quilt: Random Musings 2

These are some more random musings coming from future blogs in the Quilt. As you already know, all the pieces in a quilt work together to complete a goal that no single individual piece could accomplish. Yet each piece reveals the organization of the finished product. Enjoy!

Cold Thermogenesis in the News

Take a look at this story from the UK in which they put a baby in an induced hypothermic state, and he survived. The infant did not breathe for 20 minutes at birth! Many people find the mechanism of cold to be rather counter-intuitive, but it is deeply based in quantum mechanics. In fact galaxies collapse when the CO2 gas in them cools down to allow gravity to begin to act. What happens in space also scales to our biology. You just have to know where to look to see the effect in humans. Today, you have a great example of this in this blog.

By |December 2nd, 2013|Categories: Cold Thermogenesis, Epigenetics, Optimal Pillar 2, Optimal Pillar 4, Paleo News, Series: Cold Thermogenesis|Tags: , |Comments Off on Cold Thermogenesis in the News

Internal Stressors with Dr. Tim Jackson: Zeroing in on the Root Causes of Leaky Gut, Thyroid Issues, Adrenal Fatigue & More

You’ve been treating your "adrenal fatigue" for years, but if you stop your adaptogens, DHEA or other adrenal supplements, you fall apart. You’ve been addressing your leaky gut for a year, but if you stop your probiotics, glutamine, aloe vera, etc., your stomach begins to hurt and you get diarrhea. You gave up gluten, but your thyroid antibodies remain elevated. You can’t seem to warm up despite taking thyroid medication. Your cortisol and DHEA won’t balance, despite correcting your sleep hygiene/circadian cycle. You exercise several days per week, but the more you exercise, the fatter you get. What do all of these things have in common? Internal stressors!

The Tilted Quilt: Random Musings 1

On the surface a quilt seems a random collection of parts to make a comforter. That is what the undiscerning eye sees. But at its core, the assembled parts begin to act in unison to do something that no single part can do. In concert, Nature only uses the finest threads to weave her patterns, so each small piece of her fabric reveals the organization of the entire tapestry. These random musings are coming from future blogs in the Quilt. Enjoy!

By |November 22nd, 2013|Categories: BHRT, Circadian Cycle, EMF, Epigenetics, Hormones & Methylation, Mitochondria, Optimal Pillar 2, Paleo News, Series: The Tilted Quilt|Tags: |Comments Off on The Tilted Quilt: Random Musings 1

Energy and Epigenetics 9: Quantum Sleep

Today, I am going to show you how sleep mechanistically really happens in you and all humans. In my view, the modern biology of sleep can be viewed as an emergent property of the physical laws of chemistry, which, in turn, can be viewed as an emergent property of subatomic particle physics and how those particle interact. The interaction of these particles often causes consternation and confusion in people who have a "biologic bent" in their mind's eye. I suggest if you are one of these people, you begin to embrace the complexity and paradox. Because when you do, you begin to see quantum actions specifically, not driving your own "consensus in thought."

By |November 15th, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Energy and Epigenetics 9: Quantum Sleep
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