LISTEN NOW: Not Just Paleo Podcast Interview
Last Wednesday Jack was the guest on the Not Just [...]
The Sweet Spot for Optimal Health: Gretchen Bronson on the Quantum Health Model
Over the past months, Jack’s been educating us on the three pillars of health: light, water and magnetism. For those who’ve heard the September and October webinars, Jack has given us additional information that build upon what he’s written in the blogs. But how do we bring it all together? The Quantum Health Model will help bring it all together.
Energy and Epigenetics 8: Quantum Autism
Thirty years ago, autism affected 1 in 500 children. In recent years, scientists have made extraordinary advances in understanding the causes of autism. Autism now is estimated to afflict 1 in 88 children in the USA. In certain parts of the USA, it is found in 1 in 44 births. But remarkably little of this understanding has percolated into popular awareness, which often remains fixated on vaccination linkage to the disease.
LISTEN NOW: FREE Community-wide “Heal Your Hormones” webinar with Dr. Tim Jackson!
If diet and lifestyle changes, supplementation or BHRT (bioidentical hormone replacement therapy) haven’t taken you to optimal, listen to the replay of this community-wide introduction to Healing Your Hormones with Dr. Tim Jackson!
Achieving Optimal: Dr. Tim Jackson on Healing Your Hormones
If you have a documented deficiency of a vitamin or mineral, it would only make sense to replace that nutrient. If you have less than optimal hormone levels, it is becoming ‘in vogue’ to supplement or replace that hormone as well. But with hormone deficiencies showing up at increasingly earlier ages, at what point do we draw the line and investigate alternatives?
Energy and Epigenetics 7: The Epigenetic Toolbox
The human genome is the first draft of what we might be, but our life experience within the environment we choose to exist is where the final draft of our book is written. An architect far smarter than us has given us that epigenetic toolbox, and we now have the ability to use it by altering our behaviors to change our lives and reverse diseases.
October 2013 Webinar – Quantum Sleep
Everyone knows that sleep is important. But why and how does sleep happen? How does it work to regenerate us? In this webinar, we’re going to explore the answers to all of these questions and so much more. This webinar will give you the complete Quantum Sleep story in humans, with no stone unturned. Many of the concepts we’ll explore in this webinar have been touched on in the blogs over the last several months, and this webinar will weave them all together.
Energy and Epigenetics 6: Quantum Cell Theory, Life as a Collective Phenomena
This will probably be the most important blog in the entire Quilt. It is how I see the three fundamental laws of nature integrating and coordinating the physiologic function of animating life. It is how all life works as a collective phenomena.
Energy and Epigenetics 5: The Quantum Brain
In the end, science is just a progress report of where we are now in our understanding. It is not our final destination, but it is a data point on the road to understanding. Where we are today in science, in understanding how the brain really works, is close to where man was 2,000 years ago in trying to understand how the planets moved in relation to the sun. We are nowhere close to where we should be. So if we are that far away in our understanding, how can we begin to make sense of it all? We can learn a lot from the macrocosm of space if we scale it to biology on this planet.
Energy and Epigenetics 4: Light, Water, Magnetism
Today's blog post is about the three laws of nature for all life anywhere on our planet. These are axiomatic laws not subject to debate, research or your beliefs. All decisions that life has made revolve around these three things. Reducing things to these three things is simple, but the application in how life and evolution has done it is very complex. Today, we begin to unravel the mysteries.
Energy and Epigenetics 3: Autoimmunity, Cancer, Autism
“Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.” This quote by Philip K. Dick serves a great purpose today. Most people in alternative healthcare believe that the cause of autoimmunity is tied to something heinous in our food supply. I do not. In fact, a recent article about gluten and celiac disease in the New York Times raises this point. So what causes celiac disease? That is the topic of today's installment. Let us begin.
August Webinar – Breast Cancer Screening
In the fall of 2012, Dr. Kruse did a special [...]
Energy and Epigenetics 2: The Real DHA Story
We are all products of our environment. Our genes are the first draft of what we are created to be, but the experience those genes face (epigenetics) is how the novel of our life is really written. This blog is about how this experience begins to unfold in our species.
NEW! Doctors & Health Insurance Bootcamp
We are one week into the Doctors & Insurance Bootcamp [...]
Energy & Epigenetics 1: The Infant Brain is Unique
Today, we begin to examine levee's 6, 14, and 26 in the Quilt document for the first time. We begin to show examples of these levee's by examining how the human brain forms and functions in an infant. This example will act as an analogy to help us understand many other processes as the blog series rolls on. There are many countervailing influences in life that on the surface confuse our intellect. They create the appearance of paradox, enigma, and myths, and mysteries. I find when we look at the world through the hull of a glass-bottom ship, to look through a kaleidoscope at the galaxies that exist on the edge of our mind, we begin to see the sense that nature makes from the chaos of the world. I like the irony that mysteries often create. Today, we are going to use some "other observations" we have all made to show you how the mysteries of our modern world might be solved asking better questions instead of settling for the answers we have been given. The Human Infant It is clear in modern medicine now that we can not have optimal human brain development unless we have a secure nutrient rich food supply for both mother and child. This relationship also needs to be maintained postnatally for several years after birth until neuralation is successful. It does appear in modern neurosurgery research that human brain development is programmed genetically to a certain extent, but is more malleable then we thought because of the new science findings of epigenetics. This is also more apparent in humans than other mammals because our brain is so complex that even small changes in functional regions can lead to massive clinical changes that become apparent as the child develops. Autism and spectrum disorders are a good example of this phenomena.
Quantum Biology 12: Do We Need DNA To Tell Time?
How important is time really to life? Imagine there is a bank account that credits your account each morning with $86,400. It carries over no balance from day to day. Every evening the bank deletes whatever part of the balance you failed to use during the day. What would you do? Draw out every cent, of course? Each of us has such a bank. It's name is time. Every morning, it credits you with 86,400 seconds. Every night it writes off as lost, whatever of this you have failed to invest to a good purpose. It carries over no balance. It allows no over draft. Each day it opens a new account for you. Each night it burns the remains of the day. If you fail to use the day's deposits, the loss is yours. There is no drawing against "tomorrow." You must live in the present on today's deposits. Invest it so as to get from it the utmost in health, happiness and success! The clock is running! Make the most of today. To realize the value of one year, ask a student who failed a grade. To realize the value of one month, ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby. To realize the value of one week, ask the editor of a weekly newspaper. To realize the value of one hour, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet. To realize the value of one minute, ask a person who just missed a train. To realize the value of one second, ask someone who just avoided an accident. To realize the value of one millisecond, ask the person who won a silver medal at the Olympics.
Quantum Biology 11: Is Their Reality, Your Reality?
"There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other." - Douglas Everett What if I were to tell you that Einstein's "theory of relativity" is not just about time being relative to the observer. What if I told you a core set of beliefs shared by enough people could actually set up an alternative reality and force you to live by its rules. Do you think the laws of quantum mechanics could some how shed light on this? Would you believe it, if I told you I believe it? Today, we are going to show you just how "thoughts" are quantum endocrine secretions that can do just that. I want to introduce you to the people of Monza, Italy. In July of 2004, they outlawed round fishbowls for goldfish. When the council members were questioned by the world media about this new law, they stunned many people with their answer even further. They said the primary reason they passed the law is that they felt that the curved glass confines of the gold fishes existence might cause them to have a distorted view of "reality". Now on the surface, this story may not have any relevance to you, but I assure you, it does.
CPC #7: Obesity Qualia
Qualia is defined by some as "an unfamiliar term for something that could not be more familiar to each of us: the ways things seem to us." Erwin Schrödinger was a famous quantum physicist, and had this counter-materialist take on what qualia really is: "The sensation of color cannot be accounted for by the physicist's objective picture of light-waves. Could the physiologist account for it, if he had fuller knowledge than he has of the processes in the retina and the nervous processes set up by them in the optical nerve bundles and in the brain? I do not think so." Schrodinger's statement is hinting at precisely what is ailing the modern sciences in a big way. Observations and the manner in which we study things are being divorced from one another. It is as if all scientist have been trained to think only with their left brain and just ignore the creative observations of their right brain. The problem with this situation is that is has put 50 years of mankind at serious risk in medicine.
Quantum Biology 10: Hormones 102
Two years ago I gave you the Hormone 101: Clinical thoughts revealed blog post. That was a small dose of reality at the beginning of this journey. There was some foundational hormone biochemistry there given to you in simple terms. Most people jumped all over the free T3 link to pregnenolone in the post. They thought that "their cure" for hypothyroidism and/or chronic pregnenolone steal syndrome was increasing free T3 or just lowering reverse T3 to raise pregnenolone. So what was not observed? A trip down memory lane for the hormone cascade Leptin resistance occurs first in the brain. Then insulin resistance happens soon their after in the liver, gut, and peripheral tissues. This eventually leads to adrenal resistance. This resistance occurs at the PVN in the brain. (Brain Gut 16: Adrenal Fatigue Rx) It does not happen in the adrenal gland. What happens is that the outflow from our sympathetic system in the brainstem overwhelms the parasympathetic nervous system. This increase in overall cortisol initially, is the stress hormone that allows for fight or flight syndrome (life or death). As this condition persists chronically over time, cortisol levels decrease and flatline on adrenal stress index testing.
CPC #6: Pseudotumor Cerebri
It has been close toa year that we last did a CPC blog post. (CPC #5 The Leaky Gut/Adrenal Fatigue Case) CPC stands for a clinico-pathologic conference that we often see in medical schools that our used for teaching students and doctors. Today we are going to talk about a disease that has perplexed medicine for hundreds of years. Pseudotumor cerebri is also known as idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) today. It goes by many names in the literature. I have decided to discuss this disease because it highlights many of the cornerstone principles of how quantum electrodynamic theory affect water chemistry. This change in water chemistry can lead to biologic effects. The biologic effects of water can be seen in modern humans when we look for them and correctly observe what is really going on. So today we see how the macrocosm affects the microcosm of a modern disease.